Embracing adversity: Tolle

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This is one of his best, and once again Tolle quotes Jesus, meaning the real Jesus, many of whose sayings were utterly mystifying to his very carnal jewish disciples. They wanted a militant jewish messiah, a warrior-king, an anti-goy ruler from the royal House of David, to which Jesus belonged via his mother, Mary. Their very jewish dream, especially with types like Judas, the future traitor, was the creation of a cruel jewish empire over the Gentiles, ruling the goyim “with a rod of iron,” not Jesus being or staying their spiritual guide and preaching “God is love.”

Jesus’ “My kingdom is not of this world” shocked all who heard it, especially Judas.

Tolle makes an excellent point that no movie would interest us for more tha a few minutes that had no conflict or crisis, a turning point where a man or woman must either wimp out OR grow by facing some great danger.

This is, as Robert Campbell said, “The Journey of the Hero.”


No pain, no gain.

This will remain true for earthlings (not higher humans on other worlds) until they recapture their own mind, their EGOIC mind.

Then people will learn largely without feeling pain or tragic setbacks, simply by not denying reality any more, and EAGERLY FACING THE LESSONS OF EACH MISTAKE.

Facing danger right now are two excellent comrades I know who risk being fired from their job — their livelihood, their means of living — for refusing the LETHAL Cohenavirus vaccine.

One comrade told me that many of his well-paid co-workers at an ultra-“wokc” corporation are caving in, pleading for his understanding: “Hey, I got a wife, kids, a dog, a mortgage, payments on my truck, etc.”

Okay, fine, go commit literal suicide and kill your own family with a jewish-concocted, depopulation-causing, lethal slow-kill vaccine!

Yeah, that is real love.

Rationalizing cowardice is a classic case of the egoic mind.

And the jews always give you a positive cover story. With the Covid clot-shot, they tell:

1) to the wokies: “You are so brave, so excellent a citizen, so caring, while those who refuse the vaxx are selfish copnspiracy nuts who are endangering others,” and

2) to vaxx hesitants and Covid truthers, “Hey, you gotta feed your family. And maybe you will be the lucky one and not get any side effects.” (But the grave side effects are already happening even now, and may turn into an avalanche within nine or eighteen months!)

The wicked jew Anton Lavey, who founded the Church of Satan, once said memorably:


So embrace the suck.


And when you make the tough but right decision, you feel inner certainty and serenity:


And now I will surprise you, and quote my old mentor and friend, Waffen-SS sergeant Hans Schmidt:

“We have to thank the jews for national socialism.

The most beautiful epoch in human history came about because the jews caused World War I, the Treaty of Versailles, the Great Inflation, the rise of Soviet communism, and the Great Depression. So the jews transformed the Germans into people desperately seeking solutions, average Joes, or Hans 😉 like me, who could no longer just work hard, drink beer in a beer garden, eat sausages, and watch soccer.


The Germans HAD to turn to Hitler, thanks to the jews. They could not afford their beer, or sausages, or even their apartment.



Then Hitler transformed the Germans further, in his own way, into a positive channel, into what became definitely the happiest nation in human history.”


hiThe Day of German Art, Munich July 8-10, 1938


In Goethe’s great play, Faust, a man sells his soul to the Devil in return for a wild time, the Evil One being called in the play “Mephistopheles.”

Here played by NS and postwar actor Gustaf Gründgens

In the prologue to “Faust I” Mephistopheles makes a wager with God: he will succeed in getting Dr. Heinrich Faust to embrace evil and selfish pleasures of every kind. (One involves seducing a country girl, a pure but naive soul named Gretchen, who is of course impressed by the attentions of a wealthy gentleman.

“Heinrich, what do you think of religion?” He avoids the topic and continues focusing on his carnal goal.


Gretchen gets pregnant, aborts her baby after too many locals begin calling her a slut, and is executed for murder.

The Devil whisks Faust away before he can express his awful remorse.

Gretchen prays on death row, an angel attneds, and Faust is dragged away by the Devil. she gives her soul to god and refuses to go with Faust and his sinister friend.

Her voice rings in his ears as she faces her death without him, accepting her death sentence but worrying to the end in the purest love about HIS soul:

“Heinrich, Heinrich!”

The Devil tlles Faust as he yanks him off:

“She has been judged.”

A voice says “She has been SAVED!!!”

As I have writtten, I and many others have heard such a strong male voice call out to us a brief statement of the truth we must know.

God is actually only apparently Mephisto’s opponent. In fact, Mephisto himself is merely a useful part of His creation and is therefore involved in His Larger Plan.

Mephisto’s element is evil. In the eternal alternation of creating and destroying, he takes on the role of the destroyer. His work is therefore indispensable for the big picture, for the working-out of the divine plan.

Consequently, Mephisto describes himself to Faust as “a part of that force / which always wants what is evil and [in the end] always creates what is good”. (Scene in the study, verss 1335–1336)

When people realize the jews made this vaccine, and that this vaccine is slowly sterilizing and killing them as the highly magnetic metal called graphene oxide spreads throughout every cell of their body, causing endless blood clots, gradual weakness, physical disabling and a SLOW death, they will have nothing left to lose; AND FEEL HATRED OF THE JEWS WHO DID THIS.

We are on the cusp of genocide or total victory.

Shortly I will teach you how to win.



No masks, lockdowns, depression, loneliness, suicides, firings, bankruptcy and death were ever necessary, but the jews want you DEAD.



How many slaves does each jew get out of the 500 million pitiful goy survivors?


It is time to take down without mercy the jewish pedophilocracy. And you will see people of all races, even little jews, helping us!


Especially important blogs





    • Basically, yes, but, of course I reject the very idea of a scapegoat who takes on the sins of others, a jewish notion.

      The way to be permanently forgiven is, as Jesus said to the adulteress whom He saved from stoning, “Go! And sin no more.” Not talk but deeds are what count!

  1. In a way, it was JdN and other true patriots who educated me to use the Net for info about slavery, wars, anti-white racism.

    It showed who the jew trouble makers were/are and their helpers.
    Using their own media tool against the likes of Soros, or jewish refugee charities financing gimmegrants, the HOLOHOAX and the Anne Frank diarrhea.

    • Thanks. I started a blog on this guy, but something did not ring true.

      His resumé seems to be fraudulent. His intentions may well be excellent, but if the research is right, his PhD is from a school in Oxford, Ohio and his degree is in education, not biosciences or medicine.

      Frankly, from his voice he sounds like a bullshitter.

      I hate it when people invent stuff to support their cause when verified truths are ready to be used.

      So the message seems true but the speaker is radically padding his qualifications, which discredits him, his message, and all Covid truthers.

      Maybe on purpose?

      There is also a Robert Young running around, putting out some good content, but with an entirely invented PhD. In fact he served time for misrepresenting himself. His website never says where he got his doctorate!

      Obviously a functional atheist, and a liar.

      We will never beat the Jews at THEIR OWN game, which is lying.”By way of deception thou shalt wage war.”

      Our game is the truth and that is what makes us Aryans strong.

      And we must stay on the side of the angels.

      As the German belt buckle says: “Gott mit uns,” God with us.

      With Him we cannot lose.

  2. https://photos.app.goo.gl/%5B%5D
    Sono troppi simpatici e belli.
    Sono una forza insieme.
    E stanno diventando sempre più grandi 🙂 🙂
    Ho ripreso [] sul suo modo di essere disordinato:
    “Sei un barbaro!”.
    Mi ha risposto:
    “Tu sei una vichinga!” LOL
    Non posso che ridere ogni volta,mi distrugge nel ruolo di mamma.

      • Si lo so…ma lui è troppo disordinato,testardo e poi lo fa di proposito per stuzzicarmi perché con me si diverte.
        Mi smonta con le sue battute e la sua faccia!LOL
        Con il [] invece si offende..e prende tutto sul serio.
        [] invece si offende con me e ci tiene a me in modo diverso, è più ordinato.

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