David told me recently that it takes up to four hundred steps to make a professional video like this. This is superb craftsmanship, and excellent delivery and content…..
Hi John,
I spent a few hours reading your fabulous blog this afternoon []. Every single emotion was awakened.
ICY IKE SMILE…how many Americans really know the truth about “IKE'”s POW starving camp??? And this TOM HANKS THE JEW playing the Hollywood-heroic soldier. I’d like to send him to a couple of bloody battles with no food, no ammunition and have him sleep on the frozen floor!
And TESLA was indeed the GENIUS of the 20TH CENTURY. Juze hate seeing a non-ju take all the fame and glory. They want it ALL for themselves. WE SHOULD HONOR AND SALUTE THIS REMARKABLE HUMAN BEING WHO HAS DONE SUPERLATIVE THINGS FOR THE HUMAN RACE. Instead, we are supposed to celebrate the birthday of a negro like MLK — a Marxist/Communist hooligan!
[JdN: Yes, indeed, the more we learn about this astounding Slavic-American, the more we see his genius — and the wicked psychopathy of those who misrule our country and deny him his due. The juze hate all Slavs and I recently posted a ju’s comment to my blog about Russia being a “Slavic s—hole“!
……The truth about King indeed goes far beyond the normal peccadilloes of a normal sinner’s life. He was a total fraud — who plagiarized his way through Boston University, submitting student theses containing page after page of overtly stolen material. A homosexual communist ju named Stanley Levison wrote his speeches, including the famous “I have a dream” speech at the Lincoln Memorial in 1963. And while King was both a married man and a minister, supposedly, of the Christian Gospel, this “Reverend” (with the communist friends) spent every night of every road trip on his “civil rights” tours with multiple prostitutes, whom he often beat as well for kicks –satanic!
The true black hero was Marcus Garvey! [See my webpage:] But the ADL juze railroaded him into prison and then expelled him from the United States! He wanted blacks to have their own country and/or go back to Africa, not inflict the insult of “integration” on either race. All true white nationists, and especially Solutreans, are eager to help blacks set up a well-run, orderly black-ruled society and offer white managerial, technical, political and financial skills and aid to do so. Peaceful, respectful separation and good will among races is the Solutrean principle. The only exception is the apiru, who for three thousand years have been, not any kind of normal people, but a large crime family masquerading as a “people” and a “religion” — to get their neighbors to lower their guard:]
I’m delighted, John, that you posted the picture of the young, beautiful Aryan girl. Europeans never had/have a problem with nudity.
Stay safe, and cheers!
Here we can see politicians saying things on TV that are still shocking to Americans about how whites cannot have free speech about their race’s plight. The dictatorship of political correctness is much further advanced there.
The author, Mick Hughes (on Facebook:, is a white human rights activist whom the jewsmedia hammer.
His intro to this video says:
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During a recent cyber-racism summit Australia’s Attorney-General, Robert McClelland, stated that there should be no free speech for so-called racists. Racists are by definition anyone who is White that disagrees with the government’s policy — of enforced diversity and multiculturalism. McClelland has us at the tip of a very slippery slope where the government will be able to do as it pleases and anyone who is vocal in their disagreement or concerns will be locked up or worse.
Free speech is supposed to be the cornerstone of democracy but without it all we are left with is tyranny. This one act shows the true colours of our fabian marxist Prime Minister Kevin Rudd (aka Chairman KRudd). We are being treated as mere commodities much like cattle who eventually end up at the abattoir. Are you outraged by this or are you too apathetic to get off your lounge chair?
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The more we Americans learn about Australia the more we can get healthily scared to the point of action. “Oz” is a country very similar to ours, like Britain, Canada, or New Zealand, freedom-loving, but they let the freedom slip rapidly away, and the Rothschild-run British Empire was very good at this.
All these countries have never revolted against their masters. Only America revolted and TOOK its freedom at the point of a gun. We were not GRANTED indepoendece; we seized it by killing government soldiers…….
This created a mythos that still defines America. As a superpower, we must keep our freedoms — and free our white brother countries from the apiru agenda of genocide.
=========================VISITING ALZHEIMERY RELATIVES
A comrade wrote:
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When I go into these seniors’ homes and see people literally drooping, unable to function and needing care 24/7, what would you suggest?
One elderly man told me his wife has been in the home for 5 years and she does not recognize him nor respond to him.
He said he wishes she would just die because he is getting tired of going in everyday to visit her.
Some days he does not want to go but feels it is his duty.
The family member(s) never get time off and often they don’t get help from the children so they are continually tied down.
What’s the solution???
* * *
I replied:
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Well, as I wrote in my blog, it is evident that people do not believe in the afterlife or God, because they act terrified of death and yet not terrified of sin. So they do not really believe in immortality (just immorality ;-)). They hang onto life to absurd lengths.
Those who accept the certitude that life goes on are not afraid of death. It is just ending a chapter of a big, long book.
The Dalai Lama was asked if he would welcome science prolonging our lives to 150 or 200 years. He replied that that would be a terrible idea since most people stop growing spiritually after 40. He said we need new incarnations to get a fresh start, to start from scratch with a new life and friends..
In short, life is sacred and so is death. We should not fear it at all. As Jesus said: “Let the dead bury their dead.”
A European comrade sent me the photo below, but asked me not to put it on my blog. While I understand his reasoning, I felt it is better in fact to show it, and learn from it.
This was a heroic German woman who resisted the Allied invasion of her town of Zerbst in 1945, machine gun in hand. (Zerbst is a town in the district of Anhalt-Bitterfeld, in Saxony-Anhalt, later occupied and made part of the horrible communist East Germany.)
Wikipedia tells us (
On April 16, 1945 – just a few weeks before the final surrender of Nazi Germany – some eighty percent of Zerbst was destroyed in an Allied air raid. The Old Town was rebuilt in the following decades with a fundamental change of the townscape, only few historical structures being preserved.
Here is a rough Google translation of a website about old Zerbst — before the obedient “Greatest Generation” of Anglo-Americans annihilated it:
This German woman was not only shot, but then raped and stabbed to death with a bayonet in the vagina.
Show THAT, Steven Spielberg, in your next “Band of Brothers” docu-drama!
The photo below has details that are hard to make out, but you get the idea…..Our poor white sister’s face is lower left-center. But I can say this: we all die, yet she died fighting for her values, and her karma is therefore good. It is OURS that we must worry about.
A picture is worth a thousand words — and somwetimes we need it to wipe the smug smile off the faces of those of the “Greatest Generation” who were guilty of war crimes.
Hans Schmidt estimated to me once that one third of the American GIs in World War Two were of German-American descent. (He fought them at the Battle of the Bulge in the LAH division of the Waffen-SS.) Yet they obediently marched into battle for Rosenvelt, killing men, women and children of their very own blood, and stomping on one of Europe’s finest cultures as well.
The saddest photo of the war, for me…. A German mother in Mannheim, helped by her son and a civil defense soldier, emerges dazed and in trauma from the ruins. WE ANGLO-AMERICANS DID THIS. Deliberately bombing civilians was explicitly a war crime.
(Now, how many juze in the US military would “loyally” bomb their “Jewish State of Israel” if so ordered? I asked this of Alan Colmes of FOX News Channel in my radio show with him. He evaded the question by claiming he was a pacifist:
We have fallen to this level, comrades, of committing atrocities on our own people — by a billion individual acts of cowardice spread over many lives, as the juze came in and gradually took over — rank cowardice, yellow-stained looking the other way, and shamelessly saying “It’s not my job, man.”
WHOSE IS IT? The Martians’?
Now we must make up for it inb this generation with a billion new acts of courage. There is absolutely no other way.
We sow cowardice, and reap enslavement.
We sow heroism — and reap liberation and power.
Brother Nathaniel Kapner is a born ju who woke up and now runs a powerful anti-apiru website. I salute him!
i AM NOT CONVINCED THAT ALEX JONES IS A BAD GUY; JUST THAT HE IS PULLING HIS PUNCHES. He recently admitted that his father was jewish and maybe he does not want the average jews to suffer a REAL Holocaust (this time, unlike WWII) for the infuriating mega-crimes of their leaders ….. That is my sense of Jones: not a traitor and not totally to be trusted either. He is partial to his and his wife’s people.
I am told he did say this:
There are a lot of evil Jews involved in the New World Order.
Nov. 10 2009
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Why Is The ADL Promoting Alex Jones?
**Is Alex Jones A Zionist Shill?, ADL Articles
By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2009-2010
Articles May Be Reproduced Only With Authorship of Br Nathanael Kapner
& Link To Real Zionist News (SM)
Support Brother Nathanael! HERE
Or Send Your Contribution To:
Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 1242; Frisco CO 80443
For The Best Alternative News CLICK: Here
THE ANTI DEFAMATION LEAGUE’S RECENT ‘BLAST’ at radio conspiracy ‘patriot’ maven, Alex Jones, appears to be more – AND less – than it seems upon closer examination and rational consideration. That world Zionism is the center of evil on the planet is beyond any rational dispute. From AIPAC and the ADL to the bogus Southern Poverty Law Center to B’nai B’rith, Zionism is the most ruthless geopolitical (thermonuclear Israel), financial and political force in the United States…and much of the world.
Even a rudimentary understanding of the Wall Street bankster machine, and the beyond corrupt Federal Reserve, reveals the overwhelming power of Zionism which ultimately traces back to the City of London banking center, and the Rothschilds. As David Icke succinctly puts it, “Zionism is the Elephant in the Controllers’ Board Room” that only Zionist deniers, de facto agents and Zionist apologists pretend isn’t there and won’t mention.
The premiere Zionist enforcement agency in America, the ADL, often runs hit pieces on people it tries to smear as ‘anti-semites’ or ‘anti-Israel’ and so forth. These pieces are usually vicious in tone and replete with baseless slanders and smears of the targeted individual/s. (Brother Nathanael is described by the ADL as a ‘rabid anti-Semite.’) However, when was the last time you saw an ADL Zionist hit piece targeting someone who virtually never even mentions Zionism or makes anti-Zionist statements? That question is vital…as you consider the following material.
A recent investigative piece by Lorie Kramer uncovered an apparent clear link between Zionism and the Zionist Bronfman family of North America, and alternative talk show host Alex Jones. Kramer’s research showed that Holly Bronfman’s attorney just happens to be Jones’ personal attorney. Coincidence? From that discovery it is not hard to project why Mr. Jones avoids even the mention of ‘Zionism’ unless put into a corner. Read Entire Kramer Story Here, Here & Here.
In one of his most infamous Zionist coverup statements, Jones stated: “Hollywood Is Owned By The Arabs’ – The Arabs Own Everything!” That stunning statement simply shattered the credibility meter. It’s simply a matter of connecting the dots.
Many have noticed – and even die-hard fans have been perplexed for years – over Jones refusing to discuss the ‘elephant in the board room’ on his radio show. He simply will not criticize or even mention ‘World Zionism’ except in passing…and very infrequently at that. Facts are facts. Therefore, when the ADL ‘blasts’ someone in the media who does not mention Zionism, or the Israel Lobby, or Zionist Jews, one has to start digging a little deeper and thinking of who ultimately benefits from such an ADL ‘attack.’
Jones, jumping on the opportunity (as planned at some level?) pointed to the ADL ‘hit piece’ story on one of his sites and masterfully presented an ‘editorial rebuttal’ to it, which was about how the ADL had ruthlessly attacked America’s most highly-visible patriot talk show host. In a deft attempt to underscore the ADL piece as a personal attack on Jones – as if he were a true enemy of Zionism – the Jones site’s responsive editorial blasted back at the ADL piece as if it had damaged him severely.
However, once again, the term Zionism never appeared. Connect the dots again. Jones is, in reality, anything but a patriot martyr out to expose the Zionist Jewish agenda and its malignant hold on our Republic. The ADL article actually reads more like a promo for Jones than a personal attack as evidenced by even just two excerpts:
“Jones runs a syndicated radio show, The Alex Jones Show, which is broadcast on AM and FM stations. Jones also operates two popular Web sites, Infowars and Prison Planet, and appears on a cable access television show.” (Remember, this is supposed to be a savage hit piece on Jones…)
“After the election of Obama, Jones developed ties to mainstream media outlets such as the FOX News Network. In March 2009, Jones appeared on the FOX News program Freedom Watch which allowed him to simulcast the show over his radio program.” (Reads like a publicity release…which is really, essentially, exactly what the ADL piece is.) Read The Entire ADL Story Here.
PRESENTED BY ZIONIST JEWISH MEDIAEVERY SUNDAY AFTERNOON when most Christians are in Church – but when Jews are working – Alex Jones does a syndicated and internet-based show from his home studio for KLBJ 590 AM (“Alex Jones brings his unique perspective to the KLBJ team”) from 4:00-6:00pm. Who, exactly, is the KLBJ team’s owner?
In fact, KLBJ AM is owned by Emmis Communications, (”Emmis” is the Hebrew word for “truth”), which operates radio stations in the nation’s largest markets, including New York City, Los Angeles, and Chicago. The Founder and CEO of Emmis Communications just happens to be a well-connected Jewish American broadcast mini-mogul named Jeffrey H. Smulyan — the kind of Jewish American who would doubtless have strong allegiance to Zionist Jewish organizations like the ADL — and whom the ADL likes to support in return.
With a Doctorate Law degree from the University of Southern California School of Law and a subsequent “Tree of Life Award” from the Jewish National Fund, Smulyan has just the right credentials to rub shoulders with one of the JNF’s financial recipients, the ADL.
In 1994, Smulyan was tabbed by The White House to head the U.S. Delegation to the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunications Union. As a U.S. ambassador, Smulyan negotiated an agreement between Israel and the PLO which has since hit the trash bin due to Zionist Israel’s ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.
In 2005, (boasts Smulyan on his Website), Emmis Communications was named one of Fortune magazine’s “100 Best Companies to Work For.” (Smulyan does not mention that Fortune is owned by the Canadian Jew, Edgar Bronfman Jr. of Time Warner, who has a professional alliance with Emmis Communications.)
Apparently, Alex Jones ALSO LIKES to work for Emmis and KNOWS very well, indeed, how to keep his mouth shut when it comes to singling out Zionists and Jewish lobbyists when broadcasting for Smulyan’s KBLJ radio. View Entire Story Here & Here.
EVERY SATURDAY EVENING when Jews are feasting on their “Erev Shabbat” Sabbath meal, Jewish-owned satellite radio Sirius Network, beams out Jones’ muddled message on its XM radio station from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM.
The Sirius XM Radio Network is owned by the American Jew, Mel Karmazin, CEO; and managed by the Jews, Scott Greenstein, President; David Frear, Chief Financial Officer; and Eddy Hartenstein, Chairman of the Board. Connect the dots. Zionism is king.
Before his July 2009 stint with Sirius, Jones was railing against Sirius XM radio for featuring ‘no planner’ Paula Gloria on Sirius’ Howard Stern slot. Why did Jones suddenly change his mind? Could it be money, lots of Zionist money? – a big motivator even for ‘conspiracy theorists’ like ADL-promoted radio talk show hosts.
Jones Called ‘Jewish Media’s Rebbe’ By Jerusalem PostVETERAN JERUSALEM POST REPORTER, David Shamah, (a vehement Zionist Jew), admits, or to be more accurate, exposed Alex Jones for “being on the Jews’ payroll.” Yes, that is a direct quote from the article.
On Shamah’s Website, Digital Newzgeek, where he archives his Jerusalem Post articles, Shamah posted a piece which he penned for the Jerusalem Post on April 14 2009, titled, What Creeps Under Internet Rocks. In the article, Shamah exposes Jones as a “rebbe” whose fans fear his Jewish ties will make him “look bad:” Wrote Shamah:
“Jones believes that the world is run by the Rockefellers, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberg Group. But I never heard him utter the word ‘Jew’ in connection with any of these conspiracies. According to Jones’ Wikipedia biography page: ‘The Alex Jones Show radio program is broadcast live from Emmis Communications KLBJ Radio in Austin, Texas.’
“The CEO of Emmis? Jeff Smulyan, winner of the Jewish National Fund’s Tree of Life Award. Interestingly, I have never seen Smulyan’s name on the lists of Jews who run the media on the Anti-Semitic sites. Could it be they don’t want to make their ‘rebbe,’ Jones, look bad? After all, his salary is being paid by ‘Jew media!’” Read Entire Shamah Story Here.
So, it’s not hard to see that even Zionist Jews know what Jones and his flappery about ‘the Arabs owning Hollywood’ and virtually never touching the subject of the ‘elephant in the boardroom’ are all about…and on which side his kosher bread is buttered.
THE ADL COVERS FOR JONESBACK TO THE FARCE ADL ARTICLE which supposedly ‘blasts’ Jones, but is, in reality, running interference for him…a clever psy op to make it look like the ADL hates him. Nothing could be much farther from reality.
No sooner did the ADL publish what amounts to this thinly-veiled PR piece for him, than Jones’ largely Zionist staff cranked out its painfully contrived story about how poor Jones was being savaged by the ADL.
Nowhere in the ADL article do the words ‘anti-semite’ or ‘anti-semitic’ appear…terms of standard operating bedrock for virtually ALL ADL attacks on those who oppose Zionism and its death grip on America.
So, again, if you haven’t connected the right dots, it is patently obvious that the ADL moved to give Jones and his agenda of not mentioning the ‘elephant in the board room’ a near-perfect shield to protect him. The Jones site editorial reply to the ADL ‘hit piece’ is simply the sequel to the binary ADL psy op. Read both and decide for yourself.
Jones runs, according to many, a de facto ZIONIST OPERATION, and he ONLY mentions Zionism in passing when he absolutely must. His historic effort to cover for his Zionist Jewish Hollywood friends by saying, on a “YouTube clip, “The Arabs own Hollywood and everyone knows it” is truly a classic faux pas. The ‘Arabs’? He might as well have tried to deny the existence of the sun.
Jones, his program, his sites (at least five of them), and through his documentaries are essentially the core of a mass desensitizing operation. When viewing his ‘films,’ most come away feeling as if they’ve been bludgeoned and beaten to near hopelessness. And that, of course, is the very idea. All the talk about ‘taking the country back’ basically runs most people into the ground…and many of them become moribund, disheartened…or just quit.
When Jones keeps pounding home the theme about the ALL-powerful Global Elite – but not mentioning that Zionist Jews ARE the great majority of the elite – the message of who is really running the West and America is lost. Zionism would seem to have a truly great, loyal and steadfast friend in Mr. Jones.
JONES IS BASICALLY, (as one of the most visible public figures in the alternative media), not much more than a showman or razzle-dazzle carny type. He could have earned millions as a ‘teevee evangelist.’
Does anyone really think that Jones got into Bohemian Grove and did all that videotaping without the Elite knowing about it? That DVD was, of course, the perfect entre into the larger world of alternative media for him as the ultimate ‘patriot super hero.’ And with the passing of William Cooper (who exposed Jones as a liar), the path was clear for the Jones machine to make its move. View Cooper YouTube Video Here.
Jones’ strange ‘connections’ to the uber Zionist Bronfman family via his personal attorney, and to Zionist Hollywood; the fact that he has a ticket to ride on his flagship radio station with Emmis Communications and a slot on XM/Sirius; that his top staff is dominated by Zionist Jewish Americans (also see his protege Jason Bermas’ hateful YouTube Video Here); and that many of his sponsors are Jewish-owned businesses…should be highly instructive to those seeking to understand why he gives Zionism a clean pass by rarely, if ever, mentioning it.
Jones has a specific agenda that unquestionably covers for Zionism. Sure, he wears the cloak of the Patriot…he’s a master at it. Remember …the BEST disinformation is at least 90% truth. And Alex ‘Bullhorn’ Jones appears to be the best friend world Zionism has in the often murky milieu of ‘patriot’ radio and the alternative media. Remember…connect the dots…and the true picture eventually congeals in front of one’s eyes…truly a stark and painful image in this case.
For Further Listening – ‘Alex Jones Master Of Deception’ Here
For More See: Is Alex Jones A Zionist Shill?..Controversy Swirls Click Here And: Is Alex Jones Linked To Zionist-Jew Bronfman? Click Here
And: Entire RZN ‘ADL Hate’ Articles Click Here
CLICK: Brother Nathanael! Street Evangelist! Support Brother Nathanael! HERE
Or Send Your Contribution To:
Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 1242; Frisco CO 80443
Brother Nathanael @ December 1, 2009
Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 1242; Frisco CO; 80443.
Okay, Gonna write up a Street Evangelism Appeal Next -THEN- it’s TIME TO EAT! Yeah!
With Much Love & Appreciation for our VERY SPECIAL Real Zionist New Family,
Your +Brother in Christ Our Precious Saviour, Nathanael
By Brad Friedman on 5/10/2010 12:43PM
Here We Go Again (Again): 100% Unverifiable E-Voting Systems Set for Use in PA, KY, Elsewhere…
After all these years, not much has changed for the denialist jurisdictions that still insult their voters by using 100% unverifiable electronic voting machines.
Pittsburgh’s WTAE filed a report last week with a ring of exhausting familiarity — at least to long time readers of The BRAD BLOG. This one stars, as usual, both an open, unsecured door to the warehouse, and an election official — in this case, Allegheny County Pennsylvania’s Election Division manager, Mark Wolosik — claiming he’s “seen” no problems before, so everything is just dandy, nothing to worry about when it comes to his support of the use of 100% unverifiable electronic voting systems by his county’s voters…
“We have all these tests in place. We test before and after, and we haven’t seen anything that shows that anything has been tampered with,” Wolosik tells WTAE in the report, actually seeming convinced of the e-voting vendor-approved, scientifically-disemboweled propaganda on which he has foolishly decided to stake his career as an election official.
That anybody — anybody — is still using 100% unverifiable touch-screen voting machines after all of these years — much less ES&S’ iVotronic systems which have failed spectactularly in election after election, year after year — is astonishing. And yet, many parts of Pennsylvania (including the two largest jurisdictions of both Pittsburgh and Philadelphia) will do exactly that during their upcoming May 18th primary, and again this November.
For the record, as we’ve noted many times in the past, we are unaware of a single piece of evidence that exists to show that any vote, for any candidate or initiative on the ballot in any election, anywhere at any time, has ever been counted accurately, as per any voter’s intent, on any Direct Recording Electronic (DRE, commonly: “touch-screen”) voting machine.
For years, we’ve asked any election official or e-voting vendor to provide any such evidence. None have. Because they can’t. None exists. None. That, despite millions of 100% faith-based votes having been cast on such machines in a process which is 100% antithetical to the idea of citizen-overseeable democracy and self-governance.
Kentucky is also set to use the same, oft-failed, easily-hacked ES&S iVotronic touch-screen systems in its May 18th primary when their Sec. of State Trey Grayson — who has completely ignored e-voting problems and the use of uncertified voting machines in the past — will oversee his own primary election contest for the GOP Senatorial nomination against Dr. Rand Paul, son of TX Rep. Ron Paul (as we warned in late March to little notice. Candidate Paul has now twice-declined our invitations to appear on the radio to discuss the matter.)
Recently, half a dozen of the top election officials — including the County Clerk, a district court judge, and the county’s School Superintendent — were found guilty in federal court of having gamed elections for decades in Clay County, KY. Their most recent scheme in 2006 involved changing the votes of legal voters on ES&S’ iVotronic systems without the voters’ knowledge after they’d left the virtual “booth.”
When the next election blows up due to these systems — and it will — we’ll hope nobody faults The BRAD BLOG for having done our damndest, over the past six years, and literally thousands of articles, to warn of what is to come. Apparently it’s very easy to ignore the warnings.
At least they won’t be able to say, as with 9/11, as with Katrina, as with the BP disaster: “Who could have foreseen it?”
[Note to WTAE and “Team 4”: Appreciate your coverage. Hate that you do not allow embedding of video, since exponentially more viewers would otherwise be able to similarly appreciate your work if you did! This is 2010.]
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Very interesting….
Note this:
“Dr. Rand Paul, son of TX Rep. Ron Paul (as we warned in late March to little notice. Candidate Paul has now twice-declined our invitations to appear on the radio to discuss the matter.)”
And Rand Paul emphasizes that he is SUPER PRO-ISRAEL!
Ron Paul, by categorically refusing to contest his rigged defeat in the 207 Iowa caucuses and in the 2008 NH primary, has shown that the enemy has gotten to him, likely with dire threats against him or his family.
Only the most hardcore “Nazis” like myself won’t sell out. Clearly, a man like Paul or Pat Buchanen does not really believe in any kind of God or afterlife,because they, under pressure, just run to save their own skin and betray their followers and their immense sacrifices made for them.
My idea was to have every voter who voted for me fill out an affidavit that they had so voted, then send me a copy or the original. WitH a stack of these, the ju-controlled election officals would then have to call the voters liars!
I passed this suggestion of mine on to Ron Paul via my friend Clarence Malcolm, who was in Iowa campaingning for Ron Paul, and got it to a Ron Paul official. Paul then publicly speculated ON TELEVISION that we need such a system, of voters signing affidavits stating how they voted.
Next thing you know, he never mentioned the idea again……
Someone wrote me that I was wrong about Obama’s eligibility:
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I’m sorry, but if his mother was an American citizen, so is Obama. Did you forget to read up on your citizenship requirements. If a child is born to a Naturalized American Citizen, regardless of where he’s born, he has rights to citizenship as well. And regardless of who his father is. He looks just like his momma so that can’t really be contested.
I’m all for diging up dirt on people but this one just doesn’t hold water.
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I replied:
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First, to be president he must be both a US citizen AND born on US soil.
His mother was too young under federal law of that time to confer US citizenship by herself on him.
And there is no evidence he was born on US soil.
To be a “natural born citizen” and thus eligible for the presidency, four Supreme Court rulings have stated that 1) BOTH parents must be US citizens (and Barack Obama, the Kenyan “father”, was not a US citizen) and 2) he also must be born on US soil.
All the man has to do is ask Hawaii to release his real, long-form, real-paper, notarized, doctor-signed birth certificate from 1961. Why will he not take this simple step?
Because any analysis of the document would reveal it is a fraud. As fraudulent as Martin Luther King’s theses at Boston University, btw.
Why will Obama not release his college applications EITHER? Why will he not release his college transcripts? Don’t we deserve to know anything about the man who wants to be head of state and commander in chief of a superpower that can destroy the world?
Because all his applications and transcripts show him as a citizen of Indonesia named BARRY SOETORO.
He is a CIA agent and a puppet, whose lack of citizenship makes him totally blackmailable and yes, indictable for massive election fraud. He took in $400 MILLION in donations. Thus he must do exactly as he is told in order to avoid ejection from his comfy white, pillared mansion (with his servants, guards, limos and flashing camera bulbs) and to avoid going to federal prison.
Beyond that, Obama is a fraud even as a liberal. He has continued bailouts for the obscenely rich and crooked juish bankers, and he has continued the wars. The most devastating environmental calamity in human history has taken place on his watch, and he is moving at a snail’s pace to stop it.
He is basically a coffee-colored Bush. And he has been a CIA operative for decades, working for the same “company” that Bush’s father ran, and he was anointed long ago in a rigged process to be the future “first black president” — but in reality he is merely yet another PUPPET president of the New World Order.
“Change”? Zero. Except things are getting worse. I’m sorry, but we need to face the scary reality. We need a new national leader.
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