ENGLISH 1,400 white, native English children raped by Muslim immigrants in Rotherham, Yorkshire – police arrest frantic parents trying to rescue them

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With full knowledge of mega-evil city and police officials in Rotherham, Yorkshire (England), Muslims have raped 1,400 white English kids over a 15-year period; leftists and police commissioners want silence to avoid a rise in “white racism”; and cops arrest 1) white parents who try to storm bordellos and free their kids, and 2) arrest white child victims of muslim rape for disorderly conduct.

Is this Britain’s karma for having helped destroy Hitler and Germany? One British comrade wrote me: “The England of today may be the worst country on earth to live in.” *:( sadNo guns, no freedom of speech, no safety, weak economy, cops who are beyond evil, and no future for British children.


¦..Albion rewarded with every horror for crushing Germany and Hitler in 1945 for its Gentile-hating Jewish masters

This story really hurts. I am very proud of my British heritage. My mother was pure English, näe Constance Angell Colwell.

Constance Colwell


Her parents were pure English, and my grandfather, John Thomas Colwell, was even born and raised in Goole, Yorkshire, England. My grandmother was Elizabeth Angell.
John Thomas Colwell Elizabeth Angell Colwell


My father James Waddell Nugent (https://johndenugent.com/wn-biography-of-jdn/about-john/james-waddell-nugent-obituary) was of Norman-British, Scottish and English ancestry (plus 1/8th German). Here he is seen with President Ronald Reagan.


And I can say ” after 35 years of study ” that there was never in history a more pro-Englishäleader of Germany EVER than Adolf Hitler.

This essay of mine proves it.


It was not only Hitler’s desire for a strong, practical political and military alliance between Germany and the British Empire, but even a personal liking for all things English. Hitler the anglophile, for example, always and only drank tea all his life, unlike almost all other Germans (who were and are coffee-drinkers like Americans) ¦.


Hitler had a pet Yorkshire terrier in the trenches in WWI, who had lost his master on the British side and crossed over to the Germans. This little British dog was his solace in years of war and gore.

Yorkshire Terrier bitch Jessie, lying with head up

Hitler, seen here recovering from a thigh wound in a Berlin hospital in 1916, won two Iron Crosses for bravery as an infantry soldier and messenger who ran between positions with vital orders. (Artillery fire cut the telephone lines, necessitating human messengers. They often had to leave the trenches and run above-ground, through mud, gruesome body parts, and huge craters, especially when moving messages forward to the troops or to the rear to the commanders.)äadolf-hitler-berlin-october-1916-convalescence

Hitler was eternally grateful for his life being spared by a British soldier in 1918 in Marcoing, France. Private Henry Tandy, who went on that same day to win the highest British medal, the Victoria Cross. Please watch my 2011 video here from the beginning, 0:00, to 14:34.

Hitler (here with Eva Braun) habitually wore Edwardian (double-breasted) jackets like British gentlemen.

He alsoähabitually wore British trenchcoats, unlike other Germans. In this famous picture, Hitler, in a British-made trenchcoat, leaves a church after attending a Catholic Mass. (His mistress Evan Braun threatened to take and burn it, after it got old and tattered. ;-) )



In 1940, when Hitler had defeated 300,000 British troops (and it was England that had declared war on Germany in September 1939, supposedly over Poland, not vice versa) and the German Wehrmacht had pinned the BEF (British Expeditionary Force) down defenseless on the beaches of Dunkirk, Adolf Hitler let them all go home by boats back to England, in a famous peace gesture.


Hitler’s “reward” was the British holocaust of Dresden ¦.äThis beautiful Saxon city ¦.


¦was pounded for three days and nights by the RAF, and 600,000 innocent German civilians were burned to death.




The city was engulfed in flames and the British scheduled follow-up bombing raids for 20 minutes later to kill the firemen, and also dropped special bombs timed to go off after the fire trucks and ambulances had arrived to rescue burning and wounded people and save property.


Thousands of Saxons (Dresden is in Saxony) were cooked to death by Anglo-Saxons in their underground bomb shelters. Body fat melted off their skeletons and ran in streams and formed thick pools of congealed fat. (Photos below are from the aftermath of similar British bombing raids on Bremen and Hamburg.)

Bremen and Hamburg 1943 carbonized

For weeks, the German authorities had to burn corpses in huge piles to prevent an epidemic. But even three weeks later, the city of Dresden still stank of rotting flesh when the communist soldiers of Stalin (Britain’s ally) rolled in ” and began raping the female survivors.

Russians collected bodies 3 weeks after Dresden
Britain and the vile drunk Churchill caused the downfall of Germany and Hitler, and this is the result for Albion:

Britain is now a Jewish-Masonic-Muslim-pedophile HELL

It is all karma.


Thursday 28 August 2014

äRotherham sex abuse scandal: 1,400 children exploited by Asian gangs while authorities turned a blind eye

Damning report lays bare 16 years of child sexual exploitation in Rotherham and accuses council bosses and police chiefs of ˜blatant’ failings

ByäMartin Evans,äCrime Correspondent

More than 1,400 children were sexually abused over a 16 year period by gangs of paedophiles after police and council bosses turned a blind eye for fear of being labelled racist, a damning report has concluded.

All Saints Square in Rotherham


South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner Shaun Wright

Senior officials were responsible for äblatantä failures that saw victims, some as young as 11, being treated with contempt and categorised as being äout of controlä or simply ignored when they asked for help.

In some cases, parents who tried to rescue their children from abusers were themselves arrested. Police officers even dismissed the rape of children by saying that sex had been consensual.

Downing Street on Tuesday night described the failure to halt the abuse in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, as äappallingä.

Following the publication of the report, the leader of Rotherham council, Roger Stone, resigned, but no other council employees will face disciplinary proceedings after it was claimed that there was not enough evidence to take action.

There were calls for Shaun Wright, the Police and Crime Commissioner for South Yorkshire (pictured above, left), to step down after it emerged that he was the councillor with responsibility for childrenäs services in Rotherham for part of the period covered by the report.

Details of the appalling depravity in the town and the systemic failures that allowed it to continue were laid out in a report published by Professor Alexis Jay, the former chief inspector of social work in Scotland. Victims were gang raped, while others were groomed and trafficked across northern England by groups of mainly Asian men.

When children attempted to expose the abuse, they were threatened with guns, warned that their loved ones would be raped and, in one case, doused in petrol and told they would be burnt alive.

Prof Jay wrote: äNo one knows the true scale of child sexual exploitation in Rotherham over the years. Our conservative estimate is that approximately 1,400 children were sexually exploited over the full inquiry period, from 1997 to 2013.

äIt is hard to describe the appalling nature of the abuse that child victims suffered. They were raped by multiple perpetrators, trafficked to other towns and cities in the north of England, abducted, beaten, and intimidated.ä

She added:

äThere were examples of children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone.ä

The report pinned the blame squarely on failings within the leadership of South Yorkshire Police and Rotherham council.

Professor Alexis Jayä


Prof Jay said: äWithin social care, the scale and seriousness of the problem was underplayed by senior managers. At an operational level, the police gave no priority to child sex exploitation, regarding many child victims with contempt and failing to act on their abuse as a crime.ä

It emerged that there had been three previous reports into the problem which had been suppressed or ignored by officials, either because they did not like or did not believe the findings.

Tuesdayäs report concluded that by far the majority of perpetrators were Asian men, and said council officials had been unwilling to address the issue for fear of being labelled racist.

The report stated: äSome councillors seemed to think it was a one-off problem, which they hoped would go away. Several staff described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought racist; others remembered clear direction from their managers not to do so.ä

For years, the police failed to get a grip of the problem, dismissing many of the victims as äout of controlä or as äundesirablesä who were not worthy of police protection.

The report was commissioned by Rotherham council following the conviction in 2010 of five men who were given lengthy jail terms after being found guilty of grooming teenage girls for sex.

Police said they are currently dealing with 32 live investigations into child sexual exploitation in Rotherham and in the past 12 months 15 people have been prosecuted or charged.

Rotherham in South Yorkshireä


Other similar high-profile cases followed in towns and cities including Rochdale, Derby and Oxford.

A No?10 spokesman said: äThe failings of local agencies exposed by this inquiry are appalling.

äWe are determined that the lessons of past failures must be learned and that those who have exploited these children are brought to justice.ä



John Cameron, of the NSPCC, said: äThis report is truly damning and highlights consistent failures to protect children from sexual abuse at the hands of predatory groups of men.

äIt appears there was at a senior level a collective blindness over many years to the suffering of children who endured almost incomprehensible levels of violence and intimidation. Many of these children were already extremely vulnerable and the manner in which they were let down by agencies entrusted to protect them is appalling. It is quite astonishing that even when front-line staff raised concerns these were not acted upon so allowing devastating child sexual exploitation to go unchallenged.ä

Responding to the criticism levelled at the police, Chief Superintendent Jason Harwin, the district commander for Rotherham, issued an unreserved apology to all the victims of child sexual exploitation (CSE).

äWe have completely overhauled the way in which we deal with child sexual exploitation and thatäs been recognised in the report and by Her Majestyäs Inspectorate of Constabulary earlier this year,ä he said.

He added: äI accept that our recent successes in tackling CSE will not heal the pain of those victims who have been let down but we continue to deal with historic investigations with great success and will continue to thoroughly investigate any new evidence available to us.

äOur staff will relentlessly go wherever the evidence takes them and do everything they can with partners to identify offenders and bring them to justice.ä



Rotherham: the council leaders who presided over child abuse scandal

The author of the Rotherham child abuse report said that by 2005 ˜nobody could say “I didn’t know” ˜ about child sexual exploitation in the town. But who was in charge?


Joyce ThackeräPhoto: BBC
Picture 3.jpg  Joyce Thacker , the strategic director of Children and Young People's Services

Although she is not named as being culpable for the failure to protect 1,400 abused children in the report, as the head of childrenäs services since 2008 Mrs Thacker is among those whose positions now appear to be under threat.

The report by Professor Alexis Jay said child sexual exploitation had carried on largely unchecked between 1997 and 2013, the period she was asked to examine, but äcontinues to this dayä.

Nick Gibb, the Education Minister, said on Wednesday that those who made policy decisions that contributed to the scandal äshould be held to accountä.

[JdN: “held to account“????? Why not tried and executed by hanging?!?!?!]

Mrs Thacker, who joined the Council as deputy head of childrenäs services in 2006, is already a controversial figure following her decision two years ago toäremove three ethnic minority children from their foster parents because of their affiliation to UKIP.

After The Telegraph drew attention to the foster parentsä plight, Mrs Thacker refused to back down, saying the childrenäs äcultural and ethnic needsä did not fit in with the parentsä ästrong viewsä. She said their support for Ukip meant they opposed ämulticulturalismä.

Rotherham sex abuse report

Last year, during an appearance before Parliamentäs Home Affairs Select Committee to give evidence on child grooming [Muslims abducting white girls and boys and forcing them into prostitution] in Rotherham she told MPs: äI do not think I would fully accept that we have failed dismally to deal with the issue.ä

When asked why there had been so few people brought to justice for child sexual exploitation in Rotherham, she replied: äProsecution is the icing on the cake.ä

Mrs Thacker lives with her husband in a four-bedroomed house in Shipley, West Yorkshire. Among the others who played key roles during the time the child sexual exploitation was going on were:

Dr Sonia Sharp,äJoyce Thackeräs immediate predecessor as strategic director of children’s services, serving between 2005 and 2008.



Professor Jay said yesterday that by 2005 änobody could say äI didnät knowää about child sexual exploitation because of a wealth of information available to council managers, including two previous reports which had identified the problem by then.

Yet during Dr Sharpäs leadership scores and perhaps hundreds of children were being abused in Rotherham.

Dr Sharp has since emigrated to Australia and now holds a senior post at the Victoria Department of Education in Melbourne.

She was hired as a department deputy secretary in March 2012 to head its Early Childhood and School Education Group. When the media in Australia became aware of her background, she said: äAddressing sexual abuse was taken extremely seriously by all concerned and we were committed to taking action to prevent this awful and damaging blight on childrenäs lives.ä

A spokesman for the stateäs education department said at the time: äSince arriving in Australia, Dr Sharp continues to be a highly regarded and respected leader in education and early childhood development.ä

Diane Billups



As executive director of education from 2001 to 2005, Mrs Billups, 67, spent the last 15 months of her career setting up a children and young peopleäs service to bring together education, social care and health for the first time.

When she retired in 2005, she said: äNothing is more important than the well-being of every individual child, particularly the most vulnerable.”

After a 36-year career in which she was awarded an MBE [Member of the Order of the British Empire]


for her services to education, Mrs Billups was praised by Roger Stone, the council leader who resigned on Tuesday over the child abuse scandal, and Georgina Boyes, the cabinet member for education.

Councillor Boyes said at the time: äDi Billups has done a tremendous job for both the council and, more importantly, for the children and young people of Rotherham.ä

A man who answered the door at her home near Scunthorpe last night said she was unavailable for comment.

Paul Lakin



The current cabinet member for children has been on the council since 1999, but claims he did not know the full extent of the scandal before the report came out. He also denied constituents or victims had raised it with him.

The Labour councillor, who worked as a manager in the steel industry until he retired in 2009, told BBC Radio 4äs Today programme: äI am one of the councillors who has seen this through. It is about what councillors might have known. If people do not know, then they are not really in a position to do anything about it.

“I can categorically say that until I came into children’s services in 2010 I was not aware of the depth and breadth of child exploitation in Rotherham.”

Asked why no constituents or victims had ever raised the issue with him, Mr Lakin, 45, said: “I don’t know ¦ there are clearly some issues.ä

Clair Pyper



The interim director of safeguarding children and families from 2012-2014, Mrs Pyper landed the job after taking voluntary redundancy from Slough Borough Council where she got a ä239,000 payoff. [239 thousand British pounds sterling equal US$396,000.]

During her time at Slough, where she was director of education and childrenäs services, an Ofsted report found inadequate risk assessment and a failure by managers to instigate proper contingency planning for children subject to child protection plans.

Mrs Pyper, 60, now works as a consultant after setting up her own company in Ipswich two years ago.

Jahangir Akhtar



The former deputy leader of Rotherham Council resigned in August last year following a report in theä[London] Times newspaper that said he knew about a relationship between a 14-year-old girl and one of his relatives.

He later resumed his post after being cleared by the police of any blame, but lost his seat in the May elections to Ukip.

A former taxi driver, during his trial the 53-year-old was given a glowing reference from a former Rotherham police commander.


This log at https://johndenugent.com/donations-log is to confirm to those who send me useful items “cash, valuable coins, checks, money orders, books or other gifts ” that I did receive them. If you sent it and I did not get it, please let me know at the email address john_denugent@yahoo.com or by calling me at (724) 596-4268!

Donations to

James A. Rawls, Treasurer

321 S. 3rd St.

Apollo PA 15613

“checks to “John de Nugent”

“cash in a greeting card (or aluminum foil)

“PayPal to jimrawls@outlook.com



(2) sending valuable jewelry or gold coins

. (3) cash in an envelope, even with a fake return address (no risk there!)

. IF YOU SEND CASH OR COINS, WRAP THEM IN ALUMINUM FOIL! aluminum-foil us-20-dollars-aluminum-envelope-2






“Greendot Moneypak (reload card, NOT the debit card; I already have the account) in the US (pls send an email with the number off the back of the reload card, which is like a lottery scratch ticket, and available at any dollar store, Seven-Eleven, Rite Aid or CVS pharmacy.)




One discreet way is to go toäany storeäin the US and buy a Greendot Moneypak (not the plastic card itself), put cash money on it at the checkout counter, then send me an email or call me with 1) the amount you donated and 2) the PIN number. (Scratch it off like a lottery ticket on the back.) Then I can load the donation onto my own Greendot card.

I urgently request that the funds be transferred to me if in the USA (only) byäGreenDot MoneyPak.
(Every Mexican in America and every poor White person with no bank account knows how this works.)
Greendotäis found in every RiteAid, CVS, dollar store, Kmart, Walmart, 7-Eleven,äWalgreens, and Radioshack in America ä 60,000 locations across the USA since the year 2000..
It is a green laminated paper card ä like a lottery scratch ticket. (The Greendot debit card is different ä THAT is a plastic debit card. Just ignore it. This Money Pak is a PAPER thing, a äMONEY PAKä.)
You just buy one for $4.95 and take it to the cashier with the cash you wish to PUT on that card. (The maximum is $500 per card.)
The cashier takes the cash, puts it electronically on the card (like a temporary debit card) and hands it back to you.
You then turn it over to the back, and scratch off the silver coating that covers over the PIN number, just like a lottery scratch ticket ä and then simply call me with the number at (724) 596-4284. YOUR WORK IS DONE!
I then go online and add the PIN number and the amount to my debit card online ä AND THEN I GET THE MONEY INSTANTLY on my GreenDotäDebit Card!äHere is the back of a MoneyPakä.. Just scratch off the silver coating like a lottery ticket to reveal the number to send me.

Again, just buy the Moneypak and and put money on it, then send me the amount you put on and the PIN taken off the back. Thanks! Start a Hushmail account (takes 30 seconds!) and then write me at john_denugent@yahoo.comäwith the secret name of your Hushmail account. I will the contact you at your Hushmail account. ä:-)(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hushmail)

I need your financial help to WRITE MY SACRED ARYAN SCRIPTURE FOR US AND OUR TIMES. Others have been making big sacrifices. How about you?



“Moneygram or Western Union outside the US (also pls send an email with the number and AMOUNT)



http://www.johndenugent.net is JOHN DE NUGENT FOR MAYOR





John de Nugent
321 S. 3rd Street
Apollo PA 15613

(724) 596-4268

Facebook John D. Nugent

Skype John de Nugent (Pittsburgh)






Apollo, Pennsylvania


Cheerleaders at Apollo-Ridge High School




“August 26, 2014 $1,000 via Western Union from L. in Germany

“August 20, 2014 $600 via Western Union from M. in Germany

“August 18, 2014 $60 via Paypal toäjimrawls@outlook.comäfrom H. in Florida

“August 16, 2014 $75 via Western Union from V. in Massachusetts

“August 14, 2014 $35 via PayPal from B. in Florida

“August 14, 2014 $50 via PayPal from Ian in Britain

“August 14, 2014 $500 via PayPal from R. in USA

“August 9, 2014 $25 via PayPal äto jimrawls@outlook.comäfrom H. in Australia

“August 8, 2014 $100 via Greendot MoneyPak from T.ä in cyberland ;-)

“August 4, 2014 30 Euros in cash from H. in Germany

“August 1, 2014 $40 via Greendot MoneyPak from F. in South Carolina

“July 31, 2014 $600 donation via Western Union from M. in Germany

“July 30, 2014ä $20 Bank of Montreal US-dollar money order from D. in Canada

“July 30, 2014 $25 via PayPal from M. in Pennsylvania

“July 29, 2014 20 Euros from K. Austria

“July 23, 2014 $20 via Paypal from C. in Florida

“July 22, 2014 $55 via Paypal from M. in Pennsylvania

“July 22, 2014 $50 via Paypal from A. in Colorado

“July 19, 2014 $25 in cash from C. in Pennsylvania

“July 18, 2014 $25 via PayPal from Bob in Washington DC

“July 14, 2014 $40 via Greendot MoneyPak from P. in Florida

“July 11, $80 via Greendot MoneyPak from V. in Massachusetts

“July 6, 2014 $133 via Western Union from M. in Germany

äJuly 5, 2014 $350 via Western Union from L., France


äJuly 5, 2014 30 euros from Holland


“July 3, 2014 $20 from K. in Massachusetts via Western Union

“July 3, 2014 $10 cash from Richard, a truck driver in Minnesota

“June 26, 2014 DVD sent by G.I. in Australia “The Murder of Mary Phagan”


“June 24, 2014 $125 cash sent by KPL in Massachusetts STOLEN BY FEDERAL AUTHORITIES


“June 22, 2014 $50 from D. in Phoenix, Arizona via Greendot MoneyPak

“June 7, 2014 $50 via Greendot MoneyPak from V. in Massachusetts

“June 5, 2014 $157.23 via Western Union from J. on the Isle of Wight, England

“June 3, 2014 $91.55 from F. in Germany via Western Union

“May 31, 2014 $200 from W. in Germany via Western Union

“May 28, 2014 $300 in cash from M. in Oregon and $30 per USPS money order from V. in Massachusetts

“May 22, $6 in cash from Richard, USA

“May 16, 2016 $150 via Greendot MoneyPak from Mike in Arkansas



“May 15, 2014 50 Euros from Michael in Germany


“May 11, 2014 $45 via MoneyPak from P. in Florida, $20 from R.L. in Texas via PayPal, and $25 also via PP from D.Q. in Brooklyn, NY

“May 1, 2014 $107.82 via Western Union from D. in Australia

“April 22, 2014 $50 by check from Stephen in Alabama ” thank you!

“April 21, 2014 Set of books by the German writer Goethe, the German Shakespeare, donated by an Australian named Glen.


“April 3, 2014 $100 by check from William, Tennessee


“March 24, 2014: 100 Swiss francs from Helmut Schmidt (retired chancellor of Germany ?ä ;-) )



“March 24, 2014: $50 in cash from “Mike,” USA


“March 23, 2014 $40 by Greendot MoneyPak from B.H., USA

A comrade wrote me:

“John, here is the Greendot MoneyPak I promised.ä Sorry it took so long. I was worried supporting you may put me on the radar of whoever the heck is monitoring FB. But then I decided I was just being paranoid. Anyway, the number is [ ¦]. It’s just 40 bucks but I hope it helps.”

I replied:

Dear Brad, thank you very much!
” Thank you for using Green Dot. Your request has been processed successfully. Date: 03/23/2014 Reload Number: 19660674839201 Amount: $40.00 Account Number Ending: [ ¦] “
Well, you just took a risk to help a man who risks everything every single day of his life. ;-)
We win as individual souls through courage and generosity, and we will win as a race when I start a mass movement!”

“March 21, 2014 $100 by check from K. in Pennsylvania

“March 17, 2014 50 Euros from A. in Germany


“March 13, 2014 $20 in cash from “Richard,” and an excellent little booklet from our British brothers on the Fourteen Words.

To thank Richard, I will run this photo again of a brave Afrikaaner girl:


“March 13, 2014 two books in French by Vincent Reynouard and G.-A. Amaudruz on the farcical Nuremberg “War Crimes Trial”

“March 10, 2014 $20 by check from L. P., Michigan

“March 7, 2014 $1,250 loan from W., Washington DC

“March 1, 2014 via Amazon: DVD “Chariot of the Gods” (von Däniken) and Joseph Farrell book, The Cosmic War from G., Australia



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University of Adelaide
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UFO sighting in a lake near Vegas
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Imbrie Farm’s farmhouse ä
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8/27 @ 11:58 : Pirmasens, DE[UTSCHLAND = GERMANY]
High-school honors graduates in Pirmasens
8/27 @ 11:56 : Barsbättel, DE
8/27 @ 11:56 : Switzerland, CH
8/27 @ 11:54 : Minden, Louisiana, US
8/27 @ 11:54 : Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, USä ähttp://www.holloman.af.mil/
Long-nosed (vaguely semitic-looking) Grays

Navy intelligence officer William Cooper, who briefed the Pacific Fleet commander as part of his duties, stated that while in the Navy he saw classified papers saying that in 1954 a taller version of the Gray aliens had landed at Holloman Air Force Base to initiate talks with the US military “presumably Air Force generals.22äThe US Air Force appears to have been the easiest route of approach for the aliens. In part due to Du Pont and Rockefeller family ownership of key aviation interests, an Air Force faction prioritized profit and technology over national security. DuPonts owned much of Boeing, Rockwell-North American, and through GM later gained control of Hughes Aerospace; a Rockefeller invested early in Lockheed.23äThe Navy and the Army appear to have been more cautious, at that time.


Some months later, President Eisenhower reportedly pretended to visit a dentist but went to Edwards Air Force base near Palm Springs, CA. William Cooper alleged that Eisenhower met there with aliens of the Gray alignment.24äCSETI Disclosure Project witness Don Phillips, a former Air Force and Skunkworks employee, also read documents about the 1954 meeting.25äA tentative agreement was reportedly signed that allowed the aliens to continue abducting and implanting humansäas long as they told the US military which humans were targeted (and the targets would have no memory of the events). Alleged high-level whistleblower Michael Wolf also mentioned the agreement. Cooper suggested that under duress, Eisenhower permitted two bases to be built for the aliens, one onäNevadaäsäNellisäAiräForceäRange, the other in New Mexico.26äEisenhower may have been told that if bases werenät granted, the aliens might work with the Soviets, instead. However, unless he was pressured and deceived by men like Rockefeller, itäs hard to imagine a man like Eisenhower conceding bases to an alien occupier.

8/27 @ 11:53 : Murrieta, California, US
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Salzkammergut- Austria
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Arnstadt Castle
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Streaker arrested by bobbies
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MERIAN Paris September
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Buffalo Bayou with Downtown Houston Skyline
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Chateau Vaudreuil
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{ 1 comment ¦ read it below or add one }

John de Nugent August 30, 2014 at 2:16 pm [edit]

A comrade wrote:

I just read the article on the 1,400 children who were sexually abused in England. It is extraordinary that several of the leaders were trying to deny that the problem was so bad. Ms. Thacker is apparently fervently in favor of multiculturalism. Someone should forcefully confront her and show her that multiculturalism (and fear of being called a racist) caused people to turn a blind eye to these things and that the Asian culture is what did these things. I have the sense that she and the others just don’t fathom the harm here. It sounds like Ms. Thacker and some of the others are in denial. I hope they are being prosecuted and receive long prison sentences.

I replied:

As for Joyce Thacker, no, I see pure psychopathy in her eyes. It is that soul deadness that is typical, a hallmark, of the psychopaths. I believe she is evil incarnate and knew exactly what she was doing.

Furthermore, child protective services worldwide are infamous for molesting kids, and she was the head of CPS in Rotherham. Jim and I did a radio show on this recently, the psychopathy of CPS and their sending of kids deliberately into the clutches of known pedophiles.

Joyce Thacker , the strategic director of Children and Young People’s Services: https://johndenugent.com/images/joyce-thacker-head-childrens-services-rotherham-england.jpg

People like me and you cannot fathom the depths of depravity of the truly wicked.

Except I can ” when I think to my own childhood and the searing betrayals I have recently undergone.



PS a Mason (and Britain is full of Masons!) on Lucifer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCy6PhErJ8I


1 Comment

  1. A comrade wrote:

    I just read the article on the 1,400 children who were sexually abused in England. It is extraordinary that several of the leaders were trying to deny that the problem was so bad. Ms. Thacker is apparently fervently in favor of multiculturalism. Someone should forcefully confront her and show her that multiculturalism (and fear of being called a racist) caused people to turn a blind eye to these things and that the Asian culture is what did these things. I have the sense that she and the others just don’t fathom the harm here. It sounds like Ms. Thacker and some of the others are in denial. I hope they are being prosecuted and receive long prison sentences.

    I replied:

    As for Joyce Thacker, no, I see pure psychopathy in her eyes. It is that soul deadness that is typical, a hallmark, of the psychopaths. I believe she is evil incarnate and knew exactly what she was doing.

    Furthermore, child protective services worldwide are infamous for molesting kids, and she was the head of CPS in Rotherham. Jim and I did a radio show on this recently, the psychopathy of CPS and their sending of kids deliberately into the clutches of known pedophiles.

    Joyce Thacker , the strategic director of Children and Young People’s Services: http://johndenugent.us/images/joyce-thacker-head-childrens-services-rotherham-england.jpg

    People like me and you cannot fathom the depths of depravity of the truly wicked.

    Except I can — when I think to my own childhood and the searing betrayals I have recently undergone.



    PS a Mason (and Britain is full of Masons!) on Lucifer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCy6PhErJ8I

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