Earth as a hellscape — what the great historical book “Hellstorm” did not say about us earthlings

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Beautiful Prague — the Czechs never say that their truly beautiful capital was built by or under the Germans/Austrians, or that from 1919-39 ordinary Czechs (a rather advanced Slavic people) horribly harassed ethnic Germans until Hitler liberated the Sudetenland in 1938, and then the rest of Czechia in 1939. The area was one-third German. 



But in 1945, with Germany beaten, Czechs literally genocided hundreds of thousands of Germans — using the sickest, most barbaric and  disgusting methods. (See below.)

This has to be said.

I have written quite frankly that some Germans can indeed be infuriatingly arrogant — not just toward Slavs or Latins, but also toward Anglo-Saxon Americans of the same or similar racial stock and also a high level of organization and technology.

I experienced this myself in 2022, in this heavily German town of Ontonagon, and it was VERY embarrassing for me.

If (some, not all) Germans were only not so egoic, so arrogant and hyper-critical of others, really sneering at other white people, they would be everyone’s favorite nationality. In fact, many countries in the Americas but also Russia in the 1700s and 1800s WANTED German immigrants.

It is all true about their legendary industriousness, intelligence, innovativeness,  honesty and genius. Without question, some of the most important inventions of all times were made by this great nation, aside from the Christmas tree, or the song “Silent Night, Holy Night”….major things such as the printing press, gasoline and diesel engines, the superhighway, the air brake for trains and large trucks, jets (combat and civilian), rockets, guided missiles, computers, television (half-German/half American), contact lenses, mp4 music files, and even (to be fair) some very nasty weaponry.

Among them,  Germans invented the fully automatic assault rifle, poison gas, the 9-millimeter pistol (the standard worldwide for cops), and the “Bouncing Betty” land mine. This awful mine, much feared by GIs in WWII and in Vietnam, was a mine that, when tripped, popped up to crotch height — the genital area —  and went off. 🙁 (Other nations use it now also.)

And, as I have blogged,  the Germans actually invented the atomic bomb, and not the jew and communist-sympathizer Oppenheimer! (


It is not surprising that one of the greatest spiritual teachers ever, Eckhart Tolle, is German, nor is it that he attacks the “egoic mind” as the real curse upon earthling mankind, the factor that makes living on this planet into a kind of hell.

And with him having grown up in Spain and then gone to university in England, and then moving to westernmost Canada, he both exemplifies many superb German traits but also he can see his fellow Germans objectively.

And the egoic mind is in all nations and races on this planet, and no people has a worse case of this egoic insanity than the jews.

Actor Jeff Goldblum epsteining with two Aryan girls


As for the Czechs, they are actually an intelligent and industrious people of more or less pure Slavic stock with some German admixture and even, quite often, German last names.

The Charles Bridge in Prague – VERY Austrian-German. The Germans transmitted a lot of advanced culture to the Slavic peoples.

Bridges over the Voltava River


The “Hellstorm,” the agonizing death of NS Germany, was a perfect example of white-on-white insanity, with the Germans on the receiving end. Wen this book came out in 2010 (and I have spoken by phone with the author, the great Thomas Goodrich) ….


,,,,,it reinforced my passion to address the real issue which this book raises, the spiritual issue, which is “how can civilized white people possibly do such things to each other?”

“What is so terribly wrong with us?”

An excerpt from Hellstorm, pp. 238-241

hellstorm-death-ns-germany-1944-1947-thomas-goodrich-2005 hellstorm-death-ns-germany-1944-1947-thomas-goodrich-2005

While the rape of Germany was in progress, a horror unimaginable was transpiring in Czechoslovakia. On May 5, when rumors swept through Prague that US forces [under General George Patton] were only seven miles away, the citizens of the Czech capital rose up against the Nazi occupation. Before the day was out most of the German garrison had been isolated and surrounded.41

Meanwhile, the roundup of prisoners, including many refugees, began.Years of pent hatred for the German minority in their midst now had a free hand among the population. Wrote Jürgen Thorwald:

Crowds of Czechs awaited the transports of German prisoners in the streets to pelt them with stones, spit into their faces, and beat them with any object that came to hand. German women, children, and men ran the gauntlet, with arms
over their heads, to reach the prison gates under a hail of blows and kicks.

Women of every age were dragged from the groups, their heads were shaved, their faces smeared with paint, and swastikas were drawn on their bared backs and breasts. Many were violated, others forced to open their mouth to the spittle of their torturers.42

On May 9, with the fighting ended, the mob turned its attention to the thousands of Germans locked in prisons. “Several trucks loaded with German wounded and medical personnel drove into the [prison] court,” Thorwald continues.

“The wounded, the nurses, the doctors had just climbed from their vehicles when suddenly a band of insurgents appeared from the street and pounced upon them. They tore away their crutches, canes, and bandages, knocked them to the ground, and with clubs, poles, and hammers hit them until the Germans lay still.”43

238 hellstorm
39. Shelton, To Lose a War, 110.
40. Letter of Elsbeth Losch, Lehnmuhle, Germany, to “Dear Heta,” May 14, 1945 (copy in possession of the author).
41. Nadeau, Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt, 178–179.
42. Thorwald, Flight, 287.
43. Ibid., 302.

“So began a day as evil as any known to history,” muttered Thorwald. In the street, crowds were waiting for those who were marched out of their prisons. . . .[T]hey had come equipped with everything their aroused passions might desire, from hot pitch to garden shears. . . .

They . . . grabbed Germans—and not only SS men—drenched them with gasoline, strung them up with their feet uppermost, set them on fire, and watched their agony, prolonged by the fact that in their position the rising heat and smoke did not suffocate them.


*** Many atrocities occurred right on Wenceslas Square.


Wenceslas Square (CzechVáclavské náměstí [ˈvaːtslafskɛː ˈnaːmɲɛstiː], colloquially Václavák [ˈvaːtslavaːk]) is one of the main city squares and the centre of the business and cultural communities in the New Town of Prague, Czech Republic.  and it is a traditional setting for demonstrations, celebrations, and other public gatherings. It is also the place with the busiest pedestrian traffic in the whole country.[1] The square is named after Saint Wenceslas, the patron saint of Bohemia. It is part of the historic centre of Prague, a World Heritage Site.[2]


The National Museum is the magnificent structure in the background:


Wiki’s article on Wenceslas Square continues: ” During the Prague Uprising in 1945, a few buildings near the National Museum were destroyed. They were later replaced by department stores.”

Gee, they kinda left some little details out here. Germans – civilian men (including doctors), women (including nurses in uniform), and children were burned alive here by average Czechs.



The Czechoslovak government-in-exile planned to expel the German minority of Czechoslovakia in order to create an ethnically pure Czech-Slovak nation-state.[17][32]

***Umm, the Germans had been there for TWO THOUSAND YEARS! But hey, ethnic cleansing is okay …against Germans.


Throughout the occupation, Czech politicians had broadcast messages from London calling for violence against German civilians and suspected Czech collaborators.[32] President Edvard Beneš believed that vigilante justice would be less divisive than trials, and that encouraging Germans to flee

*** great  euphemism,  “encouraging Germans to flee”


would spare the effort of deporting them later.[101] Before he arrived in Czechoslovakia, he broadcast that “everyone who deserves death should be totally liquidated… in the popular storm”[102] and urged the resistance to avenge Nazi crimes “a thousand times over.”[103]

Minister of Justice Prokop Drtina [cs] asked resistance leaders to make liberation “bloody” for the Germans and to drive them out with violence.[103] Communist leaders also supported the violence.[32] Military leaders not only overlooked anti-German massacres and failed to punish the perpetrators, but actively encouraged them.[104] The Czech Radio likely played a role in inciting the violence by passing on the anti-German messages of these political leaders,[21][32] as well as broadcasting anti-German messages on its own initiative.[104] Almost no one was prosecuted for violence against Germans, and a bill was proposed in the postwar parliament that would have retroactively legalised it.[105]

In Prague, Czech insurgents killed surrendered Nazi German soldiers and German civilians both before and after the arrival of the Red Army.[106] Historian Robert Pynsent [cs] argues that there was no clear-cut distinction between the end of the uprising and the beginning of the expulsions.[107] Some captured German soldiers were hanged from lampposts and burned to death,[75][108] or otherwise tortured and mutilated.[109] Czech rioters also assaulted, raped, and robbed German civilians.[21] Not all those killed or affected by anti-German violence were actually German or collaborators, as perpetrators frequently acted on suspicion,[106][110] or exploited the chaos to settle personal grudges.[111]

In one massacre at Bořislavka on 10 May, forty German civilians were murdered.[112] During and after the uprising, thousands of German civilians and surrendered soldiers were interned in makeshift camps where food and hygiene were poor. Survivors claimed that beatings and rape were commonplace.[113][114] The violence against German civilians continued throughout the summer, culminating in the expulsion of Sudeten Germans. About three million Czechoslovak citizens of German ethnicity were stripped of their citizenship and property and forcibly deported.[115] [….]


Thanks, Woodrow Wilson, Mr. “Self-Determination of All Peoples,” for drawing insane new borders at Versailles which put three million Germans  —  while simply living in their own homes in their own ancestral villages –overnight into a hostile Czechoslovakia! And millions more Germans woke up to find they were now part of a Poland, France, Italy and Lithuania which hated Germans!

Imagine if millions of white southern Californians or Texans (aka “gringos”) woke up to find they are now part of Mexico, living under Mexican cops and police, and all the teachers overnight for your kids were Mexicans and all instruction in Spanish?

As they say, you can tell what a person is really like when he gets power over you.

But, hey, it was all for a good cause… Woodrow told us that the US Army was fighting the Germans in a “war to end all wars,” right?

So glad there have been no wars sinc  then….. except, well  for little dust-ups like WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq I and II, and Afghanistan….


*** back to Goodrich’s Hellstorm

They . . . tied German men and women together with barbed wire, shot into the bundles, and rolled them down into the Moldau River. . . . They beat every German until he lay still on the ground, forced naked women to remove the barricades, cut the tendons of their heels, and laughed at their writhing. Others they kicked to death.44

“At the corner opening onto Wasser Street,” said Czech, Ludek Pachmann,“hung three naked corpses, mutilated beyond recognition, their teeth entirely knocked out, their mouths nothing but bloody holes. Others had to drag their dead fellow-Germans into Stephen’s Street…. ‘Those are your brothers, kiss them!’ And so the still-living Germans, lips pressed tightly together, had to kiss their dead.”45

As he tried to escape the city, Gert Rainer, a German soldier disguised as a priest, saw sights that seemed straight from hell:

[A] sobbing young woman was kneeling, showering kisses on a child in her arms. . . . The child’s eyes had been gouged out, and a knife still protruded from his abdomen. The woman’s torn clothing and disheveled hair indicated that she had fought like a fury. Lost in her sorrow, she had not noticed the approaching stranger. He bent down to her and put her in mind that she had better not stay here. She was in danger of being shot herself.

“But that’s what I want!” she suddenly cried.“I don’t want to go on living without my little Peter!”

In their sadistic ecstasy, people turned public mass murder into a folk festival. . . . Five young women had been tied to an advertising pillar, the rope wrapped about them several times. Their seven children had been packed into a gutter of
sorts at their feet. . . .[A] Czech woman, perhaps 50 years of age, was pouring gasoline over the tied-up mothers. Others were spitting in their faces, slapping them and tearing whole fistfuls of hair. Then the oldest of them, laughing frenetically, lit a newspaper and ran around the pillar holding the burning paper to the gasoline-soaked victims. Like a flash, the pillar and the five others disappeared in flames several meters high. . . .. 239
44. Ibid., 302–303.
45. Herta Ruthard Collections (Lisle, Ontario, Canada), “The Furies of Hell—Here They Were
Unleashed” (copy in possession of the author).

The spectators had not noticed that one of the burning Germans had torn through the charring rope and thrown herself into the flames that licked up through the grating.With strength borne of a courage beyond death, she lifted out the grating and, lying on her stomach, tried to reach down into the tangle of blazing children. Lifeless, she lay in the flames.

In the meantime, the other four women, on fire from their feet to their hair, had slumped down as the common support of the rope was gone. That was the cue for their murderers to begin dancing around the pillar, cheering and rejoicing.

The howling of the butchers grew even louder.

On Wenceslas Square there was not one lamp-post without a German soldier strung up from it. The majority of them had been war-injured. . . . A crowd literally jumping for joy surrounded an arena-like clearing, in the center of which two men held a stark-naked young German woman.

Each of her breasts had been pierced with a large safety-pin, from which Iron Crosses were hung. A rod bearing a swastika flag at one end had been stabbed through her navel….

A naked German lay motionless beside her trampled child. She had been beaten to death. A gaping head wound revealed her brain, oozing out. Several men had been dragged down from a Wehrmacht truck. Their hands were tied, the other end of the rope fastened to the hitch beneath the back end of the truck. . . . A young Czech climbed into the driver’s seat. When the truck started, the spectators fell into a frenzy of hatred. . . . The five captives were pulled along by ropes some 60 feet long. As yet they could keep up with the truck.

But the more the driver picked up speed, the more it became impossible for them to keep on their feet. One after the other fell, jerked forward, and was dragged along at ever-increasing speed. After but a few rounds, the Germans were mangled beyond recognition. One single lump of blood, flesh and dirt comprised the pitiful haul of this chariot of bestiality.46

At the huge sports stadium, thousands of Germans were herded onto the field to provide amusement for a laughing, howling audience.

“Before our very eyes . . . [they] were tortured to death in every conceivable way,” remembered Josefine Waimann. “Most deeply branded on my memory is the pregnant woman whose belly . . . uniformed Czechs slashed open, ripped out the fetus and then, howling with glee, stuffed a dachshund into the torn womb of the woman, who was screaming dreadfully. . . . The slaughter happening in the arena before our very eyes was like that in ancient Rome.”47

The horror born at Prague soon spread to the rest of Czechoslovakia, particularly the Sudetenland, where Germans had lived for over seven centuries. 240

46. Ingomar Pust, “Screams From Hell,” Kronenzeitung (March 29, 1994), 24.
47. Ruthard Collections, article from “Friedlaender Heimatbriefe” (in possession of the author).

“Take everything from the Germans,” demanded Czech president, Edvard Benes,

“leave them only a handkerchief to sob into!”48

“You may kill Germans, it’s no sin,” cried a priest to a village mob.49

At Bilna, wrote a chronicler, men and women were rounded up in the market square, had to strip naked and were made to walk single-file while being beaten by the population with whips and canes. Then . . . the men had to crawl on all fours, like dogs, one behind the other, during which they were beaten until they lost control of their bowels; each had to lick the excrement off the one in front of him. This torture continued until many of them had been beaten to death….What was done to the women there simply cannot be described, the sadistic monstrousness of it is simply too great for words.50

“When I passed through Czechoslovakia after the collapse,” one German soldier recalled, “I saw severed human heads lining window sills, and in one butcher’s shop naked corpses were hanging from the meat hooks.”51

When the fury had finally spent itself in Czechoslovakia, over 200,000 people had been butchered. Similar purges of German minorities occurred in Rumania, Hungary and Yugoslavia where men, women and children, by the hundreds of thousands, were massacred in cold blood.

The slaughter throughout Europe was not confined to ethnic Germans alone. Following the Allied occupation of France, over 100,000 French citizens were murdered by their countrymen because of collaboration with the Germans or anti-communist activities. Similar, though smaller, reckonings took place in Belgium, Holland, Denmark, and Norway.



……Aliens shun us, even Nordic Aliens

Paul Hellyer, the former Canadian defense minister, seen here with the the 1960s US Defense Secretary Robert Macnamara,

and others with knowledge of the ET situation, have provided drawings of different kinds of aliens that either come to Earth on business, use Earth as a rest-and-relaxation way  station,  or simply live here, either far underground or underwater.

Depicted below are an earthling and three other main types of intelligent life.

Most of them simply avoid us, like one avoids “the bad part of town,” and for good reason. Those aliens that do bad or ruthless things to earthlings look down on us as violent, insane barbarians, and this definitely influences how they treat us.

But they, and especially the Nordics, WOULD help us if we changed spiritually But, as Jesus said, who himself was a starseed, “Cast not your pearls before swine.”

If we deserve help, we will get it! Higher forces see with compassion the massive loneliness and despair in earthlings, especially in Whites.

And if this means we are truly READY for enlightenment, for a hard look at ourselves, and are not just wallowing in self-pity and in blame-games that accuse others, but sincerely wanting to CHANGE, then we will show we are worthy, and serious help will arrive!



  1. Great article, but I’ve never understood why other Germanic/Western-European white nationalists simply idolize the Slavs. The history of the Slavs is one of being a great disgrace to the white race, and furthermore betraying the white race for Asiatics, from the Huns and Mongols to the Jews.

    Here is an excerpt from Wilhelm Zimmerman’s 1878 “History of Germany” (Vol. 1, pg. 385-387), that tells everything one needs to know about the Slavs:

    “[Their religion] was a heathen religion very different from the old German religion of nature ; from the original Teutonic faith with its spirituality and the transparent poetry of its sagas about the gods . It was a dark , cruel , barbarous heathenism , the religion of these Slaves ; of those who had thrust themselves into Bohemia , Moravia , the regions of the Elbe and the Oder , of those on the Baltic , of those who spread from Hungary over what is now German Austria , or of those who followed the march of the Lombards to Italy , who were styled Wends by the Germans . From the knowledge of the ” strange , repulsive , terror – causing religion ” of the Slaves , we can comprehend the extreme degree of barbarity , cruelty , and rude fury of destruction which all historians of that time ascribed to them , and which expressed itself terribly in deeds , as well in those they wrought among themselves as in those they wrought on others of different faith or nationality .

    The moral worth of a nation can always be measured in history by the value set on woman , by the domestic and social life , and the moral worth of the female sex . More than one nation of our day bears witness to this .

    Among the German heathen the female sex received from the men a reverence sanctified by their religion ; the wives of the Slaves were degraded , their daughters worthless . The wives were treated little better than slaves , and the daughters were from their birth regarded as a burden . It was customary and lawful for the Slavonic mother to strangle with her own hand her new – born daughters , if there were any already in the family . Such were the Slaves at home . When they penetrated into Istria and Dalmatia , and took possession of the land , they practised inhuman cruelties . As it is the characteristic of every rude and stupid man to put down or drive out whatever in his house opposes his wishes , his views , his behavior , so it was and is today the fundamental characteristic and fundamental notion of the Slave noble and the Slave nation in general to Slavonize everything , and to subjugate or extirpate all that stands in their way . Whether we look at Russia or at Prussia and Mecklenburg or at Austria , we shall find but a small proportion in whom Christianity and German culture and German literature have moderated or improved these terrible traits of the Slavonic character .

    When the Slaves immigrated into the districts on the Baltic left vacant by the Rugii , they crushed out everything German in men or institutions , ” so that scarcely a single trace can be discovered of German national characteristics or of primitive German religion . ” From the later middle ages , when the Slaves were no longer the dominant nationality , we hear woeful laments of the cruel treatments which the Slaves there received at German hands ; but this treatment , even if otherwise not to be justified , was the national retribution for what the Slaves had done when they were dominant from the Oder to the Reckenitz in Mecklenburg , for two centuries .

    The cruelty of disposition , the rudeness , the devastating impulse to destroy exhibited itself most clearly in the southern Slaves when , after the departure of the Lombards to conquer Italy , they took possession of the coasts of the present Austrian empire , coasts long in the possession of the Germans . Even the most bigoted Slavo- phile of our day does not deny , because it has been incontestably proved by Dümmler in the sittings of the Academy of Sciences at Vienna , that when the Slaves were the ruling body in Istria and Dalmatia , thousands of the native population who would not be slaves , who would not give up all national characteristics , who would not abandon their faith and worship the graven images of the Slaves , or , in other words , all who would not become Slaves , were put to death by the cruelest tortures ; not simply murdered , but “ impaled , crucified , roasted alive , burnt alive at slow fires .

    This would have been the fate of Germany , this would have been the fate of Italy and all Christian nations as far as the Atlantic Ocean , if the hordes of Slaves and Avars had been able , either in alliance or one subject to the other , to penetrate into the civilized countries of Europe , and there establish their power .

    The Slaves had no freemen , but only chiefs and slaves ; over the chief at times a head when the Slaves were collected into one kingdom . But one alone was sole lord , all others were slaves ; just as the Czar of Russia was sole lord and all others slaves , till the enlightened views of Alexander II . made an alteration in this respect , but not in the other relations of the Slavonic race .

    First of all , all German territory would have been made Slave , that is , there would have spread in and over these regions like a plague of locusts , devouring freedom , Christianity , and civilization , a savage nation , barbarous with the barbarousness of Asia , an idol worship bound up , in times of want or failure in the crops , in time of war or bad seasons , with human sacrifices in which especially Christians were offered , a worship dulling the brain and degrading to every human feeling ; and a loathsome sort of slavery in which the dignity of man would be an idle word , and in which brutality in every degree from top to bottom would have been stamped on all .

    The civilization of the Slaves , so far as they are civilized , proceeds on the one hand from German influences and the German spirit , on the other from Christianity . Only in craft and cunning and in a wonderfully rich endowment of the faculty of memory , which easily acquired from their foreign masters , whenever the acquisition was serviceable , languages , customs , usages , and laws – only in these qualities did the Slaves surpass the Germans , on the average an open and single – hearted race . In more than a thousand years of existence in Europe they have never displayed any creative power in intellectual works , neither in any class of art or science , nor in pure physics ; in all this they are inspired by the German spirit .”

    • I understand your arguments, because, yes, as a generalization, the Slavs do have certain negative traits, and they admit it. I had several in-depth discussions with a Polish-born physical therapist here in town, a very bright man, and very funny, too, like many Slavs.

      He conceded some of my criticisms of Slavic peoples, because my critique was loving and friendly, and I concede also the faults of the germanic peoples.

      And I can tell you this: since 2009 this website has been hacked non-stop by jews. My webmasters have been Anglo, Irish, German, Anglo again, and Ukrainian-Russian, i.e., Slavic. By far the best webmaster (since early 2019) has been this Slav, Pavel.

      But overall, sorry, I must reject the main thrust of your views. And it was just such Slav-trashing ideas which caused Operation Barbarossa to fail, and thus we lost the war. As a result, now we Whites everywhere are in a terrible situation.

      Russia today is the ONLY white nation NOT totally under the jewish boot!

      Actually, ALL earthlings — Slavs, Germanics, Kelts, Old Mediterraneans, and the non-white races as well — live in moral and spiritual darkness.

      While our germanic ancestors and comtemporaries have some wonderful virtues, look at the Germanics in early Roman times.

      Illiterate, unable to read and write, while Romans and Greeks had been literate and writing down great literature and philosophy for centuries.

      Germania was anarchy, not state unity. Dozens of tribes slaughtered each other.

      Arminius was murdered by his own uncle!

      Subsistence agriculture….. Teutons, like Arabs or Amerindians, preferred the “fun” and “glory” of war –killing each other — to the peaceful and profitable growing of food for sale. Pagan Teutons only grew enough to subside, and they were poor as church mice.

      Vikings? Brave and skilled, yes, very true. But also rapists, murderers, and thieves… and I say this confession as their descendant, as a Norman myself….. My family can be traced back a thousand years.

      Christianity, for all its faults and absurdities, at least never glorified the horror and the dysgenic crime of aggressive war.

      Despite its jewish elements, it was also largely Indo-European, specifically, Greek or Zoroastrian — with core doctrines such as the immortality of the soul, heaven and hell, free will, and angels versus demons, all Persian-Iranian-Aryan. This faith did a lot to civilize the feuding, warlike, illiterate Germanic peoples. But this faith did contain jewish, toxic elements which Saul/Paul had inserted into early Christianity, making it actually into his own product.

      The Slavs can be lazy, dishonest drunks who commit horrendous and sicko atrocities — but also they can be brave, caring, compassionate, warm-hearted people, with a wonderful sense of humor, and their weapons of war are practical, robust, defeat mud, cold, and snow, and work very well. Das haben wir Landser im Krieg an der Ostfront erlebt! [We grunts experienced this on the eastern front in the war.]

      Would you rather drink a vodka and spend an evening with the Slav Vladimir Putin, a highly intelligent workaholic and black belt in judo who has brought order, prosperity, power, and family values back to his nation — and he is a germanophile!!! — or have a whiskey with the anglo-keltic pedophile Joe Biden, who blew up Germany’s Nordstream pipeline? 🙂

      Who was a reliable partner for Germany, the Slav or the Anglo?

      The old 19th-century nationalism was good in its time but now we must have Aryan unification.

      Watch this video, composed by a Slavic barbarian 😉


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