ENGLISH Atheists, Hitler would have had you arrested and put in a concentration camp

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I am appealing to you now for immediate financial aid. I am about to start a totally new, dynamic run for president in 2016 ” with full Black backing AGAINST THE JEWS WHO ARE DESTROYING THEM TOO! (Read this! http://www.johndenugent.com/english/english-donald-sterling-scandal-let-the-truth-widen-the-already-large-black-jewish-rift) And I must move tomorrow! I got in a huge donation from Europe ” and the very next day 1) the landlady told us we had to leave (after 20 months here) 2) the Jews cancelled my credit card donation processing service. (The ADL is openly behind this.)

The Jews are terrified of a Black-White alliance against them! Their actions now against me are the proof! Please call me (724) 596-4284 and send me donations now!!!! And no, World War Three ain’t gonna happen between Russia and the US next week ” and you ain’t gonna starve ” because Obama ain’t that stupid as to think he can take on The Bear. Hell, the US could not even beat Iraq or Afghanistan! The most we will get is a minor ramping-up of the Cold War.

I submit that I am the future ” the man who thinks way outside the box, and I will jump us out of the rut we are in! Please support me! And please do so now!



¦..Atheistic national socialists?


I was reading a blog on Andrew Anglin’s website which featured a superficially impressive video and some Cosmotheist ideas of Dr. William Pierce: http://www.dailystormer.com/cosmotheism-trilogy-the-path

I wrote this comment:


william-piercewilliam-piercewilliam-luther-pierceUnlike almost every reader here, I actually worked closely with Dr William Luther Pierce from 1981 to 1984https://johndenugent.com/wn-biography-of-jdn, I ran the Washington-Baltimore unit of the NA, I spoke at the 1983 Chicago convention of the NA, and I both spoke at and and emcee’d the 1984 NA convention. I also wrote about 1/4 of his membership bulletin.

I had huge respect for Dr. Pierce and was proud to be a member of his group, but, on good terms, I resigned in 1984. Why?

Because (like many scientists) Dr. Pierce was an atheist.

He believed basically that the soul is just the brain, and when the body dies the soul ( = the brain) is dead and gone.

He believed our souls are not immortal, and if we live on at all, it is only via 1) having children and/or 2) the impact we leave behind on the world.

Folk community eagle protects family

But as for our mind, personality, memories, will, imagination, and experiences, all that ends forever at the death of the brain, when the EEG, the electroencephalogram, the brain electricity, flatlines.

However, this atheistic “the-soul-is-just-your-brain-or-mind” viewpoint IMO is profoundly, disastrously wrong.

First, it violates the prime dictum of ADOLF HITLER, whom Pierce otherwise highly and rightly revered:

“Due to his own original, special nature, the Jew cannot possess a religious institution, if for no other reason because he lacks idealism in any form, and hence belief in a hereafter is absolutely foreign to him.

And a religion in the Aryan sense cannot be imagined which lacks the conviction of survival after death in some form.

Indeed, the Talmud is not a book to prepare a man for the hereafter, but only for a practical and profitable life in this world.” -Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)


Second, Hitler fiercely opposed atheism as BAD for society and the masses:

“We were convinced that the people needs and requires this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out.” Adolf Hitler, in a speech in Berlin on 24 Oct. 1933

Third, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion(http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/The_Protocols_of_the_Learned_Elders_of_Zion) advocate atheism for the goyim:

“Eliminate religion; replace it with science and materialism.”

It is such an incredible irony that the ferocious antisemites William Pierce and Ben Klassen advocate atheism too.

Klassen was a very good man otherwise, and also a left-brain science-tech type, and in fact he invented the electric can-opener and became wealthy off this patent.

But calling God “the Jew in the sky” was outrageous, and a case of throwing the baby out with the bath water. You may not like the Bible or Christianity, but God is not limited to those Near Eastern definitions.

All our Aryan ancestors believed in God or gods, whether Greeks, Romans, Kelts, Vikings or the Aryans of old India. That is an undeniable fact, and we see to this day the beautiful temples our pagan/heathen forefathers built.



Were they all contemptible, superstitious fools?

Hitler literally would have had both Pierce and Klassen arrested for their writings saying God was just äthe Jew in the sky.ä Hitler would have had you thrown in a concentration camp too for spreading such atheistic pamphlets or books. And that is exactly what the Gestapo did in 1933 with all so-called “freethinking” clubs and organizations.


Heinrich Himmler, head of the German police


The hard truth is that you cannot praise Hitler or national socialism and be an atheist.

This atheism made me very, very sad about Dr. Pierce, who was like a father figure to me and a man whose memory I still cherish. But he was obstinate in refusing any counter-evidencethat God and the soul might be real after all, and also my other argument to him that his vision of life as courage, struggle and, at the end, the eternal death of the individual, was a very coldone that would never attract the masses or women, who are naturally fascinated by all things supernatural (and that is not a put-down at all).

I would suggest to all readers to find the courage to watch my high-production-value videos on the topic of the proofs of the reality of God and the soul. Many would be surprised that both are indeed scientifically proven ” not just äsupportedä but proven  ” as well as being, in Adolf Hitler’s view, a socially useful doctrine for promoting morality and courage in the masses and in soldiers, who may have to shed their lives for our survival.

Obviously, if a soldier believes his soul is truly immortal, he will be less afraid of death, and more afraid of God condemning him for the sin of cowardice. Once the Arabs had been converted to Islam, they conquered half the world, believing that paradise awaited those who died for Allah. The Arabs went from a bunch of camel jockies and history’s nobodies (the Romans and Greeks barely mentioned them) to a militant superpower, and they did so under the power of Islam. That is an incontrovertible, historical fact which no one disputes. Islam made them powerful.

For my proofs of God and the soul, please go to this link https://johndenugent.com/videos-of-jdn-speaking and please scroll 1/3rd down to this:

“Video series äAre God and the soul real?”

[For your convenience, they are also provided here.]

¦..Video series “Are God and the soul real?



As the French say, “peu des science nous äloigne de Dieu, beaucoup de science nous y ramäne,” “lower science takes us away from God; higher science brings us back.”

Electron split experiment: This “electron double-slit” video is a sophisticated scientific cartoon that merits being seen twice ” so it sinks in (and does not remain a mere factoid) that the whole universe is a holograph and definitely not entirely “real.” Electrons most certainly should not “care” whether we are looking at them or not! BUT like a diva, they do, indicating the whole physical universe is basically staged! As I say, watch it TWICE! Then start thinking what this means! The cartoon scientist is Fred Wolf, who is a Jew, but a legitimate physicist who fights atheism among scientists. In fact, all physics for the last 120 years points at the existence of a higher reality, not materialism. But his fellow Jews promote the idea that only the material world is real, God is a myth for the weak, and there is nothing else. When you die you are dead forever.


Wolf, however, is on a crusade to say “But modern science proves the very opposite, that it is this material world that is an illusion!” This electron anomaly was observed by the great mathematician Leonhard Euler of Switzerland and the famous American scientist and politician Ben Franklin already 250 years ago, and the experiment itself was first done by the British scientist Thomas Young in 1803:


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Young_(scientist) How can electrons act like both particle shooting forward (the arrows below) and yet also as waves? Why does it depend on whether you are looking at it??? What the heck is going on here? 😉 A bullet (particle) is simply not a wave. This is a definite anomaly and contradiction, suggesting God is dropping an enormous hint on us NOT to view this world as something to be taken overly seriously, but instead like a tearjerker movie or a romantic comedy. With movies, we simply accept the illogical things in the plot for the sake of the story. As the easy-going yet wise Italians say, “Si non ä vero, ä ben trovato.” = “If it is not true, still it is well told.” 😉


Atheists try to debunk Wolf, a very experienced physicist, and the plain meaning of this electron double-slit experiment. They are also at pains to gloss over the “quantum leap” in modern physics, where an electron leaves an inner shell and goes instantly to an outer shell, with no lapse in time at all. But how can a physical object travel a distance in zero-comma-zero seconds? In reality, it is literally vanishing at the inner shell and re-appearing at the same time on the outer shell ¦. This too suggests the material world is an illusion, although a very elaborate one. The world is just a classroom for young souls, an elementary school. 😉double-slit

There is indeed a totally opposite way to explain ” that everything is real, everything is matter, even heaven and God, and where we go when we die is just to a higher-frequency area. Then there is no more dichotomy between spirit and matter, religion and science, and people have less of a sense of us talking about fairy tales here, God being unfortunately the biggest fairy tale of all to the materialists. What we really are talking about is a “multiverse,” not a universe, with many dimensions existing and all occupying the same space ” but on different frequencies.


In the same way, your house is occupied by cell phone calls, tv signals, microwave, wireless internet perhaps too, and of course radio ” and all are occupying and penetrating the same house from top to bottom, all co-existing, and interwoven, but usually not interfering with each other. They are usually smoothly separated (except a microwave oven can cause static on a radio). In this scientific way of seeing reality plus religion, it is normal for an electron to vanish and reappear ” It ducked into another dimension, where none of the rules of our dimension apply at all. It made a shortcut.


One has to think outside the box, or one cannot explain an electron being both a particle and a wave and vanishing and reappearing elsewhere at the same moment. God is dropping here some really big hints that He exists, and if scoffers scoff, He is just fine with that too. 😉

Note that in this article on quantum mysticism http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_mysticism every single Jew scientist listed ” Einstein, Murry Gell-Man and Steven Weinberg ” attacks the fact that modern physics supports the existence of God, and the Aryan scientists line up supporting the truth that modern physics proves God’s existence.

(But this god is neither a senile old man in a white beard nor some forgive-everything sort of yin being, or cutesy Baby Jesus. It is a realistic, stern, law-giving Father figure who gives everyone only what they deserve.)

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion advocate strongly that the goyeem be made atheistic, because then they will fear to die and, not having a soul (just a myth, you see) they will be dead forever.They will prefer to live as slaves on their knees, not become as lions who fight for their freedom, for the safety and future of their women and children, and for the survival of their race and nation.

Atheism = worry only about dying, and so every man for himself.

Theism = God expects every man to do his duty, and you will face His fury in both life and death if you choose to live on as a coward ” as your women and children are taken and physically or morally destroyed.

If you wish to join the Jews and scoff at God, then you will fall into a pit of despair and end up like Lasha Darkmoon, who lists all the reasons we supposedly are doomed: http://www.darkmoon.me/2013/under-jewish-rule-by-lasha-darkmoon/ This is God’s universe; you better believe in Him. Without Him, without Divine aid, then Lasha is right and it is over. PART 1  PART 2 “ A PART 2 “ B  PART 2 “ C 


On the subject of reincarnation, see also this important webpage: https://johndenugent.com/solutreanism/important-info/reincarnation-evidence (In German: https://johndenugent.com/deutsch/beweise-der-reinkarnation).



My encounter with one of the most reputable “seers” in America and, it seems, through her with my deceased British grandfather from Yorkshire!






This may be the


N-o-t Obama

John de Nugent ä former Marine, high-honors Georgetown graduate, father and leader

ä and EMERGENCY, PROVISIONAL President of the Americans!

(äProvisionalä until a real election can happen, not yet another miserable choice that every 4 years Wall Street gives us between 2 RICH, PAID-TO-LIE PUPPETS)

I as President will bring back the economy by five clear steps:


(Wikipedia: ä$50.7 trillion in debt are owed by US households, businesses, and governmentsä!)

After WWII Germany CANCELED ITS DEBTS and though 80% destroyed by war, today Germany is the richest country in Europe! The Europeans now beg Germany to bail THEM out! We Americans, like Germany after the war, must be DEBT-FREE! We cannot EVER pay off $50 TRILLION in debts to Wall Street! Cancel all debts. Start fresh! To hell with financial vultures and their bonuses!


  2. STOP ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS (paid under-the-table to drive down our wages; 95% of illegals do jobs Americans arehappy to do; only 5% pick vegetables! They are in factories, driving trucks, and doing roofing and carpentry!)

4) A NEW, NON-PROFIT NATIONAL BANK to make ZERO-INTEREST LOANS to CONSUMERS and BUSINESSES ä get the money to Main Street, not crooks on Wall Street!

Who runs the puppet US government? Why does it never obey äThe Peopleä?

This is whom it obeys: Take out a


FLIP it over!! LOOK at it right now!!! Theyäre LAUGHING at you!!!!

Go to my website JOHNDENUGENT.ORG, and learn the truth about theECONOMY, the MEDIA, 9/11, JERRY SANDUSKY, the NUMEC nuclear CANCER EPIDEMIC in western Pennsylvania, why kids are getting AUTISM, and whyDRUGS are taking over our towns. (Iäll tell you what a fellow Marine revealed, his hands shaking in remorse.)

I am your FEDERALLY REGISTERED CANDIDATE FOR US PRESIDENT in 2016! This is the start of something BIG! Build for the next election ä in 2016! Stop voting for the lesser of two evils. That äs WHY Americaäs becoming evil ä äcuz we keep VOTING it IN! And the very act of voting them in makes these puppets seem älegitä!

NOW select the real choice!

John de Nugent, US Marine, at your service!

site: johndenugent.COM
tel: (724)596-4284
email: john_denugent@yahoo.com



I need your financial help to WRITE MY SACRED ARYAN SCRIPTURE FOR US AND OUR TIMES, and prepare a new political alliance ” and run for President in 2016 as the head of a NEW multiracial coalition against the real problem, the Jews!jdn-facing-left-profile-b-w-sarver-garage-2011

Others have been making big sacrifices. But I have gotten in just $150 all month so far and we have to move in one week! (The owners are moving back into the house we rented from them from Sept. 2012 to now.) And the Jews just cancelled my credit card donations!


How about you?

John de Nugent


Apollo PA 15613


(724) 596-4284

This is how you can help financially:

Or, if in the US, just buy a MoneyPak at any Walmart, Kmart, Rite Aid, CVS or other drugstore, put money on it and send me the amount and PIN number on the back (scratch it of like a scratch ticket) by email or phone call!

greendot_MoneyPak postal money orders and other money orders that are left blank in the recipient area, or made out to äJohn de Nugentä ( IF STOLEN THEY CAN BE REDEEMED! JUST KEEP THE RECEIPT)  100-US-DOLLAR-USPS-MONEY-ORDER sending valuable jewelry or gold coins cash in an envelope, even with a fake return address (no risk there!)  IF YOU SEND CASH OR COINS, WRAP THEM IN ALUMINUM FOIL! aluminum-foil us-20-dollars-aluminum-envelope-2 PAYPAL (write me at john_denugent@yahoo.com for more details how you can do this, since PP banned meä.) paypal


checks made out to äJohn de Nugentä now that I again have a bank account, in fact, via STEALTH, I have now two. ;-)

John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613


(724) 596-4284



  1. Another famous scientist once claimed science was a cup, on the bottom of which God was to be found; and most scientists believe that all that now is was originally created by a divine entity. Many atheists are “philo”-sophers or the like, which speaks for itself, in my opinion.

    Yet Arabs were no atheists before conversion to that third version of the abrahamitic beliefs, Islam. In fact, they were, just like Europeans centuries before, worshipping the Great Goddess, who gave birth to the universe, as all pagan societies worldwide once did. Archeologists found out that even the black stone inside the Kaabah originally symbolized that divine mother’s vulva, and people did processions or or danced around it naked in her praise, for the body was venerated as her divine creation.

    I am pretty sure the original Arabs would have seen her handwriting in that video you posted of that horse caressing a cat, or even as an image of her very self. Islam may have made them conquerors, yet spiritually it pushed them into darkness, IMHO. And that is a very bad deal.

    • Thanks for this email.

      I hate to say it, but Islam seems like Talmudism for Arabs. It was used to make Arabs into a battering ram to attack Christendom and the white world of Europe. It nearly destroyed the Eastern Roman Empire right after it erupted, and did finish it off finally in 1453. Islam took over all of Spain, Sicily, and via the Turks, eventually, most of the Balkans.

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