Earth as hell: the noble few, the wicked few — and the cowardly many

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Truly, this world is a kind of hell: (And it is true that pigs will eat a human body, all but the skull itself.)

Good old Child Protective Services covers itself in glory yet again…. It is also a story of a race-mixing white female whose vileness is indescribable.

This is not how life is on other planets. Their technology, living standards, and lack of crime enable them to advance in every area.

The worst thing is how the majority of average earthlings tolerates the unspeakable evil of the truly  wicked minority. And CPS has been an open sore for generations, including literally seizing kids from good families with solvable problems and putting them in with pedophiles.

I personally know a case of a white nationalist in Germany who was called an “unfit parent,” and his daughter was knowingly put into an orphanage preyed on by jew child molesters. (The girl ran away and fled to England, where she is now doing okay.) I know a Texan and a Wisconsin fellow who were put in the same kind of orphanage. In Texas, the employees at a Baptist orphanage sold all the meat meant for the kids to eat to a local restaurant under the table, and gave the kids off-brand corn flakes.

In fact, Margi told me that in some areas, CPS employees get a bonus for each child they take from the parents.

A WN I knew committed suicide after years of fruitless litigation to get his little blond daughter back from a jewish couple.

The fact that nothing is done about this is why aliens basically shun this planet or give us short shrift.

I did a big article for Dr. William Pierce forty years ago about the Marianne Bachmeier case in Germany.

The nice-looking brunette, the daughter of a Waffen-SS soldier (which the media always brought up), took “action directe,” as the French say, against a pedophilic monster… but, it being Germany, where the law is severe against the decent people, SHE was punished.

But how would YOU react, face to face with such a man?


    • Maybe Grabowski is part-jewish, but Poles (and other Slavs) are quite capable of rape and murder (as are other people). We saw this before and especially after WWII. In fact, an especially harrowing chapter in Thomas Goodrich’s book Hellstorm deals with horrific, sickening things done by Poles (not Jews) to Volkdeutsche, ethnic Germans, their supposed countrymen. (The jews came to power afterward when the Soviet Union imposed rule by the communists.)

      Actually, Poles can be very antisemitic themselves, and in the 1930s the Polish regime was quite hard on its millions of little jews.

      Today, Poland is a “Visegrad” country, referring to a castle town in Hungary but meaning actually a group of four countries: Poland, Slovakia, Czechia and Hungary.

      These four nations do not go along with EU wokeness (LGBTQ, etc.) and they keep muslims and other non-white immigrants out, stating openly that “we are a white, Christian culture and intend to stay that way.” All these countries believe in traditional values. I have seen comments by Americans living in Poland who say it is quite nice there, partly because there are no Blacks or Muslims.

      Warsaw skyline

  1. I had my own German mother beg my (now ex-)wife to leave me and deprive me of our children because of my revisionist worldviews. My ex happily complied because her multimillionaire parents weren’t happy with my views either and were concerned for the career safety of their grandchildren. They also were upset that I refused to raise my children in their faith.

    È incredibile la presenza di questa figura in Russia.
    “In una lettera a Padre Gonçalves del 18 maggio 1936, Suor Lucia riferì un colloquio avvenuto poco prima con il Signore sul tema della consacrazione della Russia: «Intimamente ho parlato al Signore sull’argomento; e poco fa Gli domandavo perché non convertiva la Russia senza che Sua Santità ne facesse la consacrazione. “Perché voglio che tutta la mia Chiesa riconosca questa consacrazione come un trionfo del Cuore Immacolato di Maria e così estendere il Suo culto e porre a fianco della devozione al Mio Cuore Divino, la devozione di quel Cuore Immacolato”. Ma, o mio Dio, il Santo Padre non mi crederà se Voi stesso non lo muoverete con una ispirazione speciale. Il Santo Padre! Prega molto per il Santo Padre. Lui la farà, ma sarà tardi! Tuttavia il Cuore Immacolato di Maria salverà la Russia. Gli è affidata».

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