John de Nugent to
Stripe is just as good:×512.jpg
One area where I have been way out ahead of the rest has been on the fact that we humans are not alone, and far from it! Starting in 2010, seven long years ago, I went out on a limb, faced ridicule and rejection, and yet now even NASA is edging closer and closer to what is called “disclosure.” The hacker collective Anonymous just released this video:
John de Nugent My 2010 essay, constantly updated:…/
Who else in the WN movement has this essay on HARD, FACTUAL reincarnation EVIDENCE?
Who else has proven that Jews, Arabs and other muslims descend from NEANDERTHALS, the rivals of the Cro Magnons?
Who else is preparing a white safety zone?…/
Who first proved that whites were here in America first, ten thousand years BEFORE the Indians?…/
Who else has proven that the Hebrews were nothing but the Habiru, a nomadic horde of exiled criminals who once terrorized the ancient Middle East?…/he-was-right-also-that…/
Who else has published this two-part interview with an expert on the Van Rensburg prophesy — exactly a century ago this year — about a Trump-like figure that could trigger World War Three?…/simon-roche-south-africa…/
What other WN website was featured on Russian nation television by its director, an appointee of Vladimir Putin????????…/putin-uses-my-site-to-warn…/
–27 June 2017 PayPal from J in England, P in Connecticut, B in New York, and P in Maryland, and a check from J in Utah
Dear Mr. de Nugent,
I am all with you concerning the fight for the White (Aryan) race. We are not accepting our genocide carried out by Satan’s chosen people since 2000 years, the Jews.
But we simple people always needs a good leader in order to act bundled. A good leader will appear in God’s own time, which is soon, see Irlmaier, see Rensburg, see “Lied der Linde”.
Without a good leader we people usually are just 0’s. But the leader is the 1 who’s making the many zeros behind him to count.
Until 1933 the Jewish “Republic” named Weimar was about to genocide us. God granted a good leader: Adolf Hitler, who prevented it. We lost the war but we hard-won some decades of further survival of Germany and Europe and hence the White race. Now it is time for the bundled good fight again.
Concerning your religion I politely have to disagree: “I would have more than enough to create the religion that can save us.”
No need to invent a new religion, since God’s already revealed his one and true religion 2000 years ago, when the incarnated god-man and saviour Jesus Christ founded his Church through his sacrifice on Golgotha being the one and only Holocaust.
I understand that our brave ancestors before that time couldn’t know this, so it’s not their faults to cling to wrong tin gods. But there’s no excuse anymore since God’s revelation reached all of us during the last 2000 years.
Now we need to watch and pray and act. “Ora et labora” will save us. Gott mit uns!
I will try to send you some money.
For the meantime, take this leaflet in our struggle for survival. We have to stop race mixing! This leaflet is excellent for this purpose!
Please save this and share it elswhere, because the “chosen” ones don t like the Truth about Race and intelligence.
Here the PDF:
The Truth will win, but it needs us to be spoken!
Stay strong, John de Nugent – we will not let you down!
14 Words
Thanks. I have gotten in about $225; still need another $75.