ENGLISH Hating Hitler, the father figure who failed; Canadian judges stop travel, speech and truth with gag orders

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================HITLER BASHING

A comrade sent me the umpteenth email I have received with “Hitler was a tool of the Rothschilds, and an agent of the Jews who was created to destroy Germany. His anglophila was because he was a traitor.”

I replied:

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I want to assure you that I have been reading voraciously in the 32 years I have been in this Cause, and I am familiar with all these facts you wrote and all these allegations.

Hitler was a sincere anglophile for the sake of the white race’s power, like me, because he respected British bravery and skill, and also because the greatest soldier in WWI British history chivalrously and personally saved his life.

Hitler greets a school teacher and her kids. He often teared up in the presence of little white children, and Mussolini wrote his mistress, Clara Petacci, that he was hopelessly sentimental.THIS was an ice-cold Rothschild operative?

Scroll down halfway here: https://johndenugent.com/english/english-liberals-kill-women-karma-and-dharma-respecting-disappointing-relatives

The chivalrous Henry Tandey spared the life of Adolf Hitler in WWI, since he refused to shoot a groggy and unarmed enemy soldier, and Hitler had been knocked out. When he came to, he saw the blue eyes of this Englishman meeting his own blue eyes,. Tandy motioned to him to escape. For his incredible valor that day, killing perhaps 20 Germans, Tandy was awarded the highest medal of the British Empire, the Victoria Cross. Hitler never forgot that moment of British chivalry, and perhaps this influenced him (wrongly) at Dunkirk in 1940 when he showed mercy to 300,000 Allied soldiers and let them escape captivity or death. I can only say that Hitler, who had an incredible, photographic memory, would remember forever – and gratefully — and even more than other soldiers — the close-up face of an enemy English soldier who kindly spared his life from certain death, probably at Marcoing, France on September 28, 1918. It so happens the soldier, Private Henry Tandey, won the Victoria’s Cross and became Britain’s most highly-decorated enlisted soldier.

Hitler used part-Jews because he, like me, saw, first and foremost, the content of a man’s character. We cannot embrace Oliver Stone, or Gordon Duff, or Alan Sabrosky today, all part-Jews, or Brother Kapner, David Cole, and Israel Shamir, and Ariel Toaff, and Norman Finkelstein, all full-Jews, and be VERY GLAD for their support, and yet condemn Adolf for the same thing!

“How dare Hitler use the part-Jew Eichmann?” It’s like the Catholic Church using the Jew Torquemada to ferret out the other Jews. It takes one to know one.

Hitler was properly not a fanatic about Jewish genes on the one hand, or about blond and blue-eyed genes on the other. In fact, he put the brakes ion the Thirties on an SS campaign that was overly glorifying Nordic features and that offended more and more Germans.

Can a man get the job done? — that was the issue.

And if the truth were known, many Germans and Frenchmen, Poles, Croats, Italians and others show some “Jewish”-looking traits but not because they are part-Jewish. It is because there are neanderthalic genetic traits all across modern Europe.

Hitler definitely did not have a drop of Jewish blood; he was of pure Austrian peasant stock, and his dark hair and blue eyes were classically Keltic.

It is my considered opinion, based on looks (fleshy face, dark hair and blue eyes, like the pure-Irish Mel Gibson) and temperament (artistic, poetic, dreamy, opera-loving, passionate and imaginative), that Adolf Hitler reflected most of all the Keltic genes of ancient Austria and the Keltic Hallstatt culture.

Keltic Europe in the Bronze Age. The yellow is the epicenter of the keltic Hallstatt culture (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hallstatt_culture), exactly where Hitler’s ancestors lived for thousands of years. His name “Hitler” means “hut-(dwel)ler,and were pure peasants, not Rothschilds!

Bronze-Age keltic warriors. It was they who wore helmets with horns, not the Germanic Teutons. They also believed strongly in reincarnation, and the great Roman general and dictator Julius Caesar, in his classic military memoir The Gallic War, says this gave them a fearless valor in battle.

You can see the keltic taste in this Hallstatt clothing.

Beautiful Hallstatt keltic pottery

https://johndenugent.com/jdn/2010/02/12/hitler-the-irishman-sai-baba-negroidal-guru-path-the-finger-of-god/ (Scroll halfway down to “Adolf O’Flaherty Hitler”. The photos have been hacked away and still are not restored.)

Hitler and Hugo Boss designed the most beautiful uniforms the world has ever seen…a Wehrmacht uniform….

..and the SS uniform, black and silver, approved by the also dark-haired and blue-eyed Bavarian of Hallstatt ancestry, Heinrich Himmler….

Hitler would not seem out of place in Dublin.

Heinz Strache, leader of the booming and victorious Austrian Freedom Party, which fights (as openly as it can under “hate-speech” laws) for the rights of white Austrians…another Kelt with dark hair and blue eyes….

Be sure to also read this, and scroll down 1/4: https://johndenugent.com/english/english-the-myth-of-hitlers-jewish-grandfather-3/

Hitler cooperated with Zionists — of course — to get the Jews out of Europe! They had the same goal: JUDEN RAUS!

For many, Hitler is like a mentor or father figure who, because the war was lost, incites bitter disappointment in some….the beloved father figure who was a letdown. In reality, he was a genius with flaws, who deeply loved his people and wished to liberate the Aryan race.

We all reincarnate. We learn in each life.

And this time, sadder yet much wiser, and truly pan-Aryan, deeply spiritual in our outlook, we will win …and if it takes 25 generations this time, we will win.

I have seen in my 56 years that those who had a disappointing father sometimes embrace the Hitler-was-a-traitor theory. I have seen some of them, the same ones, develop a fanatical hatred of me, too.

The greatest mystery is the human mind, dealing with trauma in the blindest ways, lashing out left and right…,and as Will Rogers once said,

“Don’t believe everything you think.” 😉



Canadian Judges Use Bail and Parole Conditions to Gag Dissent

from fearless Canadian human rights activist Paul Fromm:

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Increasingly, Canadian judges are using bail and parole conditions to gag dissenters. It’s either “shut up” or you stay in jail. [Umm, isn’t that what we criticize places like Burma for?] Anglo-Saxon justice is being perverted. A person charged with a crime has the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty. That means, with a limited number of exceptions, they should have their freedom unless and until they are tried and convicted because they are presumed innocent. This is critical. Bail — usually a money pledge or surety and some conditions — should only be imposed to assure attendance at a trial or to prevent further grievous harm to the public.

JdN: (All photos and captions below are mine) The psychopath Pierre Elliott Trudeau, who had been very rightwing as a student during WWII, flipped over totally after the Allies’ victory and joined the Jewish NWO in his Harvard years. My father met this creature at the White House alongside Richard Nixon, decked out defiantly in gross, straggly, long and yet balding hair and dressed in an Amerindian-style leather jacket with tassels while my father and Nixon stood there respectfully in business suits. He introduced hate-speech laws and massive third world immigration. And the old British Canadian flag, which showed ties to the blood of Europeans, was replaced by a mere maple leaf, a plant. He once did a silly pirouette dance behind the Queen to draw attention to himself.

The attractive and powerful flag of British Canada before 1965 and this charismatic, narcissistic psychopath….It showed on the shield that it had plenty of good diversity already, WHITE diversity, from the British, Irish and French founding components of this once great white nation.

The maple leaf merely symbolizes a plant that produces a sweet sap.….that grows in the NWO colony that was once white Canada. The country whose anthem calls it “the true north, strong and free” is now being overrun with brown and black third worlders, who immediately go on welfare, commit violent crimes and scream racism against the overly kind white Canadians, who are, in the eyes of the Jews, sweet saps. Recently, a whole horde of Tamil Tiger terrorists from Sri Lanka sailed openly across the whole Pacific Ocean to illegally invade Canada, and the Canadian Navy sweetly escorted them into the harbor, where they immediately went to hospital and welfare.

Originally, political prisoner Brad Love was sentenced, in 2003, to 18 months for writing non-violent, non-threatening letters, critical of immigration and deemed to be “hate” to some 20 politicians. Some 20 of the thin-skinned elected big mouths duly reported his letters to the thought police.

The heroic Brad Love

His original parole condition was that he not write letters to those 20 politicians. On getting out of prison, he wrote to other politicians. This landed him back in jail for some 25 days. After nearly six months further in prison for writing a series of lettes to the Etobicoke Guardian — the “free press” ratted hm out as their employees allegedly were upset by the number of his letters — Mr. Love was hit was a parole condition that would have made the Burmese generals blush. He was not to “communicate” by writing or e-mail to ANYONE, without their prior permission. This coming February 24 and 25, his lawyer will be arguing a Charter challenge against this gag order.

However, Mr. Love is not the only victim of Canada’s dissent gagging judges. Consider:

* From 1983 to 2002, when the Supreme Court vindicated him and ruled Canada’s “false news” law unconstitutional, political prisoner Ernst Zundel was forbidden by a bail condition from commenting on the “holocaust” — which is the West’s new secular state religion. You can mock Christianity, snigger at Islam, but if you express a public question or doubt about the so-called “holocaust” you can go to jail in many Western countries. Note, Mr. Zundel hadn’t been convicted for what he’d said. The charges were merely accusations but he was gagged for what he MIGHT say nonetheless.

* Gary McHale, from 2006-2010, has organized protests against the discriminatory, anti-White policing by the Ontario Provincial Police in Caledonia. There radical Indians have occupied a disputed piece of land being built into a subdivision and defied repeated court orders. The OPP has refused to enforce these orders, has favoured Indian protesters, brought them donuts and coffee, and even threatened to arrest a counter protester for marching down the highway carrying a Canadian flag — “provocative.” On the other hand, the OPP, while failing to protect White homeowners from repeated vandalism by natives, mercilessly stops and harasses Caledonians demanding identification and demanding to know where they’re going and where they’ve been.

ChrIstie Blatchford of the [Toronto, Ontario]  Globe and Mail (November 27, 2010) reports:

“In a flood of internal e-mails to the officers who worked for him (these later were made public as a result of Mr. McHale’s various disclosure requests in court) and in his public statements, [Julian Fantino] the then-commisssioner went to remarkable lengths to characterize Mr. McHale and his supporters. to borrow from one of the e-mails Mr. Fantino had sent, as ‘interlopers who put their own personal agendas’ ahead of the purportedly grand peace at the negotiating table. It was an astonishing use of the resources of the state against a private citizen who had done nothing but exercise the very freedoms guaranteed by the Charter. And it culminated in two extraordinary events. The first was Mr. McHale’s arrest on a charge of ‘counselling mischief not committed,’ which virtually no one had ever heard of but which was used nonetheless to impose sweeping travel restrictions upon him for more than two years (and keeping him out of Caledonia in other words.) This charge was ultimately stayed by the Crown.”

Thus, while, in the end the Crown did not proceed, a compliant judge effectively banned Mr. McHale from travelling to Caledonia and leading protests.

* Jaggi Singh is not our cup of tea. He’s a far leftist radical and professional protester. However, bail conditions slapped on him seem to fit this same “gag ’em now, try ’em later” judicial pattern. The Montreal Gazette (November 22, 2010) editorialized:

“During the G20 summit meeting in Toronto last summer, police arrested dozens of organizers and activists before the protesters began. One of them, Montrealer Jaggi Singh, has filed a constitutional challenge against the bail conditions imposed on him following his pre-emptive arrest. Inappropriately restrictive conditions have been imposed on Singh, and other protesters selected as ‘masterminds’ by police. Singh, though not found guilty of anything, may not use a wireless device or possess a passport and, for good measure, he is under house arrest. How absurd. How sinister.”

Singh could be hobbled for at least two years. “Singh faces a trial — possibly in mid-2012 — on charges of conspiracy to commit mischief and conspiracy to assault and obstruct police. … He was released into a form of house arrest July 12, on $25,000 bail. ‘I can’t live at my own residence,’ he said. ‘I have to live at the residence of one of my sureties’ His bail conditions also bar him from organizing or participating in any demonstrations; associating with any co-accused; using any wireless device; or possessing a passport.. … Singh said: ‘They make it punitive to actually be charged. … They make the conditions themselves the punishment — instead of finding someone guilty at trial and then punishing them.” (Montreal Gazette, November 18, 2010)

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