ENGLISH Obama’s luxury vacations; Montana to arrest feds who violate Second Amendment: Canadian Guide to Gay Sex (lest you think this stuff is “normal”)

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Time to Sequester Air Force One Vacation Flights


Air Force One costs taxpayers $179,750 per hour. It’s time to sequester President Obama’s use of Air Force One and limit it to official business rather than vacations and sightseeing tours.



Top Comments

  • drkmriggs

    drkmriggs 19 hours ago

    Sadly, Americans now live in a post-Constitutional republic lead by a president who considers himself above reproach. Honestly, I don’t think he gives a rats you-know-what about the average citizen. His actions, including the ones so clearly shown in this video, certainly reflect his total disregard for the taxpayer.

    · 3
  • taxandpenalty

    taxandpenalty 14 hours ago

    Obama is doing this on PURPOSE. I am sick and tired of people just saying he is inept. He is spending as much as he can, while he can to bankrupt the nation. Pretty much there. Some say the CRASH is coming this year.

    · 2

All Comments

Tony O'NeillTony O'NeillKurt Van Luven

  • Kurt Van Luven 2 hours ago

    What happened to spread the wealth? My last “vacation” was 2006. I sat in the back yard in the motor-home for two days and drank some beer and read a book! I have been continuously employed for 22 years. I work all the time. I voted for Gov. Gary Johnson. I am awake. We need to educate the public fast!

  • Healani Fox

    Healani Fox 10 hours ago

    Ummmm, The OBummers don’t have common sense. They just sense they are King & Queen and can rip us off all they want!. Can you say FREELOADERS! That goes for Moooochelle’s mother, who also lives like a queen in the WH. I don’t think we should have to take care of her living high off us. It’s bad enough providing the OBummers with their Lavish Lifestyle

  • hitcharide1

    hitcharide1 13 hours ago

    Expecting “dear leader” to have any “skin in the game” is just silly. They don’t call them “limousine liberals” for nothing. They feel entitled to live high on the hog while us common folk, whom they deeply despise, suffer greatly. And the 47% who get scraps from the master’s table will cheerfully continue to vote liberal. I’m looking forward to the second revolution!




Memo to The State of Montana, “County Sheriffs don’t need your permission to Arrest any Federal Agents”.

The Office of County Sheriff is still the chief peace keeping office in America, over all State, and Federal. 

Every other law enforcement agency in America was created after the fall of the Republic during the Civil War, therefore they are all imposters operating under ‘Color Of Law’, analogous to a foreign government having replaced the body of law at that time with its own, via an army of proxy dupes, knaves, and traitorous fools.

The collective body of law that the American people have been enslaved by today, is as foreign to the “US Constitutional Republic form of Government”, as the Jew ever thinking that the stupid Goyim Gentile would, or ever could be his intellectual equal.  — RR


Montana moved one step closer to taking back the States power, after the Legislature’s House Judiciary Committee passed the so-called “sheriffs first” bill. The bill, which has many in the federal government already crying foul, declares the local sheriff to be the supreme law of the land.

montanaThe bill, entitled “AN ACT REGULATING ARRESTS, SEARCHES, AND SEIZURES BY FEDERAL EMPLOYEES”, requires federal agents to get a sheriff’s permission before making any arrests, or serving any warrants in the State of Montana. Should any federal agent make an arrest without this permission, the bill enables local Sheriffs to arrest the federal agent and charge them with kidnapping and trespassing charges.

The bill, HOUSE BILL NO. 303 written by Gary Marbut, passed both houses in 2011 but was vetoed by then governor Brian Schweitzer. This time,  should the “sheriffs first” bill clear the Republican-controlled House and Senate, it will go directly to the people for a ballot vote in November 2014. The direct ballot would make it impossible for the Democrat Governor, Gov. Steve Bullock, to veto the bill.

The current bills language says:

Pursuant to the 10th amendment to the United States Constitution and this state’s compact with the other states, the legislature declares that any federal law purporting to give federal employees the authority of a county sheriff in this state is not recognized by and is specifically rejected by this state and is declared to be invalid in this state.

A federal employee who is not designated by Montana law as a Montana peace officer may not make an arrest, search, or seizure in this state without the written permission of the sheriff or designee of the sheriff of the county in which the arrest, search, or seizure will occur.

Penalties in the bill are as follows:

An arrest, search, or seizure or attempted arrest, search, or seizure in violation of [section 2] is unlawful, and the persons involved must be prosecuted by the county attorney for kidnapping if an arrest or attempted arrest occurred, for trespass if a search or attempted search occurred, for theft if a seizure or attempted seizure occurred, and for any applicable homicide offense if loss of life occurred. The persons involved must also be charged with any other applicable criminal offense in Title 45.

Sheriffs across the Country Watching What’s Happening in Montana

Across the country similar bills are being proposed, and in some areas the local Sheriffs aren’t waiting for further legislation. A growing number of numbers of sheriffs from around the country are already telling the Feds to stay out of their jurisdictions. Sheriffs from New York, Kentucky, Alabama and Oregon have all joined forces in an effort to take back their State’s power.

A number of them have written the Obama Administration to tell them they will not allow federal authorities to come into their communities to confiscate guns, or to violate their resident’s constitutional rights.




==================Makow on gay sex — anything m but normal and safe


From  http://henrymakow.com/2013/04/nancy-allens-guide-to-gay-sex.html


Henry Makow is a Canadian Jew who produces excellent info on Jewry and its war on masculine, protective, white males. (I strongly disagree,however, with his negative conspiracy theory defaming Adolf Hitler as a Rothschild agent.) The article below is by Judith Reisman, a Jewess who is however very opposed to preaching the normality of homosexual practices.


Nancy Allen’s “Guide to Gay Sex”

April 4, 2013

nancy-allen-manitoba-education-ministerNancy Allen, left, is the Minister of Education in Manitoba.
Manitoba schools rank among the lowest in Canada .
The answer: Teach Manitoba children to eat shit (i.e. “rimming.” See below.)

Yes literally. She wants Manitoba school children to embrace homosexuality.
Her Bill 18 will force schools to establish “gay-straight alliances” and criminalize
resistance to homosexuality as “bullying.”

(Editor’s Note [ Henry Makow writing here] – I do not “oppose homosexuality,” as Wikipedia says. I oppose the imposition of homosexual practices and norms on heterosexuals. Of course, I don’t agree with it, but I won’t stand between a man and his mistakes, as long as he doesn’t harm others.)

Nancy Allen’s First Lesson:

1. Anal sex  is one of the principal homosexual pleasures. Anal intercourse is analogous to normal sex. You may disregard the fact that the anus was never intended by nature to be a receptacle. Disregard the fact that when sodomy is performed, the peculiar forced inward expansion of the anal canal results in a tearing of the lining as well as bleeding anal fissures. This gives rise to a litany of diseases.

two_queers-rimming-poster2. Anilingus, usually referred to as “Rimming.” This delightful practice involves licking the rim of the anus, and often ingesting faecal matter – in other words, eating shit.

If they don’t actually eat shit, some homosexuals defecate on each other. This bizarre practice is known as scat. Urination into the mouth and over the bleeding body of the participant…is likewise a common practice.  This is known as golden showers or water sports. Go for it children!3.  Fisting or hand-balling involves inserting the hand or fist into the anus. While it is difficult to believe that a fist can be inserted into a human anus, it is possible. Don’t worry that the damage from fisting can result in a sphincterectomy or colostomy. Some individuals can then have sodomy performed through the colostomy opening, causing further damage. Try to imagine how you can sink to lower depths of depravity than this. As well as fists, you can also insert toys into the anus: dildoes, vibrators etc. This can and does lead to serious internal damage; in particular puncturing of the intestinal wall and seepage of faecal matter into the abdomen, which can result in death. But at least you will die in a politically correct way.An American publication said of sex toys that, “Most are small, but physicians have removed such large items as a six-ounce Coca-Cola bottle, an entire pencil, and a vibrator head.” The record must be an after-shaving lotion bottle 14.2cm in length, 21.5cm circumference.

4. Another uplifting practice many homosexuals enjoy is sado-masochism. About a third of homosexuals engage in sexual torture. The top six US male serial murderers were all gay. You may end up seriously injuring or murdering someone, or being seriously injured or murdered yourself. For this you can thank your Manitoba public school education.

5. As the thrills diminish, you will need to employ drugs to heighten your experience. Drug use is seven times higher among gays. That’s why schools need to promote homosexuality.  Crystal meth and cocaine are the drugs of choice.

6. As a homosexual, you may enjoy an extraordinary degree of promiscuity. You may enjoy many dozen sex partners in a year; hundreds in a lifetime. “Marriages” are rarely exclusive.

bathhouse-addict-naked-queer-menDenis Altman, a veteran of this courageous quest has written: “Large-scale luxurious pleasure palaces where everyone is potentially an immediate sexual partner are a common sexual fantasy; only for gay men they are a commonplace reality…Men in bathhouses rarely talk much, and it is quite common for sex to take place without words, let alone names, being exchanged.”

Altman confirms that this is a display of brotherhood:  “The willingness to have sex immediately, promiscuously, and with people about whom one knows nothing and from whom one demands only physical contact can be seen as a sort of Whitmanesque democracy, a desire to know and trust other men in a type of brotherhood.”

As well as bathhouses, homosexuals often engage in totally anonymous sex in public toilets – a practice known as cottaging – and in public parks and elsewhere. The personal columns of homosexual publications are crammed full of advertisements advertising the services of male whores – rent boys – and adventurers seeking similarly enlightened individuals for mutual satisfaction. You will never be lonely.

Bend over children! That’s what the New World Order is about. Anyone who objects to this lesson is a “bully” and will be prosecuted accordingly.

Source- http://www.infotextmanuscripts.org/barons_guide_1.html

Related – Charles Socarides MD – How America Went Gay 

———-Ex-Gay Porn Star explains Demonic Dimension of Sodomy

Manitoba’s Chief Family Court Judge is Internet Porn Star

gay-straight-alliance-evan-wiens(left. Gay student Evan Wiens is extatic he can start recruiting gay-friendly straights to his high school club. Illuminati grant human rights only to socially disruptive minorities. People who object have no human rights.) 
First Comment by Judith Reisman Ph.D. author of Sexual Sabotage   (Encore)

Recently Henry Makow published an article stating, “Nancy Allan announced a coercive plan to persecute students who object to homosexuality, ensuring that school children are groomed for homosexual pedophiles.”


This is a wholly accurate account of the state-mandated pedophile/pederast grooming increasingly found worldwide. Only a worldwide institution could produce the same global sexual “party line.” The campaign to sexualize all infants and children for use and abuse emerges as an “Anti Bullying Action Plan” in Manitoba. The program induces child sexual experimentation–the same encouraged by Havana-trained sexologists in Brazil, and similar pedo-advocates in Great Britain, the USA and worldwide under the closet umbrella of International Planned Parenthood.


Makow says, “Don’t be fooled. “Bullying” is really about heterosexuals being coerced to have gay sex. Bullying is the media and government perverts and traitors bullying you.” I’d add, these programs are entry level for the child sexual traffic–a financial growth industry. Picture perverts sitting around a conference table for the last 20 years planning how to, “get the kids away from the controls of parents and religion and they are wholly vulnerable. Let’s call it anti-bullying, and hate crimes. Once we get pedo-grooming–we get global control.”

 Ridiculous you say? Time is telling us it is so.

 Judith Reisman, Ph.D.

Visiting Professor of Law, Liberty University School of Law

– See more at: http://henrymakow.com/2013/04/nancy-allens-guide-to-gay-sex.html#sthash.KuvGfpyz.dpuf



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