ENGLISH Bollyn says Ehud Barak architect of September 11

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Alecia NUGENT, what a specimen of the Nordic-Keltic race….a new bluegrass star!


…and this hauntingly beautiful ballad….. CLICK ON IT. We need things to uplift us, and remind us of what we are fighting FOR.



Idris Elba: skin colour not a factor in Thor role

The Wire star Idris Elba has hit back at debate over his role in Kenneth Branagh’s upcoming Norse warrior blockbuster Thor due to the colour of his skin.

[source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/celebritynews/7638328/Idris-Elba-skin-colour-not-a-factor-in-Thor-role.html]

Published: 11:19AM BST 27 Apr 2010

Idris Elba; Bafta awards 2010


Another hard-hitting story by Christopher Bollyn (source: www.bollyn.com/index.php#article_12131)

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How Ehud Barak Pulled Off 9-11

Christopher Bollyn – Bollyn.net April 28, 2010

Dr. Alan Sabrosky, former director of Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College [JdN: and Jewish on his father’s side]

IT IS ONE HUNDRED PERCENT CERTAIN that 9-11 was a Mossad operation – period.

“And how can it be profitable for a person’ immorality to go unnoticed and unpunished? The consequence of a criminal getting away with his crimes is that he becomes a worse person.”
– Socrates in Plato’s Republic, “Happiness and Unhappiness”

Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak (L) talks with Minister of Pensioner Affairs Rafi Eitan as Prime Minister Ehud Olmert (C) waits to start the weekly cabinet meeting May 25, 2008 in Jerusalem. Eitan is wanted by the FBI for his role as the spymaster of Jonathan Pollard while Olmert was in New York City on 9-11.

Ehud Barak, Israel’s defense minister, is currently in the United States for a week of meetings and speeches. He is, in my opinion, the key suspect of being the mastermind of the false-flag terror attacks of 9-11. To help understand how Barak pulled off 9-11 I am providing this brief article to explain how I think he did it. It should be noted that Barak was Israel’s minister of defense during Israel’s assault on the Gaza Strip in 2008-2009. Based on the findings of the U.N. Factfinding Report written by Justice Richard Goldstone, Barak is responsible for a host of war crimes committed during that assault. The United States and other states are obliged to arrest Ehud Barak based on the findings of that report.

Socrates point that unpunished criminals become worse is the story of modern Israel. The most serious criminals of the Zionist state have never been punished in any meaningful way by the international community – or the United States. This has enabled and emboldened the worst and most unscrupulous criminals to rise to the top of the Israeli government, where they sit today. The criminal audacity of Israel’s leaders is hardly sustainable for it endangers the state of Israel, its citizens, and supporters. Zionist Jews and Israelis living in America will find themselves in a very uncomfortable position when millions of Americans realize that Israel and its supporters are behind the mass murder of 9-11 and the cover-up of the truth, as Dr. Alan Sabrosky, former director of the Strategic Studies Institute of the U.S. Army War College, has warned. It seems to be only a matter of time before this uncomfortable situation becomes a reality. It should be noted that the Israeli prime minister at the time of the attacks was Ariel Sharon, a Zionist extremist who believes that American Jews should live in Israel. Sharon had a dream of one million American Jews emigrating to Israel, while in reality more Israelis choose to live in America. Was 9-11 designed to force Jews to move to Israel?

Ehud Barak was prime minister of Israel from July 1999 until March 7, 2001, when he was replaced by Ariel Sharon. I attended an event at the Chicago campus of the University of Illinois where both Barak, then prime minister, and Sharon were involved, shortly before the election that brought Sharon to power. The fact that Barak and Sharon had travelled to Chicago together illustrated the utter fakeness of their rivalry.

Previous positions held by Barak include Head of Defense Planning and Budgeting, Head of the Israeli Intelligence Community, Chief of the General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), Minister of the Interior in Prime Minister Itzhak Rabin’s cabinet, Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Shimon Peres cabinet, and Labor Party Chairman. If Israel is involved in 9-11, as Dr. Alan Sabrosky says and which the evidence strongly indicates, Barak certainly knows all about it.

When Sharon assumed power in March 2001, Barak came to America. He supposedly came to the United States to work as a special advisor for Electronic Data Systems and as a partner with SCP Partners, a private equity company focused on “security-related” work – but this was only his cover. His real assignment was to oversee the terror attacks of 9-11. As a partner with SCP Partners Barak was well placed to supervise the false-flag terror operation. The complex false-flag terror attacks of 9-11 required that the mastermind of the operation be in the country to oversee the critical details.

Chips of super-thermite found in the dust of the World Trade Center by Dr Steven Jones

One of the key aspects of 9-11 was the production and application of an advanced form of super-thermite, an extremely powerful explosive produced using nano-technology. In 2001, SCP Partners happened to have a suitable company in their portfolio, a private company called Metallurg Holdings, Inc., which has its office in Wayne, Pennsylvania. Today, SCP has another company called Advanced Metallurgical Group, N.V. (AMG) in its portfolio. AMG and Metallurg share the same phone number and address at 435 Devon Park Drive in Wayne. AMG has several subsidiaries, one that specializes in the production of atomized aluminum (a crucial component of super-thermite) and others which manufacture specialized coatings of nano-composites. SCP Partners, which included Ehud Barak from 2001 until 2007, clearly owns companies that are well suited to making nano-composite explosives like the super-thermite used to pulverize the World Trade Center on 9-11.

Rafi Eitan, the octogenarian Mossadnik who ran a spy operation against the United States using Jonathan Pollard, fled to Israel after Pollard was caught in 1985. Eitan was then offered the position as head of state-owned Israel Chemicals Corporation, which has production facilities in the United States. In 1978, when Israeli intelligence began planning the false-flag terror operation of 9-11 (according to the comments of senior Mossadnik Isser Harel), Eitan served as Menachem Begin’s advisor on terrorism. This is the real reason that Rafi Eitan remained in the Israeli security cabinet until 2009 – he is one of the architects of 9-11.

source: Michael Evans, treasonous bootlicker of Israel and Evangelist for Christian Zionism, at http://www.beliefnet.com/Faiths/Christianity/End-Times/Is-America-In-Bible-Prophecy.aspx

On Sept. 23, 1979, the founder of Israeli intelligence over dinner told me that America was developing a tolerance for terror. The gentleman’s name was Isser Harel, the founder of Mossad Israeli intelligence — he ran it from 1947 to 1963. He told me that America had developed an alliance between two countries, Israel and Saudi Arabia, and that the alliance with Saudi Arabia was dangerous and would develop a tolerance for terror among Americans. He said if the tolerance continued that Islamic fundamentalists would ultimately strike America. I said “Where?” He said, “In Islamic theology, the phallic symbol is very important. Your biggest phallic symbol is New York City and your tallest building will be the phallic symbol they will hit.” Isser Harel prophesied that the tallest building in New York would be the first building hit by Islamic fundamentalists 21 years ago.

Another Jew with the gift of prophecy…..

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Rafi Eitan was also involved in the 1968 theft and illegal smuggling of nearly 600 pounds of plutonium from a plant in Pennsylvania [JdN: ten miles from my home in nearby Apollo, an industrial town northeast of Pittsburgh on the Kiskiminetas River] to Israel for the production of nuclear weapons. As the Pittsburgh Tribune reported in a series of articles about the stolen plutonium, Eitan is the key suspect:

Four other Israelis visited NUMEC on Sept. 10, 1968, and met with Shapiro [then-NUMEC President Zalman M. Shapiro, a staunch supporter of Israel] to “discuss thermoelectric devices (unclassified),” according to a Sept. 12, 1968, letter from Bruce D. Rice, NUMEC security manager, to Harry R. Walsh, director of AEC security and property management, seeking AEC approval for the visit.

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Jackson Falls, Apoll0, Pa. In this rural and beautiful area, American juze were breeding plutonium illegally for Israel.

Jackson Falls Apollo Pa  2 par Beauty in everything Photography

And, just as John Kennedy foresaw, once Israel had the Bomb it felt invulnerable and that it had no need to negotiate with the Palestinians about anything. And, as Kennedy also foresaw, this would build pressure in Muslims countries to get the Bomb too. The lesson of Iraq is: You better REALLY have the Bomb or the Americans will attack you, hang your leaders and devastate your country. Iraq was clobbered because 1) it was antizionist, and 2) it did NOT have WMDs. It is the US which is thus indirectly pushing Iran to get the Bomb; the ju-controlled Pentagon has surrounded Iran, a country that has attacked no one in 800 years, on three sides (US forces in the west, Iraq, in the south, the Persian Gulf  and in the East, in Afghanistan).

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The four visitors were: Avraham Hermoni, Ephraim Beigon, Abraham Bendor and Raphael (or, Rafael) Eitan.

In their 1991 book, Dangerous Liaison, Andrew and Leslie Cockburn wrote, “At the time of his visit to Apollo in 1968, Eitan was acting as an agent for Mossad on special assignment to LAKAM … a shadowy intelligence agency … born in the 1950s with the express purpose of acquiring nuclear technology by any means.”

Soon after the men’s visit, 587 pounds of weapons-grade uranium reportedly went missing from NUMEC, according to Udall’s papers.

In a recent article entitled “America’s Loose Nukes in Israel,” Grant Smith wrote: “To date, all of the uranium-diversion masterminds, financiers, and beneficiaries have escaped criminal prosecution, even as U.S. taxpayers fund a nuclear waste cleanup at the (now defunct) NUMEC Apollo facility.”

Eitan’s unscrupulous character can be seen in a comment he made to the wife and lawyer for Jonathan Pollard, the captured spy he had managed:

“Eitan told us the only thing he regrets about the Pollard affair is that he did not ‘finish the job’ before leaving the States. We asked him what he meant by this. Eitan replied:

“If I had been at the embassy when Pollard came to seek asylum, I would have put a bullet through his head. There would have been no Pollard affair.”
Esther Pollard, Maariv, March 30, 2006

At SCP Partners Barak worked closely with another Mossadnik named Eitan – Yaron I. Eitan. Although Yaron Eitan looks very much like Rafi Eitan, the relationship between the two Eitans is not known. Rafi Eitan was actually born Raphael Hantman in Mandate Palestine to Noah Hantman from Minsk, Byelorussia. Rafi reportedly has three children, named Yael, Sharon, and Yuval.

Sources and Recommended Reading:
“America’s Loose Nukes in Israel”, by Grant Smith, April 14, 2010

“Government agencies investigated missing uranium, NUMEC”, by Mary Ann Thomas and Ramesh Santanam, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, August 25, 2002


On Sunday, Hungarian voters transformed the anti-Semitic Jobbik Party into a political power to be reckoned with.

Jobbik, or the Movement for a Better Hungary, was catapulted to 47 seats in the 386-seat legislature in the second round of voting. In parallel, the ruling Socialist Party was dethroned, falling from 190 to just 59 seats while its coalition partner, the Liberal Party, which enjoyed strong Jewish support, lost its parliamentary presence altogether.

In Austria on Sunday, meanwhile, Barbara Rosenkranz, the Freedom Party candidate for presidency, who is also known as the “Reich mother,” earned 15 percent of the nation’s votes. She was never expected to win the presidential race, which went to incumbent Heinz Fischer, who won almost 79% of the vote. In fact, Rosenkranz’s showing was lower than the expected 17%. Nevertheless, the present Austrian political climate is hardly congenial to Jews.

Right-wing elements in Austria are already attempting to delegitimize Fischer, voted in on an extremely low voter turnout of just over 49%, with the claim that he represents less than half of the voters. They hope Rosenkranz’s high profile campaign will pave the way for FP leader Heinz-Christian Strache to be voted the next mayor of Vienna later in the year.

The very fact that Fischer’s only plausible rival in the race was the far-right challenger from a party repeatedly tarnished by Nazi associations is indicative of a “terrifying shift to the right” across Europe, according to Germany’s Central Council of Jews.

There is nothing new about anti-Semitism in Austria and Hungary. Austrians have managed to avoid culpability for the Holocaust by claiming they were victims of Nazi aggression, even though the 1938 Anschluss was positively received and Austrians were disproportionately represented in Nazi leadership.

What has become the “founding myth” of Austria’s Second Republic has facilitated the integration of former Nazis into key positions over the years. In February 2000, after the FP, then headed by the late neo-Nazi Jorg Haider, was included in the country’s government coalition, Chaim Chesler, then-treasurer of the Jewish Agency, called on the Jews of Austria to immigrate to Israel immediately.

In post-communist Hungary, anti-Semitism has been fueled primarily by claims of a Judeo-Bolshevik nexus. Historically, Jews played key roles in the short-lived Bolshevik Revolution of 1919 led by Bela Kun and after 1945 a small clique of Hungarian “Muscovite Jews” rallied around the ultra-Stalinist Matyas Rakosi, whose rule ended with the 1956 popular uprising against Soviet rule.

In 1990, after the fall of communism, Istvan Csurka, the vice president of the Hungarian Democratic Forum, a popular political party at the time, openly blamed “Jewish Stalinists” for having destroyed the self-esteem of the Hungarian people.

THERE ARE an estimated 50,000 to 80,000 Jews in Hungary and 9,000 to 20,000 in Austria. What’s keeping them there?

As historian Matti Bunzl has pointed out, post-Holocaust Jews of Austria have throughout the years disavowed any Austrian identity. They may have Austrian citizenship, but this is rarely experienced as anything but a formal arrangement. It is safe to assume that many Hungarian Jews feel the same, which explains the high rates of aliya from both of countries until the end of the 20th century.

In the last decade, though, a strong Zionism has gradually been replaced by hopes that the European Union would offer a political entity that provides affiliation regardless of ethnic belonging or nationality – similar, ironically, to what was offered in the 19th century by the Austro-Hungarian Hapsburg Empire.

Jews might have difficulty integrating themselves in a specific European state characterized by a distinct culture, history and religion. But they would find it easier to define themselves more generically as “Europeans,” a term devoid of all the ethnically charged particularism surrounding “Austrian” or “Hungarian.”

Now, perhaps the time has come for the Jews of Austria and Hungary to reassess the European reality. Between the influx of large numbers of Muslims, who are gradually becoming the main perpetrators of anti-Semitic violence in Europe, and the rise of a rabidly xenophobic Right, as evidenced in the recent elections in Hungary and Austria, Europe, or at least a goodly part of it, is becoming a very unwelcoming place for Jews.

===========excellent Nationalist Coalition video on diversity

Excellent equation: melting post destroys diversity.

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