ENGLISH Aryans and Solutreans

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Paul Craig Roberts on Russia Today:

“Everyone in Washington is a prostitute.”

====================distinguishing Aryans and Solutreans

Mr. de Nugent,

Could you please tell me the relationship between the Solutreans and the Indo-Europeans? Were the IEs descended from Solutreans? Where do you place the homeland of the IEs? Any and all information would be appreciated. Thank you.

* * *

My reply:

The Solutreans were a basically peaceful, all too peaceful Stone Age Age people around 20,000 BC. The Aryans (Indo-Europeans) were a warlike people of the Bronze Age, around 3,000 BC, thus 17,000 years later!

It is possible the Solutreans were mostly brown-haired and blue-eyed, like many Irish or nortbern French today, or “Zia” in the superb Discovery Channel documentary on the ancient Solutreans called “Ice Age Columbus.”

“Zia” surrounded by a small band of psychopathic exiles who unfortunately also had crossed the Atlantic to North America.

The Scots-Irish who peopled the American frontier and fought the Indians may have resembled the ancient Solutreans.

In the Bronze Age, the whole white world became warlike due to new weapons spreading that were made of the metal called bronze (a mixture of copper and tin). The Aryans (the IE or Indo-European peoples) would never have been defeated and genocided by the Siberian Indians as the Solutreans tragically were. The Aryans wore body armor, carried bronze shields, shot bronze-tipped arrows and spears, and trained horses to pull armored war chariots which were mobile firing platforms. They were the blitzkriegers of their day, the “lightning warriors.”

The Solutreans were wiped out to the last man; only their women and girls were spared to be the Indians’ miserable squaws.  We can and we must learn from their tragic and terrible history!The disastrous results when psychopaths attack peace-loving, blue-eyed, naive souls who just want to live and let live when other races do not!

As for the IE homeland, I tend to think, along with most scientists (I have a bachelor of SCIENCE degree from Georgetown, and studied Indo-European linguistics for a year under Prof. Shaligram Shukla) that it was near Ukraine, southern Russia or the Baltic. I reserve an open mind, however, about the Atlantis story which the very great Greek thinker and philosopher Plato related as an Egyptian account that was not fiction but absolute fact. That story would put ancient whites in the mid-Atlantic and moving eastward into Europe from the WEST…..

Others propose the speculation that Aryans may even be some kind of “experiment” or injection of new genes into an existing species by a visiting species. We are, after all, very different in appearance and mindset from all the other races, and in many different ways. However, at this stage this is all just interesting speculation where I have no definite opinion. Only psychopaths issue dogmas about unknowable things, whether about God or prehistory.

Dutch actor Rutger Hauer

In any case, our race is 20,000 years old at least, and the “Aryans” are latecomers on the world stage, perhaps only 5,000 years old. We were a basically peaceful people before the Aryans. And then we went on the offensive instead of being trampled. If the world was to be full of war, then we would be good at it. And we still are — very good at the art of war.

President John Kennedy, a WWII hero with striking nordic features, with Wernher von Braun, the great German scientist/engineer (and SS member) who previously had built combat rockets for Adolf Hitler. Note the strong jaws and vertical foreheads in both men, the opposite of the neanderthal look.

Louis Untermeyer (1885-1977), Jewish writer/TV celebrity, communist/socialist sympathizer with a neanderthalic sloped forehead and “6”-shaped nose.
His strong chin shows that Ashkenazi Jews of course also have some Cro-Magnon/white blood.

The MODERN Solutreans seek peace and to deter all criminal attackers by any means we are forced by them to take.


  1. Pas seulement les Français du nord de la France,mais aussi pas mal dans le sud,malgré l’arrivée massive des latins en provenance d’Espagne,du Portugal et d’Italie.Après tout,la France et les Français sont de racine et de race germano-celtique.Voire gaulois et francs.

    Je connais beaucoup d’amis originaires du sud de la France,et qui pourtant sont blonds aux yeux bleus.A l’exception de la langue,la France n’est pas un pays latin,mais bien germano-celtique.
    Par exemple,Alain Bernard est du sud de la France,mais il ressemble plus à un nord-européen qu’à un latin.

  2. solutreans=basque people..thats why now genetic studies say the british people descend from basque people..because scotch-irish=basque(solutrean) genes..watch the video british dna

  3. Les Solutréens étaient les descendants des Proto-Indo-Européens mêlés à un substrat principalement basque de l’Acheuléen (Homo Heidelbergensis) et du MTA et dans une moindre mesure néandertalien originaire du Caucase (haplogroupe G du Moustérien). Ce sont eux qu’on a appelé les Ligures (locuteurs du proto-roman). L’haplogroupe R du chromosome Y est basque et il se retrouve dans le nord-est de l’Amérique en plus d’être majoritaire en Europe. Je crois donc d’après mes nombreuses recherches que les Proto-Basques ont traversé l’Atlantique à partir de l’Aurignacien i.e. au moment de l’arrivée des Indo-Européens dans l’ouest du continent européen. Ces proto-Indo-Européens étaient originaires des régions avoisinantes du Danube en Bulgarie (Bachokirien) et le berceau des Indo-Européens se retrouve aussi dans cette région avec les sites de Kozarnika (d’où provient le Gravettien), de Sicevo, de Temnata et de Pestera Cu Oase entre autres. L’haplogroupe I représente les Indo-Européens et on le rencontre dans une plus grande concentration dans les Alpes dinariques, en Roumanie et en Bulgarie, en plus de la Scandinavie.

    Mais le plus important, ce qu’on ose pas dire c’est que l’Homo sapiens qu’on appelle maintenant l’homme anatomiquement moderne ne vient pas d’Afrique (afrocentrisme). Ceux qui nous ont transmit leurs langues viennent bel et bien… D’Europe, dans le nord des Balkans où il vivent depuis plus de 1,6M d’années (Kozarkina). Les très récentes découvertes de Mala Balanica commencent à bouleverser les théories.

    Le Solutréen était donc une culture proto-italo-celtique malgré que le terme celtique n’est pas tout-à-fait approprié puisque les Celtes de l’Hallstatt étaient des Germains. Quant aux premiers Germains ils se distinguent véritablement avec la culture de Hambourg. Les Germains sont issus d’un substrat ouralien du Micoquien (haplogroupe N) duquel proviennent les pointes foliacées d’Europe centrale et orientale des cultures LRJ (Lincombien-Ranisien-Jerzmanowicien), Altmühlien, Szélétien et Streletsien.

    Il y aurait bien d’autres choses à rétablir à partir de la linguistique et de la mythologie, il serait toutefois ici un peu trop long de les exposer.

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