“The prerequisite for action is the will and the courage to be truthful.” – Adolf Hitler
“National Socialism is infinitely more than a mere political creed; the fact is that it is a way of life, a faith in the fullest sense of the word — one could say a religion, however different it may at first appear from every existing system thus labeled in current speech.
Religions are not as easy to uproot as mere political creeds.”
– Savitri Devi
“Slowly, bit by bit, I began to understand. I realized that National Socialism, the iconoclastic worldview of Adolf Hitler, was the doctrine of scientific, racial idealism — actually a new religion for our time.” – George Lincoln Rockwell
…..Spiritual reading
April 20
There is an energetic movement/shape which we would like you to consider today. It is a shape that traces movement, and it is one whose associations with the sacred go far back into your pre-history.
*** I am not making this up!!! This is not from me, but from E West
One aspect of the immense power of the Aryan swastika is its vibrant motion.
Click here to see it literally turning — a wheel rolling forward!
For good reason.
We are speaking of the spiral. And we would like you to consider it today because it is and can be a vehicle for you. Take a moment to think of the spiral.
Pick one without ornamentation, or try one that is dear to you—a nautilus shell, a calla lily, a human ear, a vortex of wind or water, a head of leaf lettuce, the living energy of a chakra, or any of the thousands of gyres that exist all around you.
If you like, devote yourself to one and study it.
Or, if you’d rather, take some time and be on the prowl for as many as you can spot. You will soon see that they are everywhere.
In silence, try this: if you imagine that you are beginning at the outermost edge, at the end of the widest circle traced by the spiral, you can see that as you follow it inward, as the circle becomes tighter with each turn, you drop deeper into a place where the essence of what the spiral describes is distilled.
Whatever may have been less than essential is jettisoned, and when you reach the place where the line disappears into the infnitesimal, you are dealing with an extremely concentrated version of whatever it was that you started with.
No excess, no frills, no empty spaces.
Forever, humans have used spirals to travel from the hint of wisdom into its core. We want to encourage you to try this technique today. Choose a concept, a principle, a belief with which you have been toying.
This should be something that you want either a deeper understanding of or greater clarity around. Close your eyes, fnd the place on the spiral of this entity (idea, question, etc.) where you now rest.
Visualize it. Are you at the beginning of your discovery? Have you traversed a few inches or feet? Have you made it around a circuit or two? Wherever you are, just see that. And then, letting go completely of the thought process, of your mental engagement with the idea or the concept that you have chosen to explore, see yourself moving along the spiral, following it around and around as the curves grow tighter, more robust and richer.
When you feel as if you have arrived at the very center of the spiral, or if you have goten as far as you can go—for there is nothing to say you must ‘finish’ this today—just sit with the feeling.
Is there a sense of lightness? Of density? Of transparency? Is there any feeling at all? Is there any change in your body? Notice, notice. That is all you need to do.
Stay, though, as far as you can from assessing anything with your mind. That is not how this works well.
We would add that if you don’t like to visualize or don’t find it useful in general, you might want to approach this as an art project and draw or paint your spiral journey.
When you feel complete, be done. Go about some other business and don’t dwell. The spiral works in realms that exist both above and below ordinary consciousness, and you need to let it do its underground work.
Tomorrow, or the next day or the one afer that, touch into your relationship with the subject of your spiraling. Is there a shift? Has anything about your understanding changed or become more coherent?
It is likely that you will experience a change. If not, there are two possibilities: one is that this is not a good tool for you. Everyone resonates differently in terms of the specifics that unlock their doors. The other possibility is that you need to play with this technique more intentionally in order to access its power.
You will know. In fact, you probably know now if the geometry speaks to you, if you feel drawn in by the shape, if your body or your heart responds to the spiral.
As you are so valiant, there is every effort made to support you with all the tools and gifts and energies that we can muster and share.
The sacred spiral is ancient, divinatory and beautiful. If you can use it to ease your way, please do!
And in the meantime, our love for you encircles you. — E. West
A comrade and loyal, very generous donor wrote:
Like the Marines, the US Army used to have a brownshirt as part of their uniform complement.
The politically-correct Army eliminated this outward symbol of solidarity with the working man in 1981. An ugly, mint-green shirt was its replacement. All the NCOs hated it. I’m glad the Marines kept it.
I replied:
Thanks. Another example of this Pentagon “naziophobia,” but with a far more damaging effect than the yucky mint-green color on that shirt (I remember it from my own Virginia Army National Guard days, 1980-81), is that it took the US War/Defense Department generations (1917-83) to adopt the sensible “K-pot” or “Kevlar” helmet (which the jewsmedia, childishly and resentfully called the “Fritz helmet”).
This German-style helmet protected the temples, and the side and back of a soldier’s head…
…far better than the ridiculous WWI doughboy helmet (the “Brodie” helmet, adopted from the Brits)…
….and also the only somewhat less dumb WWII-Korea-Vietnam-eras helmet, the M1.
The WWI Germans had started off with the spiked helmet, which was elegant but impractical.
With all the grenades being thrown in modern infantry warfare and shrapnel from mortar and artillery rounds flying in every direction, one would think our masters would want soldiers to get LESS head wounds by adopting the German helmet.
But no. If Germans, or worse, “the Nazis,” invented something, we HAD to reject it.
You can just sense the evil. 😉 German mom with the Mother’s Cross in Gold, her husband, and their eight children
The Army also rejects stuff just because their Marine rivals do it — a lethally silly interservice rivalry that costs precious white American lives…..And how many young white men join the Marines over the Army just because so many Army uniforms since the 1950s suck, and the Army brass knows it?
My Marine dad told me the British Commonwealth division in Korea (Brits, Aussies, Canadians and Kiwis) fought very well alongside the US Marines. But they were still wearing that hoary old shallow-soup-bowl helmet from back in WWI, taking constant lateral head wounds or even being killed. Worse, the Brits often wore a felt beret! Now THAT is criminal.
Sean Connery in “A Bridge Too Far”: a beret looks way cool, but a serious head wound or death? not so much…..
My father:
“Not wearing your steel ‘pot’ was a court-martiable offense. It was a way for a coward to get a slight head wound and then be sent to the rear, to safety, instead of staying up on the front lines where he was needed to fight.”
But we Americans were not all that much better than the Brits; we did not finally dump the WWII MI helmet and get the K-pot until the Reagan Administration (and the 1983 invasion of Grenada)!
66 years of being obtuse, of being too proud to use the German-style coal-shovel helmet, and our guys taking serious head wounds!
The egoic mind on display………. 🙁
As I have also often written, the rise of Red China has come from them (very quietly) adopting so many things from OUR national socialism. The Chinese are pragmatic and don’t worry too much about offending the jews.
And someday they will tell them:
“We know it was you jews — Sassoon and Rothschild — who were the ones who were really behind the Opium Wars, the greatest humiliation in our 2500-year history.
We may be allies temporarily against the long-noses, the white men, but we are not friends, jews.
We read you like an x-ray, and you cannot whine about your Holocaust to us Chinese. You holocausted us with your opium for a hundred years.”
Today — here is the truth — China is soaring way past all white nations except, to some extent, Russia.
OH-SO-QUIETLY, and without admitting it to the jew-run West, China, dumping all marxist economic theory, is using almost ALL of Adolf Hitler’s key teachings on
–preserving and improving the race (the Chinese marry UP, that is, Chinese women will marry a white man),
— the leader principle,
— the folk community and
— nationally planned, free-market economics
to become a superpower itself!
…to become a superpower itself!
China has quietly but openly jettisoned most of its old marxism and has adopted the NS model of society and government that was elucidated by NS legal philosopher Carl Schmitt (The article below from the prestigious Atlantic Magazine is, of course, negatively slanted.)
Carl Schmitt (r) with the great German novelist and “Blue-Max”/”Medal-of-Honor (“Pour-le-Mérite”) winner Ernst Jünger (l), who wrote up his WWI experiences in his In Storms of Steel)
Zero race mixing with any lower races!
pride in a great and ancient heritage — and hard work, practical education and strong family!
The Chinese also crack down on foreign, semitic, trouble-making Islam!
BUT Chinese national socialism is heavily influenced by the jews, atheism, materialism and marxism, and is ANTI-WHITE.
Chinese people assault crying white Uighur boy. Their ancestors were the once pure-white, keltic Tokharians. A heart-piercing incident….
What can you do — right now?
Read up on everything you can on national socialism so you can fight for it when it returns!
Jews, your “Man in the High Castle” series on Amazon is playing with fire! You portray America under NS as being all stifled and oppressed — but it is NOW, under YOU, that white people are being stifled, oppressed, humiliated daily, harassed, attacked and murdered!
I don’t know what exactly the jews have in mind with their mad drive to destroy white nations where they up to now safely dwell, just out of sheer racial hatred towards whites and religious hate toward christians.
How can they, being ungrateful and treacherous, expect in any way that by helping China overcome the usa they will get chinese loyalty?
I think it more probable that, having destroyed all their white protectors, jews, unless they crawl into their underground bunker cities, will be at the mercy of China, who is not so easy to fool and which doesn’t forget the opium jews, and end up in Chinese re-education camps similar or worse than those already existing for muslims.
Just musing.
I agree.
The Chinese are many things, but not naive.
Jews who have been spreading around filth and strife and divisiveness probably will be executed, since they can’t be re-educated – simply too vile for that.
So traurig die Bilder doch sind, anzuschauen, so ist es doch immer wieder ein ergötzender Anblick, saublöde Aliens in Action studieren zu dürfen – wenn man bloß die sogenannten Alliierten aus ihren Gräbern befreien könnte, damit sie ihren Siech – der mittels eines nicht existenten Virus offenkundig nun dem Entsiech entgegen schwärt – so richtig total genießen können.
Hessen 1945 (in Farbe und HD)
Der schöne Ort Frankenau, im Kreis Frankenberg des Regierungsbezirkes Kassel in Hessen gelegen, ist im obigen Filmdokument nebst Aliens ebenfalls auszugsweise zu erblicken, und zwar ab dem 4 ½ Minütchen – dort bin ich schon mal gewesen, ein wirklich sehr anheimelnder Landstrich. 🙂
Wie schön ist es bei der zehnten Sekunde des obigen Zeitdokuments zu betrachten, wie der Nahtzieh ritterlich die beiden Frauen grüßt, die ihm auf dem Gehweg passieren.
Heutzutage scheinen hierzulande die Nahtziehs ausgestorben und Frauen werden demzufolge nicht mehr ritterlich gegrüßt, schon gar nicht von Männern, sondern stattdessen von von der Bundesregierung eingeschleusten volksfremden Elementen gewaltsam hinters Gebüsch gezogen, um dort in fixierter Positur, meist gleich rudelweise geschändet und oftmals gar ums Leben gebracht zu werden.
Und das geschieht täglich, so wie hier – gefunden soeben bei ‚Politikversagen‘, und zwar unter dem heutigen Datum, nämlich dem 24. April 2021:
21-Jährige Deutsche wird auf Feldweg von ‚Südländer‘ überfallen und mißbraucht (Überschrift des Artikels)
Oppersdorf, Bayern.
Eine 21-Jährige Deutsche ging am Freitagnachmittag gegen 4 Uhr auf einem Feldweg zwischen Oppersdorf und Rodau spazieren.
Dabei wurde sie von einem 35- bis 40-jährigen ‚Südländer‘ mit ‚sonnengebräunter Haut‘ überfallen und sexuell mißbraucht.
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