Dr. James Manning’s now-famous trial of Barack Obama in Harlem, New York has ended. The jury found Obama and Columbia University guilty on all charges.
The trial, however, unveils many more questions than it provides answers.
(AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais). But first, a few observations are in order about the nature of this event. Obviously the event was a ‘public’ rather than a ‘court’ trial. No court sanctioned it. The legality of public trials apart from court sanction has not been established.
While the Constitution does, indeed, maintain that the ultimate power of government rests with ‘we, the people,’ and while a case can be made that under the 10th amendment the people, acting under the auspices of local and state authorities, can engage in certain acts of self-governance apart from the sanction and control of the federal government, it has not been established that any local entity in Harlem granted state or local legal status to the trial. In that sense the trial and the verdict have no binding legal authority.
However, should a legal authority, a court, a law enforcement agency, an Attorney-General either at the state or national level, decide that the evidence presented at the Manning trial is overwhelming enough to launch a full investigation, then ultimately the results of the trial could carry the full weight of legal authority.
Dr. Manning has stated that he intends to present the evidence and the verdict to U.S. Attorney-General Eric Holder. At that point the ball will be in the ‘court’ of the Department of Justice. If no action is taken on the verdict, then there is not much further that can be done. But if action is taken and an official investigation ensues, then perhaps the goal of this event will have been met. The problem is that under the present circumstances it is next to impossible for that to happen. Holder is Obama’s choice and Congress is held in the grip of Obama’s Party. End of story.
Serious, unanswered questions remain, however–questions that the trial did an excellent job of bringing to the surface. These questions are as follows:
–Why didn’t Barack Obama have a Social Security Number issued in his name when he was first employed as a 14-year-old in Hawaii?
–Why was there such a long delay after his first job before an application was made for a Social Security Number?
–And why was he given a Connecticut Social Security Number previously used by a man born in the late 1800s, given that Obama never lived in Connecticut to begin with? The first instance of Obama’s use of the Connecticut number was when he started to work as a Community Organizer in Chicago–a very long way from Connecticut.
–Further, why was Obama given a degree from Columbia University when no one in Harlem ever remembers him being there, and although witnesses have testified that he was never a student on campus?
–And the address given by Obama as the one that he used while a student in Harlem does not exist.
–But perhaps the most telling question of all is, why did Obama use a Kenyan passport to travel to Pakistan in 1981? Wouldn’t a U.S. citizen normally be given an American passport? It seems to be standard procedure–and the law–that passports are given only to citizens of the country in which they reside. And what has the CIA got to do with all of this mess?
The fact is we may never know for sure unless somebody in authority in the government decides to investigate and discover the answers. But one thing is for sure–Obama is an enigma, a shadow, a persona created out of the murky circumstances of his past, which is being carefully hidden. Why would it even need to be hidden? These questions are disturbing to anyone who takes our Constitution and our way of life seriously. Our form of government, as delineated in the Constitution, is dependent upon the honesty and transparency of those who hold public office. And if a fraud is elected, a charlatan, a person who presents himself as something he is not, then the entire American system of government is in grave danger.
Better to err on the side of utmost caution than to glibly dismiss all of these questions as ‘mere coincidences.’ Coincidences do happen, no doubt, but this many and this often–all revolving around one man? The odds are that the country is in grave danger.
For commentary on the issues of the day, visit my blog at The Liberty Sphere.
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As this article below point out, it is a FELONY since 2004 to claim military medals one never earned: Look at this scumbag, masquerading as a Marine and a hero!
“Police work is hours of boredom punctuated by moments of sheer terror.”
Thanks, Bob, for this intel. I do hope there is no active WN connection here! That would be all we need, WNs killing cops while moving drugs….. If there is any WN connection then we must of course condemn this in the most severe terms.
I disagree with author Arthur Kemp on many important things, but when he wrote that the Creativity people and the Identity types do have their share of crazies, I have unfortunately found this to be partially true, and of course this also applies to certain skinheads, although others are fine. (The KSS skinheads here in Pennsylvania, in the eastern half of the state, are in general a very fine group.)
Severe abuse of children (emotional, sexual, physical and psychological) can lead to them becoming what is euphemistically called “disadvantaged psychopaths” — people made psychopathic by extreme trauma. The brain is literally changed by massive emotional shock, which keeps on being relived by flashbacks, and physical stress hormones, such as cortisol, keep fraying the nerves, and I mean PHYSICALLY.
The Jews of the Secret government understand this very well, that trauma can make people permanently enraged, or even, in a few cases, ready to kill on command. The whole MK-ULTRA program and the fictional “Bourne Conspiracy” movies with Matt Damon are based on this proven fact.
Btw, I got an email the other day from some comrade saying that Obama told some group of school kiddies that his mother used to make him get up at 4:00 am to study….. Say what??? 4:00??
Ann [JdN: the at least half-Jewish mother] took a job teaching English at the U.S. embassy. She woke up well before dawn throughout her life. Now she went into her son’s room every day at 4 a.m. to give him English lessons from a U.S. correspondence course.
If true, that is a strange story, and that is in point of fact “sleep deprivation.” This is a classic technique that the Marines use at Parris Island, as I well recall, in the first few days of boot camp — to re-program people. I remember emerging from Parris Island feeling just as I was supposed to, as what the drill instructor called “a presidential assassin,” an invincible killer — and that is the whole point. There is a reason people are a bit scared of Marines. (I wore once my Marine Corps sweatshirt in downtown Aix-en-Provence in southern France and was dismayed to see people — not just the French, but other Europeans — stare at me like some sort of baby killer, or what they imagined to have been the “Nazi SS”.)
Also, and Wiki confirms this, narcissists are created by ABUSE as children!!!! Total self-centeredness is a coping mechanism, and therapy alone can provide a real solution. Such victims tell themselves they are wonderful to block out memories of being humiliated and abused, which makes them feel powerless and worthless.
Btw, I was watching a German WN video last night, and it was saying that in the 1920s when French troops occupied the Rhineland, they used black and Moroccan troops who enjoyed raping German boys. And it went into the total breach of promise to the Germans every step of the way by the WWI allies. No wonder they turned to Hitler after such satanic treachery by the Jew-controlled Paris, London and Washington governments.
The point of Solutreanism is to address these deep psychological issues that a huge percentage of the white population now faces. I think that a good 40% of all whites have suffered some kind of PTSD by now, as kids or as adults. My fiancee Margaret was raped twice by negroes in Washington DC! (She has revealed this on my radio program, and I can state this with her permission.)
I see many whites who act as I did for over 40 years, until I got therapy, who act traumatized and suffering from PTSD. And think of those three Marines at Quantico Marine base who killed each other in the last two weeks!
Solutreanism means healing. Before there can be white power, there has to be health, and that means sick people need to heal.
The video of a German woman now and back in 1945, after over a dozen Soviet troops, egged on by the radio speeches of the Jew master propagandist Ilya Ehrenburg, who said “break the racial pride of the Germanic woman,” had their way with her. …………..
Our people need to HEAL inwardly from staggering levels of pain and betrayal, and learn to truly love ourselves again, forgive ourselves, to see our good points as people — and feel pride in who we are.
And dream of who we again CAN be –as a people and as individual members of that people.
And this comes only via common purpose, concerted effort together, facing the truth, and becoming an Eternal Solutrean and a social nationist.
Our racial feeling is not based on hatred of others, though their attacks of course trigger resentment and self-defense, but on a deep and abiding love — for ourselves as children of God, and a gifted and good race.
No book or video about the Jews will heal us —
…….or tell us who WE are.
Remember my post on using hay to soak up this oil?
But NOOOO, Obongo’s minions have to use the most toxic chemical possible, so yet another Wall Street Jew makes money….. whereas with hay, white farmers (who overwhelmingly are anti-Obama) would get income….
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Latest on oil volcano disaster. Time to pay attention folks. This is REAL
Florida State scientist: NOAA ignores spill findings – 80,000 barrels a day?
This is either a script from the next “Doomsday” movie or something to take serious. You decide.
What the scientists are not allowed to say.
Due to threat of severe repercussions (can you say horizontalization?) scientists confirming these findings cannot be named. What they believe needs to be known.
Summary of what is happening:
The estimated supper high pressure release of oil from under the earths crust is between 80,000 and 100,000 barrels per day. The flow of oil and gas is bringing up with it rocks and sand which causes the flow to create a sandblasting effect on the remaining well head device currently somewhat restricting the flow, as well as the drilled hole itself.
As the wellhead becomes worn it enlarges the passageway allowing an ever-increasing flow. Even if some device could be placed onto the existing wellhead that would be able to shut off the flow, what remains of the existing wellhead would not be able to contain the pressure. The wellhead piping is originally about 2 inches thick. It is now likely to be less that 1 inch thick, and thinning by the moment. The oil has now reached the Gulf Stream and is
entering the Oceanic current which will carry it throughout the world within 18 months. The oil along with the gasses, including benzene and many other toxins, is depleting the oxygen in the water. This is killing all life in the ocean.
Along with the oil along the shores there will be many dead fish etc that will have to be gathered and disposed of.
Summary of expectations;
At some point the drilled hole will enlarge itself beneath the wellhead to weaken the area the wellhead rests upon. The intense pressure will then push the wellhead off the hole allowing a direct unrestricted flow of oil etc. The hole will continue to increase in size allowing more and more oil to rise into the Gulf. After several billion barrels of oil have been released, the pressure
within the cavity five mile beneath the Ocean floor will begin to normalize.
This will allow the water, under the intense pressure at 1 mile deep, to be forced into the hole and the cavity where the oil was. The temperature at that depth is near 400 degrees, possibly more. The water will be vaporized (turn to steam) creating an enormous amount of force, lifting the Gulf floor. It is difficult to know how much water will go down to the core and therefore not
possible to calculate the rise of the floor. The tsunami wave this will create will be from 20 to 80 foot, possibly more. Then the floor will fall into the now vacant chamber. This is how nature will seal the hole.
Depending on the height of the tsunami, the ocean debris, oil, and
existing structures that will be washed away on shore and inland will leave the area from 50 to 200 miles inland devoid of life. Even if the debris is cleaned up, the contaminants that will be in the ground and water supply will prohibit repopulation of these areas for an unknown number of years.
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I hope this scenario will not come true.
But whatever happens, let us remember who is responsible: Barack Hussein Obama, the incompetent black Jew who rushed through the federal government’s permission to drill in the deepest ocean area WITH NO SAFETY REVIEW, having it rubber-stamped by two more Government Jews! (Ah, yes, “God’s chosen people” of great geniuses……)
===========Very nice video
Nana Moskouri is a Greek singer and white lady with a hauntingly perfect voice. Thanks to a Canadian comrade for sending me this.
“Amazing Grace” is about sacrifice saving us.
Jesus said: “No man has greater love than he who lays his life down for his friends.”
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