Egos in the Third Reich (and elsewhere)

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Speaking with air force chief Goering behind me, Army chief Keitel, navy chief Dönitz, and Waffen-SS chief Himmler. We had a high degree of unity but it was not perfect.   


A Scandinavian comrade and donor asked about (((Wikipedia))) claiming there was lots of infighting in NS Germany, including between the Abwehr and the Sicherheitsdienst and betweent the Heer (Army) and the Waffen-SS.  I replied:


Wiki, it must be said, is extremely hostile to the truth and especially about race, the jews and NS.

The Abwehr was indeed hostile to the Sicherheitsdienst, because it was led by the anti-Hitler traitor, Admiral Wilhelm  Canaris (who was executed for his treason in 1945). The Sicherheitsdienst suspected his treason all along, and so of course the two organizations had friction. Canaris actually advised Franco not to help the Axis!

Metapedia (

Wilhelm Canaris

Wilhelm Franz Canaris (1 January 1887 – 9 April 1945) was a German admiral and chief of the Abwehr, the German military intelligence service, from 1935 to 1944. At some point, he became a member of the German resistance, sabotaging Germany’s foreign policy and war effort, providing the Allies with information, and providing important support for the German resistance. This has been argued to have been an important cause of Germany losing the war.

The assassination of Reinhard Heydrich on 4 June 1942 has been argued to be related to Heydrich becoming suspicious of Canaris.

At the insistence of Himmler, Hitler dismissed Canaris and abolished the Abwehr in February 1944. Canaris was suspected of involvement in the 20 July plot. Eventually, Canaris, personal diary was discovered, implicating him in the conspiracy. He was executed for high treason shortly before the end of the war.

Legally, the Waffen-SS, being military, was actually a part of the Wehrmacht. (The original “General SS” — Allgemeine SS — was not military; it was security police, bodyguarding the Führer, and running concentration camps — both being police activities used against civilian enemies.)

There was indeed some ego thing between the Heer (the German Army) and the Waffen-SS. My first wife was Austrian, and her uncle, Sepp, fought in the German Heer (Army) in Yugoslavia. He once said to me something: “Oh, those Waffen-SS  were arrogant devils.” He respected them, of course, but did not like their attitude.

Similarly, there is today between the US Army and the US Marines a big rivalry over who is the best, the toughest infantry soldier, etc. The US Army, for example, and especially General George Marshall, kept the US Marines totally out of Europe in WWII (so they fought only the Japanese and this means in the Pacific). The Army wanted all the “glory” of fighting the “evil Nazis,” whereas the Marines had actually fought (a lot) in Europe in 1917-18 in WWI, and it was against the Germans then, too (who were serving under the Kaiser)….

In the Soviet Union, you had the Red Army but also the KGB Border Troops, who also felt more elite and “superior.”

Btw, among the Demoncrats, the Obama and Clinton factions, which agree on the same evil programs, nevertheless hate each other. 😉 Also, the Bernie Sanders Demoncrats and Hillary people were also enemies.

In any case, all of this friction among various German organizations is exaggerated by the jew Jimmy Wales, who founded Wikipedia.

However, let it also be admitted that there were egoic squabbles in NS Germany, as in all societies. As one example, NSDAP Press Chief Otto Dietrich and Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels did not like each other, and they both were involved with supervising the newspapers.

The reason for this squabbling is that NS never tackled this issue of the egoic mind. Back then, it was not a religion or a spiritual path (becauseI  feared a confrontation with Christianity, which was then still strong). We were ONLY a political, economic, military and racial movement, in other words, “secular,” that is, worldly.

We did not address the core problem, but that is my mission now. 🙂

And then all our programs will work much better, when infighting among us, who should be brothers, has ceased.

Silly infighting….  squabbling…. The Scandinavians were once under one king, but now are three different countries.  They would have some power in the world if united, but….

Norwegian joke: In the old days at the airport, unlike other nationalities, the Scandinavians did not have to pass through customs or show passports — there was a Scandinavian gate just for them, based on trust and common blood.

A Dane watched them pass through the gate and said to a friend : “But I can tell by looking which country each Scandinavian is from.” His friend was skeptical. But the Dane said “Watcht this” and he asked people which Scandi country they were from… and he was always right.

Except one time.

“Are you Swedish?” he asked one guy.

“No, I’m Norwegian,” the guy answered.” But I have in fact had the flu and been throwing up for weeks.”







  1. I think the problem is intimidation more than ego. Michale Walsh has said that the enormous colored immigration we see in England, continental Europe and the United States would have met with such strong public protest in the ’70s that it could not have been done. What has changed from the ’70s? Our racial demographics have changed, and that is part of it, but more importantly, I submit, the Whites are _afraid_ to protest. They know there will be consequences if they do. They could become unemployed and even unemployable. What would become of them and their children if their entire family were put out on the street? Physical fear is the controlling mechanism of this new Jewish age, I submit, more than psychological manipulation.

      • On the positive side we are seeing resistance to Biden’s Covid mandates. The lockdown eliminated small businesses, which were a source of employment in case one lost one’s job with big business. Even so, there has been resistance. That is an encouraging sign. Fear is not working.

  2. John, what is your idea on the Scandinavian countries like Norway and Sweden that have little-to-no Covid b.s rules? is that because Norway, Sweden, and Denmark don’t have the € ? A

    Also, I am baffled with Sweden as it’s as leftist as they get; but they have no masks on and everything is open.. weird

    • My paid website monitor used to live in northern Sweden and knows the Swedes well.

      It is a big part of the modern Swedish identity to be free…. free to have porn (way, way before other Western countries… I remember the 1950s when pornographers got locked up, but Sweden and Denmark constantly pushed porn), free for Gay Pride parades…. free for muslims to rape Swedish women (and also men!), etc.

      Then they had the first welfare state…. The Swedes like to feel all elite, enlightened, and super-ultra-progressive, in the same sort of way that leftist white Canadians also feel… partly so they can look down in a total ego trip on the backward, racist, gun-crazy Americans, their huge neighbor.

      So the Swedes get off on being free from masks, social distancing and vaccine mandates. No one will tell them what to do….. We Swedes do not follow, we define the Left!

    • Heydrich was a great man, but I was angry at his heroism, chasing his assassins. He was too important to sacrifice himself like a common soldier.

      His death was as disastrous as that of the great Southern general Stonewall Jackson during the US Civil War.

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