ENGLISH A jewspaper reporter is put on notice

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(an email to a reporter for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)

Dear Mr. Frank Reeves:

I read both the Trib [Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, the neo-con paper] and the Post-Gazette daily, and enjoyed the article by you on the great American cartoonist Thomas Nast, the man who invented the modern image of Santa Claus (an image of a jolly. overweight master elf that was finalized, which your article did not state, by a series of Coca Cola ads [sic] showing him in a red suit, with a black belt and full beard, in American magazines in the 1920s).

Your article: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/11360/1199378-506-0.stm

This illustration by Thomas Nast was published on the cover of Harper’s Weekly’s holiday issue on Jan. 3, 1863. It is believed to be the first illustration of Santa Claus.
But your otherwise meritorious article contained a bigoted, deliberate, glaring and blatant act of omission, namely the subject’s German birth and his early upbringing in the German, not American culture.

Thomas Nast (September 27, 1840 – December 7, 1902) was a German-born American caricaturist and editorial cartoonist who is considered to be the “Father of the American Cartoon”.[1] He was the scourge of Boss Tweed and the Tammany Hall machine. Among his notable works were the creation of the modern version of Santa Claus, and Uncle Sam (the male personification of the American people), as well as the political symbols of both major United States political parties: the Republican elephant and the Democratic donkey.

Again, from Wiki:

Youth and education

He was born in the barracks of Landau, Germany (now in Rhine Palatinate), the son of a trombonist in the 9th regiment Bavarian band and had a half sister named Andie.

The elder Nast’s [JdN: his father’s] socialist political convictions put him at odds with the Bavarian government, and in 1846 he left Landau, enlisting first on a French man-of-war and subsequently on an American ship.[2] He sent his wife and children to New York City, and at the end of his enlistment in 1849 he joined them there.

Thomas Nast’s passion for drawing was apparent from an early age, and he was enrolled for about a year of study with Alfred Fredericks and Theodore Kaufmann and at the school of the National Academy of Design. Nast attended school in New York City from the age of six to fifteen, when he was forced to drop out due to financial problems. Thomas had problems adjusting to life in America and never took well to school.

He spent his entire school career on the verge of flunking out and consequently was not an especially good speller. After school he started working in 1855 as a draftsman for Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper; three years afterward, for Harper’s Weekly.

Yes, the man who gave us Santa Claus, Uncle Sam, the Republican symbol of the elephant and the Democratic of the donkey (that is, he made the Democratic donkey symbol well-known) was born in (to your horror, no doubt ;-.) ) “the Fatherland.”

How nast-y! 😉 …..that the ultimate American cartooonist was a German! (….that is, before Charles Schultz of “Peanuts” 😉 )

Had Nast been an African-American, would you not have found some way to bring that up? Damn straight, my brothah.

Had he been Irish, would you not have stated in your article, which consisted of many detailed paragraphs, that he was born in County Kerry or Dublin, and was a devotee of Guiness all his born days?

Had his name been Nastoletti, would you not have brought up with one single mention his birthplace in Calabria?

Were he a Jew, would we not have read “a son of Jewish immigrants from Lublin, Poland”?

But Germans can do no right.

And yet, there would simply be no United States, as an economic, military and technological superpower, without contributions by Germans.

US Census 2000 map of German concentrations.

It was Baron von Steuben who showed up in the winter of 1777-78, at Valley Forge, to help our troops at the nadir of their prospects, and taught military discipline, bayonet use, field hygiene and combat tactics.

And our Pennsylvania would be a radically different state were it all Scotch-Irish and Slavs. Yes, we would have had many more Whiskey Rebellions and Mike Ditkas….

Do you think, though, that my Pittsburgh (I say “my” because my Marine father was born in “the Burgh” and raised in nearby Greensburg) would have rebounded so well from the holocaust of our steel, glass and other industries in the 1980s….. (a destruction of American factories and good wages that was caused by the one-way free trade policies of the federal regime under the “super-patriot” Reagan…) without that bedrock of our part-German genes and values here?

Look at Cleveland, Detroit and other de-industrialized cities that lack the massive German element. All down for the count!

Michigan Central Station, Detroit, under black rule

The Lee Plaza Hotel under bankrupt black rule in “Motown”

The William Livingstone House, Detroit, now run by the brothers….

Even Hamtramck, an enclave and white hold-out inside the borders of Afro-Detroit, in devastated Michigan, a city where, once upon a time, hard-working Polish-Americans built Cadillacs, is now 90% black…..

I had an epiphany when an Italian-American policewoman from Columbus, Ohio exclaimed to me.

“John, my name may be Italian, but I am half-German through my mom, and everyone in the Midwest and Pennsylvania is part-German. That is what makes us who we are!”

The powers-that-be conspire to make Americans into the most ignorant major country on earth, and you do your part, Mr. Reeves.

Every measure shows it, and a poll not long ago had US high school seniors claiming Abraham Lincoln was the president in WWII…and 80% of Americans could not find Iraq on a world map in 2003, before we invaded that sovereign nation and began destroying it, while wasting two trillion dollars (figures from Nobel laureate and economist Joseph Stiglitz, which I heard on NPR. I listen to liberal sources daily, because I myself am both conservative and also liberal.)

And you have actually added, Mr. Reeves, to that abysmal ignorance — in an otherwise excellent and accurate article — to that dumbing-down of America, so shameful in a supposed SUPERPOWER seeking to maintain (here comes the euphemism) “global leadership.” You are suppressing the facts. And the fact is that Thomas Nast, an inventive, creative, gifted, diligent man, came from an entire nation of inventive, creative, gifted, diligent people. The name of that country, Mr. Reeves, is GERMANY.

The inventor of the Volkswagen, the People’s Car (OMG; OMG! 😉, is seen standing right of center….hands clasped in front of his belt……

But the owners of your paper being Jewish, the Blocks, you did the right thing to safeguard your job. But this — your sin as a reporter of omission — is why every poll shows reporters rank in public esteem down there with used-car salesmen, politicians and (sorry) prostitutes.

The public knows that reporters, at the behest of their editors, at the behest in turn of their publisher-owners, constantly lie, distort, twist, rip things out of context, and consign vital facts to silence.

Why are newspaper sales slumping? Because the Internet is now a mass medium that is communicating to the masses what you fear to say.

Everyone now KNOWS, that the federal government’s own rogue elements carried out the mass murder of 9/11 — to lure the US into a war on Islam to benefit Wall Street profits and Israeli dominance of the Mideast.


Everyone KNOWS, again not because of you but despite you, and because of the Internet, that Barack Obama is not only not a US citizen at all, but in fact a blatant illegal alien with multiple fake Social Security numbers.

Ask especially the ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos, a former White House official, who attended Columbia University when Barack Obama was supposedly studying there — and yet never saw him one single time, nor did he once hear his name one single time, though black men were quite rare and stood out starkly back then at Columbia.

Worst of all, Obama has been a CIA asset for decades, groomed to be “the nation’s first black president.”

Every poll shows the public no longer believes its jewspapers; it believes far more what it finds on the Internet.

Returning to the anti-German bias of your paper, while you promote “diversity,” dare you state that Germans gave us 80% of the discoveries that led to the automobile (Daimler and Benz), the jet (Messerschmidt),

…the missile, the superhighway, the air brake that Westinghaus invented (later, Westing-“house”), which allows trains to brake effectively after hurtling at high speeds down the track, the computer (Hollerith), television, social security, unemployment and disability insurance, etc,. (Bismarck) and even such mundane all-American things as cole slaw — and hot dogs and beer?

Dare you say that our Heinz [ketchup], Westinghouse [electric and now nuclear] and Hershey [chocolate] were all of German heritage? (Not to mention Kraft foods, Redenbacher popcorn, Merck chemicals, Chrysler, Anheuser-Busch beers, Bayer — the inventor of aspirin, etc. etc. etc.)

Ever heard of those companies, Mr. Reeves? if not, I can explain their existence to you… but I do think you know they were German, but you prefer to pass over that in silence so as to curry favor with your owners, the owners of your SOUL…..

“For fear of the Jews”…… a phrase Christians used over a dozen times in the New Testament…..

I will now shortly be starting my movement for the shocking 😉 cause of civil rights for white Americans, now literally a minority today in their own country……

…. and because we have the Internet, you press-titutes can lie, distort and omit all you want, because the truth will get out.

And the day will come when no Israeli owns any more Pennsylvania newspaper.

Why do I say “Israeli” and not “Jew”? Because the most sacred prayer in Hebrew is “Hear, o Israel, the Lord thy god is one god.” All Jews are Israelis, the Jewish nation in both the Diaspora and the Palestine-occupying country, is called “Israel,” and hence the country in the Near East is merely “the State of” Israel.

For all Jews are Israel.

And while Jew media barons (such as Sy Newhouse, and what a looker he is ;-)) preach liberalism and interracial mixing here to the guilt-tripped white Americans…..

…, they support the most racist, militaristic, imperialistic, supremacist, torture-advocating, arch-capitalist, and fanatically religious country on earth — because it is blood, blood kinship, race, tribalism and genes that unite the Jews.

Go ahead and deny, Mr. Reeve, that any form of intermarriage between Gentile and Jew is illegal in the State of Israel.

Yet your paper pushes intermarriage and multiculty on us. What the Jews deny us, they practice in full measure for themselves: TRIBAL SURVIVAL.

Everyone knows who Goldman Sachs is, and who Ben Shalom Bernanke is. We get it, whether Occupy people, Tea Party adherents, Ron Paul type or the silently, seething white majority.

We know that Gaza is the worlds largest concentration camp and that Israhell rains down the atrocious weapons of whtie phosphorous, PROUDLY MADE IN USA, on the Gazans, trapped like rats in this death camp.



The use of white phosphorus as a weapon – as opposed to its use as an obscurant and infrared blocking smoke screen – is banned by the United Nation’s third convention on conventional weapons…

Israhell’s WP burns right through skin to the very bone, causing horrific pain and mutilation.

We see those sinister chemtrails over the sky…. full of arsenic, barium and aluminum….(a photo taken by a FORMER skeptic here in Natrona Heights, Pa. on Freeport Road)

Gun sales set a new national record on Black Friday, 2011, 32% higher than any previous date in US history. (https://johndenugent.com/english/english-gun-sales-jump-32-to-historic-high) Was it to plink at squirrels, Mr. Reeves?

Oh, and by the way, the Germans and German-Americans from Pennsylvania invented the modern, accurate rifle in the 1700s.

Wiki (rifle):

The (muzzle-loaded) rifle was originally a sharpshooter’s weapon used for targets of opportunity and deliberately aimed fire, first gaining notoriety in warfare during the Seven Years War [French and Indian War in the USA] and the American War for Independence through their use by American frontiersmen.

The musket was smooth-bore, but Pennsylvania Germans began the perfection of the key innovation of the rifling spiral inside the barrel that makes a bullet, like a spiraling football thrown by Steelers quarterback Ben Röthlisberger (original spelling of this German-Swiss name, but you would never mention his German heritage, would you?), this rifling causes the bullet to spin wickedly, and thus fly straighter, faster and truer.

Rifling….a spiral that makes bullets spin…..

The Pennsylvania long rifle that won the Revolution…

The Pennsylvania long rifle (misnamed the Kentucky long rifle) was feared by British troops during our bloody and successful Revolution, because it could kill at 300 yards.

Happy New Year!

…and here are some snippets from my final videos…

Part one — explaining the “coming attractions” in the God video


Part two — escaping a life of “quiet despair” for one of meaning


Part three intro and one out-of-sequence interview…
