ENGLISH California, European Union in financial crisis; my daughter Erika's art website

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The Federal (Feral) Government isn’t going to keep giving California cash, because the Republicans who just came back to power ran on promises of no more bailouts, and besides California is now Mexifornia and the Left Coast, and solid Democrat, far removed from the white and Republican state of Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon and John Schmitz…..


The European Soviet Union 😉 is collapsing financially faster than expected

All good news.  These international banker parasites will be removed just as a dog scratches off and bites off his fleas, however painful the process.

Here is a great video on the bankers, a rhyming confessional, which a Canadian comrade and supporter sent me:

My 23-year-old daughter Erika and I have not seen each other in many years due to my controversial political status. (As for my advocacy of white civil rights, she may or may not support it; I have no idea, though I know her mother’s and stepfather’s views well.) There was also a bitter divorce with her mother back in 1990, but I am very proud of Erika’s work. (She is also a registered nurse, with a degree from the University of Virginia, founded by Thomas Jefferson. This is also where Ian Stevenson and Jim Tucker, MDs, did their incredible research on the possibility of reincarnation.)

Here is Erika’s blogsite:


A video of a striking recent commissioned job….

Erika has clearly inherited some great artistic gifts from both her mother, my Tyrolean (Austrian) ex-wife, but also from my own mother, a Rhode Island School of Design art major. I wish her well. Not seeing her is part of the heartache of our broken-home society.


  1. What you write about the broken relationship with your daughter is indeed heartbreaking, even though I could not possibly understand the depth of desperation; even though, I have a similar story. My very first love was my `cousion´ (around two corners) Sibylle. We loved easch other in the passionately akward, beautiful way of all innocents when we were 14 and 13 respectively. She went on to become a German High School teacher (Oberstudienrat) with the specialty of French and Political Science and married a math professor at Marburg University, a hot bed of academic German communism (they hypocritically call it left-wing). BOTH of them are thoroughly anti-German, both of them refuse to read anything excepty that which re-inforces their warped Jew-created opinions. Sibylle is the only child of a fallen war hero (EK1) but even though they have `more money than God´, has never bothered to visit the site of her father´s heroic death way back in 1941, even though the location of his burial place – in a village outside Moscow – is known to her within a few feet (!). Her son, a Dr. of nuclear physics and her daughter, a pastor in a Lutheran church haver been so thoroughly corrupted, that to even speak to them is not possible. The Auschwitz-drenched atmosphere in their house is such, that after my last visit there, I have decided never to return. Ger

  2. Dear comrade,

    Thank you for this touching anecdote. I can feel your pain as you felt mine. I react in two ways:

    1) We are Bhagavad Gitans. We do not do our duty for applause. We follow Kant’s imperative to do our responsibility as Aryans and citizens, asking always: Is the principle behind my actions one that I would want to become universal? We must understand that we all have many lives, that this planet is a school, and we are learners. Some are slow learners, and others are fast learners. Some of us, no matter how attractive, bright and charming they are, are flunking the moral tests. Our goal is to pass them. We are responsible for OUR score. so we do OUR duty.

    And as the Bhagavad Gita says, when enough people stop worrying about the outcome and instead focus on their own karmic respionsibilties, and work on their own flaws, as I try to do daily, then we get the outcome we want. Our victory will come through one key individual at a time who is won over by our example, until the day comes that we achieve what in physics is called “critical mass.” One key person coming here from Alaska to join my staff, who has had it with drunken Eskimos accosting him on the streets and being told blatantly “We hate white people,” just one key person at the right time, or one key financial donation to buy the exact piece of equipment we need, can save 20 million lives down the road.

    2) The Founding Fathers of the United States of America did NOT establish a democracy. That word does not exist in either the Declaration fo Independence or the US Constitution. Only demagogues (“mob leaders” in Ancient Greek) preach this thing that Jew TV calls democracy (“mob rule” in Ancient Greek). Our wise forefathers understood that 90% of the people are morally or intellectually mediocre. Today, Americans read less than one book a year! My webmaster told me that for every SECOND it takes for a webpage to load, I lose 10% of my readers…… I load this blog with photos and videos because people do not want to think….just emote, seek a thrill and flit around.

    I will quote our brilliant enemy, the criminal Winston Churchill, who made many astute observations (as did, for that matter, Stalin, or the cynical Napoleon.) “It is easy to believe in democracy until you spend ten minutes with the average voter.” 😉

    This planet, at this stage, is full of mediocre souls. What they are doing is retrogressing, not advancing. We, for our part, do our job, and we seek enough people of elite character to join us and achieve critical mass for victory.

    The only person who can disappoint me now is my own self. I, that is, my own soul, is being tested. I need to pass my tests, to succeed where Hitler and Robert E. Lee, and Ford, Lindbergh, Rockwell, Pierce, Tyndall and Le Pen failed, and if I flunk, the day will come when I get a failing grade.

    “From him to whom much has been given, much will be expected.” — Jesus Christ.

    For others, their dharma (their own specific path of duty) is to identify the right leader and then support him to the hilt, with money, time, work and constructive, respectful yet forthright critique. Together, we will create something new, a totally fresh approach that taps into the divine, to the immense power of the wave of the universe’s energy, and thus we shall win. “Not my will, O Lord, but Thine.”

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