ENGLISH Assassination by WN-hating female cop, heart attack, stroke, cancer or food poisoning

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Thank God for France

Mike Whitney – Information Clearing House October 21, 2010

Thank God for France. While American liberals tremble at the idea of sending an angry e mail to congress for fear that their name will appear on the State Department’s list of terrorists, French workers are on the front lines choking on tear gas and fending off billyclubs in hand-to-hand combat with Sarkozy’s Gendarmerie. That’s because the French haven’t forgotten their class roots. When the government gets too big for its britches, people pour out onto to the streets and Paris becomes a warzone replete with over-turned Mercedes Benzs, smashed storefront windows, and stacks of smoldering tires issuing pillars of black smoke.

JdN: Frenchies enjoy burning something at every demonstration. Guillotines are heavy to lug around.

This is what democracy looks like when it hasn’t been emasculated by decades of propaganda and consumerism. Here’s a blurp from the trenches:

JdN: France is the home of my distant ancestors and my temperament…At Etretat in 2004 in Normandy, with its white cliffs of the same substance as the White Cliffs of Dover on the English side of the Channel
In Caen at a vast church built by William the Conqueror. This made up for him marrying his distant cousin….
Chateau of St. John, Nogent-le-Rotrou (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nogent-le-Rotrou), the ancestral home of the Nogents. The very great psychologist of the masses, Gustave Le Bon, who heavily influenced Hitler, was born and raised here. Several passages on mass psychology in Mein Kampf are virtual paraphrases of Le Bon. Hitler took the phlegmatic Germans and made them into fired-up “fanatics” (one of Hitler’s favorite words).

Headline: “French Energy Sector Crippled by Nationwide Strike… French energy facilities are close to total disruption in the wake of nationwide strike against the raise of the retirement age…..France has been hit by numerous protests across the country against a controversial pension reform that would rise the retirement age to 62 from 60….On October 22 morning 80 protesters blockaded Grandpuits oil refinery outside Paris, key supplier for Charles de Gaulle and Orly international airport.” (The Financial)

They’re shutting ’em down.

Take note, Tea Party crybabies who moan about restoring “our freedoms” while stuffing the backyard bunker with seed corn and ammo. Glenn Beck won’t save you from the “mean old” gov’mint. Liberty isn’t free anymore. If you want it, get out of the barko-lounger and organize. The amount of freedom that any nation enjoys is directly proportionate to the amount of blood its people spilled fighting the state. No more, no less. The man who is willing to accept the blunt force of a cop’s truncheon on his back is infinitely more praiseworthy than the leftist/rightist scribe crooning from the bleachers. The state isn’t moved by lyrical editorials or prosaic manifestos. It responds to force alone, which is why it takes people who are willing to “throw themselves on the gears” of the apparatus and stop it from moving forward. Unfortunately, most of those people appear to live in France.

The resistance is steadily building in France. The budding rebellion is cropping up everywhere—“secondary schools, train stations, refineries and highways have been blockaded, there have been occupations of public buildings, workplaces, commercial centers, directed cuts of electricity, and ransacking of electoral institutions and town halls…” And the big unions are calling for more strikes, more agitation, more ferment.

For more than a week, transportation has been blocked across the France due to the protests by students and workers. Sarkozy’s popularity has plummeted. 65% of people surveyed don’t like the way the French president is handling the strikes. 79% of the people would like to see Sarkozy negotiate with the Union on terms and conditions, but he won’t budge. Thus, the cauldron continues to boil while the prospect of violence rises.

=============================email to Dr. David Duke
[We were discussing a Czech comrade, persecuted for debunking the Holofraud, who now sees new charges leveled against him after a court dismissed the previous indictment.]
Dear David,

I agree with you that golden opportunities are here and more are coming.

This is why your videos are so important. And if you do run for president, that will facilitate spreading them.

Duke’s newest fantastic video…

I note that both you and Alex Jones, as “big hitters,” succeeded in getting your bans by JouTube lifted, whereas for the average WN with a YT channel, the only recourse is to accept the ban, and build a new channel under the fourth or fifth pseudonym and try to inform one’s friends on the QT who the owner of the new channel really is.

This reminds me of that great speech that the late, great John Tyndall gave at your excellent 2004 EURO conference about the need for raw power. [A mutual friend in Idaho] sent me the DVDs of that conference. Tyndall pointed out that everywhere the BNP had succeeded in getting its candidates actually elected to a town council, the cops’ attitude was respectful and helpful. After all, the BNP were then no longer “losers,” but authority figures — and that is all a cop needs to know.

John Tyndall, a hard-core WN, antisemite, and open sympathizer with national socialism


He also said a memorable anecdote, and again, it is because of YOU that this memorable speech happened and was recorded, about some construction workers and theri spontaneous remark.

Tyndall was giving a moderate shpiel about how the BNP wanted only a voluntary repatriation of blacks back to Jamaica, or helping muzzies return “if they like” to Pakistan, etc., and a BNP government would pay their whole way home, to set up a new life in their old homelands, all dripping with very generous and kind thoughts…. Well, the foreman suddenly put down his shovel and jammed it into the hot pile of tar and interrupted him:

“Well, whot I think way need is anothah ‘Itler!”

Since there is nothing personal, embarrassing or damaging PR-wise in these two emails between us, but they do contain some educational content, I will run them in a future blog and make a few minor modifications.

I want to ask you one last question. and parenthetically, the BNP under Nick Griffin, whom we both know and of course have some respect for, seems to be really melting down. (I read an account in the WN magazine Heritage and Destiny yesterday — in the latest issue — of the financial chaos, purges and open rebellion against Griffin, and this time it seems very serious.)

I think Nick really has some character issues, and his use of the war criminal Churchill as a positive role model is just beyond nauseating, and his Islam-is-the-enemy stuff reflects a fundamental opportunism. No great leader goes down to his people’s level but instead inspires and raises them to his. Those who pander to their people’s ignorance are just hack politicians, and I recall in this regard Nick Griffin blasting you not long ago as part of a series of disastrous TV appearances. He lost the masses’ respect.

Now to my query…Near the very top of my blog the other day I wrote about John Tyndall’s life and death: https://johndenugent.com/news/english-hobbyist-loose-lips-sink-white-ships-learn-from-mother-russia

When YOU saw Tyndall in 2004, at your conference (I regret I never had the privilege to meet the man), how did he look physically to you? I seem to recall various British comrades saying he looked quite good, and was fit as a fiddle, even at 71.

My own view is that of the Hungarian Jew and founder of Intel (computer chips), Andy Grove:

“Only the paranoid survive.”

Once you get over 45, a stroke or heart attack, chemically induced by ZOG using poisons perhaps developed at Ft. Detrick, Md. (I used to teach German literally across the street from there, at Hood College) is really the “perfect crime.” You and I both have some grays, as they say, and so if you or I keeled over, well, we were “getting up there,” don’cha know.

I mention this also because of my meeting with a great Aussie comrade, Steve Godfrey, who came from subtropical Queensland in northern Australia to give some speeches in the US back in 2008, and stayed with me and also enjoyed meeting Henrik Holappa, and seeing his first snow here in Pittsburgh. (He suddenly knelt down on the bank of the Allegheny River, felt the cold white powder, and gasped: “Hey, what IS this stuff?)

Well, he and I were discussing fun things like heart attacks and strokes and food poisoning, and his anecdote was that back when he was 40 and was a well-known activist even then, he was at an anti-immigrant rally and some unsmiling guy with a glint in his eye pushed his way through toward him and very suspiciously — we need to always watch the body language — seemed to need to shake his hand. Well, Godfrey shook this stranger’s hand, and I guess you guess the rest of the story, a 1) massive coronary — 2) at just age 40 — 3) when he was in perfect health.

Hey, Steve, I, Duke, Tyndall, we were not properly SERVING the master race, as Sephardic chief rabbi Obadiah Joseph made clear recently…..

Steve’s concluding remark was: Now you know why monarchs for centuries have worn gloves when shaking hands with strangers. Poisoners can build up an immunity themselves to the poison, or put a substance on the surface of their palm to shield themselves, then pass the poison on right through your skin.

The J-team, especially in their capacity as doctors, have been doing this for millennia, as have others. There has to be a good reason why the Hippocratic Oath demands a doctor “do no harm,” because doctors WERE also hired to poison people, and in fact Queen Elizabeth of the 1500s had her Jewish physician executed for attempting to poison her.

I would add that antizionist (although not WN) activist Brendon O’Connell of Perth, Australia, on the other side of that country, now facing thirteen years for inciting racial hatred — his real crime is stating and proving that the Israelis have bought up Australia’s entire telecommunications system and that Israel did the horrific Bali bombing, which was Oz’s 9/11 — has seen a long list of his friends and relatives suddenly keel over, since his activism went to a new level, including the sudden death by stroke of his own sister Jackie, a mother of two, in her early forties.

In any case, brother David, please do be somewhat paranoid and watch your food. The world now knows the Jews are psychopaths, and any residual love and pity for them is ebbing away very fast, except for the most brain-dead Christian Zionists.

And I note that USrahell did NOT attack Iran in August, as many predicted. I ascribe that 100% to behind-the-scenes actions by Vladimir Putin, a Russian with no illusions about Jews. (I note also that the Jew mayor of Moscow, Lushkov, born Katz, is now also gone…)

Our hour is indeed coming, and so let us stay alive and in the battle. Were I you, I would have a physical exam and if it is very positive, broadcast that very fact to the world.

I have attempted to counter these assassination and arrest dangers myself, by many active measures. Israel has declared war on the white race, and you and I must recall the orders which the American troops, very short of ammunition, were given at Bunker Hill in 1775 as the British stormed up the embankment:

“Aim your rifle and fire on the officers. That will break up the soldiers.”

My best as always to you and to Maria.





Dear comrade Harold Covington,

I think our brother Jeff Hughes of British Columbia, who supported your Pacific Northwest white-homeland concept, can indeed still serve us very well in death, as a martyr. I watched the videos carefully and read all the information….


…and Jef had, and via such videos still has, that “Everyman” character that makes people really feel for him, that je ne sais quoi which my personal assistant in 2008-early 2009 had, Henrik Holappa (https://johndenugent.com/henrik-holappa), seized by a small armada of cops in squad cars.

Henrik in downtown Pittsburgh, in front of Shadyside Presbyterian Church. After his jailing in March 2009, a flood of letters convinced ZOG to release the political-asylum applicant and fiery opponent of gang rape of white women by muslims back to his native Finland. The Jew prosecutor in Helsinki, Mika Illman, dropped all three charges with which a female SUPO police officer had threatened him in June 2008 at the police station….. Henrik had what sociologists would call a “support group.” The British Columbia cops clearly felt Jeff Hughes did not.

For some WNs the public and even WNs don’t give much of a damn — and for others their hearts go out. Jeff Hughes just oozed modest, earnest sincerity.

It was great to see Doug Christie’s face again, too, still handsome as he ages, still in the battle.

As you know, I wish your Pacific NW project all the best, though my own calling is to work with the feisty Scotch-Irish Appalachian mountain folks here, with the frustrated, sick-of-the-holocaust-and-welfare-bums German-Americans here, and the antisemitic Slavs right here. This whole area up and down the Appalachian Mountain range is at this stage well beyond Tea Party…. Here is my webpage on my own project, a four-state white safety and heritage bastion as the Jewnited Snakes government and the economy it mismanages collapses.


The PPG (Pittsburgh Plate Glass) headquarters in downtown Pittsburgh, a 67% white city with 90% white suburbs and 98% white exurbs, all very, very rightwing and very armed.

Best to you,


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