ENGLISH Birth certificates I have and Obongo does not; firearms for fun and freedom; chapters from Michael Winkler’s Spiritual World

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Another debacle for the guy who pronounced “Navy Corpsman” thrice as Navy Corpse-Man”…..

…..and whose presidential seal fell off the podium


Hey, Jug-Ears: the one who should be “sweating bullets” is YOU, a national laughing-stock.

It started off on the wrong foot with a mangled oath of office:


I can say one thing: the common people take such things as signs that God is NOT with this man, that he has bad mojo, and, as is often the case with the common people, uncluttered by bookwormery, they see things clearly. They have seen and experienced no “change” of the sort Mubarak Obama promised and ran for president on — just things getting steadily worse. The man cannot DELIVER.

That is what my intuition told me in 2008, when I was planning a loud (though symbolic) run for the presidency as a write-in candidate…that, given enough time, this man would self-destruct. He is the most hollow and vapid stick figure to ever squat in our White House, ain’t that right, Barry Soetoro?


================THE PEOPLE OF THE LIE

It would seem that the number-one character defamation the Jews use today against active WN fighters is to sap their support among their conservative, family-oriented base by spreading rumors they are homosexuals.

This was the main line of attack used by Stormfront leaders against me in March 2009, plus the rumor that is also still being actively spread that I am “crazy,” “delusional,” and “ill,” and also that I am an embezzler….

(Another is that I am a coward, despite the fact a coward would leave this Cause after Homeland Security arrests his personal assistant and throws him for 87 days into solitary, then expels him from US soil, with an ICE goon telling that asisistant, Henrik Holappa, that “the highest levels of the administration have taken an interest in your case.” Or they would leave this Cause after the Joint Terrorism Task Force — which is who arrested Kevin Strom, Edgar Steele and Mike Williams — comes twice to his home and demands to speak to his new chief assistant for computers, Clark Lightbridge.)

Henrik Holappa, now banned for life from US soil and back in Finland, tells me that the Israeli-controlled fake nationalist party in Finland, the “True Finns” (“We love Israel, our ally against Islam”) resorts constantly to callimg HIM a homosexual…….

The kosherized True Finns accuse Holappa of being queer, say Israel is the friend of the white race, and any African negro who learns Finnish and takes a sauna can be a Finn………

Two of the True Finn party’s sexy leaders who accuse Holappa of being “gay”; they will really attract hot girls into our Cause…………They worship an aristocrat and field marshal from 65 years ago who refused in 1941 to attack nearby Soviet Leningrad, a manufacturing center, or the port of Murmansk which Roosevelt was usding to funnel supplies to Stalin. Hitler’s correct three-prong strategy was to take Murmansk, Leningrad and Baku (the opil center) and forget Moscow (which had proved only a prestigious but pointless trap to Napoleon). Had Mannerheim cooperated with Hitler, to k-o the Soviet war economy, it could have won the war for Germany and the white race. Instead, when Hitler flew to Finland to meet Mannerheim on his birthday, the aristocrat literally blew smoke in Hitler’s face. So Germany lost, Finland lost and Finland was Soviet-controlled from 1944-1991.

Vladimir the Great, the ruler of Russia who saved it from total economic and spiritual destruction in 2000, has an apparently Finnish (Karelian) name, and works seven days a week, barely touching alcohol.

I found it initially astonishing that I would have to prove my own heterosexuality, after two marriages and two kids, plus (in reality, not to brag at all, but it is a fact) MANY girlfriends. Hitler found it utterly dumbfounding that he was accused of cowardice after winning TWO Iron Crosses in WWI. But he was, and it began to make inroads in his public image, where he HAD been perceived even by his enemies as a fearless leader and fighter.

Finally, AH had to resort to contacting his commanding general and sergeant and getting affidavits from them both, attesting to his exemplary bravery and conduct in four year of combat, and then sued the Jews who had defamed him and won.

(At that juncture, the Jews switched to another defamation; that he was a sell-out, traitor and crook in the pockets of Mussolini, Wall Street — and of the Rothschilds, of whom he was supposedly the love child because he had dark hair!! Oh, and he was a queer, too, but took a break from being a homosexual to have sex with his own niece (as in FEMALE niece 😉 ………… It never ends. Ultimately people have to decide if they WANT to believe proven liars.)

In my spiritual video, I go into the ways the Jews are the People of the Lie, and defame or twist everything, corrupting especially women by appealing to their compassion and maternal instincts — to in effect mother blacks, Jews and Mexicans!

If we understand that an excess of yin or yang, animus or anima, Mars or Venus, brings us down, then we can stop the Jew from destroying conservatism by excessive rightwingism (à la Fox News) or by excessive liberalism.

I remember seeing on ABC News in late 2007 a fat cow waddling out of the voting booth in Iowa after voting for Obama, and she gushed: “I voted for Obama because of the way he makes me feel about myself and the way he makes me feel about America.”…. Sheesh…. feelings, feelings, feelings….!

One of my goals is in effect to do what John Kennedy did for the Democrats: bring lots of women into our fold, which David Duke did as well, especially in the 1980s and 1990s when he was really very handsome. (I got to know him for the first time in 1989, and I wil never forget seeing him in a nightclub in New Oreelans — and even the Jewish women there were gazing at him in fascination as well as fear. And Duke still looks great at 60.)

THAT is why the Jews have to attack my masculinity: so women do not join this Cause and I am discredited as a fearless and manly leader.

I have already shown pictures of my two daughters. Though they do NOT support my mission, they can complain to and rightfully blame the Jews — and the Obama regime — which are defaming me day-and-night as a homosexual for having to bring them up to prove that I am their father.

This is Ingrid Irigoyen, now a mother of two twin girls, and an executive in environmental affairs, with a master’s degree from Duke University, who by the way has my eyes and strong jaw and chin. This is where she works: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/ingrid-irigoyen/15/526/71b

Myself in August 2010 at Meadowcroft Rockshelter near Pittsburgh, a major archeological dig that proves the white European Solutreans were here in 16,000 BC before the Indians arrived en masse from Siberia and massacred them, the true Native Americans from the frigid Ice Age Atlantic coastlands that later became western France and northern Spain. Note her and my lower eyelids, cheekbones and chin, etc……

….and Erika Atzl, a nurse with a degree from the University of Virginia, and also an accomplished painter (http://erikaatzl.blogspot.com/)


And here are their birth certificates, showing me as their father:

Ingrid Atzl Nugent, born in Virginia on January 7, 1980


and then Erika’s birth certificate


And here is my legal name change: (in 2004, in Smithfield, Rhode Island):

…..and yet, to my initial surprise, I am constantly accused of being a homosexual because that conscious and very deliberate lie is designed to drastically weaken support for me among white conservatives with family values, or at least put a big and bothersome question mark into their minds.

Even Google, run by these two Jews, Larry Page and Serge Brin…………

….gets into the defamation act. I was told on March 22, 2011 — and was able to verify this to myelf and now to you by this screenshot below — that when you enter in the search term “John de Nugent,” this is what automatically pops up, at least as of today and for many Google users, and note the third item:


Well, the seemingly trite expression is all too true: people will believe what they want, especially if I summon them to their DUTYy and they want an OUT.……………

…………but it is frustrating…… Jason got a taste of this the other day when a whole YouTube channel (possibly created by SuperGoyim?) appeared putting a pink triangle over his head and accusing HIM too of being a queer….. so we went out and did the proper Pennsylvania thing; we went shooting…….

Do stop by sometime, SuperGoyim, the one calling Jason a “dwarf faggot,” but Jason is, just to warn you, a bit touchy right now. He once threw a steel chair in high school at a teacher who unjustly accused him. Here he is practicing rapid-draw/rapid-fire shooting with his $700 Beretta.

You know, SuperGoyim, the first day I was in Marine Corps boot camp at Parris Island, I noticed a guy who was about 5’4″, about two inches shorter than Jason, and as soon as I saw his face, I knew that HE would be the platoon “honor man,” and after 86 days that is exactly who became platoon honor man and got the free dress-blue uniform. And, you know what, nobody messed with him. (but fully a third washed out….the pudpullers, momma’s boy, psychos and cowards.)

I was enjoying the March Pennsylvania rain too, very cooling when angry…….first one-handed…..

…then two-handed, in a standard police stance (rigid arms, head and shoulders forward)……………I like the .22 with its klacof kick for my specialty, rapid head shots. (Not many adversaries throw a kevlar vest over their face. It’s reeeeeeal hard to see that way.)

…and considering the pouring rain, the target got some nice holes in it…. (Thanks to comrade Jeff in Chicago, btw, a fellow former Marine, for the German field jacket.)

As my fat black faggot leftist friend Darryl Lamont Jenkins of the Jew-funded, white-hating OnePeoplesProject (and my other friends at ARA –Anti-Racist Action) say so well…..



I wish to also thank the Israelis who hacked into Jason’s computer today. You just prove to the serious and committed white fighters which WN group you hate most. And we saved our data, Jews. We reinstall operating systems like other people get oil changes……or spew lies.

==========================PLEASE DONATE

One comrade said I should not chastise people for not donating. But I am not a hack politian, kissing babies and flattering the selfish. If they want to survive, and not die a horrible death, then they should and they must help. My grandmother, Elizabeth Angell Colwell, a graduate (like George Lincoln Rockwell) of the Ivy League university Brown, located in Providence, Rhode Island…..

This was she on the right, with my grandfather John Thomas Colwell, born in Yorkshire, England. The Angells (Norman name) came to America in 1635. Both my mother and father descend in separate branches from Thomas Angell. (Brown University is located on Angell Street in Providence.)

…………this grandmother and rock-ribbed Republican paleo-conservative, who majored in Middle High German studies, said to me once I had “minister’s hands.”

A minister does not tell you you are wonderful but the ways you are sinful.

It was greed, selfishness and the cult of the individual that brought our once mighty race and nation low. The selfish whites will perish, and then face the wrath of God; those who stick together will survive. It is as simple as that.

Zia, the orphaned Solutrean chieftain’s adult daughter, paddles with her brother and boyfriend along the Atlantic ice shelf in “Ice Age Columbus” in 17,000 BC



Contact John de Nugent, the man the Jews and white psychopaths hate most….


213 Ekastown Road
Sarver PA 16055 USA

[20 miles north of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]



Telephone: 724.353.0154


John de Nugent (Pittsburgh)


Cash in an envelope

[This came in today in a blank envelope from Boise, Idaho — thanks to the anonymous comrade for that! Anonymous cash is fine…..and so far it gets here….]

Blank money order

MoneyGram (send from a Walmart or elsewhere)

Paypal (to “john_denugent@yahoo.com”)



With the help of five volunteer translators (from German to English), who have already translated seven chapters, here is Chapter Nine from Michael Winkler’s magnificent work Die spirituelle Welt, a masterpiece of writing style as well as content that deals with the details of Aryan reincarnation, the true and original white belief in the afterlife and karma that was shared by the Kelts, Vikings, many Greeks and the conquering Indo-Aryans of India. The greatest goal of an Aryan was to live with honor, die with courage, and be reborn to an ever higher and more beautiful and fascinating life.

(By the way, the Hasidic and Lubavitch Jews ALSO believe in reincarnation, unlike the early Hebrews, who believed that when you die “that’s it” — you go into the pit of nothing, called “sheol” in Hebrew. (Therefore, get rich in THIS life….) All Jewish belief in the afterlife is derived from contact with the Egyptians and the Zoroastrian Aryans of Iran (Persia). This Hasidic belief in reincarnation explains why they are the most fanatical and resolute of the Jews to fight and prevail with the Jewish agenda. They believe that if they sacrifice now, they will come back to the earth under the Jewish messiah, when Jews openly rule the world, and each Jew has 1200 gentile slaves, and none of his harem will look like his Jewish wife. 😉)

For Germans wishing to translate this book into English:

* * *

Dieses Buch des Herrn Winkler wird so sicherlich erscheinen morgen früh die Sonne im Osten aufgeht und abends im Westen niedersinkt.

Von der Palingenese palavere ich nicht. In dieser solutrischen Bewegung kommt das Dritte Reich buchstäblich zurück.

Am Kriegsende schickten Schlüsselpersonen rituell ihre Seelen nach Westen, denn vom niedergeketteten und genetisch verwüsteten Deutschland kann der erste Funke gar nicht mehr kommen. So wie von Judmerika geknechtet, kann Deutschland nur von Arisch-Amerika befreit werden. Hitler wusste, und das Lebensraum-im-Osten-Projekt zeigte es, dass nur eine Supermacht mit Landmasse, Quantität und nicht nur Qualität, Alljuda vernichten kann.

Die Juden haben einen Bund mit China geschlossen.


Und das ist kein gestelltes Foto, sondern ein Bildschirmschnappschuss aus dem ersten Video.

* * *

And now Chapter Nine……. Note that the points system refers to both the most enlightened souls and the most debased. In the Afterworld, there are no children, everyone is 31, and on the same spiritual level as you. There are no role models above you and no villains beneath you. These realms are in a way holding patterns. All rapid advancement or character disaster happens on Earth.



Btw, remember the WN I have referred to who took $300 from me in August, promising in his despair and poverty to come and help me, and then spent it on floozies? Well, he went back to California and assaulted a floozie there who was sick of him and told him to stay away. Now he is in jail……….. This too can happen on earth — that your character crashes and burns if you make selfish choices.

* * *

[being edited]

Chapter 9

Penal Colony Earth?


I once more want to trouble Klara Manning, John Gordon and Sarah Kaczinsky to make an appearance. Did you notice that all the changes to their status took place on Earth? The soul has basically left the Afterlife in the same condition she entered it…Possibly, she visited the temple of Father of the Sun in the guise of John Gordon, but even so, it did not avail much!

The important issue is Good and Evil: The value of a soul changes on Earth a great deal more than it is possible in the Afterlife.


In the earthly New York you find everything, from the angelic priest to the diabolical politician, the compassionate Samaritan as well as the “serial widow.” That means, that when you walk along the street for a hundred meters you meet people who differ by a hundred points in moral value. Never fear, the greatest cut-throat appears most likely peaceful, because you are only a harmless tourist who doesn’t fit into his scheme of robbery. New York is not that dangerous after all.

In the “heavenly” New York, that is, in Poseidonis V, you meet in the same street persons in the vicinity of -49 to -52, a difference of only five points. When you are apparent as a victim personality the one will rob you mercilessly, while the other will do the same but the nicer one of the two will thank you for the loot.

In the After Life you meet your own kind, there are no idols or role models from whom you could learn a different kind of behaviour. Even in the little temples this is very, very difficult. Isaac Trueman (-50) meets with Wilbur Stone (-44), who belongs to a realm called “the Underworld” and lives on level -40 and who came to Hades as a kind of “social worker”, to help people there. Wilbur is close enough to Isaac to understand his point of view, nevertheless he is “better” and as such serves as a role model. Karin Geick, from the City of the Sun, an advanced soul of +32, is hardly likely to meet Isaac Trueman. Mrs. Gleick protects the temple, she is the guardian of those who care for the souls. She is surrounded by a thick grey veil, so that her person is barely noticeable.

To explain this: Isaac Trueman has no compunction to extract 48% interest per annum from his victims. Wilbur Stone tries to convince him that 18% is sufficient. Karin Gleick on the other hand suggests not to loan the money out but to give it away.

If Isaac Trueman was to try to improve himself, he would reach -49 after a few years. It is a very, very slow process. Wilbur Stone, as carer soul and social worker is going to profit from his work as well and will rise to -43. After 15 years he will reach -42, after 50 years -41. Because he actively helps others he rises somewhat faster.

With life on Earth such changes can happen in the twinkling of an eye. Isaac Trueman is born anew as Samuel Shablinsky, at -50, the level he had in the after world. At primary school he already has an encounter with violence. If he turns away and dislikes it intensely, he therefore reaches -35. Oh, of course it can go in the other direction as well – as school bully he can reach -60. At the age of 30 Samuel Shablinsky may have reached 0 or otherwise be placed at -80.

This change nevertheless requires great effort. Mr. Trueman is once again born into a Jewish family, he has left the Afterlife on about the same level as he had entered. The “family tradition” is basically -50, which suits him perfectly. He has to work himself out of this situation, against his parents’ and and relatives’ disapproval, who want to lead him back onto the “right path”. He chose his position in the Afterlife. As the first-born he would have had to take over his parent’s shop, but as second-born he can find employment in more honest circles. His father will call him an idiot with his behavior of -30, but he will not cast him out of the family.

In the Afterworld you are among your own kind; on Earth you meet the entire spectrum. Which interests does your bank consultant pursue? Yours, that is, the ones of his client, or those of the bank, his employer? Your insurance agent recommends a Riester contract, elevates it to high heaven and sings its praises without ceasing. But – is he really interested in your old age welfare plan or only in his commission? You read constantly about global warming in the newspapers. Does there really exist a danger or is it a ruse to keep certain professors in employment? The terrible “dying of the forests,” as foretold in the early 1980s, did not eventuate either.

The same applies to the reverse too: As a shop assistant you have clients who treat you politely and as a fellow human but you have also clients who treat you as a servant who has to obey their every word. At the least difficulty they run to the boss and complain about you. Occasionally you hear a “thank you” from them but just as often you hear unfriendly words.

Earth is both punishment and opportunity, because only on Earth can you develop rapidly. In the Afterlife there is the long process of “brain washing”, a cautious venturing into other thoughts and a slight change in behaviour, which you can manage of your own volition. On Earth you are confronted with many such things and can change at any time.

Of course it is not easy. The rituals of initiation – Communion, Confirmation or Youth initiation – are no doubt beautiful rituals, but really don’t change much. The turning around has to happen internally, a bit of lecturing about faith and ethics does not avail anything. Only role models “leading by example” achieve changes.

Some wise men maintain that people not only re-incarnate on planet Earth but on other planets as well. These planets, according to hear say, have a much closer range between Good and Evil, perhaps only a spectrum of 20 points. Solely on Earth exists a wide range of 201 points, from abysmally Evil to divinely Good. That is the reason why, living on Earth is regarded a great privilege, because nowhere else are progress and changes of this magnitude possible as just here, this earthly penal colony.

Other teachers of wisdom declare that Earth takes the lowest rank in the order of planets, where only the most evil of souls are born. We represent the penal colony of the Universe, the great reformatory, where the worst of criminals have taken the lead.

I must admit, both schools of thought give off a certain fascination, but both emphasise the uniqueness of Earth within the Universe. This is evident in particular, when it is reported that on other planets of the Solar System life exists, although in another “phase” or on another “material plane”, which we, who are totally “stuck in the material” cannot even perceive.

It is an endlessly long journey every soul has concluded, until she reaches the human level. Earth is, according to well informed teachings, 4,5 billion years old, life on Earth exists for at least 3 billion years. Higher life forms, that is plants and animals that are big enough to be seen with the naked eye are about 600 million years old. (“Humanoids” of the species of the “Homo” variety, according to the teachers of evolution, are in existence for 1,6 million years).

Approximately 75,000 years ago there was a global catastrophe, caused by the eruption of a super volcano (Toba, in the north of Sumatra). Due to this eruption the species of mankind (Homo Sapiens) were pushed to the brink of extinction, with only a number of survivors amounting to between 1,000 to 10,000 left alive. A cataclysm of this magnitude exerts tremendous evolutionary pressure, that can only be overcome by the most intelligent of individuals – if we exclude the clones from laboratories that nice aliens had concocted, this event was an excellent occasion to step over the soul threshold of the human species.

I cannot prove however that the Toba eruption was in fact the deciding event. A soul does not show itself in bone fragments, she is invisible and disappears at the death of the creature. The volcanic eruption nevertheless served as a bottleneck, a life force for the continued development, yes, as a quantum leap. So this occurrence is a reason at the very least to be considered as a candidate for the soul to have become a human being. In the chapter of Evolution“ I will refer to this more closely.

I can use „Okkham’s Razor“ as justification for my point of view, the simple supposition, that generally the basic premise without frills and exotic ingredients is the most likely one. The Toba eruption is confirmed, as well as the descent of all human beings from only a few humans, say a handful of Adams and Eves, or a human pair. I don’t need any other worldly aliens, nor a god, who experiments with clay (from dust you came and dust you shall be!) I manage with simple home remedies.

The „Razor“ of course functions for the above mentioned teachings as well: If we are the penal colony for „better“ worlds – why are in these -ah so better worlds an ever increasing number of criminals? After all the human race has easily tripled in these last hundred years?

The population explosion actually speaks of compassion, the special privilege that has been bestowed on a great many souls to live on Earth. For this we need other worlds, a cosmic network and a Wellspring, that gives permission for life on Earth – this evidently requires a great amount of external ingredients.

Another teaching maintains that we humans were once angels, who became bored with mental perfection and fled into the material world. But why then do we multiply? And on top of that on a planet, where we are constantly being denied

freedom? Would angels want that? Don’t angels have more than enough after one such experience? Once again we need some details to deny angels the re-entering of their former realm.

No special additions are needed for the following theory:

Humans are an „earthly product“ and have developed physically as well as mentally from animals. The population increases because more and more animal souls step over the threshold to become humans. No exotic ingredients are required, only the bad taste in the mouth that we have once, 1 million years ago, been apes and 100 million years ago dinosaurs and some 500 million year ago a primal tape-worm- a very special worm without doubt, who has risen exceedingly high since.

Earth is only a penal colony in this regard, that we are constantly confronted with all that Good and Evil can produce. Envy and jealousy, generosity and compassion- here you find it all in the one place. The after world does not offer this kind of variety, as you will be sorted out according to level and placed into a drawer, so to speak, where you only meet souls of your own kind. The earthly variety is only experienced in this world, not in the after life – only here you live under the compulsion to develop further.

In this regard the Earth is more than a penal colony. Earth is a school, yes, even more, a university. Even so, that too is your decision. When you visit the primary school you have much time and learn slowly. In high school you progress faster but you have to work harder too. And at university it is very difficult.

Because Earth offers all this, it is a special privilege to live here. It is like turning the wheel of fortune and among the 201 possibilities are duds as well as winning numbers. If you decide not to play and not to turn the wheel, you have lost already, because you don’t develop any further. So then, use your chance!


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