Spiritual reading; the egoic mind allows every sort of delusion to fester; two Xtians defame Hitler

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April 18
If you tremble sometimes at your own powerlessness, today you may tremble with recognition of the vastness of your own power. But please, do not turn away from it. This has been the habit of most humans forever. Well, not quite forever, but for most of remembered time. Power carries too much risk, too much responsibility and too much visibility. Is it possible that here lies your deepest fear?

And yet it is inherent. It is accessible, this glorious power, within you. And it is screaming to be used at this time. We are distressed that many of you are floating about like lost souls, waiting for someone else to point the way or set the wheels in motion. Many humans let themselves be carried in directions that do not really suit or reflect their purpose, simply because they doubt themselves and their own right to lead.
When we talk of leading, we do not necessarily refer to leading others. The first task is to lead oneself. Always, we are all working toward perfecting this. It is an endless journey, but one where the pace is picking up at present. You do not have many lifetimes to stray in this direction and that, trying out an unlikely way because someone else calls you there.
You, all of us, need right now to be moving forward and inward with resolution and clarity and conviction. You can do this. Today. You don’t need to wait until you know everything and you don’t need to wait until someone else gives you permission. If you want the latter, we give it to you now. Lead yourself. Take control of your own life and direct it where you know it needs to go. You will require courage and innovative thinking to do this, but you have both. And what is there to lose?
If you can allow the power that is within you full rein in your own life, if you can let yourself become as great as you are, without shrinking, without hiding, without apologizing, then you will in the end lead others as well. But only because you are a beacon. Not because you find it necessary to advise and guide anyone else. Everyone has the capacity at some point and in some way to use or be used by their own power. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that helping with that is helping. Tend to your own hearth and you will inspire. Let your fire burn as brightly as it will and others will rejoice and begin to gather wood.
Power has been so badly abused in your world. Anyone of a sensitive nature has learned to recoil from it, to mistrust it. But your power is a gift from the divine, just as is your vulnerability and your frailty.

Power can be used to destroy and to enrich at others’ expense. Everyone knows that. You also know that power can access the highest levels of love and transcendence. What greater power than love? Most people think of power and control as inextricably linked. We see power holding the hand of surrender. That is the way to open the doors to the heart of the cosmos.

Don’t be afraid to realize yourself. There is no egotism, there is no selfishness, there is no misuse of power possible if you always connect your willingness to embody your power with total surrender to the highest power.


Investigate your own power today. More importantly, see if you can find anything that is standing between you and its manifestation in your life.
Are there beliefs, fears, judgments that hold you back? Look carefully, because these are things you need to clear out if you are to live fully right now. You are capable of so much more than you imagine, you have the capacity to literally change your world, especially as you radically transform yourselves.
We ask again, what have you got to lose? Think about it. 🙂
We love you and see you and send many blessings.

–E. West


…..Remembering wise Dietrich Eckart, who told this kind of message to a young, broke ex-corporal named Adolf

Young Hitler had a mentor, too, and together they DARED trash the Old Testament in Bible-Belt Bavaria


….The “orange man” canard

For the one-billionth time, I saw some leftist online refer to Trump as “orange man,” or, in this case, “orange baboon.” 😉

I replied:

Umm, whatever you think of Trump, and I understand his critics, it is a canard that he has orange hair and skin color.

The networks opposed to him since his candidacy in 2015 began using an old Soviet television trick and put an orange filter over his head, just as Soviet TV used to do to unusually anti-communist western politicians (Adenauer, Thatcher, Reagan, etc.) in the Cold War years, making their facial skin and hair, especially if light, appear orange.


French leftists do it too, such as the sneering Laurent Ruquier on a big Paris talk show — Trump with orange hair and skin which he has never had. For them, this is now a “mental reality,” like “diversity is our strength,” “global warming,” “the poor, powerless, persecuted jews, victims of base envy” or their “big lie,” the Holohoax.


If you look at FOX (which mostly likes Trump, though he is not warmongering and anti-Russian enough for them 😉 ) or just Google Images, his hair color is, and long has been, a regular, un-reddish, un-orange golden-blond, just as with Boris Johnson.

(His color is now from a bottle, of course, Trump being a definite senior at 74.)


I tutored many Asians in American accent in the Boston area 1996-2004, and, believe me, all Chinese businessmen and politicians in their sixties or seventies dye their hair black to look younger and more vigorous.

I color mine a bit as well, since it is getting whiter ever day, especially since Margi’s horrible throat cancer began in 2017, then she had cancer pain at 7 out of 10, then came her brushes with death in January and March 2019, and it was in March 2019 that the vile revisionist liar Fred Leuchter welshed without apology or regret, all entitled-like, on a $20,000 personal loan from Margi.

This genuine con man, who never got an engineering degree, yet called himself an engineer, posts constantly on Facebook (without ever being deleted),  often ending his treacly posts with a hypocritical typing out of the word “hugs.” 

Leuchter knew Margi desperately needed funds to beat her cancer using ALSO natural meds, not just chemo and radiation — toxic therapies which have failed in many, many cases.)

She dropped from 120 pounds to 82. My hair is more white in this photo, a reflection of the hell we both went through.

Me in 1990 running for Congress  — an overtly crooked electronic vote count placed me third after I had led much of the day and early evening.


Trump’s natural color, if you look at old videos or pix when he was on Oprah in the 1980s, was very light brown, almost blond, which is normal for a blue-eyed person of northern-German and Scottish ancestry.


ATLANTIC CITY, NJ – JUNE 27: Businessman Donald Trump and Oprah Winfrey ringside at Tyson vs Spinks, Convention Hall in Atlantic City, New Jersey June 27 1988. (Photo by Jeffrey Asher/ Getty Images)

So you and other leftists, whether you know it or not, are spreading disinfo based on a Soviet-originated scam. That should actually bother you. One can criticize lots of true flaws in Trump, and I do, among them his ridiculous ego and the grab-em-by-the-p—y … remark.

I admit I really like his policy of creating jobs again for suffering Americans (whose wages have declined sharply for decades). Before Trump became president, in my area (the UP of Michigan, rural, white and small-town), 1 in 5 calls to 911 was suicide-related…..

I think leftists forget that most white people were really struggling under Bush and Obama, but maybe they actually hate whites as evil oppressors?

Do you hate whites? Is anti-white racism okay in your book? Is race just a “construct,” but the white race is evil? If you believe Trump has orange hair, which is demonstrably false, what else do you believe based on a blind hate of the man and his white voters?

Should the whites who largely built this country when it was just woods and swamps just commit suicide and die out, Mr. “Anti”-Racist?


….Eckhart Tolle versus the “egoic mind”

Tolle say that our mind, far from being our servant to turn off and on, becomes a separate entity, lording it over us, which feeds off lies and bashing of others. Then it is “don’t confuse me with the facts” and

“Convince me against my will,

and I shall believe it still.” 

It was a searing experience for me when I became totally marginalized in the 2009-17 period due to the vicious slanders of me — WHICH WERE SWALLOWED by the WN masses.

They were launched by MK-ULTRA David Duke, by his joined-at-the-hip compadre Don Black of Stormfront (whose son Derek, whom I met, left our cause and now works for the jew enemy) and later on, in 2011, by their minion, Henrik Holappa, who also now works for the jew enemy (though he did apologize to me quite sincerely for his personal attacks — at the urging of his very nice Chinese wife, a sincere buddhist).

(L. to R. below)

Holappa; myself; Canadian Paul Fromm; David Duke; some nice Danish comrade; Internet radio host James Edwards (of “The Political Cesspool”); Derek Black; and his father, Don Black in November 2009.

Margi,  I, and Holappa drove 900 miles from Wash. D.C. southwestward to Memphis, Tennessee in a tiny Honda car with a bad transmission to help save the Duke-Euro conference, under Antifa attack and with most speakers cancelling.

Months later, Duke and Black began savagely defaming me — starting on the very day Holappa was arrested by Homeland Security under Obama — a coordinated attack.

It was my fault the Finn Holappa was arrested, you see… He shoulda stayed low-profile, but I was “using” him, see, ‘cuz I wanted to pocket all the donations which would be sent for his lawyer……

It was nonsense, and in fact it was the 180-degree opposite of the truth. But — on egoic minds — it naturally worked. It always does — on egoic minds.

I wrote factual, detailed refutation after refutation 2009-2016 of these defamations, yet no one wanted to read it. 😉 Dirt is more fascinating than innocence. 😉

Slander Wars continue! Now, after wife, dogs, Marine service, languages, business…they attack my tooth and eye color 😉

The WN majority enjoyed their hate, got off on sneering, revelled in their contempt, and jacked off, figuratively, in their soaring ego trip of superiority over a “kook” who believes in “nutty” things like reincarnation and aliens… yes, we despise this well-known swindler, this con man, this dog torturer,

…this fake Marine, wife-beater, closet homosexual, and pedophile [sic!]…..

They wanted to believe all these lies.

The key secret of all demagogues is to puff up your audiencefull of disappointments and failures in their own tawdry little lives — so they can look down derisively on another human being who, unlike them, is actually doing something (which they unconsciously hate me for, too. 😉 )

Slander inflates a deflated ego, temporarily healing the inferiority complex of a loser, and so it is music to his ears to read “comrade X is just a POS.”  😉

Tell me, Derek Black, or Matt Heimbach, John de Nugent-bashers both, who is the real POS now?

On the right, all humble and repentant now, reviling his former comrades at the behest of “GS” (this is literally “Goldman Sachs”). Derek did not see the light; he saw the green.



The more your mind is egoic, the more you are blind to facts, and in love with slander.



….. My friend “Pete the Greek” against Hitler-bashing, delusional nationalists Jim Condit and Michael Hoffman, who are Christians 

Margi and I have known and liked Pete, a brilliant immigrant (as a teen) from Greece, since early 2006. He also wrote for American Free Press

…and the Barnes Review

(My cover story on the Normans, my ancestors)

.. just as we have, and he was very close to their publisher, the late, great Willis Carto, at whose memorial he spoke (photo).

Pete also painted this magnificent, highly evocative portrait of Willis that captured the man’s worldly-wise confidence and determination.

Pete also drew telling cartoons for American Free Press.

Pentagon generals and whoring reporters both agree: WE NEED MORE WARS.


Anyway, Pete sent me this the other day, pursuant to a phone conversation we had had, rising nobly to the defense of the slandered Adolf Hitler. And he did so from his outrage that people “on our side” (pro-white & against the jews) would spread — and believe — and forward to others — such stinking,  slanderous garbage, slung against a man who was the ultimate pro-white and anti-jew leader!


So Pete  wrote:


We are looking for pro-Hitler WWII scholars to defend The Great One from a plethora of anti-Hitler canards circulating like a cancer in nationalist circles for years.

The source of this slander is probably the (((usual suspects))) and the purpose is to make Hitler appear to be a stooge of the Rothschilds, a total fake, a controlled-opposition actor who betrayed his own party, Germany and all of Europe to his Jewish masters. These accusations include, but are not limited to the following:

[JdN: I have directly refuted most of these slanders in detail on my website.]

–Hitler and National Socialism came to power and was funded by Wall St., Max Warburg, Prescott Bush and other nefarious globalists. (I.G.Farben)

–Hitler was an occultist and a Satanist as were many of his top officers. In fact, National Socialism was a devil worshipping cult.

–The Transfer Agreement is proof that Hitler was a Zionist stooge because he helped send the Jews to Palestine.

–Hitler was actually a Jew himself, and Rothschild’s bastard son even, because his grandmother Schickelgruber worked as a cleaning lady for Lord Rothschild at some point.

–At Dunkirk, Hitler let 300,000 British get away when he could have won the war if he captured or killed them all.

–Hitler could have won the war if he captured Gibraltar, thereby keeping the British out of the Mediterranean.

–Hitler did not target the Rothschilds when he was bombing the City of London proving he was their stooge. He also did not bomb the Lancaster airplane factory.

–When Hitler was close to invading Moscow and finishing off the Commies once and for all, he betrayed his own army by telling them to stop advancing and not sending them sufficient ammunition, thus allowing the Russians to beat them.

–Why did he make a pact with Stalin to attack Poland?

–Hitler had a Jewish doctor, Jewish lawyer and Jewish cook.

–Hitler never committed suicide but left for Argentina since he was a shill from the start.

–Hitler worked for the Communists and was even a Bolshevik and a Zionist himself.

–Hitler’s “Operation Barbarossa” was not a justified pre-emptive strike against Russia, but an expansionist land-grab policy. [Actually, this one was half true — it was to annex huge chunks of Russian FARMLAND, the one and only true accusation one can make against Hitler.]

Defending The Great One will take place in the format of a public debate aired on The Brian Ruhe Show.

The leading muckraker against the stellar legacy of The Führer is no other than the infamous Jim Condit Jr, a known Hitler-hater and enemy of truth and virtue.


[JdN: I know Jim, who is otherwise a really great guy, but — and this is typical of fundamentalist Christians — he is part-delusional.

Be a lamb like Jesus; be a sheep.

And pauline Xtianity, like Islam or Judaism, two other absurdities, tremendously expands the egoic mind.

Facts just do not matter when Jim is on a roll. Plus, he and fellow Xtian Hoffman — let us be frank here — want to bash Hitler for a cynical, tactical reason.

The truth be damned and the end-justifies-the-means, and the means is Hitler-bashing to avoid the feared “Nazi” label.This is the exact same reasoning as with David Icke (perfunctory, however), or with Alex Jones (constant Hitler-bashing), and we see it also in the Canadian jew Henry Makow, who writes many good things — except on the Hitler subject. 😉



Condit has been peddling his anti-Hitler myths for years now to gullible victims of Zionist propaganda from Hollywood and the History Channel.

Along with his sidekick, one Christopher Jon Bjerkness, Condit has made a couple of videos in 2003 defaming and blaspheming The Great One. Jon Bjerkness has recently published a Hitler-bashing book of his own in three volumes, claiming Hitler was a dyed-in-the-wool Bolshevik and a Zionist too, and that all His life’s struggle was no more than a clever act designed to betray Germany and Europe and deliver them to Rothschild.

Condit got his wacky ideas in 1999 from his mentor, one Dr. Paul Reznowski, a Ukrainian Catholic whom Condit worships like a god. He made a video in 2003 discussing Resnowski’s convoluted ideas called “Final Solution to Adolph Hitler” and posted them to his website, hitlerdvd.com.

With Michael Hoffman’s latest book, Hitler, Enemy of the German People also spewing anti-Hitler hatred, the Führer is being slandered from all sides, it seems.

Who needs the History Channel when they have Condit and friends to libel The Great One?

Hitler supporters of the world, unite!


…… Once you are in full lie-mode, every delusion becomes possible, thinkable and actionable


I know someone who is Christian Identity, and believes (or he once did) in  the patent absurdity that Whites descend from “the Lost Tribes of Israel.”

Umm, the Hebrews looked like this, like the arch-semites they were.

Then I found out he also believes… that all crop circles were made by pranksters at night — with flashlights and some boards.

But these perfect, detailed, elaborate, complicated designs appear in the middle of the night over the course of 15 minutes, in the dark. They would take any earthlings with boards a good four days and a massive use of bright klieg lights to accomplish.


Then I noticed him also mocking the no-planes theory of 9/11.

Actually, Donald Trump himself, as a skyscraper-builder himself, was (is?) a no-planer.

Jews want Pence to overthrow Trump — who as a skyscraper-builder severely questioned how super steel-hardened WTC could have fallen on 9/11

There is no way that any jet, civilian or military, could have penetrated the outer walls of the super-strong WTC, and especially never could any jet have pierced the massive, solid-steel inner core of the towers.

*** July 1945 — B-25 bomber crashes into the powerful Empire State Building (with brick walls), punctures one office and stops.

With all the airports in the NYC area (among them JFK, Laguardia and Newark), of course skyscrapers are built to withstand a direct hit by an airliner or heavy bomber.


Max takeoff weight: 35,000 lb = 17.5 tons (15,876 kg)

The WTC actually had far stronger outer all-steel walls than the Empire State Building, and a solid steel core.  No investor or bank will plow money into a 110-story building that one off-course (or hijacked) jet can knock over, also killing potentially thousands or tens of thousands of people, all of whose relatives can sue the builder.




Explosions, yes, but they just mean “bombs went off,” which (((anyone))) could have planted, like IsraHell (or its bosom buddy, the CIA), a conclusion the jews obviously did not want the public to draw.

No, the goal was

1) to slander the Arabs, enemies of Israel, as monsters who attacked our beloved land, our innocent-little-lambs America 😉  and

2) get us halfway into a police state via the rushed-through USA PATRIOT Act (which totalitarian process now the Cohenavirus hysteria is supposed to complete: intended economic crash, Bill Gates biochipping, the Gates vaccine and a cashless society where the regime can just switch your money off).

So, using the magic of simple repetition, which works on gullible, egoic minds, the jewsmedia showed over and over and over, from Tuesday, Sept 11, 2001 through that Thursday (I recall it well) the same CGI footage of fictitious jets hitting CGI buildings.

Yes, suuuuurrrrre, they smashed, with their soft, 1/4-inch aluminum noses, right through incredible beams of outer structural steel and then sliced clean through massive chunks of inner structural steel, with the 1/4-inch aluminum nose cone intact!!!!

Piece of the fuselage, a thin aluminum skin, from a crashed Boeing 737:

All jets have a skin as thin as possible to lessen weight and fuel costs.

Passenger liners need this to fly economically, and fighter jets require the thin skin to increase speed, turning power and prevent running out of fuel in the middle of a mission or, worse, a dogfight.  Think thin.

Wiki (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Construction_of_the_World_Trade_Center):  The core of each tower was a rectangular area … contain[ing] 47 steel columns running from the bedrock to the top of the tower.

Excellent, long, detailed video on how the WTC planes were entirely CGI:

Why did planes have to be inserted using CGI?

Because it had to be the Ay-rabs we hated, so Amurrikin patriotards would get all fired up to do “regime change” on every Middle East government that hated Israel: Iraq (destroyed), Iran (sanctioned), Syria (destroyed), and Libya (also destroyed).

Believing in Arab-hijacked planes, a non-reality, made all this possible.

Anyway, this comrade believed:

–Whites descend from jews,

–all crop circles are made by pranksters, and that

–real planes did hit the WTC.

And shortly after that he began

–slandering me as well.

It was a great lesson:

Once you are in the grips of an egoic mind, you can believe anything at all.

So the problem is the egoic mind….

…. a thing in us, in ourselves, which is the inner implant, the inner ally of the jews seeking our destruction.

My new Aryan faith will address this core problem, the egoic mind.

Once that is solved, never again will we believe divisive slanders against our brothers, or any other lies by the jews.

And we will instantly ask this question whenever someone claims anything at all:

(((Who))) benefits if people believe this story?

Before you even research the facts,

always ask this first —

Who benefits if this version of events takes off?


Who benefits if we invade the Arabs?



Who benefits if we hate John de Nugent?




……Recent donations



–16 April 2020 $88 by check from J in Nevada

At the Ontonagon post office, with a plaque honoring good old Ike…. Ugh.


–15 April 2020 $50 Amazon gift card from T in Florida

–14 April 2020 20 euros from C in Germany

–9 April 2020 $50 Amazon gift card from B in Utah


–8 April 2020 $8 by check from J in Cicero, Illinois

–4 April 2020 $100 via Amazon gift card from R in Ohio

–3 April 2020 (yet again) $50 via Amazon gift card from T in Florida

–1 April 2020 $88 via check from J in Nevada

–29 March 2020 $50 via Amazon gift card from T in Florida

–25 March 2020 $88 by check from former Rockwell party stormtrooper J in Nevada

–23 March 2020 50 euros from M in France with 1) a letter about white religion, and fundamental laws needed for a solid, new white civilization, and 2) a kind note of congratulations to Margi (and me) on her cancer victory

A card from a marina in Brittany, the keltic northwestern corner of France

–23 March 2020 Amazon gift card for $50 from T in Florida

–21 March 2020 $145 and a note from K in New England

–17 March 2020 $88 by check from J in Nevada

–10 March 2020 $88 by check from J in Nevada

–4 March 2020 50 euros and a card from M in France…

…. who said he especially enjoyed this recent article:

Weird beauty of a Lake Superior winter

–3 March 2020 $88 by check from J in Nevada

–29 February 2020 $100 in cash from B in Florida

–28 February 2020 $88 by check from J in Nevada


  1. Hey John – I have quite a hard question here…
    If Pleadians are real and have been here for a while – and Hitler was the savior of Aryans… Why the F didn’t they help the Germans? Why on Earth did they sit on their asses and let far less intelligent people take the reigns? All they had to do was tip the scales slightly in the favor of Germany, and the Jews would have lost the war.
    Now speaking from an emotional standpoint, why would you sit on your hands while THE singular group of intelligent people, are smothered by the retards of the world?
    & Speaking from a strategic point of view, why would they allow such a vile, shitty race of liars – true sons of satan – to take control of Earth?

    Logically, this makes no sense. So, evidence aside – the logic seems to be absent, and I’m wondering…
    A). If they are real, WTF were they thinking?
    B). Since I do not understand their logic, and know they have supreme logic, then I see their absence as a probability, and not a possibility.

  2. Sorry to curse and be rude. I’m at a point where I think these [space] travelers might be real, and I’m starting to wonder what they are doing and waiting for? How many countless Germans, far better than myself in many ways, died [in the Hellstorm] — permanently damaging the gene pool — when they could have won with staggering ease. What good is it to know they are there, when they just wait and watch – and for what?
    Something about the logic going on here is off. Maybe this isn’t their territory. IDK. I just wanted to convey my bewilderment, and ask what is your stance on this point?

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