ENGLISH Angry white male; by their fruit shall ye know them

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This video has had millions of hits…. Rapper Remy is part-Iraqi and part-Lebanese, but looks rather white. (There is lots of white blood in the Middle East, going, way, way back to the Sumerians, and later to the Greeks, Romans and Crusaders.)


A comrade sent this weird pic from his drive home in Laval, Alberta, Canada, taken yesterday, July 26th, at 8 pm….



Btw, “Laval” was the first name of my field-marshal relative…



Sickening….the woman laughing when she says no ambulance will be needed….. the Jewleft has certainly hardened leftie women into perfect battle-axes…letting an innocent man bleed to death as they snicker….



Jeff Hughes Inquest, Day 1: Dissident Left to Die by Heavily Armed Officers Afraid to Approach a Mortally Wounded Man


Nanaimo, July 25, 2011. The inquest into the police shooting and killing of White Nationalist Jeffrey Scott Hughes, 48, on October 23, 2008, opened this morning before Coroner Marj Paonessa. The first day’s testimony was marked both by what it contained that might have been inflammatory or irrelevant and what it did not contain.


Hughes, unarmed, was left to bleed to death “for the safety of the officers”…..


The seven person coroner’s jury – four men and three women, – is, in the opening instructions of Coroner Paonessa “investigatory, not accusatory. A member of our community is dead. You are a fact finding body. You must decide the identity of the deceased and how where, when and why he died.”

Today’s only witness, led by inquest counsel Rodrick Mackenzie, was Detective Michelle Robertson of the Victoria Police Department. Her department was called in to investigate the 2009 shooting of Mr. Hughes by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. “It’s still police investigating police,” Victoria lawyer Douglas H. Christie, who is representing an interested party, said at the noontime break.

In an opening statement, Mr. Mackenzie summed up his version of the fatal events. “On October 23, the RCMP in Nanaimo received a noise complaint from the business manager of 521 Selby Street,. Officers were dispatched. Loud music was heard coming from apartment 101, Mr. Hughes unit.” According to Mr. Mackenzie, the RCMP knocked on his door and identified themselves. “Hughes,” he said, made threats.

However, Doug Christie wonders, “How could they hear those threats over all the noise?”

Then, said, Mr. Mackenzie, “Mr. Hughes left the apartment with what police thought was a handgun and then went back inside. Somewhat later, he came out with what they thought was a handgun and they shot him.”

Witness Detective Robertson is a member of the Vancouver Island Integrated Major Crime Unit which investigates mostly homicides and in-custody police shootings, Her evidence was a computer presentation, Special software allows her to string together recorded police dispatches and telephone (but not cellphone) communications. She demonstrated the exact time of each communication along with a transcript or summary of what was said.

Her timeline opened with a call at 5:37 a.m., October 23, with a noise complaint from the building manager of Mr. Hughes low rise rental unit. In cross-examination,. Mr. Christie wondered why complaints Mr. Hughes had phoned in earlier that morning about his raucous neighbours in unit 104 had not been entered into evidence, if we are to have a complete picture of the event.

Police were dispatched at 5:42 and arrived at 5:47. Dispatch first told the officers that Mr. Hughes “had no previous history.” Officers also saw blood on the carpet leading to Mr. Hughes door.

Mr. Christie has learned that Mr. Hughes confronted his drug dealing neighbours about the noise and was beaten for his efforts – thus, the blood in the passageway leading to his door.

The police check the Canadian Firearms Registry and learn Mr. Hughes has no registered weapons.

At 6:03, police allege that Mr. Hughes says he’ll shoot them if they try to enter his apartment and says he wants to die.


More officers arrive. At 6:05, the police call the Crisis Response Team, a medical psychiatric unit. A message informs them that the unit does not open until 7:00 and no messages will be returned until 7:00 a.m. Several more increasingly desperate calls will be made over the next hour to the impersonal answering machine, with no better results.

At 6:25, the police reach the psychiatric unit of the local hospital and are told that Jeff Hughes, of a different address, is “violent and a high risk.”

At 6:37, RCMP Const. Ziegler warns: “Know your crossfire that there’s no blue on blue.” It is still rainy and dark that October morning.

Doug Christie asks of Const. Ziegler’s remarks: “Are these simply precautions or are they already thinking of shooting Jeff Hughes.?”

The RCMP ERT team was summoned and were mustering. Despite repeated calls to the cellphone and home phones of two negotiators, they were never reached.

At 6:51 Const. Ziegler shouts: “He’s got a firearm. He’s waving a revolver.”

Det. Robertson’s presentation then shows the picture of a stubby flaregun. The flaregun was reportedly found in Mr. Hughes’ hands after he was shot. In cross-examination. Mr. Christie learned that, while the officers on the scene could not find a weapon initially. It was found by Sgt. Kirby Anderson of the ERT after the shooting. Mr. Christie got Det. Robertson to admit that the flaregun had not been fired during the incident and would certainly have been seen as it was still dark had it been discharged. “There was no evidence a flaregun was discharged at the scene,” she said.

At 6.56. officers Long and Macfarlane report Hughes door is opening and he’s coming out. Immediately. Const. Ziegler shouts: “Got a green, we’ve got a green light, you guys!”

Not long after, the dispatcher says: “We’re going to do a perp takeout.” Doug Christie had Det. Robertson replay the call four times. She insisted that the voice said: “We’re going to do an ERT (pronounced urt] pageout” – or call for the Emergency Response Team (SWAT team). Many in the court felt Doug’s hearing was the more accurate one.

Shortly after 6:56 a.m. numerous shots are fired at Jeff Hughes. Almost immediately, concerned residents start calling 911 and are curtly informed that the police are already there. One man says he heard six shots.

At 6:58, the RCMP media unit is informed. Det. Robertson claimed this is done to alert the public and keep them way from the crime scene. A skeptical Doug Christie pointed out that the officers had already established a secure perimeter in the area.

At. 6:59, Staff Sgt. Doug Hogg is called and informed that a “male who was suicidal and who had barricaded himself has been shot.”

Const. Heather Cook is just around the corner of the building and can see Jeff Hughes’ body illuminated by her flashlight. At 6:59, she reports: “He’s still breathing,. Did anyone see where than gun went? He’s moving his head and every now and then he puts his hands on his crotch.”

At 7:00 a.m., she radios: “He’s not moving at all. I don’t know where that firearm went”

At 7:01 Cpl. McIntosh says: “He’s still armed and no one is going in until we can confirm that he’s not, okay.”

At 7:12 Const. McIntosh and Ziegler are still worried about being in the open and refuse to approach the mortally wounded Mr. Hughes.

Indeed, apparently out of fear of being shot themselves by a man they’d shot, who was not moving and near whom no weapon could be seen, nearly a dozen RMCP officers left Mr. Hughes to die unattended.

At 7:16, RCMP Staff Sergeant Norm McPhail in Victoria is informed (and not entirely truthfully): ”They had multiple shots fired from the suspect and police. Suspect is down and haven’t been able to confirm where the weapon is. They have the suspect in custody.”

In cross –examining Det. Robertson, Doug Christie asked, considering all the phone calling the officers did; “Was any attempt made to phone M. Hughes.”

“I don’t have any record of that,” she had to admit.

At 7:03 RCMP headquarters gets a phone call from the hospital with a person reading a summary of old reports on Mr. Hughes which alleged Mr. Hughes had “a borderline anti-social personality disorder.” However, there were no records of contact with Mr. Hughes after 2004. Mr. Christie argued that this summary of notes on Mr. Hughes should be excluded from the inquest as the RCMP didn’t learn of it until AFTER Mr. Hughes had been shot. The coroner interrupted to say that she had earlier decided to admit the information.

In a testy exchange, Mr. Christie asked Det. Robertson to re-play a call from RCMP dispatch to the ambulance services. This call, at 7:21, informs the ambulance services that their vehicle is no longer needed. When the driver asks if the man is dead, the female dispatcher laughs heartily.




Mr. Christie said such behaviour was reprehensible and asked for the dispatcher’s name. The coroner demanded: “Why is that relevant, Mr. Christie?”

Inquest counsel Mackenzie objected to providing names: “We’re not here to assign blame,” he said.

The name is relevant “for the jury to consider whether some may have wanted Mr. Hughes dead and did not want the ambulance to arrive too quickly,” Mr. Christie replied. Observers note that Canadian officialdom’s obsession with secrecy often has less to do with protecting people’s rights than it does to covering up embarrassments or wrongdoing,.

One of the most interesting tidbits to emerge occurred when Doug Christie challenged Detective Robertson: “You’ve been seen entering and leaving this court with the coroner,” an unusual relationship between a witness and a presiding judge/adjudicator.

“I’m security for the coroner,” the Victoria detective replied.

“Are there no sheriffs?” Mr. Christie shot back, in a court that was filled with other police.

“I was tasked to do that,” Det. Robertson said.

Paul Fromm, Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, gave extensive interviews to the Globe and Mail, CHEK (CBC) television and the Nanaimo Daily News. He raised concerns that Mr. Hughes, well known for his White Nationalist views, and a target of the B.C “hate squad”, may have been victimized for his political views.

================BREIVIK AN OP

This double massacre has “Israeli op” written all over it, so as to discredit anti-muslim European conservatives and also gun-loving, Constitutionalist, angry, Tea-Party American conservatives.

A Canadian comrade wrote me that the jewspapers are now full of these mantras with regard to Anders Breivik, the child mass-murderer:

* * *

…”homegrown terrorism”

…”one of our own kind”

…”a blue-eyed blond

JdN: Why do they not harp on the fact he was a proud and self-proclaimed Freemason, hmmm?


…”Christian funda…mental…ist”

…”white supremacist”

It sounds almost as if the jewspapers were gearing people up with their lies to hate me….;)

Right down to putting him in a faux US Marine Corps enlisted uniform…..

A real enlisted Marine (as I was 1977-79)

Breivik in his fantasy uniform, full of medals he awarded himself in advance for kililng 65 blond and red-haired nordic children….(The death total from both incidents — in downtown Oslo and the island summer camp — has been now reduced to 76.) I guess one can buy a US Marine uniform now at every store in Norway….and pay for glamor shots.


The Jews figure the real threat is Tea Partyers forming militias and planning to overthrow the regime, not the discredited and dysfunctionalized Neo-Nazis, who lack both a leader and unity.

Breivik may be a patsy, but I think he is not, but instead a knowing, conscious, deliberate traitor and op himself, and after being sentenced to prison, he will “die” there (just as Timothy McVeighn, another op, “died” — supposedly executed — in prison, but I know a Kansas reporter who witnessed the “lethal injection” and then saw a totally EMPTY hearse with NO McVeigh coffin even in it backing out of the prison).

Then this “Breivik” (whose father was a Norwegian diplomat posted to London….) gets cosmetic surgery and resumes working for ZOG, just like presumably McVeigh.

No true WN can gun down at least 60 blond and red-haired kids, especially not at an anti-Israel rally!

French caption: Anders Behring Breivik, disguised as a police officer, finishing off his victims one after another on the island of Utoya.

I have been in Marine Corps intelligence and have spent 33 years in this Cause. This is my view: Breivik is psychopathic scum.

Well, one thing is for sure, that there is no way that Breivik could squeeze his famous “three tons of fertilizer” into that little car…. so the sewer worker detail becomes very significant.

I guess we just need to keep all white farmers now under tight surveillance…and blond farmers are especially menacing….It is all one big Jewnited Snakes op.

I must say I am extremely opposed to any condoning of Breivik, though I perfectly well understand WN anger. I have been a hard-core WN activist for 33 years, I have suffered huge amounts of persecution for that, and we share the same basic white values and goals. But Breivik for me is a total Jewnited Snakes op — a classic false-flag op designed to destroy our movement. Now what we do need is action, real action and that is what my incipient Eternal Solutrean movement is about to undertake — action that will HELP us, not hurt us.

* * * Norwegian prime minister dreaded attack before it happened, asked for Russia’s aid


It sounds like the Jewnited Snakes government was behind this massacre of Norwegian children….
but am I surprised? My distant ancestors were Normans, thus Norwegians, so these were my kin too. Henrik Holappa of Finland used to say I looked Norwegian…


Breivik sounds like a true MK-ULTRA….
Note, in this story from the Associated Press wire service (carried by our Pittsburgh paper here: http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsburghtrib/news/world/s_748560.html), in the eight paragraph, this mysterious part:
“Lippestad [Breivik’slawyer] said his client, who claims he is part of an organization with several cells in Western countries, appears unaware of the effects of his crime.
“He asked me if I was shocked and if I could explain to him what happened,” Lippestad said. “He didn’t know if he had succeeded with his plan.”
On Facebook a WN quoted approvingly yet naively from some passages in Breivik’s long manifesto, and I replied:
* * *
This all could mean he is sincere and for real, or it can mean he is the perfect op as well. In any case, in politics perception is reality, and the perception is that a Tea Party-type Norwegian paleoconservative did this, and for much of the public this shows we need to restrict guns and keep blond conservative males wearing Marine-type uniforms under tight surveillance. (Gee, exactly and precisely guys like me ;-)) I feel targeted myself as much by this FALSE-FLAG ATTACK as those kids were by the acts of Breivik.


The point is to justify a SWAT team kicking my door down.

In my eighth spiritual video, I wore a Marine Corps camouflage uniform, discussed Marine Corps boot camp, and then the feelings of anger, PTSD and betrayal that Marine and Army combat veterans feel….and we know that Homeland Security fears bitter, white Iraq and Afghanistan combat vets more than any other group.

https://johndenugent.com/videos-of-jdn-speaking (Scroll down to “Spiritual Video 8”)

This is the video also where I launch one of the most devastating attacks EVER on the Jews, for committing widespread incest against their own children. It is a disgusting — yet, I think, also fascinating — exposé of the greatest secret and scandal in Judaism.

That is the message perpetrated by the Jewnited Snakes op which used Anders Breivik.

Beware those blond, smart, racist, violent, right-wing, male white nationalists wearing uniforms, especially if they feel a calling to save Western civilization…………………


I am sure comparisons between me and Breivik will be trotted out very soon.

I wrote a comrade:

Just keep in mind this guy is a total op. I suspect we will indeed find a second gunman “with dark hair”….and now it has come out that his father was a “diplomat” for Norway in London….. (I listened to that Alex Jones-Webster Tarpley interview which you recommended.)

Breivik’s purpose is to discredit Tea Party conservatives. The Jew understands that normal whites will not (yet) join Nazis, but they will join the Tea Party. So the NWO goal is to smear the Tea Party types, by having “one of them” gun down 60 white children….

My purpose is to attract and put to good use the Tea Party conservatives.

I note this point by Breivik (or whoever wrote his manifesto):

The question of good and evil will be reduced to one simple choice for us; Survive or perish. The “strongman” is what we are headed for. He’s not what we want; he’s just the inevitable endgame.


God forbid whites would get a strong and ruthless leader…..

Since that Friday incident which the media is hyping, 500 white American women have been raped by 500 negroes, extrapolating from the last FBI stats available (2005).

This massacre is bad, 76 dead is a huge tragedy, but a blip compared to the violence that non-whites do every day to white women, men and kids.

But right on cue, the real masters of this massacre have started saying that we now need more police state.

Der Spiegel is the major magazine in Germany, and its English-language pages had this typical coverage, right out of the NWO playbook “Ab chao ordo,” in Latin, “create chaos to get the public to demand more ‘order.'”

Their kind of order. Restrictions on freedom for whites.

After THEY cause the chaos.

You can see now what they oppose……a leader like me.

==================DONATE, PLEASE

Contact the man whom both the Jews and the white psychopaths rightfully fear most…

John de Nugent

213 Ekastown Road
Sarver PA 16055 USA

[20 miles north of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]



(or solutrean1@gmail.com or solutrean1@hotmail.com)

Telephone: 724.353.0154

Skype: John de Nugent (Pittsburgh)


–Cash in an envelope

–Blank money order (put in $ amount, not your name or to whom)

–MoneyGram (send from a Walmart or elsewhere)

–Paypal (to “john_denugent@yahoo.com”)




I got letters from two white Christians who said they admired my work but that I was not a regular Christian whom they could support.

I replied to one:

Dear white brother,
Thank you for your moving and heartfelt email. I felt clearly your concern and caring for me, and deeply appreciate it.
If God has given me some good attributes for leading, then I see it all as Jesus said: “From him to whom much was given, much will be demanded,” and not just that slave was wicked who lost his talent — a Greek coin worth about a thousand dollars — but also that slave was wicked who merely buried his talent, not using it to advance his lord’s work.
I did extensive reading on the Tarim Bassin (thanks to your reference to it!) and on the white mummies there, partly using Wikipedia, and learned (as I had suspected) that it was those white keltic Tokharians (whom the Chinese called Yuezhi) who in fact brought the Bronze Age and the use of metals — and also jade, so prized by the Chinese — TO that yellow race!
And now the fish-faced Chinese beat the white descendants of those benefactors who brought them the great innovations that enrich their lives. All they can do is “borrow” what we Aryans have invented.
Chinese man looks on as white kid is beaten [source: http://cofcc.org/2011/07/unattended-child-viciously-attacked-in-china/]
As for your religious observations, as you know, I am completely above-board with my views, and do not pretend for a second to be a “regular” Christian. But my view is that Saul hijacked “regular” Christianity, twisted the gospel of Christ just as Jews twist and coopt everything else (llook at how they have twisted the Republican Party in America or the conservatives in Britain and Canada; they no longer want to conserve their white nation, but instead open immigration and tax cuts for rich bisexual Jews!), and I belive firmly that Saul — who SAYS he met Jesus on the road to Damascus — made His message into something else, a vehicle for judaism-for-gentiles.


Indeed, I am a syncretist. I embrace both Jesus and Hitler, Odin and Krishna, the Solutreans and the Slavs, Michael Winkler and Savitri Devi…… Jesus was however, to me, of the highest significance, not just yet another prophet or wise man (I am NOT a Unitarian),…and as I have written, Jesus was truly man as well as truly God, as per the formula of the Council of Chalcedon.
Thus He famously cried out “My God, my God! Why have You forsaken me?! ” And He ran out the the Temple when the Jews were after Him. I believe He sweated when it was hot, and felt anger, grief, lust and love. He was truly one of us, yet from the highest level on the other side. And if one asks: Do you believe that the blood of Christ cleanses you of sin? (The Jehovah’s Witnesses, whom I followed 1970-75, do hold 100% the regular Christian doctrine on this, answering YES) I answer:
By their fruit shall ye know them.
We have many Mennonites and Amish here in Pennsylvania, and one distinct and typically German aspect of their doctrine is that the blood of Christ does NOT save if you lead an ungodly life while believing just as much as you want in your theoretical mind in the efficacy of Christ’s blood shed on the cross.
By their fruit shall ye know them. A good tree bears good fruit!! Chop down and pitch the rest into the fire!
In Indo-Aryan religion, many paths are acceptable to God. One path is bhakti yoga, which is in Sanskrit “devotion-based union [with God],” meaning the worship of a specific expression of God, such as Jesus of Nazareth. You pray to this god, obey this god, think about this god and His life, and love this god, having a deep relationship with Him.
And so my answer is this: YES, those who totally follow Christ, being hot or cold, not lukewarm, and most of all embrace this principle: “No greater love hath any man, than he who laith down his life for his friends” — that man or woman can indeed be saved by being a total Christian. That is not my path, but it is indeed a good, and a proven path to redemption.
I have to tell you that though I left behind the Jehovah’s Witnesses in 1975, one of the most wonderful persons I ever knew was a JW named Rae Autrey, a white South Carolina woman and “special pioneer” with the Witnesses. (Such volunteers do a job which means 150 hours of preaching door-to-door a month, Rae drove a school bus to make ends meet).
Rae was serene, strong, wise, loving, funny — kinda pretty too, in the face, I thought 40 years ago when I was a lad of 17, with nice blue-green eyes and a good figure — a blessed woman (the Vedantists would say a person with good karma) who gave out blessings all around, and when she entered a room, it just lit up. She had the fruits of the spirit. Everyone began to glow when she walked in. You could see it in how the conversations changed.
Now, her views on the Trinity…..
(the JWs are almost Trinitarians, but not quite; they absolutely DO believe Jesus was the Word and the Son of God, not just some angel or archangel like Michael, and they DO believe that His blood redeems us, but they are obsessed with worshipping only God the Father, Jehovah, saying worshipping Jesus is idolatry!! — bizarre)…
……or their JW views on accepting blood transfusions (they would literally rather die than have one; they consider the soul to be in the blood) would disturb a whole lot of people.
But as for this Rae, she was the real deal in the life she led, bountiful in the fruits of the spirit. She need not fear death when her time comes, and she goes before God’s mighty judgment seat.

What it comes down to for me is this, white brother:

Regular Christianity is good, and Christian Identity is even better, but I aim to create something that will win.
The Solutrean military flag….. The cross is an ancient Aryan symbol that Christianity adopted, abandoning the original symbol, the fish.
Large parts of Christianity — God versus Devil, the immortal soul, heaven and hell, the Messiah, and free will — are borrowed from Aryan Zoroastrianism.
The JWs are right about one thing. the early Old Testament DOES preach that when you die, “that’s it.” You go to “sheol,” that is, literally in Hebrew, “the grave.” Game over. If God wants, He resurrects you at some point, but your soul does NOT go on living.


It was after the Babylonian Exile and the contact with the Medo-Persian Empire and its religion, Zoroastrianism, that later Judaism adopted the idea that the soul is immortal, and the other core beliefs which late judaism passed on to early christianity.
A leader is responsible for victory in the physical world, not debates and doctrines about things that ultimately only God Himself can adjudge. And I assure you that I pray each and every day….for humility, strength and freedom from despair. I know that if I do my job, and give everything, others will follow, for ultimately it is role models, not books or ideas, that change hearts — and then we will smite our satanic foe.
Bismarck once said of his gifted but squabbling Germans:
“If the Germans can be made to stand together, they will drive the Devil right out of hell.”
This proverb by Bismark inspired me to create this music video, which I have shown before and now gladly show again, depicting the male Germans and their happy women after their mind-bending blitzkrieg triumphs in 1940:…

(Ignore these two lines of computer code until I can zap them. 😉
object id=”player1″ classid=”clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000″ width=”500″ height=”311″ name=”<param name=” value=”https://johndenugent.com/player.swf”>


Kiss me out of the bearded barley
Nightly, beside the green, green grass
Swing, swing, swing the spinning step
You wear those shoes and I will wear that dress.

Oh, kiss me beneath the milky twilight
Lead me out on the moonlit floor
Lift your open hand
Strike up the band and make the fireflies dance
Silver moon’s sparkling
So kiss me

Kiss me down by the broken tree house
Swing me upon its hanging tire
Bring, bring, bring your flowered hat
We’ll take the trail marked on your father’s map

[Chorus (repeat)]

I seek that unity for us. Devils need driving out of this planet they have made into hell.
I am filming today the “God” part of my final video, after overcoming innumerable financial, organizational, PR and technical challenges, and when this video comes out, then I will submit it to your consideration, and you can decide if it advances the salvation of our souls and our race.


Blessings on you, sir.
John de Nugent

* * *

And to another white Christian comrade I wrote:

* * *

I respect and appreciate Julian Lee — who has promoted me, btw — but the “Pink Swastika” stuff, however well-motivated (and I support totally the fight against homosexuality in both society and in our own Cause) is, factually speaking, utter nonsense!!!!!!!

Hitler and Hess were hard-core heterosexuals all their lives! How do they explain Hess’ wife and kids??

Hitler had just as many girlfriends as I have had. Half the book by Kubizek about Hitler as a teen in Austria is about his love for a blond, blue-eyed girl named Stefanie in Linz….

Sheesh!! Will the garbage against Hitler never end?

(He should have married Magda Quandt, btw, a woman who was beautiful, intelligent and devoted to him, with dark-blond hair and blue eyes, and a perfect hostess to boot, but instead, since he said he could be married only to the cause, she ended up marrying Goebbels so she could stay near Hitler.)


Another Hitler squeeze….a fun girl…(I remember her well. ;-))


….and Hitler deeply revered Christ, spoke often of him, and read and underlined a New Testament many times, as show by the collection of his private books at the Library of Congress in Washington DC. (I knew the black man who ran the collection; he was a next-door neighbor when I lived in Alexandria, Va. 2005-2007!)

As for regular Christianity, I deal with it in my blog that will come out today and also in parts one and two of the presidential video. The first part of that final, four-part video before I launch my movement should be ready by Wednesday night.

As strange as it may seem to you, I consider myself a true Christian, as I understand Christ….and that, as I have often written, Saul was an op, not unlike this creature Breivik….both serving the Jew takeover.

Once this blog goes up today and part one of the pres. video comes out, you will be able to understand me better, brother John.

The one thing we can already agree on is the incontrovertible fact that regular Christianity has failed to stop the Jew.

And I will go further. If I fail, regular Christianity will end up very soon being banned; denounced as an antisemitic hate-cult, and then banned under hate-speech laws, starting with the Gospel of John, but not ending until the whole NT is verboten.

There are two names that make Jews cringe: Jesus and Adolf.

I hope the name John makes them someday soon cringe too, both over the evangelist whom Jesus most loved and because of a man named in fact after that very evangelist.

I was baptized in a church, Central Congregational Church in Providence, Rhode Island, an Orthodox-Byzantine-appearing building with a mighty German organ, a church in which the entire ceiling was one big frieze of Greco-Roman swastikas…….



To save our race, my only goal, will require both the true Jesus and the Indo-Aryan religion of Vedanta — which is very similar in both ideas and even actual words to the Norse Eddas.

Answer me this, sincere white brother:

WHERE was Jesus between age 13 and 29? Just carpentering??

The missing years of Jesus…..follow that path…..It will lead to a moment of wow. There has to be a reason why the most important man of the last two thousand years has a gap covering fifty percent of His life!!


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