ENGLISH Australian mega-flood and white solidarity, yet in Perth Brendon O'Connell goes on trial; black woman says send us back to Africa; Hitler triumphant offers Churchill to return all conquests

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Excellent article on MLK: http://www.counter-currents.com/author/kastrom/
Kevin Strom is extremely controversial due to morals charges leveled against him, but I know him only from the 1983-84 period, before his wives and ex-wives, as an excellent, accurate writer.


I and Henrik Holappa met white civil rights activist Steve Godfrey of Queensland, Australia in 2008, who told us how almost purely white Queensland was within the context of a rapidly darkening Australia.

(Until the mid-Sixties, Australia actually had a whites-only immigration policy, continuing the British policy of keeping its “Dominions” — the white ex-colonies of Canada, Australia and New Zealand — all-white.)

His latest email informs me that this almost pure-white state (province) of Australia has shown wonderful solidarity during the recent catastrophic floods.

Map of Australia by climate types: Queensland (QLD) is upper right and its climate up north is “equatorial” (tropical) like southern Florida or even more jungle-like, unlike the huge arid sections of the country.

We are on the Northside of Brisbane, capital of Queensland, a city of two million. [JdN: As the map below shows, Brisbane is on the east coast, halfway down, and close to the border with New South Wales.] The floods occurred in the CBD & Southside. It also ‘took out’ two neighbouring cities, Ipswich & Toowoomba (both with 100,000 people), plus 70 smaller cities & towns – in fact 3/4 of the entire State. Quite an area, as Queensland is 670,000 sq. miles in size. The damage bill estimated at nine billion dollars (AUD) for the rural areas (includes many Chinese-owned coal mines) and five billion dollars (AUD) for urban areas (Brisbane & Ipswich). {JdN: The Aussie dollar right now is equal to the US dollar in value, as is the Canadian dollar.]

What saved us? After nine weeks of extremely heavy rain – e.g. Ipswich got its annual rainfall in just one day (250mm) then the same in the next five hours – rain stopped over Brisbane two days before the floods. The water from the rain-swollen rivers kept rolling anyway. The inland towns & cities all sit along the same Murray-Darling River system. It stretches 3,000 miles from Far North Qld through NSW, Victoria & South Australia. So now those States are also getting drowned. NSW had 4,500 evacuated two days ago.

Brisbane’s flood peak was one metre [JdN: three feet+] below expected so it did not reach us. Praise God! 15 drowned & 12 missing, mostly in two small towns between Toowoomba & Brisbane that were hit without warning. We had two days warning so 3,000 people were evacuated the day before. 10 looters caught so far – 10 years jail for them. Two days after the floods peaked and began to ebb away the local City Councils & State government called for volunteers to assemble at four points for passage to destroyed areas.

Out of nowhere 12,000 volunteers appeared from all over. Began clearing out homes & businesses in preparation for refitting. 1,200 Army personnel also. It’s great. A real swelling of ‘community spirit’. It’s making us all very proud. Is estimated with take one year to repair the 20,00 destroyed homes.

One can only compare to Haiti, still in ruins 12 months after earthquake or even New Orleans six years after Katrina. Hmmm. Maybe something to do with a homogeneous population?

JdN: At this link you can see just how white-white-white the population is…..http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/jan/12/brisbane-floods-thousands-flee Too bad Australia has severe hate-speech and gun-control laws (ever since the Port Arthur massacre, which was done by ZOG itself, killing thirty-five innocent person, most with extremely-skilled military-sniper-style HEAD SHOTS, so as to “justify” disarming WHITE Australia. (Now you as a white man or woman have to join a government-supervised gun club and the head of each club is secretly a government informant and leftist who, though they deny it, listens to what everyone says and thinks and reports it. If you miss ONE meeting, you lose your license. )

On the downside our main food distribution centre, Rocklea Markets, went under so there is little fresh food, bread, milk etc available. I managed to nip out for food the day before the flood, thanks to the break in the torrential rain, but I will run out in a week. Am due to return to work tomorrow – is on the Northside so should be no problems. All buses & trains run on half schedule. Cars are asked not to travel to reduce congestion. Cross your fingers.

Yours Steve Godfrey


Brendon is under a Soviet-style court gag order to not post anything on the Internet (WHY NOT?? Why should an indicted man not have the right to express his opinions and defend himself online?), so his blog stopped back in November: http://brendonoconnell.blogspot.com/

O’Connell is facing THIRTEEN YEARS in a Perth courtroom (southwestern coast of “Oz”) for racial hatred. Hogwash! He has been proving that Israel has taken over Australian telecommunications, so as to gain the insider information needed to BUY UP and also INTIMIDATE the whole country, and he has shown that Israel was behind the Port Arthur, Tasmania massacre of 1996 (thirty-five innocent white Australians murdered) to as to disarm Australians, and the 2002 Bali, Indonesia nightclub massacre, killing 202, of whom 88 were Australians, so as to create a police state and antiterrorist hysteria.

I have been following O’Connell’s career since 2007, when I first say him posting on the www.libertyforum.org discussion forum under the name “QuoTodt.”

I had a huge thread there with 86,000 views, entitled “Apocalypse of the Psychopaths.” The Jews took the whole forum off the Net in August 2008. I was pounding them there over ritual child murders — as admitted and exhaustively PROVEN by the Israeli professor Ariel Toaff at an Orthodox Jewish university — http://www.bloodpassover.com — and O’Connell separately was hitting them over the head for taking over the Western world’s telecommunications industry (not just Australia”s), and exposing specific Israeli spies and operatives such as a sinister Jew called Leon Wende.


Bali, 2002 — Israeli-run Islamists burn over two hundred white tourists alive; half-Jew prime minister John Howard of Australia says on cue that this proves we must support George Bush and the USA in the “war on terror” (and later Howard send Aussie troops into the Iraq debacle).

John Howard, part-Jewish neo-con and pro-Bush, pro-police state prime minister of Oz 1996-2007

Here is Wikipedia’s account of the Port Arthur crime, which totally ignores the blatantly MK-ULTRA nature of this massacre: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port_Arthur_massacre_%28Australia%29 This whole phenomenon is also described by the brave Kay Griggs of Virginia in the United States, who has shown, using he conversations and diaries of her then husband, Marine colonel George Griggs, that the ZOG regime has super-trained headshot killers, young male zombyized psychopaths, who roam the world doing such massacres, and also acting as regular hitmen to take out individuals who become threats to the system.

German comrade Gerry Frederics, who also served in the 101st Airborne of the US Army and the Army’s Third Infantry Division, wrote me:

The honest CIA Agent Lindauer disclosed that prior to the attack by “the coalition of the willing,” the Iraqi government under Saddam Hussein was itself willing “to give us anything.”

Hmmmmm, sounds like the Hitler government, which as late as 1940 made the most incredible concessions to the Anglo-American world, despite then being in a position of immense strength.

Adolf Hitler´s offers, I think 48 in all, were not only roundly rejected, but insults were heaped on him and the German nation as a reply. Absolutely incredible when considering what we read in the history books these days.

What it proves, and beyond a shadow of a doubt, is that it was the aim of the Jewish-led Anglo-American world to annihilate Germany, regardless of consequences.

More profoundly demented and insane governments than the ones in Washington DC, London and Warsaw of the years 1937 onward are impossible to imagine.

Gerry Frederics

Excellent comment as always, Gerry.

Hitler offered to return every single brilliant military conquest his valorous men had just made! Re-establish a free Poland (meaning all ethnically Polish areas to that country), France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Czechoslovakia (all its Slavic areas) and Norway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hitler’s one main foreign-policy goal was in the east; it was always to smash the murderous, genodcidal, horrifing and menacing USSR, a country twice the size of the United States and getting ready to attack the West.

Theodore O’Keefe has a great article here about David Irving’s findings:



Sunday, January 16, 2011 13:04:40

USA Today claims white people are cowardly.

Council of Conservative Citizens <webmaster@cofcc.org>


To: john_denugent@yahoo.com

USA Today libels all white Americans

An article in USA Today claims that “both blacks and Hispanics were twice as likely as whites to have performed heroic deeds.” The source for the claim is a Philip Zimbardo, a professor emeritus at Stanford University.

He backs up this claim by saying that blacks and Hispanics are better heroes because they are “discriminated against.” They become heroes by “standing up to discrimination.” Then he follows by saying blacks and Hispanics have “more compassion to others in need.”

According to Zimbardo, these white volunteers rescuing Haitians don’t know what being a real hero is. They have never been discriminated against by the evil white man. I guess that is why so few black Americans volunteered to go to Haiti. They were all too busy being heroes by standing up to the white man’s “discrimination” in the United States.

The entire article is nothing more than a vicious slur against white people.

This Philip Zimbardo is a fanatical leftist who claims it is discrimination for a landlord not to let someone squat in his apartment for free.

From Brainy Quotes…

I was discriminated against because I was Jewish, Italian, black and Puerto Rican. But maybe the worst prejudice I experienced was against the poor. I grew up on welfare and often had to move in the middle of the night because we couldn’t pay the rent. – Philip Zimbardo

Zimbardo has made a name for himself advocating his “Luficer effect” theory as to why “good people turn evil.” He claims social conditioning turns people bad, not genetics. This is a major tenant of the social Marxism espoused by the Frankfurt school.

He takes the name of his theory from John Milton’s Paradise Lost, which Zimbardo comically confuses with Old Testament “scripture.” The word Lucifer does not even appear in the Old Testament except for the King James Version, where it is used once. The story he describes as “from scripture” is actually from John Milton’s 17th century epic poem Paradise Lost. Milton re-writes the Devil as a more sympathetic “Lucifer” based on the Greek deity Prometheus. However, Milton certainly did not advocate any social conditioning psycho-babble.


  1. Bali is a Hindu/animist island next to Islamic island of Java, the world’s most populated island of over 136 million in a size of Pennsylvania land mass (Java is slightly bigger than PA by about 6K sq miles). PA has a pop. of about 11 million.

  2. Speaking of Haiti with its’ earthquake and the mess one year later, don’t forget Christchurch, NZ, had a earthquake, which was slightly stronger than Haiti’s. Because of Christchurch’s better building codes (read: white bldg codes), it had far fewer damage and zero lives lost.

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