ENGLISH Barnes Review magazine: for Christmas a free book (11 choices) and subscription for $4 a month! and Google Chrome browser lies about virus on Russian new website

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Dear reader of my blog:


“We have no magazine like this in France!” said a top French antizionist writer, Hervé Ryssen of the Sorbonne, to Margi when she was in Europe this year.

One of his greatest works is “Psychoanalysis of Judaism”

Another is “The Jewish Mafia”

“Only The Barnes Review in the whole world is on this level of content and graphics,” said to us likewise Joaquin Bochaca, patriot historian in Spain.


 The History of the Conquered/the Suicide of the West


We are proud to introduce a historical magazine to you that is so important, Margi volunteered to work for them for free in April 2005 (and I met her there, and that is how we began dating 🙂 ), she is now a Contributing Editor, and we both do believe this magazine of fascinating truth will change your life! And for $46, for six big issues, you also get a selection of our outstanding books worth $20! For a two- year subscription, 12 issues, make that $40 worth!

It is named The Barnes Review after Harry Elmer Barnes, long the most famous historian in America (on Google there are 2.5 million hits on his name!).

Now, even Dr. Barnes was “taken in” initially by the World War I newspaper propaganda that if we only crossed the wide Atlantic ocean and fought the evil, baby-killing, nun-raping [sic] Germans, we would end evil and, as Woodrow Wilson pontificated, this war would be “the war to end all wars.”

Anti-German war propaganda in US jewspapers.

Racism in jewish newspapers is permitted , as long as it is directed against Germans. Here they are depicted, artlessly, as looking like apes!

Dr. Barnes realized that the war had led ONLY to obscene Wall Street profits, the murder of the tsar and his entire family,

..and to the rise of communism in Russia, the Great Depression, and finally to World War Two!

He was further outraged when all the claims in the WWI American newspapers of German atrocities (raped nuns, children’s hands cut off, dead soldiers boiled into soap) turned out to be vicious lies and totally faked photographs using flesh-painted, carved pieces of balsa wood!

Is this drumbeat-for-foreign-war over? Hardly. Just a month ago we almost went to war with Syria over more fake stories, involving yet another supposedly “mad dictator”, and yes, he was supposedly “gassing his own people.” But the atrocity scam did not work this time. And[i] The Barnes Review[/i] claims partial credit for debunking these unnecessary wars!

Since its founding in 1994 by a personal friend of Dr. Barnes, Willis Carto, a WWII veteran, our magazine has covered revisionist truth so as to avoid the insanity of war and the dangers to you and me of the police state.

This offer only lasts through the end of January!

John de Nugent

PS See the details below from Margi!


Christmas Gift from The Barnes Review


 Free gift book with subscription to The Barnes Review

From Margaret Huffstickler, Contributing Editor
Dear Reader of John’s website:
Book gift with subscription to The Barnes ReviewAs a regular reader of his essays, such as https://johndenugent.com/psychopaths-in-power, you already know how the controlled media lies in order to cover up crimes of the psychopathic “elite” and facilitate more of the same.
You probably know also that some of the biggest and most powerful lies date back to the middle of the last century or earlier – and are now entombed in official textbooks as “history.”
As George Orwell wrote in his prescient novel 1984, “Who controls the past controls the future.”
Don’t let the would-be rulers of the world control your future and that of your children – learn the truth about the past to bring about a better future for all!
SMerry Christmas!ince 1994 The Barnes Review has been THE premier illustrated Revisionist History magazine in the world. Covering periods from prehistory to the 21st century, each issue is packed with eye-popping, politically incorrect history, latest news on the daring “thought criminals” of our time, and much more.
In the spirit of Christmas, and to introduce new readers to its unique and liberating world view, The Barnes Review is offering new subscribers residing in the U.S. a book of their choice from a selected range of books, priced up to $20, from The Barnes Review‘s rich and varied selection.
See the book covers below and scroll further down to learn how it works. Click on any cover to see a complete description!
Ways That Are Dark: The Truth About China The Myth of the Six Million: Examining the Nazi Extermination Origins of Western Civilization Adolf Hitler & The Third Reich. An Illustrated Guide
The Devil's Handiwork: A Victim's View of 'Allied' War Crimes Sketches from Roman History The Centuries of Revolution: Democracy, Communism, Zionism Final Solution: Germany's Madagascar Resettlement Plan
Rudolf Hess: His Betrayal & Murder Barbarian Cruelty: Eyewitness Account of White Slavery Under the Moors Fountain of Fairytales: A Scholarly Romp Through the Old Testament The Lost White Race
Click on the covers to learn more about each book.

More about The Barnes Review magazine

Some of the exciting topics covered by The Barnes Review in the past include:
  • ancient civilizations (were Europeans the first settlers of North America, 10,000 years before the Indians?)
  • mysterious assassins (who really was John Wilkes Booth, and did he die in comfort decades after the Civil War?)
  • cattle barons versus a feisty female homesteader in the Wild West: Cattle Kate and the Wyoming Civil War (my own article; see below about “Cattle Kate”)
  • secrets of the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve
  • origin of the ancient Aryans
  • personal memoirs of the greatest Waffen-SS hero on the Eastern Front in WWII
  • Joan of Arc, 19-year-old peasant girl and how she won the 100 Years War
  • true story of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
  • The Norman Conquest and how French-speaking Vikings turned a peaceful Anglo-Saxon farming island into the globe-spanning British Empire
  • How did the American Revolution succeed when it had just 10% active popular support and its armies were usually broke?
  • the unique gifts and heroism of the men and women of European blood
  • 300 years of Muslim raids on Europe for their harems and galleys
  • Did the Third Reich set up a new base after 1945 in Antarctica to plan its comeback?

Here are a few examples of the more than 120 issues of The Barnes Review which have appeared so far.
Click on the images to read their table of contents and any free article available for download:

TBR 6/2008 TBR 5/2011 TBR 6/2004 TBR 1/2011 TBR 5/2007
Barnes Review subscription makes a great Christmas gift, and if you home-school your children, or have friends who do so, you can’t beat it as a resource to get them thinking “outside the box” of mainstream history books.
And Barnes Review subscribers get 10% off all books ordered over the phone!
I believe in The Barnes Review. I volunteered for them way back in 2005, working in shipping, looking for any way I could to help them. Later that year, I became a writer and translator for them, and in 2012 a Contributing Editor. I love the search for truth, and it uplMargaret Huffstickler, 2007ifts me to get each new issue, learning about the great men and women of our history who fought the lies, overcame the despair, and defeated the evils around them.
As the One for Whose sake we celebrate Christmas said: The truth will set you free.”
With warmest wishes for the coming year,
Margaret Huffstickler

PS: What if you can’t afford a subscription at this time, or would like to see more before committing to one?The Barnes Review has great freebies for you, no strings attached!
 .Willis A. Carto: A Straight Look at the Second World War
  • Click here to download whole past issues of The Barnes Review in pdf format, absolutely free.
  • Click here to read or download, in pdf format, the lead articles of every issue of The Barnes Review starting January 2001.
PPS: As an EXTRA bonus gift from The Barnes Review, please accept with your subscription a free copy of Willis Carto’s best-selling A Straight Look at the Second World War, an incisive, no-holds-barred analysis of the true causes, perpetrators and ongoing global repercussions of the fratricidal bloodbath known as World War II.
And again, for those not yet ready to commit to a subscription to The Barnes Review, the text of this best-selling booklet can be downloaded from The Barnes Review website here.

Some more examples of The Barnes Review:

TBR 5/2005 TBR 6/2003 TBR 3/2013 TBR 4/2013 TBR 5/2013

After you have put a subscription to The Barnes Review magazine into your shopping cart on The Barnes Review website (or by placing the subscription in any other way explained there), simply add one of the above books to your shopping cart, and when checking out enter this Discount Coupon code on Step 2 (payment Information) of the checkout process:


This will deduct up to 25 dollars from the total of your order of books from the above list.
So if you’re not yet a subscriber to The Barnes Review, this is YOUR chance! Click here to subscribe, and get a free book gift as a thank you from The Barnes Review team! Notice the easy, low monthly payment option: $4 for US subscribers, $5.50 for residents of Canada and Mexico, and $7 for the rest of the world.
Visit them at www.BarnesReview.org for international rates and for S&H to your nation.
In case you want to submit your subscription request or payment the old fashion way, send your check, money order or credit card information (including expiration date) to:
P.O. Box 15877, Washington, D.C. 20003
TOLL FREE 1-877-773-9077
(from abroad: ++1-951-587-6936)
Go to our online shop
* This is an offer made by TBR Magazine and Bookstore, P.O. Box 15877, Washington, D.C. 20003, USA
phone: east coast: 202-547-5586; west coast: 877-773-9077 (from abroad: ++1-951-587-6936)
Unfortunately, owing to high international shipping rates the free gift book is available only to US residents. Please allow 28 days for delivery of your gift. Your subscription will start with the next available issue. Book choices are subject to availability. The Barnes Review reserves the right to substitute the gift book with an alternative of similar value. Offer good through January 31, 2013.


Here are some of my own articles that have appeared in TBR:

Cattle Kate



This is a VERY important article, since we constantly hear the LIE that the Polish attack on the German radio station at Gleiwitz in 1939 was ‘a false-flag attack by Hitler to start WWII and justify his invasion of Poland, using murdered Poles stuck in Polish Army uniforms.”  Instead it was a REAL Polish attack, one of many, and it was never used by Hitler in any recitation of Polish attacks to justify the war! It was just one of many Polish attacks that had been going on for months with the full encouragement of London and Paris!  


From John:

On a personal note, I and Margi together have been heavily involved with TBR since April 20, 2005,  and in my case way going back to 1996.

Margi-John-Old- Timers-Car-Show -Sarver-Pa-Sept- 2008

These articles, in .pdf form, were all originally published in The Barnes Review, a truth-seeking historical magazine published on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., near the U.S. Capitol building on Pennsylvania Avenue. I was the associate editor of this unique magazine in 2005-2006. Because I wrote in the 1990s under the name “John Nugent,” it was decided that I should continue to publish under that name after 2005, although in 2004 my legal last name, restoring the original medieval family name, once again became “de Nugent.”

I thus confronted the rampant “freedom-fries” French-bashing perpetrated by the controlled American Jewsmedia in  2003-2004, especially by the neo-con FOX News Channel, whose pro-Iraq War personnel and guests overwhelmingly consisted of chicken hawks such as Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, the closet homosexual Shepard Smith, and the comedian-commentator Dennis Miller, all of whom have never served in any military uniform, yet called the French cowards for not joining in that insane invasion-occupation.

Shield (coat of arms) of Nogent-le-Rotrou

They also claimed Saddam Hussein had “weapons of mass destruction” with no evidence whatsoever, and helped cause immense moral and financial harm to our own country and a catastrophe for Iraq.  It was thus at the worst moment of the French-bashing by FOX that I decided to proudly reassert my distant (and partially) French ancestry by retaking the family name “de Nugent” from Nogent-le-Rotrou in Normandy.

And I pay tribute today to my French friends who ALL warned me — as an American and former Marine — after the horrible experience they had as French soldiers themselves fighting Arabs in the Algerian War of 1953-1960 — that it is folly to try to occupy ANY hostile Arabic country, and never, ever worth the stupendous cost in ethics, in treasure and in ruined reputation. Let them fight each other to the end of time — we must butt out of the Middle East!

Here now are some of my most important articles in The Barnes Review:

“My Revolutionary Life” by Léon Degrelle 


Degrelle Remembers

No Way Hitler Escaped the Bunker

Of German Blood
Pt.1 | Pt.2 | Pt.3 (.pdf)

Russia and the Jews (I translated 90% of the main article.)

Charles de Gaulle

Herbert Hoover

Insane WWII Battle of Hürtgen Forest

Joan of Arc

What Sank Russian Submarine Kursk

Psychopathy & History

Oswald Spengler

Pedro Varela Sentence


auf deutsch: http://tinyurl.com/ykvxxz4

 Mein Artikel aus 1999 in englischer und hier in deutscher Sprache (vom Revisionisten Jürgen Graf übersetzt): wer-waren-die-ureinwohner-amerikas-nugent-graf

* * *

Madagascar Plan


(Research by Ralph Grandinetti and myself, but actually written almost entirely by myself)



The young John Kennedy visits Germany in 1945 and reflects on Hitler



…..Feedback on this blog:

–The Barnes Review (TBR) is one of those pubs you read from cover to cover or at least look at the titles of the articles just as soon as you get it in the mail. You know, that special intellectual stimulation and search for truth, wherever it leads, that distinguishes us real truth seekers from other so-called patriots and conservatives.
I feel privileged to have written two articles for TBR  on the subjects of White slavery and the Barbary Pirates.
If you are a nationalist and love true history, I especially recommend that you subscribe to TBR.
Sidney Secular,
I agree that this magazine is the best buy available. Everybody should subscribe. Thanks for doing the advertisement.

South Africa 


…..December 23 is the centenary of the wicked FED

Tomorrow, Dec. 23, is the 100th birthday of the Fed. This was the greatest and sneakiest jew victory in world history. It meant the Jews print all the money in America, yes, every buck circulating in the American superpower.
And by the TRILLIONS, they give it to their friends to buy up OUR media and OUR political leaders in OUR country. WWI and WWI, and everything else, goes back to the Jews getting the Fed and buying up America and bribing and corrupting its soul. Every dollar in existence under the Fed system is borrowed by the American people from a Jew — and must be paid back with interest to a Jew.
A comrade wrote me: I remember reading something about Woodrow Wilson being blackmailed by the Jew Justice Brandeis — something to do with the Fed and WWI.
I replied:
es, the Jews bought the spicy love letters that Wilson wrote his mistress, the wife of a fellow professor at Princeton. Despite running for re-election in 1916 on the reassuring slogan “He Kept Us Out of War,” when the Jews ordered him to declare war on Germany, Wilson obeyed, just weeks into his second term. (http://www.realzionistnews.com/?p=537) As Brother Nathanael (Kapner) writes: “Samuel Untermeyer was a prominent New York City attorney of the Law Firm, Guggenheim, Untermeyer, & Marshall. [He] produced a packet of letters written by Woodrow Wilson to the wife of a Princeton professor named Peck when they were neighbors at the university which established the scenario of an illicit relationship.” (from https://johndenugent.com/glory-to-mary-phagan-and-the-white-men-who-avenged-her-conclusion)
He replied:  Great work as always John…my brother went to Princeton in the mid 80’s and he (Wilson) is heralded there like the Jesus Christ of American politics.
I answered:  Hmmm…. Wilson was a perfect, classic, diagnosable narcissist with a messiah complex who got us into WWI and caused 100,000 American dead, all to save his precious presidency after the Jews got his love letters. But hey, he got us into the “war to end all wars.” 😉

…..FREE sub online to American Free Press!

CHRISTMAS SPECIAL — Free 1-year online subscription to American Free Press weekly newspaper, no strings attached!



…..Thank you, Ben!

Ben Franklin’s ethereal glass armonica revived!

BEAUTIFUL — Heaven must sound like this. 🙂


…..Never let South Africa happen to US….




Predators and prey….

An Aussie comrade wrote me:   I can see this happening in Australia too. They always give White people those looks and even though it doesn’t scare me. I could only imagine how the women will feel when they begin to flood more and more.

I replied:

I could not agree more with your statement, as a man myself: “..even though it doesn’t scare me, I could only imagine how the women will feel.” I have been in parks where Mexicans were illegally drinking beer and they were just jolly and friendly and called me “amigo.” But I am very fit, male, walk like a Marine and am armed.

But white women told me they were subjected in the same park by the same Mexicans to sexual remarks and curses (like being called a “puta”) when they ignored the Mexicans. At first I was shocked, but then I began to realize viscerally how white women live in a very, very different world than I do, and a much scarier one.

…..Google Chrome browser blocks access to major Russian news service website with lie about “malware”

RIA Novosti (“Russian Information Agency News”, found at http://en.ria-ru) presents the Russian and Putin administration view of world events, and often is much more free of zionist control. So now the Googlejews Brin and Page simply lie to scare the sheeple away with “if you click on this website you will get a virus!”

Freedom-of-speech haters and jewboys Larry Page and Serge Brin


If you type in http://en.ria-ru  for the English-.langue version of the site (or the French version with “fr.”, or the German version with “de.” ) you get three screens full of dire warnings!


But on other well-known browsers such as Firefox, Internet Explorer and Opera, THEY do not warn about any malware on RIA Novosti!

As Jesus said in the Gospel of John, chapter 8, the Jews are from their father the DEVIL, and he is a liar and the father of LIES.

…..Website viewers around the world


12/22 @ 1:12 : Wilmington, Delaware, US
12/22 @ 1:09 : Innsbruck, AT [AUSTRIA]
12/22 @ 1:09 : Brasília, BR[AZIL]
12/22 @ 1:09 : Mexico, MX
12/22 @ 1:08 : Brasília, BR
12/22 @ 1:08 : London, UK
This is a typical Tavistock Institute mind-control trick, and one that hypnotists use too. The hypnotist makes a very positive, declarative statement such as “Your eyelids are getting heavy. You  are getting sleepy.”  In this case  “Blacks can be English,” “Blacks can be so friendly,” and “Blacks have police power.” The key is always the authoritarian tone. It is all about triggering a dominance-submission pattern. Imagine if you stuck a White person in a Nigerian cop’s cap and titled it “The Nigerian People.” There would be outrage.
12/22 @ 1:06 : Rendsburg, DE[UTSCHLAND = GERMANY]
12/22 @ 1:06 : Hagerstown, Maryland, US
12/22 @ 1:06 : Medellín, CO[LOMBIA]
12/22 @ 1:06 : Huntsville, Alabama, US
12/22 @ 1:03 : Las Vegas, Nevada, US
12/22 @ 1:02 : Medellín, CO
12/22 @ 1:02 : Bay Saint Louis, Mississippi, US
12/22 @ 12:59 : Berlin, DE
12/22 @ 12:58 : Krumbach, DE
12/22 @ 12:41 : Kallmünz, DE
12/22 @ 12:41 : Bay Saint Louis, Mississippi, US
12/22 @ 12:40 : Apollo, Pennsylvania, US
12/22 @ 12:38 : Owatonna, Minnesota, US
Miss Midwest and Owatonna school kids
12/22 @ 12:36 : Apollo, Pennsylvania, US
12/22 @ 12:36 : Altena, DE
12/22 @ 12:36 : Saint-Sébastien-sur-Loire, FR
Activists with signs for a new “eco-garden” opened so city dwellers can enjoy a tiny forest
12/22 @ 12:35 : Mountain View, California, US
12/22 @ 12:35 : Stendal, DE
12/22 @ 12:35 : Amsterdam, NL
12/22 @ 12:33 : Amsterdam, NL
12/22 @ 12:33 : Netherlands, NL
12/22 @ 12:32 : Bjuv, SE
12/22 @ 12:32 : Ashland, Virginia, US

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