ENGLISH 121 years of affecting the world

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He died on April 30, 1945 at around 3:30 pm Berlin time (9:30 am New York time) but the search engine Google has 36 million hits on his name. He is still the most famous man in the world, after Jesus Christ Himself. Why?

“We believe that Adolf Hitler was the gift of an inscrutable Providence to a world on the brink of Jewish-Bolshevik catastrophe, and that only the blazing Spirit of this heroic man can give us the strength and inspiration to rise from the depths of persecution and hatred, to bring the world a new birth of radiant idealism, realistic peace, international order, and social justice for all men.”

—— LINCOLN ROCKWELL, National Socialist Principle VII

A Spanish comrade sent me these two EXCELLENT  pdf’s!

Click on them! Then you will see why the German people sincerely loved Adolf Hitler!

Germany Speaks

AH Jahr 122

Look at Adolf traveling in an open car, with a relaxed bodyguard just sitting there and grinning, as he moved through the crowds……

I was on the Clay Douglas show at http: www.freeamerican.com at 10 am EST to discuss the truth and the falsehoods about the life of Adolf Hitler.

Here is the link to the show (which was jammed the whole time by the J-Team because they obviously hated the content, so be ready for echoes and weird sound-effects ;-)):



The Führer Cult: Germans Cringe at Hitler’s Popularity in Pakistan
Reuters Wednesday, 17 March 2010

ISLAMABAD — Germans are popular in India and Pakistan, but not always for the right reasons. Many in South Asia have nothing but admiration for Adolf Hitler and still associate Germany with the Third Reich. Everyday encounters with the love of all things Nazi makes German visitors cringe.

Pakistan is the opposite of Germany. The mountains are in the north, the sea is in the south, the economic problems are in the west and the east is doing well. It’s not hard for a German living in Pakistan to get used to these differences, but one contrast is hard to stomach: Most people like Hitler.

I was recently at the hairdresser, an elderly man who doesn’t resort to electric clippers. All he has is creaky pair of scissors, a comb, an aerosol with water. He did a neat job but I wasn’t entirely happy.

I said: “I look like Hitler.”

He looked at me in the mirror, gave a satisfied smile and said: “Yes, yes, very nice.”

I decided not to challenge him, went home and tried to get rid of the strict parting he’d given me.




Identifies with Aryans

I was glad I avoided the usual Hitler conversation. Pakistanis always hone in on that topic whenever they talk to Germans. “We’re Aryans too,” they say, because there was an Indo-Germanic race, the Aryas. Besides, Hitler was a military genius, they add.

Sometimes it’s better to keep quiet about one’s German origins. It’s embarrassing because people here think they’re doing you a favor by expressing their admiration for the Nazi leader. I suspect most Indians
and Pakistanis have no idea what this man did. They see him as the bold Führer who took on the British and Americans.

In the Islamic world, not just in Pakistan but right across from Iran to northern Africa, anti-Semitic sentiment of course plays a role. Conversations with German visitors rapidly turn to the injustice being
suffered by the Palestinians who were robbed of their land.

One can try to cut such conversations short, like a German acquaintance of mine did recently. He told a taxi driver in Iran he should stop talking nonsense because he as a dark-skinned person wouldn’t have survived
long in Nazi Germany. The taxi driver looked at him surprised and said:

“But I’m Aryan!”

Admires Hitler

The alternative is just to wish the ground would swallow you up, like when German friends visited us while we were staying with our Pakistani relatives in London. Out of the blue, one uncle started talking admiringly
about Hitler, his supposed military feats and how he led Germany out of economic misery. Our friends just sat there stony-faced and didn’t know what to say. Later on my parents apologized to them.

I don’t know where this fascination comes from, not just for the Nazis  but for all things German. Most people don’t realize that today’s Germany is very different from the Third Reich. It’s not surprising. Many have
never even been to the next big city in their own country, so how should they know what things are like in Germany these days?

“I Like Nazi”

As a result, many Pakistanis easily switch from Hitler to Mercedes (“Very excellent car, but a little too expensive”). A few days ago a white Mercedes built in the 1970s was driving ahead of me in the center of
Islamabad carrying a family of seven. On the back was a sticker bearing a black Swastika in a white circle. Underneath it read: “I like Nazi.”

It’s not just Muslims who maintain this Nazi cult. A few years ago, a Hindu businessman in India opened a restaurant called “Hitler’s Cross,” complete with a portrait of the Führer at the entrance.

LET THERE BE LIGHT — An Indian devotee shows her young daughter how to light a diya, a small clay lamp, during a Diwali festival, as they form the holy symbol of good fortune. Another Hindu sold bed linen emblazoned with Swastikas that had little to do with the Hindu Swastika symbol for good luck. The sheets, pillow cases and bed spreads were advertised as being part of “The Nazi Collection.”

English editions of Hitler’s Mein Kampf can be found in bookshops even in the most remote parts of India. And Indian schoolbooks have been known to celebrate Hitler as a great leader.

Once my wife and I visited the cafe in the beautiful Hotel Imperial in New Delhi. It has a garden lined with palms, excellent tea and friendly waiters in uniforms that recall the colonial era. A young man served us. The name tag on his uniform attracted my interest so I asked him why he had this rather unusual name for an Indian man. “Oh, my parents named me after a great historic person,” he explained.

The name, in black letters on a golden plate, read: Adolf.



[JdN: The below shows that Hitler’s greatest mistake was to try to subjugate and not work WITH the great Slavic nations of eastern Europe. The Slavs are eastern Aryans with great intelligence, technology and some of the most beautiful women in the world too.  Yes, many hava a little bit of Asian blood (and Russians admit this, laughing: “Scratch a Russian, find a Tatar”), but so do many Americans have non-white genes via the American Indian, or they have some far-distant Jewish, Arabic or even negro blood from way back there. Most of us western Aryans have descendants in the old Roman Empire, and unfortunately it was an economy based on SLAVERY and thus slaves from all over the Mediterranean came to be in all parts of white Europe because of the Romans. Later, the Arabs and Turks invaded Europe.

(Btw, if you have curly hair, even if it is as blond as a Swede’s, then you have negro blood, period. It’s a fact, Jack. The gene for curly hair is African.)

Had Hitler renounced his morally wrong and strategically disastrous dream of lebensraum for Germany in the East, which was enunciated clearly in Mein Kampf (1924-25) and also in the Second Book (1928), and instead gone in to LIBERATE the Russians and Ukrainians, he could have won the war in twelve weeks and created a German-Russian partnership that would have guaranteed with white future for millennia, and prevented the greatest danger of all, a JEWISH-CHINESE ALLIANCE.

Ironically, Colonel Otto Ernst Remer (later General Remer), whom I met in 1987, and who saved the Hitler government from a coup on July 20, 1944, became dedicated to Russo-German friendship (the opposite of Hitler’s aim) and wrote an excellent newsletter for years, Der Bismarck-Deutsche (“The Bismarck German’), inspired by the alliance that the great German chancellor Otto von Bismarck had created between Russia and Germany.

I salute Narodny Sobor and welcome all cooperation between the Aryans of West  and East. We must stand TOGETHER against the Chinese and the Jews or we will both go down separately to enslavement and destruction. The whole white race is less than 900 million people, and China alone, this ONE country, has 1.4 billion. And let us not forget also the power of brown-skinned India, at 1.1 billion.

White unity and Solutreanism will save us. The threat of the Jew and Chinaman is good in this one sense: an external threat can force a unity the white world lost thousands of years ago when the original Aryan tribes broke up.

(Probably fighting over a beautiful Russian woman!)


* * *

(I got this email yesterday from Narodny Sobor.)

“Narodny Sobor” for the death penalty introduction
The wide public campaign of the Moscow regional office of the Narodny Sobor movement for the abolition of the death penalty moratorium goes on. The purpose is to introduce the death penalty for the most dangerous criminals: terrorists, wholesale drug dealers, pedophiles (murderers) and serial killers.

“Народный Собор” за смертную казнь для нелюдей!
The Public Is Asking for the Death Penalty to Be Introduced After the Moscow Metro Bombings, but Will This Measure Be Effective in Preventing Terrorist Attacks?

Volunteer Military Training in commemoration of the First Kuban Campaign 1918
A military training in commemoration of the First Kuban Campaign 1918 of the Russian White Guard [anti-bolshevik] (February, 9th – April, 30th)

Save Russian Family
On March, 21st a mass rally “Save Russian Family!” was held at the Bolotnaya square in Moscow. It was directed against introduction of “juvenile system”, “sexual education” at schools and instruction of “tolerant” attitude to sexual perverts. More than 5 thousand natives took part in the rally. There were also supportive actions in sympathy with the Moscow rally and its’ demands in 16 Russian cities.

С уважением,
Межрегиональное Движение «Народный Собор»

With best regards,
The Narodny Sobor Movement



The Chinese are blissfully free of any “love thy enemy” Saulianity.

Here a Chinese-New Zealander scuba diver is filming underwater with his new $700 camera and an octopus snatches it!

Well, a white liberal would feel compassion and renounce the camera, sighing “I guess the octopus needed it more than I did.” 😉

But not this Chinaman! Enjoy the battle:





  1. I don’t think they are creating a Chinese-Jewish alliance as they are supporting Islamic terrorism in China in the Xinjing or what the US officially recognised as East Turkmenistan in a ceremony hosted by Abramowitz and Fuller as project Xinjing written for the RAND corporation outlining how to encircle China which includes support for the Tibetan Kleptocracy under the Dahlia Lama.

    “One of the main tools Washington is using in this affair in order to get Turkey involved in the Xinjiang affair is some Turkish Americans, primarily the Fetullah Gulen team who are prosecuted in absentia in Turkey for trying to found a theocratic State order in this country because he runs his activities from the United States, his protégé. Another Turk used in this affair is Enver Yusuf Turani, who is the self styled Foreign and Prime Minister of the East Turkistan Government in exile. He has been an American citizen since 1998. Enver Yusuf is in close cooperation with Fetullah Gulen… Their activities for the government in exile are based on a report entitled “the Xinjiang Project” drafted by Graham Fuller in 1998 for the Rand Corporation and revised in 2003 under the title “the Xinjiang Problem.” It emphasises the importance of the Xinjiang Autonomous region in encircling China and provides a strategy for it.”

    Russia and China are the only two main power blocks against the NWO.

    With the whole Chinese thing you are adding something that is not there, in China wanted to help the US develop high speed freight rail system.

    Hitler and the Nazis are also popular in Mongolia against the Chinese.


    ‘Mein Kampf’ a best seller in India


    • Thanks for your interesting comment. I do not see the juze as “friends” with anyone except themselves, and the Chinese know it. And as Charles de Gaulle once said, nations have interests, not friends. My concern is that the juze will seek to use the Chinese against the white race while trying to be the dominant partner in the relationship-alliance. That would mean both encircling and threatening China and offering it things, in a carrot-and-stick relationship.

      The great challenge for the juze would be to suppress their role via the Sassoons in the Opium Wars, which is the national humiliation the Chinese most resent in all their history, and rightfully so. The juish Sassoons truly raped the pride, the health and the economy of China.

  2. Hail comrade,
    We all good people in the world paid a tribute to the Führer in the day of his birthday.
    1-I should like to express these two remarks:
    The Führer did not live until the end of WW2, but he decided that come the definite blow by the Allies it was senseless to continue a lost war. He sacrificed himself to the German Volk as a way to stop the war in a dignified way with a still standing 3 million strong military: he could have escaped from the under-siege Berlin to continue a pointless war, but he did not for the sake of his people.

    2-In Dunkirk the number of escaped Allied soldiers was close to 300.000.

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