Endorsement of my doctrine: semites are neanderthals

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In profile, the closet part-jew “Jimmy Wales” — the founder and boss at Wikipedia, which deleted its entire article on me — showing a sloping forehead and other mild neanderthal features. 

A Sicilian mafioso — maybe part-Jewish but more likely part-Arab

The singer Cher, of Armenian background

(((British))) archeologist Catherine Sturdy Colls, who set out to “prove” the ground under Treblinka contained thousands of Jewish corpses. (She found NONE.)

Infamous hebephile, rapist, murderer, liar, framer, briber and slanderer Leo Frank, an Atlanta Jew



A Swiss-German comrade read my essay

……Jews, Arabs and Caucasus peoples (like Stalin and Beria) descend from Neanderthals, and thus are natural, genetic enemies for 30,000 years now of the Cro Magnons (the whites)

and commented:


Dear Mr. de Nugent,

Your theories about Jews are confirmed again:

But Jews lie about everything. They say White Americans descend partly from Amerindians, and they have 2-9% Amerindian DNA, while Africans have 0% Indian admixture.

Do you see how retarded this is? There is no average of 2-9% Indian blood in Americans, but an average of 2-9% if you take the average from everyone. In reality, there are a few people with 100% Indian blood, and a lot with 0%. If you take the average. yes, you get 2-9%, but that doesn’t mean that everyone has some Indian blood in them.

It’s the same with the Neanderthals in Europe. Northern Europe has about 0%, with only Sweden havng a nominal amount. Why? Because they took in Jews in WWII, and Jews have a lot of Neanderthal blood. Central Europe has more Jews, so they average about 2% Jewish/Neanderthalic blood. Southern Europe has 4% on average. And the Middle East has 20-60%.

So European do not have an average of 2% Neanderthal DNA. What Europe does have is about 4% Jews, who each have around 50% Neanderthalic DNA. You just have to look at the skulls to see. Neanderthals look nothing like Europeans, but look like carbon copies of modern Arabic or Jewish skulls. Jews are simply Neanderthals, and Europeans Cro-Magnons just as you wrote years ago. [End]

My response:

Actually, many lower-class Whites in the Appalachian area, especially of Scotch-Irish ancestry, have a smidgen of Indian blood, while most White Americans have zero.

Unfortunately, some southern Italians, some Yugoslavs and southern Spanish have a lot of neanderthal blood. You sometimes see a “Jewish” nose in an Italian or Spaniard, or even in some Germans (the Neander Valley, das Neandertal, is located in Germany, after all), but it is not from the Jews, but from a common ancestors, the Neanderthals.

Reinhard Heydrich, a top SS official, and tall, blond and blue-eyed, had to meet the SS standard of no Jewish blood before the year 1800.

But he had quite the nose. This was a German Reich commemorative stamp, issued after his assassination in 1942.

There is no evidence that the blond. blue-eyed Joseph Smith, the charismatic con artist who founded Mormonism, was part-Jewish, though perhaps he was. But maybe he was just part-Neanderthal.

From the front:

But this shows his profile, and also his death mask after an angry mob shot him to death inside a Missouri jail:



See also

….The Hebrews, as a Jewish author proudly admits, were the “Habiru,” a roaming horde of criminals that terrorized the Middle East

The “Hebrews” of the Bible were the same as a horde of feared criminals called “the Habiru”

Jeanice Barcelo interviews JdN: good & evil, whites, “Habiru” & Hebrews; Texe Marrs claims Khazar defiantly admitted: “We come from a higher, reptilian species”; Rabbi Laitman in Moscow agrees


  1. I don’t know -Varg sais we are part neanderthals. This french rugby player is called a ‘modern neanderthal’https://www.google.com/search?q=SEBASTIEN+CHABAL&client=opera&hs=JHg&sxsrf=ALiCzsY1o_tm3-8I6y4Cirf_Gd1JhJ_7Gg:1669634489185&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiqtoeV4dD7AhVwRPEDHY7hBYoQ_AUoAXoECAIQAw&biw=1400&bih=772&dpr=1

    • Well, Varg is a very good man, and the French cops (run by the luciferian Freemasons) did raid him for speaking the truth, calling it “hate speech,” but he is a rock guitarist, not a paleoanthropologist. 😉

      Sebastien Chabal, with or without his beard, does have some neanderthal traits, such as a chunky body and wide face, but his nose is straight as an arrow, which is Aryan, and his height — 6 ft 4 in/192 cm — is also Aryan, NOT neander.

  2. Two links above are not working (one of the links has Tex Mars and Rabbi Laitman and the other is about the Habiru being a gang of criminals).

  3. I’ve been posting articles such as yours and stating my belief that they’re correct. To my surprise, I’ve been agreed with countless times, and even got responses where they posted pictures such as these on your website, which have side by side comparisons. I think to understand this ancestry means it answers the question on a deep level of just what has been going on with world events. It’s a MAJOR piece of the puzzle.

  4. This link from times of Israel and DNA study of Ashkenazi:


    “Moving forward, it will be interesting to see what the opinion is of the rabbis, the scholars,” said Carmi. “Maybe this study will lead to more openness. But maybe it will backfire and we’ll be told it is something we shouldn’t do.”


    Following some three years of testing and analysis, much of which was conducted in technologically advanced clean rooms at Harvard University, the results also indicated that the “founder event” or “bottleneck” that is evident in modern Ashkenazi Jewry’s DNA predated the establishment of the Erfurt community, potentially by a millennium.


    Even before the bottleneck, the Aiparu were plying their East-West Caravan trade, the True God of Israel. The merchant class would travel between City-States of the day.

    Between the large gated city-states were Entrepot cities. Think of them as lawless places were different tribes could mingle, something like Tatooine in Star Wars.

    If you engage in murder or some other sort of criminality, the City-States would banish you to outside world. The Haibaru/Apiru/Aiparu (however you want to pronounce it) would be refreshed by a banished criminal element, including psychopathic Aryans. Roaming Neanderthals would probably not be welcome within the gates of relatively insular city-states populated by Cro-Magnon/Aryans. The Neanderthals and Aiparu rubbed shoulders and merged into a psychopathic usurer tribe.

    Today’s Jewish Creditor Class emits propaganda, to then create false a-historical narratives, thus preventing open investigation into their crimes.

    Note how the Jew quoted above is afraid of the Rabbis! The Pharisee’s were a “creditor class” created by Hillel and his Prozbul Clause. This criminal class took over, and even created a new false religion – Talmudic Judaism, which acts as a cover and shield.

    The former “city state” injunctions learned in Babylon, to release civilizational debts, were overturned by Hillel. The idea of fair play beats in the breast of Aryan types and this fair play was transmitted by Aryan Jews after leaving Babylon. It was so important that it was codified into old testament religion, where it could not be overturned. (Of course, it eventually was overturned by changing the religion and law in stages, especially in the 200 years after Christ).

    Aryan Cro-Magnon peoples are being written out of history, especially with out-of africa theory. Never mind that the oldest Cro-Magnon skull is over 40,000 years old, and said skulls have a non-prognathic jaw indictive of farming. The Neanderthal on the other hand has large eye sockets good for hunting at night, and their skeletons were damaged as they engaged in hand to hand combat with large animals. The skeletons themselves with the relatively short legs are not good for running down meat animals after they have been speared. I also wouldn’t be surprised if the Neanderthals sucked at sweating, and hence their hairy body would over-heat in a long marathon run.

    The superior Aryan Cro-Magnon most likely had some farming (based on the modern European Aryan Jaw), animal husbandry (tools and leather), and other advanced civilizational attributes (art/law) that the Neanderthal could not duplicate. In other words, any anthropologist worth a shit can look at a Jaw and skeleton and make inferences, especially about diet. The long legs of Cro-Magnon, tool building and Jaws indicate farming and plenty of meat in the diet. Farming meant domesticated animals, literature, writing, art, law, etc. A Neanderthal riding a horse? No Way – they never were the good-shepherds, a fantasy they have concocted.

    People want to make pretend and not look straight at the Jew. Normies suffer from brainwashing, and if said normie bravely challenges his false narratives, he might lose his economic status.

    The Jew is not superior, nor is he a victim. He has become a super predator, taking usury and living on the life energy of Aryan Cro-Magnons. Aryans have high trust and hence are easy prey for the parasite.

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