Vaccinatees have red blood cell “stacking” as in blood cancer; courageous truthers; fake PhDs with good intentions

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…..16,000 hits yesterday

But zero donations — LOL. The site costs me $1,200 a month.


…..A European comrade wrote me:

We love you, John.

Now [relative] and I are part of a group of friends from the countryside here who are sharing information on vaccines.

Many joined through a girl who studied law, an old fellow wayfarer of mine.

Three people have left the group because “they can’t process it all; it gets to be too much”.

I know that others will continue on this path.

Obviously, the topics of graphene oxide, VAERS [the US government database of harmful vaccine side effects], politics and religions have come out.

I realize that [relative] and I are different from everyone; our past lives have really made us strong — two old souls 🙂

Him more than me, as, we believe, he was a soldier in the Second World War in his last life. I thank God for that.


[JdN: Why not? I personally know several WNs here in America who likely were German soldiers, one of whom died on the Eastern Front and as a boy in Wisconsin

, to the astonishment of his parents, would cry when the snow fell.]



I got a HUGE response to a radio show I did on reincarnation and typical of it was men who told me they felt a hypnotic attraction to the SS as small boys, and a horror of cold and snow also……

Here is what a new friend and comrade wrote me, also a former Marine with Heartland roots:

* * *

I never give reincarnation a real lot of thought, but have thought about it some. I think it sure is possible.

Now you have read me online talking about my German heritage.

Well, I can remember as a kid…. I think maybe in the fourth grade (I went to a Catholic grade school) we were doing book reports. I don’t remember what book report or subject I was doing, but a friend of mine (I still remember him and this moment I’m about to tell you about, and that was 30 years ago) was doing his book report on WWII.

asphalt-soldiersWell, Jack had some books — on the Army, Navy, Marines and so forth. No big deal, and I didn’t give them a second thought. Then I saw one book he had. It was Waffen SS — the Asphalt Soldiers. I grabbed that book as if I were mesmerized. I just looked at the cover in a daze and quickly thumbed through the pictures like I was looking for someone or something. I begged him to let me borrow it, and he did. I ran home with it and studied this book from cover to cover. I actually thought I knew these men. I was more giddy about this book that I came across then I would have been at Christmas receiving a train.


[JdN: Btw, this book, which I also own, was written by a John Keegan who was not yet prestigious enough (he is now “Sir” John Keegan) to dare on his own to really praise the Germans as they deserved — as he later did in Six Armies at Normandy. In this strangely named “Asphalt Soldiers” book ( Keegan barely manages to find any praise at all for the greatest fighting force that ever existed in the last 4,000 years, and I say this as a proud former US Marine, admitting myself that the Waffen-SS was the ultimate elite among large military formations. But the pictures were okay. :-)]


After 1929 the SS began to expand rapidly, and standards in personnel unsurprisingly began to lower. The political changes also led Hitler to call for the creation of a dedicated guard formation from the ranks of the SS, and instructed one of his oldest colleagues, First World War veteran Josef “Sepp” Dietrich, to set the wheels in motion. Dietrich quickly set about selecting a group of men applying rigorous standards, and by the spring of 1933 had established the SS-Stabswache Berlin, consisting of 117 men.


The primary role of this new Stabswache was the guarding of the Reich Chancellery [in downtown Berlin], and as a result they were quickly given the nickname “asphalt soldiers”.


Of course, none of the unit’s detractors would have known that of these initial 117 men, over sixty were to become company commanders or above, with three becoming divisional commanders. (

Now I was maybe eight years old and felt so strongly about these SS men. Also, when growing up as a kid — I have long since grown out of it — I hated winter and the cold. Growing up, I would get upset and almost cry over icy cold weather. I live in Wisconsin and winters can be rough. It was something about winter I just could not stand. I was miserable and wished for warm weather. My cousins or sisters never gave winter a second thought, but for me I thought it was tragic. I didn’t join the Marines because I was a wimp, but the cold really bothered me…..

* * *

I replied:

* * *

Your experience seeing that Waffen-SS book sent chills down my spine. That is just how I felt staring at a Hitler stamp at age five at my grandparents’ house, carefully hidden away, but nicely framed, under a pile of National Geographic magazines.

I think MANY of our fellow WN activists will see themselves in your story! That ATTRACTION for German things…..was WAY beyond anything we were getting culturally as kids in our environment…..Hey, after WWII Germany’s name was mud in America and there was no pro-German talk going on at MY kitchen table in the 1950s. My dad fought in WWII and conformed to the “Hitler-was-evil” line, which is why he snatched away that framed Hitler stamp. My mother and father both had many jewish friends. So, no, I had no encouragement at home to be attrscted to “the nazis”!

*** [She continues]

I don’t know how I would have done without him … alone with this story.

He saved me from my parents, even from myself.

He is the point of reference for the children. They fear his discipline and love him at the same time.

When we fight, we really go to war … separately, we would both die. The greatest fear he has is the vaccine mandate at work.

If I lost him it would be over for me. 🙁

He told me that he would give his life for us if he is forced to choose.

It is our meeting point.

I feel so much anger, John.

I pray to God it doesn’t come to this.



……German comrade writes with shocking blood evidence


Hi, John. I think this article is of key importance:

“Scanning & Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxides in CoV-19 Vaccines”,

It contains detailed analyses and many photos of microscope images and describes in detail and in a generally understandable way that the damage is vaccine-induced and not “virus”- or “infection”-related.

Blood images are also included: “[…] In Figure 1 You Can See What A Cluster Bomb of Reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO) Looks Like in the Live Unstained Human Blood after a CoV-19 Inoculation Causing Pathological Blood Coagulation![1][2][55][56][57] […]”


I replied:

Thank you very much.

I read already on VK a French translation of all this. What mars it all, without actually disproving it, is that Robert Young is not a legitimate PhD at all.

In fact, he did prison time (he was sentenced to 44 months) for claiming to have earned a PhD degree. His diploma is from an unaccredited natural-medicine college which was sued, changed its name, and then went completely out of business:

However, to be fair, I think Young is a sincere and idealistic person and his research may be legitimate. I have heard him be interviwewe and he sounds dedicated. It may also be that the college was unfairly persecuted by the Establishment. But there are other schools that teach nutrition and natural medicine, and they do not have these accreditation problems. My problem is with him claiming a PhD.

In my own case, I chose to go to a recognized and elite university, Georgetown, and to stay there for the full four years to get my diploma there. I knew that in the long run, this was the best choice.

This is for the top ten percent of the class.

For the same reason I joined the Marines and then the Virginia Army National Guard and did very well at both places. Both offered very good military training — AND their legal status gave me true credibility with the masses.

The basic problem now is that when Young writes something, is is true?

Here is the very hostile, somewhat slanted and, in places, perhaps unfair and wrong Wikipedia article on him:

I would advise rebels to go to an accredited university, get their degree there, and then branch out on their own path with their own theories, but having a legitimate diploma on their wall.


The German wrote also:

Thank you for the ongoing analysis, summaries, and reader comments on

A supplement: on August 18, 2021, there was another interview with Jane Ruby, with reports of German doctors analyzing the blood and vaccine serum under the microscope, with many microscope images:

English video, 13 minutes, among others on Bitchute: “Stew Peters With Dr. Jane Ruby – VAXXED Patients’ Blood Examined, Horrific Findings!”,

Audio file of the whole broadcast:


I replied:


Jane Ruby is jewish, but some jews do tell the truth. And the little jews are getting Covid-vaxxed too, and are also sickening and dying.

AND there are also goy fools with blond hair and blue eyes like Donald Trump who rejected the hydroxychloroquine he had once embraced — and pushed instead this genocidal “Warp Speed” vaccine!

Ruby has a PhD, in health economics, but does not have any degree in a bioscience or in medicine, which does not impinge on the accuracy of her views.

The “German doctor,” Bärbel Ghitalla, is a Heilpraktikerin (literally “healing practitioner”), which means a licensed natural physician, like an American naturopath.

This is not an MD degree, which is okay, since many MDs are just zombies of the pharmaceutical industry and gigantic hospital chains. I and Margi have encountered some MDs who just memorized and repeated whatever their hospital told them to say. They rarely read scientific or medical journals, assuming the hospital heads have done so.

Such MDs are basically bright, good memorizers…. who will not question the narrative for multiple reasons, none of them legitimate. Their Hippocratic Oath says “Do not harm.” !!!

There are about 44,000 Heilpraktikers in Germany. Heilpraktikers are legal and recognized in Germany under a 1939 law  (passed, thus, during the Third Reich period). They are not quacks.

The somewhat slanted Wiki article on all this:

Okay, here is now the info:

A German naturopath, Bärbel Ghitalla, has done blood analyses or ‘smears’ of her vaccinated patients, as well as acquiring a vial of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine, called “Janssen”!!

Alarmed at what she saw in the smears, she discussed her findings with another medical colleague, Axel Bolland, MD, and with two lawyers.

Bolland is an MD, which I prefer.

They are always very bright, and have done at least eight years of medical school plus practical training. (I almost became a medical doctor myself and looked into all this.)

Dr. Bolland openly states that he uses many natural-medicine therapies since they worked for him, and he is not paid through the German medical system — so they cannot cut his money off. (I know an MD in Hancock, Michigan like this. You have to pay him out of pocket, not covered by insurance. Of course, if he cures a disease for you that regular medicine has failed to cure, then the word of mouth about him is excellent, and such doctors can survive.

This was recorded in a video, which Dr. Jane Ruby discusses with Stew Peters below.

“I’ve never seen anything like it. I’m afraid for my patients.” — Bärbel Ghitalla


Here are some main points:

  • The blood smears of these vaccinated patients shows that red blood cells (RBC) have acquired a positive charge (instead of a negative one, which allows blood cells to repel others and stay single) permitting them to ‘stack’ one upon the other. This is typical of blood cancer. They are called ‘rouleaux’ formations. So the injections are changing the electron charge to positive in the RBCs.
  • There are also coiled pieces present with a metallic sheen. They do not absorb light as the RBC do.
  • The doctors and lawyers in the video involving Dr. Gitala think it represents the beginning of thrombotic activity. The level of rouleaux formations in these blood samples is ‘severe’. We’re looking at severe RBC damage.
  • From the Johnson and Johnson vaccine vial she obtained (it has a lot number and expiration date), samples show rigid structures/lines with tiny white dots in between. (see image right)
  • Physicians in France have also taken blood smears showing identical formations in the blood. (See Dr. Philippe van Welbergen)
  • The lawyers in Dr. Gitala’s group said there is a gross lack of informed consent.
  • Ruby urges doctors to do the same for their vaccinated patients.
  • Peters: It’s not a matter of ‘your choice’ because people simple don’t know what they’re choosing.

It appears to be a poisonous injection… And healthcare professionals who are not coming forward are complicit in homicide!




Especially important blogs





  1. Is the blood platelet stacking happening in individuals who have reported blood clots?
    Or is it happening to people who had no immediate adverse reaction?

    • I do not know.

      Actually, it is not platelets that are stacking but the red blood cells themselves that are bizarrely forming these stacks.


      Platelets, also called thrombocytes (from Greek θρόμβος, “clot” and κύτος, “cell”), are a component of blood whose function (along with the coagulation factors) is to react to bleeding from blood vessel injury by clumping, thereby initiating a blood clot.[1] Platelets have no cell nucleus ; they are fragments of cytoplasm that are derived from the megakaryocytes[2] of the bone marrow, which then enter the circulation.

      Wiki on red blood cells:

      Women have about 4–5 million red blood cells per microliter (cubic millimeter) of blood and men about 5–6 million;[…] Red blood cells are much more common than the other blood particles: there are about 4,000–11,000 white blood cells, and about 150,000–400,000 platelets per microliter.

    • A comrade in Europe saw your comment/query and sent me this reply:


      The blood stacking might not initially be obvious. It is probably happening in close to 100 percent of vaccinated ppl. It might manifest in ppl who might in future get symptomatic clots that result in adverse medical conditions.

      Minor clots, like minor covid or minor allergic reactions or colds, infections etc, aren’t noticed but are still there.

      And in the case of ppl with stacking, it’s very dangerous. Most ppl with tiny clots have no idea, just as ppl with tiny tumors don’t know until their organs are impacted.

      Remember even tiny tumors can go away on their own.

      It doesn’t mean that they aren’t or weren’t there. While some disappear, others will grow and cause carnage.

      Having blood witha propensity to over-clot is dangerous. It’ll impact them later in life and be chalked up to “natural causes.”

      This is why it’s so evil. They’ve not tried to find proper treatments for covid infection.

      It’s not like it has a 10, 50 or 100 percent death rate! So treatment is by far a better option than a DNA-modifying vaxx.

      Yet they attack ppl that talk about ivermectin, hydroxy, etc.

      It’s downright evil. Only [US Senator] Rand Paul talks about these things in govt.

      He’d be a much better and effective president than Trump. Thats why the media condemns him. Inagine worrying about transgender bs, abortion, mask mandates, Afghan refugees and Americans left there who knew the risk….. even Mexican walls, when we are pumping hundreds of millions of vials of dangerous vaxx intp ppl.

      Yet this is what Trump and Co. talk about.

  2. An acquired academic title is basically something good and meaningful, provides information about core competencies and is of course relevant in terms of liability law. However, I was not aware that it is as bad in the USA as it is here, that comparable constraints prevail as in the occupied rest of Germany, that a statement is only worth something if one has an academic title: Here in the FRG, a pronounced academic title mania has prevailed for very many decades, a strong pride of status and an academic conceit. There is also an unbelievable pressure to publish on academics, to publish by hook or by crook, even though many academics have been complaining for a long time that there is sometimes nothing substantial in it at all.

    Thanks also for the additional information and for the necessary correction or clarification of the professional titles used in the Stew-Peters-Show video to Ghitalla and Ruby. Yes, one must always take a close look at the sources.

    However, regardless of this, the findings published in the videos appear to be authentic. Ghitalla’s list of qualifications (including (translated): “state examination as a nurse * operating room nurse * laboratory training”)[1] is considerable and supports her professional judgment.

    In any case, there is virtually no criticism of the murder vaccinations from the medical environment. On the contrary, with all the seriously injured and de facto murdered people, any connection is almost always denied, liability reasons naturally play a significant role here, and the medical oath taken no longer has any meaning anyway. There are demonstrable directives not to perform autopsies. And also in this context, as far as I remember correctly, strange deaths of rebelling doctors and their medical staff already occurred. Medical school is, of course, pharmaceutical industry-controlled.

    “[…] They rarely read scientific or medical journals, assuming the hospital heads have done so. Such MDs are basically bright, good memorizers…. who will not question the narrative for several reasons. […]” A psychologist once said something similar: At congresses, new findings are presented, many participants then always make big eyes and marvel at how one would recognize that they have not continued their education, have not kept up to date professionally. Doctors are also mechanics, only doing great things in emergency medicine and surgery. Most of the study is probably really just memorization.

    In the Seth material it was once mentioned that doctors have a particularly great suggestive power, that people are particularly receptive to their messages, have open ears. This is of course the reason for the present tragedy.

    The time in which we live is in any case extraordinary. As far as I remember correctly, Robert Stein [2] said years ago in an interview that he knew a meanwhile deceased, consciousness-wise highly developed doctor who told him that the consciousnesses/personalities in the hereafter would queue up to be able to participate in our time (phase) to become incarnated.

    The established, materialistically oriented as well as the distorted religious intellectual edifices have already collapsed in the West, people are now drifting and wandering among the ruins, without a meaningful substructure. Now it is necessary to carry over the good into the new time and to create a new synthesis. In order to be able to become creatively active there, it requires already a large and long approach, because knowledge from so many areas of life must be considered, must be united to a new synthesis. That is why the articles on are so substantial and profitable; although they refer to current events, they are timelessly existential at their core.

    The enlightener and bearer of fundamental truths is of course not very popular at first. A large part of the NWO main actors/implementers is Jewish (“If they don’t name the Jew, their message is not true.”), quotation of an Anglo-Saxon book author), but if this fact is mentioned, immediately the dressage mechanisms strike; Harold A. Covington spoke as of the “rejection mechanisms”.

    Everything is possible now. Humanity is open and inwardly demanding new, directional edifices of thinking; the desire is growing stronger by the day as chaos and hardship arise. The masses will very soon go in search of meaningful, practically oriented and holistic solutions, the time has never been better to be heard, because the phase of mental deniaL will end very soon.

    [1] Section “Über mich”,



    In German:

    Ein erworbener akademischer Titel ist natürlich grundsätzlich etwas gutes und sinnvolles, gibt Aufschluß über Kernkompetenzen und ist natürlich haftungsrechtlich relevant. Allerdings war mir nicht bewußt, daß es in den USA vergleichbar schlimm ausgeprägt ist wie bei uns, daß vergleichbare Zwänge herrschen wie im besetzten Restdeutschland, daß eine Aussage nur dann etwas wert ist, wenn man einen akademischen Titel führt: Hier in der BRD herrscht seit sehr vielen Jahrzehnten ein ausgeprägter akademischer Titelwahn vor, ein starker Standesdünkel und ein akademischer Dünkel. Es lastet auch ein unglaublicher Publikationsdruck auf Akademikern, publizieren auf Teufel komm raus, auch wenn viele Akademiker bereits seit langem bemängeln, daß teilweise überhaupt nichts Substantielles mehr enthalten ist.

    Danke auch für die Zusatzinformationen und für die notwendige Korrektur bzw. Präzisierung der im Stew-Peters-Show-Video verwendeten Berufstitel zu Ghitalla und Rubin. Ja, man muß die Quellen immer genau unter die Lupe nehmen.

    Unabhängig davon scheinen jedoch die Erkenntnisse, die in den Videos veröffentlicht werden, authentisch zu sein. Ghitalla’s Liste an Qualifikationen (u.a.: “Staatsexamen zur Krankenschwester * OP-Schwester * Laborausbildung”)[1] ist beachtlich und untermauert ihr fachliches Urteilsvermögen.

    Aus dem ärztlichen Umfeld komm jedenfalls so gut wie keine Kritik an den Mordimpfungen. Im Gegenteil, bei all den Schwerverletzten und de facto Ermordeten wird so gut wie immer jeglicher Zusammenhang bestritten, Haftungsgründe spielen hierbei natürlich eine wesentliche Rolle, der geleistete ärztliche Eid hat sowieso keine Bedeutung mehr. Es gibt nachweislich Direktiven, nicht zu obduzieren. Und auch in diesem Zusammenhang ereigneten sich, sofern ich mich richtig erinnere, bereits merkwürdige Todesfälle von aufbegehrenden Ärzten und deren medizinischem Personal. Das Medizinstudium ist natürlich Pharmazieindustrie-kontrolliert.

    “[…] They rarely read scientific or medical journals, assuming the hospital heads have done so. Such MDs are basically bright, good memorizers…. who will not question the narrative for several reasons. […]” Soetwas ähnliches hat mal ein Psychologe erzählt: Bei Kongressen werden neue Erkenntnisse präsentiert, viele Teilnehmer machen dann immer große Augen und staunen, woran man erkennen würde, daß sie sich nicht fortgebildet haben, beruflich nicht auf dem Laufenden geblieben sind. Ärzte sind zudem Mechaniker, nur in der Notfallmedizin und in der Chirurgie leisten sie Großartiges. Der Großteil des Studiums besteht vermutlich wirklich nur aus Auswendiglernen.

    Im Seth-Material wurde mal sinngemäß erwähnt, daß von Ärzten eine besonders große Suggestionskraft ausginge, daß Menschen für ihre Botschafen besonders empfänglich wären, offene Ohren hätten. Darin liegt natürlich die jetzige Tragik begründet.

    Die Zeit in der wir leben ist jedenfalls außergewöhnlich. Sofern ich mich richtig erinnere, sagte Robert Stein [2] vor Jahren mal sinngemäß in einem Interview, daß er einen mittlerweilen verstorbenen, bewußtseinsmäßig-hochentwickelten Arzt kannte der ihm erzählte, daß die Bewußtseine/Persönlichkeiten im Jenseits Schlange stehen würden, um an unserer Zeit(phase) teilhaben zu können, um inkarniert zu werden.

    Die etablierten, materialistisch orientierten sowie die verzerrten religiösen Denkgebäude sind im Westen bereits eingestürzt, die Menschen treiben und irren nun umher zwischen den Ruinen, ohne sinngebenden Unterbau. Jetzt gilt es, das Gute mitherüberzunehmen in die neue Zeit und eine neue Synthese zu schaffen. Um da gestalterisch tätig werden zu können, bedarf es schon eines großen und langen Anlaufes, weil Wissen aus so vielen Lebensbereichen berücksichtigt werden muß, zu einer neuen Synthese vereint werden muß. Deshalb sind die Artikel auf auch so substantiell und gewinnbringend; sie nehmen zwar Bezug auf das Zeitgeschehen, sind im Kern jedoch zeitlos existentiell.

    Der Aufklärer und Überbringer fundamentaler Wahrheiten ist natürlich zunächst mal nicht sonderlich beliebt. Ein Großteil der NWO-Hauptakteure/-Umsetzer ist nun mal jüdisch (“If they don’t name the Jew, their message is not true.”, Zitat eines angelsächsischen Buchautors), aber wenn diese Tatsache erwähnt wird, schlagen sofort die Dressurmechanismen an; Harold A. Covington sprach als von den “rejection mechanisms”.

    Es ist jetzt alles möglich. Die Menschheit ist offen und verlangt innerlich nach neuen, richtungsweisenden Denkgebäuden, das Verlangen wird von Tag zu Tag immer stärker, je mehr Chaos und Not entstehen. Die Massen werden schon sehr bald auf die Suche gehen, um sinnbringende, praktisch orientierte und ganzheitliche Lösungsansätze zu finden, noch nie war die Zeit besser, um Gehör zu finden, denn die Phase des Verdrängens wird schon sehr bald enden.

    [1] Sektion “Über mich”,


  3. Regarding that Hitler stamp, here’s a link from Mike King’s website with a video in which he reveals his face and voice for the first time, and offers the same Hitler stamp if you buy his reprint of the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.”
    What is your opinion of this guy? Is he a Jew, or an Italian?
    He has good information on his site and in his books, but I don’t fully trust him, based mainly on his swarthy appearance and East Coast accent.
    I’m sure that “Mike King” is not his real name, but it is the real birth name of “Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.,” which makes me wonder why a supposed WN would choose such a moniker for himself.

  4. Fully vaccinated aging boxer Oscar De La Hoya hospitalized with “breakthrough COVID” before his fight with Viktor Belfort:

    In the video from his hospital bed, he expresses surprise that he came down with COVID, saying that he takes care of himself, etc. Well, duh! The dumb ass allowed himself to be injected with it, so what did he think would happen?

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