Elegant health center FOR lazy Indians, built BY smart, hard-working Whites; Tucker Carlson: Biden laptop mega-scandal without effect on voters; spiritual reading

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Victims of the outrageous stereotype that Amerindians have an alcohol problem…..

Come on, man! 😉

Just drive near many a reservation across America and see the white crosses dotting the side of the road. The racist white man made the poor Indians get drunk and flip their cars over.

And at gunpoint he made them wolf down Twinkies, get obese, and need kidney dialysis for 40 years; and he forced them to rape, stab and shoot each other, and sell drugs…just like the oppressed Blacks……

White supremacist and Noble Red Man


The politically incorrect truth about the Amerindians, however, is this:

–they genocided the original white inhabitants of North America, the Solutreans from Ice-Age France


–The Amerindians are a mix of stubborn, violent neanderthals and torture-loving mongols — who waged war primarily to capture prisoners so they could torture them for days on end in special festivals

The most atrocious troops of the Red Army of Joseph Stalin as they swept into eastern Germany were his mongolian troops (and freed criminals) 


–oh, and they ate their prisoners if hungry

–oh, and their IQ is 85, same as American blacks, meaning they are mentally slow, and, to put it euphemistically, “special needs” — born to be janitors and security guards

–but they are also bone-lazy

–and suffer from a genetic effect that makes them get drunk and violent very fast

These squaws are whining and all “triggered” over an accurate stereotype.

(And, btw, even the most liberal, jew-, gay-, muslim-, Chinese-, and black-loving Canadians are also fed up with THEIR Indians — just as much as we are. The Indians there — ahem, “the First Nations” — are constantly whining how the White Canadians are cruel, evil racists [LOL, try hopeless, self-hating libtards] who oppress them so they cannot become brain surgeons. 😉 )

The truth about Amerindians and our own Solutreans is all in here:

Our ancient white Solutrean ancestors in America and around the world

Anyway, we drove again yesterday for Margi’s dental work. The 34 sessions of radiation which beat her cancer also weakened her teeth and she just lost one on the bottom, in front 🙁 ).

Margi at Bond Falls, a bit reluctant to smile with jaw and tooth issues

This Bond Falls squirrel was transitioning from his summery gray coat to one that was brown and red…. The little welfare bum, natürlich, wanted us to feed him. Must be a Democrat. 😉

So anyway we drove 45 miles from Ontonagon down to the beautiful Lac Vieux Desert Health Center, located on an Indian reservation. (The dental staff is all-white, very Midwest-friendly  — and really excellent.)

Michigan Indian Reservations

Beautiful building, built by Whites with White money

100% Aryan medical and dental staff

Lots of vaguely Indian decor….

White men did a good job putting birch-bark panels up…

The Ojibwa (or “Chippewa”) Indians partly look very mongol if unmixed, and, if mixed with Whites, partly like, say, part-Chinese Italians. 😉

On their tribal website, it was too hard an effort to put anything at all up under their link (it is dead) about their “history”…..

But I can save them sometime.

They never invented the wheel, or the sail, or the alphabet, or used any of the abundant metals here, like copper (except as …. jewelry).

For 10,000 years they paddled around in canoes (and despite a million windy days, the idea of making the sail to harness said wind never came to them), and they went hunting…. and went out A-torturing …

White man shallow-stabbed many times and driven around a stake for days before the squaws eat his fingers before him, pour hot coals on his scalped skull, and then skin him alive as boredom sets in.

And they raped women — whether other Indian women, “squaws,” or pitiful, captured white women, be they Solutreans in 10,000 BC,

Anasazi in New Mexico  in 1,000 AD,

or early American pioneer and frontier women, 1605-1890.


Read about Catherine German….

Yeah, the Injuns were real liberals.

Massey Harbison, white frontierswoman who with her baby survived the Indians and their horrors

But, hey, they do work so hard as security guards and sullen bartenders in their jew-run casinos. 😉

Slot machines add so much to our economy. While the silly Chinese make real products, we Murrikins gamble, flip cheeseburgers, film porn, make movies for adults with superheroes lifted from comic books, and produce smart bombs for Israel.

I am so tired of kindly Whites being emotionally exploited and guilt-tripped for lazy, resentful parasites.

Jews, let my people go.

Houghton-Hancock High School Yearbook for 2006 here in the UP 

….the (for many) unlikable Trump

I have to focus intensively now on my themes to de-cattle-ize the best of the cattle.

We watched Tucker Carlson last night and Margi and I were both alarmed.



“Video unavailable. This video has been removed by the uploader”

Yes, the total censorship (outside of Fox) has proven effective, and the needle has not moved in favor of Trump, despite this gigantic and ultra-ominous scandal.

Joe Biden is basically a Chinese agent, as well as an incestuous screwer of  his own kids, a publicly active pedophile toward other kids, and a senile, effete, lying, dirty, disgusting old man!

Watch WH press secretary McEnany spar with the (((press))). 




Trump will certainly, obviously, not concede defeat — and why should he, when voters had no access to the truth about his opponent?

(And “opponent” is the wrong word. Try “mortal enemy.” The CIA and FBI are basically Murder, Incorporated, and worst of all, parts of the Secret Service are, too.)

If Trump is not assassinated, “just” un-elected in favor of an OVERT CROOK, then the vengeful Reds, jews and Deep State will get him indicted as an ex-president on some phony Russia charge  — and a Demoncrat-packed US Supreme Court will be all-good with it.

And why should Trump concede? Why would peacefully leaving the WH to an open traitor and villain be a good choice for him as a person or for the country (and for his noble vision of making it great, rich, fair and free again)?

What all this sadly also shows is that Trump’s unspiritual, egoic, vain, bragging personality has turned a lot of Whites he needed off.

And this discredits his mostly excellent agenda (the exception being his blind support of IsraHell).

Many white people who have benefited from his policies on jobs and the border just do not like the guy — they cringe when he comes on tv and starts bloviating — so they stop listening.

But yes also — it is the fault of the CIA and its tried and proven mechanism for engineering foreign coups, largely using

1) personal demonization and vilification of Leader X, Y or Z (think Saddam, Khaddafi or Assad), and

2) claiming “[Leader X’s] re-election was rigged. He’s a dictator.”

Now all this has been deployed with full strength against a sitting US president. It is a gradual coup.

A good quote from Churchill, who seriously had a great way with words, though a total POS….

And because people are sheeple, and Trump as a person is so flawed — AND NO ONE THINKS HE WILL EVER CHANGE — it works.




….spiritual reading — learn from the animals

October 30

Be particularly thoughtful of and kind to animals today. They carry so much for you, and they do it for the most part quietly and without fanfare. The domestic animals are, as many of you know, beautifully polished mirrors in which it is possible to see and learn much about oneself.

This bunny rabbit was apparently sick and hid out in Margi’s garden, then hopped off, feeling better. 🙂 Can you see him? (Hint: left of center)

And the wild animals have such great lessons to offer about who you might be. Pay them a moment of homage when you think of it, and if it feels right, ask for the guidance of a particular animal or species of animal.

Your heart will know whom to ask, and the wisdom of that animal will become more easily available to you instantly. This is worth trying, friends.

Try to eat or drink some citrus today. It will help to lift your spirits, clean your physical body and lighten your energetic body. Steer clear of potatoes and other starchy root vegetables, just for today.

We send you love and blessings and again encourage you to remember that today even the deepest, darkest vortices show the way to the most brilliant of light if you trust in them. — E. West





  1. Low-IQ in the USA, in Europe and in Ex-Rhodesia, the same basic problem:

    “I am so tired of kindly Whites being emotionally exploited and guilt-tripped for lazy, resentful parasites.” Yes, they use the white people’s caring nature against themselves, they rewire it into a mechanism of self-destruction: maximum self-hatred with simultaneous love of the farthest, up to complete self-abandonment, up to complete self-destruction. The bad thing is that by being fed and courted and promoted everywhere (whether in their home countries or in the USA or Europe), the non-white peoples will no longer do their homework, will no longer have to develop their abilities and will never learn to develop and exercise urge control. They come to a spiritual halt through this “Christian” brotherly love. It is one thing to put a shovel in someone’s hand and show them how to farm (help them to self-help), or to feed them and fully aliment them.

    The former model civilization Rhodesia[1] was attacked from within and without. Its end was, however, immanently predestined, because the non-white part of the population has no urge control and no intellectual insight to change in this direction. Ethnic disentanglement will be the only way out, since a minimum IQ is needed to participate actively and constructively in the life of a (technical) civilization. All the Christian/Christoid/Bolshevik garbage about the equality of human beings is just not true, the races and peoples are just not equal; nothing against Jesus and his teachings, but the original Christianity was completely perverted by the system, by the church and transformed into an absolutely deadly suicide system, so that the whites are driven to their own destruction by their own cooperation and helping nature.

    I read this comment [1] a few days ago in [2], it summarizes nicely what has been said many times before; the paragraph formatting was inserted by me, for better readability:

    „[…] I lived in Rhodesia in the 1970s and despite enduring a terrorist war it was a superbly run place. However, even had the whites managed to defeat the communist and western supported vermin who were attacking the country, there was still an insurmountable problem. This was that the blacks vastly outnumbered the whites and were breeding like bacteria. When whites first created the country in the late 19th century there were about 3-4 hundred thousand blacks in the area. There were 6 million when I was there and the latest figure is about 14 million.

    The same problem faced the whites of South Africa. Sooner or later they would be swamped by the sheer numbers of the blacks. The simple fact is that a modern country cannot be sustained if it contains large numbers of blacks and a small number of whites. Rhodesia and South Africa could only survive if a system of total apartheid existed; ie a system where there was no contact between the two races and both lived in separate areas permanently. Left to their own devices the African environment can only support a certain number of Africans at a stone age level of existence. If the tribe exceeds that number nature reduces it back to the supportable level again through starvation, disease and inter tribal warfare, as it has done for the last couple of hundred thousand years.

    The white man interfered with this natural order and is responsible for the population disaster in Africa at present which is causing catastrophic damage to the environment and wildlife. This disaster not only threatens Africa but now the white homelands as well. Considering the mindset of most whites, and especially considering who pulls the strings behind the scenes, it is unlikely that the situation will improve any time soon.“

    [1] http://www.renegadetribune.com/the-last-white-man-documentary-on-the-horrors-of-mugabes-zimbabwe/#comment-236451

    [2] „The Last White Man – Documentary on the Horrors of Mugabe’s Zimbabwe“,


    in German:

    Niedrig-IQ in den USA, in Europa und in Ex-Rhodesien, dieselbe Grundproblematik:

    „I am so tired of kindly Whites being emotionally exploited and guilt-tripped for lazy, resentful parasites.“ Ja, sie nutzen das Fürsorgewesen der weißen Menschen gegen sie selbst, sie verdrahten es in einen Selbstvernichtungsmechanismus um: maximaler Selbsthaß bei gleichzeitiger Fernstenliebe bis zur völligen Selbstaufgabe, bis zur völligen Selbstvernichtung. Das schlimme ist, daß die nichtweißen Völker dadurch, daß sie gefüttert und überall hofiert und gefördert werden (ob in ihren Heimatländern oder ob in den USA oder in Europa), nicht mehr ihre Hausaufgaben machen, nicht mehr ihre Fähigkeiten entfalten müssen und niemals lernen werden, Triebkontrolle zu entwickeln und auszuüben. Sie bleiben durch diese „christliche“ Nächstenliebe geistig stehen. Es ist eine Sache, wenn man jemandem eine Schaufel in die Hand drückt und ihm zeigt, wie er landwirtschaften muß (Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe), oder ob man ihn durchfüttert und vollalimentiert.

    Das einstige Zivilisationsmusterland Rhodesien[1] wurde von innen und außen attackiert. Sein Ende war jedoch immanent vorherbestimmt, weil der nichtweiße Teil der Bevölkerung keine Triebkontrolle hat und auch keine intellektuelle Einsicht besitzt, um sich dahingehend zu ändern. Ethnische Entflechtung wird der einzige Ausweg sein, da es eines Mindest-IQs bedarf, um aktiv und konstruktiv am Leben einer (technischen) Zivilisation teilzunehmen. Der ganze christliche/christoide/bolschewistische Müll von der Gleichheit der Menschen trifft eben nicht zu, die Rassen und Völker sind eben nicht gleich; nichts gegen Jesus und seine Lehre, aber das ursprüngliche Christentum wurde durch das System, durch die Kirche vollkommen pervertiert und in ein absolut tödliches Selbstmordsystem umgewandelt, damit die Weißen durch ihren eigenen Kooperations- und Hilfetrieb in die eigene Vernichtung getrieben werden..

    Diesen Kommentar[1] las ich vor ein paar Tagen auf [2], er faßt schön zusammen, was schon häufig gesagt wurde; die Absatzformatierung wurde von mir eingefügt, der besseren Lesbarkeit wegen:

    „[…] Ich lebte in den 1970er Jahren in Rhodesien, und obwohl es einen Terrorkrieg erlebte, war es ein hervorragend geführter Staat. Doch selbst wenn es den Weißen gelungen wäre, das kommunistische und vom Westen unterstützte Ungeziefer, das das Land angriff, zu besiegen, hätte es immer noch ein unüberwindbares Problem gegeben. Es bestand darin, dass die Schwarzen den Weißen zahlenmäßig weit überlegen waren und sich wie Bakterien vermehrten. Als die Weißen das Land Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts gründeten, gab es in der Gegend etwa 3-400 000 Schwarze. Als ich dort war, gab es 6 Millionen, und die letzte Zahl liegt bei etwa 14 Millionen.

    Dasselbe Problem hatten auch die Weißen in Südafrika. Früher oder später würden sie von der schieren Zahl der Schwarzen überflutet werden. Die schlichte Wahrheit ist, daß ein modernes Land nicht aufrechterhalten werden kann, wenn es eine große Zahl von Schwarzen und eine kleine Zahl von Weißen gibt. Rhodesien und Südafrika könnten nur überleben, wenn es ein System der totalen Apartheid gäbe, d.h. ein System, in dem es keinen Kontakt zwischen den beiden Rassen gäbe und beide dauerhaft in getrennten Gebieten lebten. Auf sich allein gestellt, kann das afrikanische Umfeld nur eine bestimmte Anzahl von Afrikanern auf einem steinzeitlichen Existenzniveau ernähren. Wenn der Stamm diese Zahl überschreitet, reduziert ihn die Natur durch Hunger, Krankheiten und Stammeskriege wieder auf das erträgliche Maß zurück, wie sie es in den letzten paar hunderttausend Jahren getan hat.

    Der weiße Mann griff in diese natürliche Ordnung ein und ist für die derzeitige Bevölkerungskatastrophe in Afrika verantwortlich, die katastrophale Schäden an der Umwelt und der Tierwelt verursacht. Diese Katastrophe bedroht nicht nur Afrika, sondern nun auch die weißen Homelands. In Anbetracht der Denkweise der meisten Weißen und vor allem in Anbetracht dessen, wer hinter den Kulissen die Fäden zieht, ist es unwahrscheinlich, dass sich die Situation in absehbarer Zeit verbessern wird.“

    [1] http://www.renegadetribune.com/the-last-white-man-documentary-on-the-horrors-of-mugabes-zimbabwe/#comment-236451

    [2] „The Last White Man – Documentary on the Horrors of Mugabe’s Zimbabwe“,

  2. Potatoes are part of a family of vegetables called Nightshades. Nightshades evolved a protective skin that acts as an insecticide. This same Nightshade can cause havoc in the human digestive system.

    The Nightshades include eggplant, peppers and tomatoes.

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