Haldeman was born in Minnesota in 1902 but grew up mostly in Saskatchewan, Canada. A daredevil aviator and sometime cowboy, he also trained and worked as a chiropractor. In the nineteen-thirties, he joined the quasi-fascistic Technocracy movement, whose proponents believed that scientists and engineers, rather than the people, should rule. He became a leader of the movement in Canada, and, when it was briefly outlawed, he was jailed, after which he became the national chairman of what was then a notoriously antisemitic party called Social Credit.
In the nineteen-forties, he ran for office under its banner, and lost. In 1950, two years after South Africa instituted apartheid, he moved his family to Pretoria, where he became an impassioned defender of the regime.
“Every day the brain-washers repeat and emphasize the things they want us to believe,” Haldeman warned in his forty-two-page May, 1960, tract. “As examples ‘The Natives are ill-treated,’ ‘underpaid,’ ‘underprivileged,’ ‘separate development is wrong,’ ‘apartheid is un-Christian.’ Every day newspapers, magazines, commercial radio newscasters, bioscopes, din this into the conscious and subconscious minds of the public.” (“Bioscopes,” here, means motion pictures.) “People who know it is 99% untrue repeat these lies emphatically and emotionally,” Haldeman wrote.
Haldeman railed against many dark forces that he believed to be propagating these ideas: Jewish bankers, Jewish intellectuals, philanthropic foundations run by Jews, communists, Black leaders, and anyone who supported the overthrow of colonial rule in Africa. “The facts of history show that the White man has always developed the country he inhabits to the benefit of all concerned,” he wrote, peddling stock apartheid propaganda, and “The Black people of Africa have been in close contact with civilization from the earliest times but, on their own, built nothing and discovered nothing, not even the wheel.”
*** JdN
In the second tract that M.S.U. holds, “The International Conspiracy in Health,” Haldeman blamed the “collectivist-internationalist” conspiracy—“from Kennedy to Kenyatta”—for “centralized health schemes” that include national health insurance and various pharmaceuticals (including fluoride in the water, another conspiracy), all of which he considered “anti-Christian infringements on human liberties.”
If some people were not alarmed by all of this, he wrote, it was because of mind control. “When a Christian subscribes to this, it is the result of the concentrated, intentional brain-washing done by the International Conspiracy.” Submitting to national health care was one way the conspirators were allowing “Black or Coloured political puppets” to take “control of responsible White people.” The Conspiracy, he warned, controls universities, medical schools, and even textbooks. “The Conspiracy feels that any medical intervention, so long as it is in mass, is a desirable procedure.” Above all, “The promoters of World Government have always been behind mass vaccination programmes.”
Aside from these two tracts, a rare-books dealer earlier this month sold an issue, No. 5, of a newsletter called Survival (“For Adults Only”) that he attributes to Haldeman. (The author’s name, the dealer reports, appears on the back page.) In the issue, published sometime after January, 1962, the writer represented the growing independence movements across African nations as a “WORLD GONE MAD.” “Throughout the so-called African Independent States there is complete chaos,” he wrote. “The population is reduced to starvation and cannibalism approaching what it was before the arrival of the White man.” He described the Mau Mau as engaging in a rite that required an initiate “to suck the dismembered penis of some other unfortunate victim of Mau Mau.” He denounced Israel, for having “consistently voted against South Africa in the United Nations.” But, in any case, he explained, the U.N. was riddled with communist spies.
Haldeman typed his tracts, presumably on his own typewriter. He might have made dozens of copies, or maybe hundreds, but not likely many more. He might have sent them out by mail or handed them out at political gatherings or church meetings or men’s groups. They were read, in any event, by a handful of South Africans in and near Pretoria, and possibly also by like-minded people farther afield. And then they very nearly disappeared.
But if Haldeman were writing today, he’d likely be distributing his ideas on Facebook and YouTube and Twitter and Reddit and 4chan and more. Algorithms would deliver them to thousands and possibly millions of people. He would find an audience. He would become bolder.
He would find a bigger audience. He would become bolder still. Elon Musk’s grandfather’s political views are not Musk’s responsibility. But what would happen to those rantings, if they were posted on X today, really does lie at his doorstep. ♦
……Trump to Netanyahu
…..You are so courageous to face the truth
……Alone because there is no movement
And there is no one who dares name the ju.
You can tell they are both aching to use the j-word. Same goes for Douglas MacGregor, who, when asked why neo-cons want to destroy Russian says “certain people with ethnic antipathies toward the Russians over pogroms 120 years ago” is as far as he will go.
Please keep your donations coming in.
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