Spiritual reading; the egoic mind makes some hate-mode WNs (especially Renegade) bash the ONE, the ONLY leader of a major white nation who even SOMETIMES says no to the jews

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I was sent this:

John, what’s your opinion on this http://www.renegadetribune.com/putin-fires-government-official-who-described-chabad-as-a-supremacist-cult/

The article is full of a dozen errors and slanted verbiage.

IF, IF, IF the firing of Pavlov after three months from the time of his statement proves anything, it is that

1) Putin resisted jew pressure for THREE MONTHS — because he was ABLE and WILLING to resist it;

2) Russian jewry is so weak it needed THREE MONTHS to get its way;

3) Putin still fears international and internal jewish power, and until he wins completely in Ukraine he does not want even more headaches.


The very fact that Putin used Russia-1 tv to promote MY EXTREMELY ANTISEMITIC website in 2016, on September 11, 2016, the 15th anniversary of the jew attack on the WTC and Pentagon, and the purging, exiling, or imprisonment of many jewish billionaire oligarchs by Putin (such as Berezovsky, Khodorkovsky, et alia) shows that the black & white depiction by Renegade of Putin as a jew, or a tool of the jews, is way off-target. It just is not that simple.

When Hungarian PM Orban refused to grant political asylum to the 84-yar-old antisemitic author Horst Mahler, whom I know,

“My crime is I want Germany to be for the German people!”


…..a man in a wheelchair with part of his feet cut off due to diabetes, and Horst was sent back by Orban to a Germany from which he was fled to spend even more years in a German prison for saying the truth, did that mean that Viktor Orban is a jew, a closet libtard, or the tool of the jews?



But with just ten million people in Hungary, and 10% are jews or gypsies, Orban is far too weak to stand up the world jewry.

“State of the Nation” speech of Viktor Orbán for 2020

That is ALL it meant….Orban’s FEAR OF THE JEWS destroying his country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Plain, simple and justified FEAR.

Orban was already under constant EU slander and harassment for rejecting open borders and LGBTQ.

As I just wrote elsewhere, for years, 1919-32 I was denouncing the Treaty of Versailles and German military weakness, with the Weimar Republic having just a 100,000-man army — France had FIVE MILLION — and with no tanks or warplanes, no air force and no big warships.

We were at the mercy even of tiny Lithuania and Czechoslovakia with our micro-military and deathly ill economy!

I then came to power in January 1933, and to supreme power in March after the Reichstag fire via the Enabling Act (Ermächtigungsesetz).

Did I do what I plain-old felt like, and jus go and rip up the Versailles Treaty right away? NO!

Did I reintroduce military conscription right away?


Only AFTER I had saved the German economy and it was booming, and I had become very popular, and AFTER making friends with the Italian, Mussolini, AND the German generals supported me, THEN AND ONLY THEN, in 1935, after TWO YEARS, did I begin to make the bold  military moves that I had long desired to make.

ONLY AN IDIOT OR PSYCHOPATH WITH A SUICIDE WISH for his country WOULD EXPECT VLADIMIR PUTIN, with his shrunken Russia having just one third the resources of the old Soviet Bloc, to take on the gigantic US, the huge EU, the immense forces of NATO and of Israel with its ICBM submarines and 200 nuclear weapons,  until he was strong enough to do so.

The only path forward which Putin sees is a growing alliance with China, and also close cooperation with Iran, India, and other countries sick of US bullying.

This Renegade and his wife have viciously slandered me as a nut, pedophile and con man, AFTER Margi and I HELPED HIM with his superb documentary  “Hellstorm,” yet you keep sending me his stuff. NO MORE, please.

Now watch this. comrade, and never, EVER send me any more Renegade:

Did you watch it???????????????????????????????????????????????????


Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Sacharova shows fierce Russian anger and firmness toward UK ochlocrats

…and this excerpt:

Wiki on Zacharova:

She [] is both a diplomat and comes from a family of diplomats: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria_Zakharova


Noteworthy also in this bio (for any insane Putin-haters, “Putin-is-a-Jew”-ologists and other obsessive people)


On 13 November 2016, Zakharova drew criticism for joking on Russian state television that the U.S. election results were the result of a 

Russian-Jewish conspiracy, 


“If you want to know what will happen in America, to whom do you have to talk? You have to talk to our people in Brighton Beach, naturally.” She also spoke in a stereotypical Jewish accent.[11][12] Brighton Beach is home to a large Russian-Jewish community. 


The years just before and following the Great Depression brought with them a neighborhood consisting mostly of first- and second-generation Jewish-Americans and, later, Holocaustconcentration camp survivors.[21][22] Of the estimated 55,000 Holocaust survivors living in New York City as of 2011, most live in Brighton Beach.[23] To meet the bursting cultural demands, the New Brighton Theater converted itself to the States’ first Yiddish theater in 1919.[7][21]

Today, Brighton Beach is home to many synagogues and Jewish institutions, including a Chabad center [24] a Mikvah and a Jewish day school called Mazel [25]

[] In the mid-1970s, Brighton Beach became a popular place to settle for Soviet immigrants, mostlyAshkenazi Jews from Russia and Ukraine.[10] So many Soviet Jews immigrated to Brighton Beach that the area became known as “Little Odessa” (after the Ukrainian city on the Black Sea).[10]



“If you want to know what will happen in America,

to whom do you have to talk?

You have to talk to our people in Brighton Beach, naturally.”




……VK (the Russian answer to Facebook, with 100 million users), controlled BY PUTIN, allows








My VK page is here:






Let me summarize once again how I see Vladimir Putin:

— Like Alexander Solzhenitsyn, I see him as a true Russian patriot who worked within the system that existed 1917-91, which was Soviet, out of love of Mother Russia.

Solzhenitsyn, who did 11 years in the gulag, and wrote in 2004 a thousand-page book against the jews, Two Hundred Years Together, said to people shocked that he could befriending Putin: “Putin was in KGB counter-espionage in East Germany against NATO, defending Russia, not involved with the crushing of domestic anti-communist dissidents like myself.” Putin gave Solzhenitsyn the highest medal of Russia three years AFTER his antisemitic book!


— Of course Putin is anti-Nazi; the Third Reich tried to conquer and enslave his country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Much of European Russia was destroyed! Twelve million Russians died!

Putin’s own brother died of starvation during the German siege of Leningrad!

Putin’s brother died of starvation

during the German siege of Leningrad!

Putin’s brother died of starvation

during the German siege of Leningrad!

Putin’s brother died of starvation

during the German siege of Leningrad!

Putin’s brother died of starvation during the German siege of Leningrad!

Putin’s brother died of starvation during the German siege of Leningrad!

Putin’s brother died of starvation during the German siege of Leningrad!

Putin’s brother

died, d-i-e-d,

as in you stop breathing, your heart stops beating,

 your body gets cold,

and your corpse begins to stink,

like Putin’s big brother, from starvation,

during the German siege of Leningrad!


Why the HELL should Vladimir Putin, or any patriotic Russian, love Adolf Hitler???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

How many times do I have to say this?????


The day will come when the Russian bear openly turns on the murderous jews! No country suffered more from them than the Russians!


In an essay published in Russkiy Pionier [“Russian Pioneer”] magazine in 2008, the Russian president gave rare details about his personal life and spoke of the realities his family faced in the destroyed Soviet capital between 1941-1944.

During the two-year, four-month siege, Leningrad – which was renamed Saint Petersburg, its original name, in 1991 – water and power supplies were cut off, and disease was rife as a NS-German blockade stopped essential humanitarian supplies, including food, from entering the city.

Putin also told how his emaciated mother was carried out of a crumbling building on a stretcher close to death, after two-year-old Viktor, died from diphtheria and starvation, following months of siege and violent war. Putin’s other brother, Albert, was born in the 1930s but died in infancy.

Putin recounted that it was only years after Viktor’s death that his family discovered where he had been buried – in a mass grave at Piskarevskoye Cemetery with 500,000 others.

He told how his father, Vladimir, nursed his mother, Maria, back to health, and she lived until 1999. Writing in a separate article for the same magazine, he said:

“I often heard grown-ups talking about it during my childhood. It was a catastrophe for the family. My mother lost her family too. And I was a late child. She had me when she was 41. But no one in my family was left untouched by the siege.

Everyone put up with sorrow, despair, tragedy. But the surprising thing is that they didn’t hate the enemy.”



— Putin is the only leader of a major white nation who is not totally a lackey of jewry (Hungary having a mere 10 mio pop.)

— Because Russia was incredibly weak after the nightmarish Yeltsin 1990s, he had to be very careful around the jews, but as he gradually built Russia back up, he began defying the jews.

(I myself did not leave the Versailles Treaty and reintroduce the draft until 1935, after two years of FIRST prudently building the German economy and military up.)

— Far from seeing him as a tyrant, the Russians — who experienced genuine and horrific tyranny — see him as an overly nice guy with a big heart and fast brain who is sincerely called “the savior of Russia”.

Are you truly unaware that the tv network Russia 1, which Putin created, the number-one network in that country, used MY WEBSITE, THIS website, the one you are reading, www.johndenugent.com, to warn candidate Donald Trump against assassination by the jews!? Have you never seen this article?

Are you aware that the date chosen for the emission promoting MY website was September 11, 2016, the 15th anniversary of the WTC/Pentagon mass murders?

Are you aware that Dmitry Kiselyov, the director of Russia-1, a Putin appointee, personally did the broadcast, which went on for fifteen minutes, featuring and showing repeatedly screenshots of MY ultra-antisemitic website?

PUTIN uses MY site to WARN TRUMP to AVOID ASSASSINATION by Talmudists — Alex Jones, Russia 1 and Putin friend Kiselyov show my website and article

(This and many other articles were hacked by the Deep State/NSA for almost a solid week in late February 2022, but I am restoring the photos at great expense.)

……Obama White House calls my house with a threat and menaces two friends as well who support me


WH: “Are you John de Nugent?”
–JdN: Yes.
WH: “We want you to know we are watching you.”
–JdN: Good!



Whether Putin ever reciprocates (or DARES to reciprocate) my hand of friendship and reconciliation, and my apology from the heart for the immoral and stupid war of German Conquest which we waged against Russia, a white and antisemitic country tha could have become our ally,

…we will not win this struggle with tricks and schemes, but only via having good karma — and getting the gods, the angels, and our Heavenly Father firmly on our side!

Russia is the ONLY major white nation that is resisting the jews even halfway!

And Putin is now waging a war on 100% jew-run JEW-kraine!

Jewkraine’s defense minister Alexei Reznikov, JEW!

Mayor of the capital, Kiev, the black-haired jew Klitchko


Nadiya Savchenko was a decorated Ukrainian air force pilot and originally hated the Russians and Putin.


Then she woke up to the fact the jews started this war and it is the jews who run the slander campaign against Vladimir Putin!



Savchenko, being decorated by the jew president Poroshenko, finally woke up about all the jewish lies.



How about you?

This is why I abolished democracy, because half the time earth-humans hear a lie, lose all comon sense, forget basic logic, and hate their own friends and spouses, parents and kids, and insanely harm themselves!



….spiritual reading

January 25

We know that sometimes it is hard to know where you and others are headed, to see into the future and to be assured that you will be able to control your place in it. The pace of the demands of transformation often feel extreme, and still, things seem hardly to move.

The truth is that you can affect this moment and your place in it. That is all. Another truth is you are growing stronger and wiser every day. It is not an easy time you have chosen, an easy path, but you are, through the challenges you are meeting, becoming the beings you set out to be.

We see this in the same way that you can see a child grow notably taller when they have been absent from your life for a few months.

Our perspective enables us to perceive your growing abilities—you are handling more and more and although at times it may seem as if you are falling behind, the challenges are mounting so rapidly that by simply keeping abreast of them, you are in actuality becoming visibly more powerful and skillful.

We offer these reassurances because some of you need them, and because we are discussing things that we can easily see but which may be invisible to you. Perspective. Information.

Today please take account of your blessings. Inventory them if you want. Or simply stay open to noticing them as they arise. They are everywhere, all around you. The winter is dark, and the times troubling, but there is a vast reservoir of support, love and light upon which each of you draws, no matter your
circumstances or specific difficulties.

This time of year is not one that lends itself particularly to action, and so you will notice that of late, we are advising you to observe, to contemplate, to explore within, to feel. All these practices support your growing strength, they help bolster the energies which are depleted simply by navigating your life. Today you will grow lighter and brighter through awareness of all that is given to you.

Let that knowledge and your appreciation fill and sustain you. Give thanks, and then ask for more! There is more, you know. Don’t be shy. Attend to your business, whatever it may be, with gratitude for the lessons and opportunities it brings you.

Go about your life today in devotion, regardless of what it is you must do. Bring in the light and fill up. There is so much love for all of you —it is almost beyond imagining. Just try imagining, and then hold that feeling, that picture.

If I can admit when I was wrong, so can you. With love it is easy.


We dare you to bring in the light!

All our love.



On 888, August 8, 2015, this gigantic crop circle appeared suddenly in Wiltshire, England, near Stonehenge:

Oh, sure, a couple of kids made this with boards…. these kids:


    • Yes, you are a good supporter, but you keep sending me, for year after year, the Putin-slandering lies churned out by a pathological enemy.

      Did you watch the entire video with Brian Ruhe????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Of course not. And so you ask me this question. I know English is not your native tongue. So can you understand the words when Brian and I are conversing?

      Russia is a life-and-death, central issue for white survival.

      Russia has one hundred twenty million white people and seven thousand hydrogen bombs.

      And it has a long history of violent antisemitism.

      And the jews are bashing Putin!

      Over, and over, and over, and over I repeat this. 🙁

    • The deception is the CIA-jew concocted “Perestroika Deception” itself — cooked up to justify the continuation of the Military-Industrial Complex after the end of the Soviet Bloc…

      .. and to get gullible Whites in America to keep on hating and fearing their fellow Whites in Russia whom the jews loathe and are terrified by — instead of focussing on destroying the power elite of jewry, the real enemy.

      The idea the SU would dissolve itself to rule the world is, sorry, hair-brained, anti-white, jew nonsense. The SU broke up because patriotic Russians at the highest levels were sick of jewish communism and the resulting backwardness of their potentially rich nation. Patriotism was thriving because Russian nationalism was pushed by Stalin from 1942 on in order to win WWII. And jews were forbidden to head anything in the Soviet Union by the late 1940s.

      Perhaps this website is just not for you. Perhaps you should continue happily hating our white kin in Russia for the benefit of the pedophile jews at the Central Intelligence Agency and on Wall Street, for it is the jews behind your russophobia.

      Look at them, infiltrating Wall Street and running our media, not the jews.

      Yes, “Russians” like Epstein, Zuckerberg and Bloomberg….

  1. Your negative attitude toward democracy worries me. What about the Declaration of independence? Do you oppose the principle stated therein that government exists to serve the free individual? It sometimes seem that you would like to replace American government with a dictatorship.

    • Well, we live in a jewish dictatorship now. There is no question of replacing American democracy with something else. We have not been a democracy in reality since 1913, when the Fed was created by the jews and also the US Constitution was drastically amended in that year.

      My goal is religious, to promote spiritual growth to make Americans worthy of freedom and capable of exercising it.

      When this nation was still 89% white, it voted four times, 1932, 1936, 1940 and 1944, for Franklin Rosenfeld, the commnunist sympathizer, benefactor of Stalin, German-hater, overt liar, and economic failure. The Great Depression persisted, despite his fabulously expensive New Deal programs, until 1942, because of WWII, in year nine of FDR’s presidency.

      All Rosenfeld had to do was give a speech now and then about how he was all for “the common man,” and the common man voted again for him.

      And the Founding Fathers denounced democracy because so many people were primitive back in 1788 as well.

      James Madison wrote the Constitution!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Americans are mostly “big children,” as the German stereotype used to say, and I heard this a hundred times from West Germans observing US troops.

      They expect everything from me without sacrificing themselves at all. “Ice-cream lickers,” Eisschlecker, one German said, and mere onlookers as a daily electronic hacking battle goes on for my site, which is very expensive for me to combat!

      “Gee, John, I sure do hope somebody (ELSE) sends you money for your website! But, yes, I really do need this ice cream.”  😉

      Who was the true democrat in terms of actually obeying the will of the people, Rosenfeld or Hitler?

      And is what we have today really “democracy” with puppet candidates, overtly crooked elections, and gigantic corporations censoring opinions?

      Nothing in my 68 years of life experience tells me that democracy can work with people as they actually ARE. Nor did the Founding Fathers think so in 1788. And especially now, when people are 20% crooks and 79% cowards, and only 1% does research or much of anything at all…

      They do not even know if they are a man or a woman any more, and half the country just submissively took a lethal “vaccine” that was cooked up in four months, and put a vicious hating on those who did not, and cheered when they were fired.

      Sorry, but the demos does not impress me at this stage, nor would I give a 16-year-old the keys to a Ferrari.

      If The People have no love for the truth, or sense of duty, or of honor, how can they rule themselves?

      But freedom is indeed the goal. No deed done under constraint is of any great karmic value.

      We can have true democracy, one which works, after three generations of defeating the egoic mind. But this bunch today is hopeless. If Biden introduced a digital currency tomorrow, they would accept the total loss of all freedom that this would signify, the closing of their accounts and the loss of all their property, and accept in craven pusillanimity a digital money biochip being implanted in their body.

  2. I think Huey Long provides an example where democracy worked. If a Jew hadn’t killed him it would have been the end of our Jewish rule.

    • Good point. Of course, he was a unique political genius, and exceptional.

      When I lived in Louisiana, 1989-90, I visited the State Capitol in Baton Rouge, which Huey built.

      I saw there the ghastly bullet hole in the marble wall across from the elevator, where the jew doctor drilled him.

      IMO, it was a hit by Rosenfeld, using an early version of mind control, of MK-Ultra, on that doctor, Carl Weiss, whom Huey’s bodyguards instantly shot and killed.

  3. Le persone devono capire che Putin ha dichiarato guerra alla famiglia Rothschild che sostiene l’Ucraina e si è liberato del gioco diabolico del DEBITO.
    Il Signoraggio Bancario.
    La nostra schiavitù, la schiavitù dell’Europa e del Mondo è il Signoraggio Bancario e l’appoggio del Vaticano.

    • Transl:

      People need to understand that Putin has declared war on the Rothschild family who support Ukraine and he got rid of the evil DEBT game.

      Bank seigniorage.

      Our slavery, the slavery of Europe and of the world is seigniorage banking with the support of the Vatican.

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