1. When I was a tennis player I had a tennis friend who was an Asian who had been born in Hong Kong, and this guy told me that Asians did not like Blacks. I say, if the Blacks have become so down on Whites, let them be ruled by the Asians who have no respect for them!

  2. I lived in Zambia for over six years when I was 4-11. We experienced racism and I got beaten up several times by a black kid who was a lot older. A drunk Zambian threw huge stones at me once, too. The jews’ anti-white propaganda is in them. My parents had the great idea to be volunteers down there, lol.

    • Interesting.

      With African Blacks you have a borderline-retarded IQ level, 70. Add deficient frontal lobes, meaning no self-control, and then add high testosterone levels.

      The superb book Race by Prof. John Baker of Oxford had a whole chapter on how the Blacks behaved toward each other long before the white man began colonizing the place. Arab slave traders, jews, and white missionaries wrote down what they saw. A lot of it was simply psychopathic, in other words, lying, rape, greed, deliberate cruelty, and non-stop war for the hell of it.

      IMO, about a third of Blacks are borderline psychopaths.

      Then the jew adds his hate agitprop against Whites to the negro brain.

      Result? BLM.

  3. Best place for Blacks is back in Africa. If they shit the place up, nobody will know. Complaining how their ancestors were stolen from Africa? Well, get on a plane — and fuck off back there.

    • A natural reaction, but we can use them against the jews, then let them stay but on strict reservations, with absolute law and order, surveillance cameras, Internet and smartphone monitoring, no guns, total censorship, (no joke) saltpeter in the water, a maximum of two kids, guaranteed jobs that pay well, one car, and obedient wives and kids.

      Apartheid South Africa under Hendrik Verwwoerd was creating very successful bantustans for the Blacks under overt white rule, so the jews had him assassinated. (He was also pro-German and adopted German orphans after WWII.)

      You would be amazed how many Blacks loathe the jews and love Hitler. In some ways, being a very un-theoretical and un-abstract people, they act on their raw instincts: Good-for-me/bad-for-me, friend/enemy, strong/weak.


      All that matters is that we win. And that means a deal: If you actually fight with real deeds for social nationism, if you will fight against the jews, you can stay — but under tight white control, where you will have a truly excellent life. As Aryans we keep our promises.

      And remember, Blackie, that if Whites lose, the Chinese and the jews will exterminate you people as the monkeys they see you as.

      And the Blacks know I am right. They see how Chinese or Koreans look at them.

      They see the look of distaste in the eyes of non-blacks when they run into them. For one split second, when you run into someone by surprise, before o0u can set our face and expression, how they look at you is how they really feel.

      Every Black knows how other races look at them.

      Black man, you are only being used to take down Whitey, but once he is gone, then so are you.

      • When we have conquered other Earth like planets, the blacks, chinese, muslims and jews can have one of them each. Then we can check on them regularly to see how they’re doing without whitey, -I bet they won’t last long.

      • I think to the contrary that we should be on the level with everyone. Machiavellian logic is not for us Americans, that is to say.

        Regarding the Negroes, I think we should wish them well in the first place, and only if they oppose us should we oppose them.

        In our present times the Negroes have adopted some highly anti-White sentiments. But I question how deeply-rooted this is, and how extensive. In all probability these anti-White sentiments are the result of Jewish activity affecting them, and are not indigeneous. In which case it is more a Jewish problem than a Negro problem.

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