EN Aryan kindness DE Ariergüte FR Bonté aryenne; my premonition 24 hrs before Pittsburgh

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White Englishman saves exhausted, water-soaked sheep from death by drowning/FR: Un Anglais blanc sauve de la noyade un mouton épuisé /DE: Weißer Engländer rettet ein erschöpftes Schaf vor dem Ertrinken



An Italian pope once saw some handsome, blond Anglo-Saxon boys at the Vatican, and asked a bishop who they were. He replied in Latin:

“Angli sunt.” [They are Angles.]

The pope admired them, smiled, and replied:

“Non, Angeli sunt.” [No, they are angels.”]

This also reminds me of an old expression of very high praise that Margi and I still heard as children in the 1950s here in America, when most blacks were openly considered as thieves, sloths, criminals and low-lifes:

“That was damned white of you! 😉 ”

It is also how I feel seeing today our foolish yet agonizing, suffering, drowning race — a feeling of pity, mercy and compassion.

Well, I had yet another “incident” recently… just as I had exactly 24 hours before the Charleston Church Shooting by a supposed white nationalist.



One day later



J.T. Yockey, Garioch MacYoostin and 11 others

Ginger Doucet What is He telling you?

John de Nugent To do what I was sent here to do, Ginger. I was a politician in another life, but this time I must start a new spiritual movement. In the animalized state people are in now, there is no hope for a purely political struggle, and never will they let us come peacefully to power, either. The constant 33s and the 2 x 44 are obvious to me.


John de Nugent Those who refuse to sacrifice all will sacrifice all.


Andrew Kelley 3:16 this morning and wondered why. lol. Something is brewing in the ‘heavens’ The clash of spirits and powers is heating up. Can’t explain it John, but feel it very strongly. We shall see, maybe soon?


John de Nugent These weird timings are exactly the kind of inobtrusive “sign” that shows a guardian angel is trying to get your attention to voluntarily do the right thing. 😉


Yes, I believe in guardian angels

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John de Nugent In the truly superb movie “It’s a Wonderful Life” (with Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed), which contains a lot of truth, the guardian angel (called “Clarence”) “earns his wings” by not overly interfering — but making new opportunities happen for the struggling banker who was framed and is facing arrest — or an out via suicide.

This is maybe THE greatest film of all time in any genre. It embodies the human spirit of no matter what life throws at you — never give up. It gives mankind one of the greatest possible messages…….hope. I’m a pretty tough chap but this damned scene and the ending gets me EVERY time!

(Scroll forward to 1:32 and watch to the end.)

John de Nugent We are fighting literally demonic forces in this era.

Democrats increasingly possessed by demonic forces that seek the extermination of humanity?


Popular female investigative reporter in Bulgaria raped and murdered for exposing EU corruption

Apolda, Germany – cops against citizens; why our peaceful taking power as in 1933 is quite impossible


Chris Sullivan The Ionosphere has a wave stimulation from phtons breaking the horizon, at any geographic location at that time, between 3 and 3:45 am


Chris Sullivan Human consciousness is essntially plugged into a multidimensional GAIA grid around that time


Garioch MacYoostin Im noticing that im having far more dreams lately and others are reporting this as well…somethings up. The dreams tho dont seem to have any special meaning. Just nonsensical stuff on my part

Chris Sullivan We should be dead center of the milky way disk. nd of 2023
Beginning of 2024 will be solar maximum along with leaving the milky way disk center, poles should realign around that time.


Corascendea Cathar Dreams are not nonsensical. They are symbolic languag. Give me your “nonsense” to the smallest of detail and I tell you what you were told.

J.T. Yockey I was awake at this time at work last night..no dream, but a definite sense of premonition that something was about to go down..Maybe another mass shooting event..I can’t prove it, but I am all but certain that antifa carried out the Mandalay massacre.


J.T. Yockey I was right….I’m guessing that they’re gonna say one of our people did this, and there will be a push to confiscate OUR guns..

Meanwhile, we are not allowed to know the identity of the shooters at the Mandalay bay massacre in Vegas last year.


Holly Bell How about seeing 222, 111, 333, 444 555, 1111 then my dad who died in 2015 was yelling “Holly” in my ear for about 5 or 6 weeks. One morning half a wake, I said, “What dad!??” Then just started crying. It stopped, but what did he want?


Bobb Pira I wake up every night and can’t get back to sleep….I hate it!


Chris Sullivan Its a good time to hone your inner vision. Its always a high charge particle time frame


Bobb Pira Chris Sullivan – I think I am getting close to astral projection again. It hasn’t happened for years…but it is ramping up again.

Chris Sullivan Keep a dream Journal. Stimulate neural growth in that part of your brain




…..Same exact crisis-actor bereaved mom at 1) Omaha mall shooting (2007), 2) Sandy Hook (2012)  and 3) Charlottesville (2017)! Every five years she gets a new gig!

  1. Omaha mall shooting
The Westroads Mall shooting was a mass shooting that occurred on December 5, 2007, in a Von Maur department store at Westroads Mall in Omaha, Nebraska. The gunman, nineteen-year-old Robert A. Hawkins, killed eight people and wounded four, two of them critically, before committing suicide.

Published on Dec 13, 2007

Robert Hawkins’ mother appears on “Good Morning America.”

2) Sandy Hooker”mother of Victoria Soto”

3) Charlotttesville mom “Susan Bro,” “mother of Heather Heyer”

…..My startling premonition 24 hours before Charleston

Dylann Storm Roof is the former “Star Trek Next Generation” Hollywood child actor John Christian Graas

Margi sleuthed this out and created these juxtaposed photos!

My shocking vision 24 hours before! Screenshots I made documenting vision before it came true.


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