ENGLISH An Irish-Australian brings up WN; did Henry Ford cave in to the Jews?

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An Irish-Australian who saw me rallying from faraway America to Brendon O’Connell’s cause wrote me:

Another interesting, informative piece, John. Yourself and the good people over at Whitelaw Towers are great sources of WN news. Although like Brendon I’m not a WN, I do have sympathy for the cause and am certainly most proud of my Irish ancestry as is Brendon.

Hi, Jim.

Well, if WNism is defined as hating and despising other races, then I am with you. If it means loving our race, which is genetically recessive and thus needs special safeguards, or else it simply disappears in a brown soup, and yet this gene pool has produced wonders of civilization and technology the whole world borrows from, then in that enlightened way I am a WN.

A man can love his own heritage and yet respect that of others.

You might find my nearly finished essay on the medieval Normans — Vikings who learned French is all they really were — and how they transformed England from a peaceable farming island into one of the most aggressive countries on earth to be very enlightening.


The essay talks a lot about Ireland in places, and how the British RULING CLASS, a Norman-Jewish intermarriage, behaved toward Ireland — divide, conquer, and crush morally and physically. (An awful lot of Ireland’s long history with alcoholism goes back to simple misery, and this is also true of other white countries such as Poland and Russia.)

This  ever-worsening terror toward the Irish was a forerunner of how they treated the Americans of British stock, then the Afrikaners, the population of India, etc. Paying the Indians to scalp and murder white American families on the frontier enraged Americans in particular. The details of that are hair-raising; you wil learn a lot by reading this (and the part about James Bond too).

But we Americans had enough of all that by 1775, and that spirit needs to be revived and spread. The Scots, Irish and Scots-Irish and the redheads George Washington and Thomas Jefferson took the lead, and many English of the common people in America fought very well in the War of Independence, not against their English heritage at all, but against the Norman ruling class, its haughty manner (which George Washington, himself a proud man, found intolerable) and its gradual, year-by-year reduction of America’s freedoms after many generations where we felt proud and loyal toward the British Empire.

Since my own name and ancestry are Norman, it was a trip into my own past as well. There is no question that England would never have become a gigantic world empire without the Norman-Viking spirit of seapower, adventure, and desire to win. Both JRR Tolkien and Russian historians have observed that the Normans totally transformed the British personality, for good and for ill. You will be amazed when you read what they did to Yorkshire, England — their own subjects — and realize that this was a full rehearsal for what they did to the Irish. The Pope was ready to excommunicate William the Conqueror over it.

As for us Americans, we just did not go far enough in that revolution of 1775-81, and establish clearly that no Jew who stays a Jew can be an American. (Martin Luther said it best: “The most dangerous thing in the world is a Jew who really wants to be Jewish.”)

Now we are as Jew-run as Britain, and the valiant American military has become more and more their bullyboy, to crush enemies of Israel. And the world hates us, or at least our government…and under the Mocha Messiah all Bush’s policies continue.


A comrade sent me the statement by the famous car maker Henry Ford, issued in 1927, where he recanted his antisemitic views, newspapers and books.



Dearborn, Mich.
June 30, 1927
Mr. Earl J. Davis,
Detroit, Michigan.
My dear Sir:
I hereby approve of the attached statement and authorize you and Mr.
Joseph Palma to deliver same to Louis Marshall, of New York City.
Yours respectfully,

For some time past I have given consideration to the series of articles
concerning Jews which since 1920 have appeared in The Dearborn
Independent. Some of them have been reprinted in pamphlet form under the title “The International Jew.”

Although both publications are my property, it goes without saying that in the multitude of my activities it has been impossible for me to devote personal attention to their management or to keep informed as to their contents. It has therefore inevitably followed that the conduct and policies of these publications had to be delegated to men whom I placed in charge of them and upon whom I relied implicitly.
To my great regret I have learned that Jews generally, and particularly
those of this country, not only resent these publications as promoting
anti-Semitism, but regard me as their enemy. Trusted friends with whom I
have conferred recently have assured me in all sincerity that in their
opinion the character of the charges and insinuations made against the
Jews, both individually and collectively, contained in many of the
articles which have been circulated periodically in The Dearborn
Independent and have been reprinted in the pamphlets mentioned,
justifies the righteous indignation entertained by Jews everywhere
toward me because of the mental anguish occasioned by the unprovoked
reflections made upon them. […]

I deem it to be my duty as an honorable man to make amends for the wrong done to the Jews as fellow-men and brothers, by asking their forgiveness for the harm that I have unintentionally committed, by retracting so far as lies within my power the offensive charges laid at their door by these publications, and by giving them the unqualified assurance that henceforth they may look to me for friendship and good will.

It is needless to add that the pamphlets which have been distributed throughout the country and in foreign lands will be withdrawn from circulation, that in every way possible I will make it known that they have my unqualified disapproval, and that henceforth The Dearborn Independent will be conducted under such auspices that articles reflecting upon the Jews will never again appear in its columns.

My reaction:

This is a good example of a man who gave up the struggle, preferring money to honor. He was already fabulously wealthy and 60 years old. Why did he need more money? Why did he need to build more cars? Why not take on the Jews in a total war in your final years? I answer this question at the end of this blog.

I assume the Jews also had some blackmail on him (FDR had IRS blackmail on Joe Kennedy), or someone bombarded him with something else they thought might work on a compassionate man like Ford:

“Think of the fate of all those poor Ford workers who will lose their jobs, their homes and their happiness if the Jews shut the company down.”

It is certain that Ford did not sincerely believe one word contained in that statement, because the book American Axis by the Jew Max Wallace shows he remained a hardcore antisemite all his life, and in fact accepted a medal from the Third Reich.

It seems that the Jews were well aware that he had “caved” only under duress and they were content to humiliate him in public, even without any real “repentance.” In fact, Ford actually repudiated the 1927 apology statement to his friends, saying that statement was unauthorized, just as that statement itself had claimed the antisemitic articles and books of 1920-27 had been “unauthorized”…….Ridiculous….

But the apology served the purpose at that time, taking the heat off his company when the Jews were in fact threatening to shut him down.

How? One tactic they used was to threaten that every Hollywood movie would start with gruesome footage of a fatal car wreck involving a Ford motor car, and saying Ford’s cars were being investigated for lack of safety………….. Wallace gloats about this threat.

Here is the entire book by Wallace on Google books, available for free to read, and it showsthat the antisemitic movement had two real superstars at that time, Ford as well as Lindbergh, and yet both were not Hitler’s equal in rousing the masses, and both fell short even of the potential they had:


I think also that Ford reached the point within himself where he said:

“For seven years I have published the truth about the Jews and taken a beating. Let another American now pick up the ball and run with it. I am not a politician or a preacher, but a car maker. I have done what I could.”

And so this is where someone like myself is summoned to create a true mass movement. You need a leader who can create such a movement and the key people to join him as staff and donors. It all has to come together before the final step, which is awakening enough of the masses to achieve victory over our enemies.

To give a further example of a man who fell short, we have the other person attacked in American Axis, Charles Lindbergh.

He was a highly admirable man, and yet he was no Hitler either. He failed to run for president in 1940 though he had been alarmed by Roosevelt’s policies for years, and he enjoyed superstar status. It was said that the whole room glowed when this man entered. (And so because Lindbergh failed to run in 1940, both candidates, the Republican Dewey and the Democrat Roosevelt, were secretly pro-war lackeys of Zion.)

And when Lindbergh finally criticized the Jews directly, on September 11, 1941, he did it in such a mild manner that he did not whip up any fiery support among Americans, but only fiery heat from the Jews, and their gentile lickspittles immediately distanced themselves from him, including many key figures on the board of his own “America First Committee”!

(Max Wallace gloats about this cravenness too.)

In the end, the only thing that can save the white world is a fiery proclamation of a new racial creed, making men and women ready to live, breathe and die for their race’s survival and glory.

Moderates and their moderate talk (look at the nature and the effect of the David Duke videos) are good but they do not set the world on fire. People want to see a fireball of energy or instinctively they will say, and they will recognize: “THAT is not going to stop the Jews. It does not set me on fire and it will not set anyone else on fire.”

You must speak to excitement, feeling, passion and to the soul, to the search for meaning.


I want to LIVE, not just exist!

And the greatest gift is to awaken in people what they agreed with their angels to do before they incarnated, their dharmic memory, their deep feeling that “This is what I agreed to accomplish.”

This is smirti in Sanskrit, the memory of your mission here on earth.

This is the banner for the new website about to open, the Ahnenerbe, a think tank that is an adjunct to the Eternal Solutreans. Who are we as Aryans, and what is our souls’ mission?

When they see opening up before them the path to the greatness they sought, and the promise they made as a soul and a child of God to themselves and their angels, and suddenly get it, who they are (not a K-mart shopper….) …… then they say:

I have met my destiny.

If you support me, you will remember who you are.

One of my favorite quotations is from Alphonse de Lamartine:

“Man is a fallen god who remembers the heavens.”

That is literally true. We come from the other side, and we are here on a mission.

What is YOURS?

Life should be fun and and every day a bold adventure.

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