Eisenhower likely WAS part-black

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Eisenhower’s part-negro mother, Ida Stover.

It seems the stores may be true that Dwight Eisenhower had black ancestry via his mother, Ida Eisenhower née Stover. I always loathed that monster, and his face, despite the white skin and blue eyes, had a peculiar cast to it for a white man.

Now I see that Ida Stover’s ancestry went back to a black family named Link in Virginia.

It was Ike as president (and a Demoncrat in Republican clothing) who appointed hyper-libtard RINO Earl Warren of California as Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court. Warren then ruled that racial segregation was “unconstitutional” — hunh? — and that state laws banning racial intermarriage were, too.

Warren also decreed that prayer was illegal in public schools.

And I am not even going into Eisenhower’s infinite and blatant war crimes against the German people during and after WWII, such as Dresden and the Rhine Meadows death camps.

And IMO Ike was probably behind the murder in a US Army hospital of the injured, outspoken, antisemitic, and anticommunist general George Patton.

Gollum, in Lord of the Rings

Financier Bernard Baruch and two lackeys


part-black “white girl”



…..Ike’s proclaimed “admiration” for Robert E. Lee was a subterfuge to thwart the rumors


Under Eisenhower, the US Post Office issued in 1957 this stamp


….Negro rapists in the US Army in WWII Europe

Geraldine Shiflet

Emmett Till’s father, Louis Till, was court-martialed in World War ll and executed for raping two Italian women and killing another who refused to give him a bottle of wine. https://allthatsinteresting.com/louis-till
2. A much greater percentage of Afro-Aimerican soldiers than Euromerican ones met the same fate in that war. The factoid I’ve heard is that although only 8.5% of American soldiers in World War ll were Black, almost 80% of those executed for war crimes like rape or murder were of that melanous hue. The greatest crimes against women and Europeans in history, was the mass rape of the European women after the Liberal-Communist victory in 1945.
The rapists were mainly Soviet and US soldiers. They were permitted and encouraged by official “Allied” policies which incited hatred against those of European nationalities which were in fight against Communism. In Vienna, Austria alone, they raped 100,000 women, not once but many times, including girls not yet in their teens, and aged women.
By official policy, the Allies created conditions in which the only German mothers who could keep their young children alive were those who themselves or whose sisters became mistresses of the occupying troops.
According to testimony given in the United States Senate on July 17, 1945, when the colonial French troops under .
Eisenhower’s command, mostly Africans, entered Stuttgart, they herded German women into the subways and raped some two thousand of them. In Stuttgart alone, troops under Eisenhower’s command raped more women in one week than troops under German command raped in all of France for four years.
In fact, of all the major belligerents in World War II, the German troops had by far the smallest record of rape and looting.
On 1945, the Red Army advanced toward Berlin, out of a civilian population of 2,700,000, 2,000,000 were women. Fear raced through the city. Doctors were besieged by patients seeking information on the quickest way to commit suicide, and poison was in great demand.
On March 24, 1945, the Soviets entered Danzig. A Soviet officer told a group of women to seek safety in the cathedral. Once they were securely locked inside, the beasts of Bolshevism entered, and ringing the bells and playing the organ, “celebrated” a foul orgy through the night, raping all the women, some more than thirty times.
After the Soviet conquered Neisse, Silesia, 182 Catholic nuns were raped. In the diocese of Kattowitz 66 pregnant nuns were counted. In one convent when the Mother Superior and her assistant tried to protect the younger nuns with outstretched arms, they were shot down.
Several villages where all the women, even the aged and girls as young as twelve, were violated daily for weeks by the Allies. A Danzig teacher reported that her niece (15) was raped seven times, and her other niece (22) was raped fifteen times. A Catholic pastor in Danzig declared, “They violated even eight-year-old girls and shot boys who tried to shield their mothers.”
But some US soldiers were no better than the Soviets!
After WWII Germany had no NS party in the Parliament to expose the truth — and so everything was buried and forgotten.
The same happened in Italy, but since they still had the fascist party in Parliament ( the name was MSI, later on “Alleanza Nazionale” with a peak of 17% of voters, nationwide in 1994 ), so these stories were well documented over the years and brought to the public.
In Naples, southern Italy, an Italian survivor states that Black American troops were allowed by their superiors free access to Italian women. In Italy, the number of rapes committed by blacks during WW2 in South of Italy alone – amounts to roughly 60,000 women, children and teenagers.
The result of this interracial rape and sexual slavery was the production of a generation of pitiable mixed-race children, a result of interracial sex between Italian women and liberal beasts. After the Reich, The Brutal History of the Allied Occupation was written by Giles MacDonogh and published in 2007. The version I reviewed was published by Basic Books of New York in 2007 and is 618 pages. The ISBN of this particular book is 978-0-465-00337-2. This book covers the activities by the Western Allies and Soviet Union within the occupied areas of Germany and Austria, from the final days of the war until Mid-1949 when the Cold War was getting underway.
“VE Day on May 8, 1945 mocked the subsequent condition of Europe. As crowds in London, Paris, and New York celebrated the declaration of peace, much more misery and death lay ahead. Two, perhaps three million Germans
perished in the years that followed: in captivity; from hunger and casual violence; and above all, during the expulsions of ethnic Germans from the east, [on] which the western Allies had agreed with the Russians before hostilities ended.
Giles MacDonogh’s book chronicles this saga from the liberation of Vienna to the 1948 Berlin airlift and 1949 formation of Konrad Adenauer’s government in Bonn. It makes grimmer reading than most war stories,
because there is little redemptive courage or virtue. Here is a catalogue of pillage, rape, starvation, inhumanity, and suffering on a titanic scale. . . . The book brings together many stories that deserve to be much better known in
the West.” —Max Hastings, Sunday Times (London)


  1. Herzlichen Dank für den Artikel – Volltreffer! Denn irgendetwas störte mich stets bei Anbetracht des Gesichts sowie der Figur von dem Herrn General und Präsidenten: er ist Gollum.

    Der Negeranteil in seinem Blut ließ ihn sich hassen Mut der Folge, Millionen unschuldiger europäischer Menschen zu Tode zu bringen: genau darum liebt und fördert der Jutt die Vermischung dessen, was nimmer zusammen gehört.

    Reichsminister Hanns Kerrl sagt uns, wie es geht und vor allem das entsprechende Warum:

    Ein williges sich beugen unter die gottgegebene Ordnung, das heißt Nationalsozialismus.

    Nicht wir, sondern Gott selbst hat uns aus Fleisch und Blut gemacht. Nicht wir denken willkürlich in den Menschen das Gesetz seines Handelns hinein, sondern Gott selbst hat dieses Gesetz hinein gelegt in das Herz und in das Blut des Menschen.

    Instinkt, mein Freund, treibt dich mit denen zu leben, mit den aus gleichen Blute du stammst. Gott selbst hat es uns so einfach gemacht. Er hat uns unterschieden untereinander: Weiß und Schwarz und Rot und Gelb – und hat jeden ins Blut hineingelegt: bleib unter dir selbst. Du gehörst beieinander, was aus weißer Haut ist, das ist gleiartigen Blutes – das kann miteinander sich mischen.

    Dann erst entstehen, du siehst es im Tierreiche selbst, Rassen. Aber hüte dich, übertritt nicht die göttliche Ordnung, geh nicht hinüber ins andere Gebiet: ins Gelbe, ins Schwarze, ins Weiße – sonst begehst du Sünde, wider den Heiligen Geist, ruinierst dich selbst, das Werk Gottes und mußt im Chaos verschwinden.



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