ENGLISH China fires ICBM from California coast to warn Obama; I warn America and Israhell

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JdN: The item below is a perfect fit with the incident the other day, reported on by Der Spiegel (http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,728730,00.html) under the title:

Asienreise des US-Präsidenten [Asian trip of US president]

Obama bekommt Chinas neue Macht zu spüren

[Obama gets to feel China’s new power]

Rivalen Obama, Hu (in Seoul): Der eine erzählt Anekdoten, der  andere lässt Brücken bauen

The article goes on to say that China is investing billions in various Asian countries, which now are listening to their financial source, not the basically “broke” Jewnited Snakes. And to drive home to Obama how little respect the Chinese have for him, the Chinese president permitted his delegation to openly and loudly chat during the photo-opportunity chitchat depicted in the photo above, which also shows the very distant body language between the two men, or rather between a MAN, Juntao, and a laughed-at and powerless fool, now rejected by his own country and of course loathed by the Democrats for causing their electoral debacle.
Here is a Google translation of the article from German to a rough English:
And here is my serious observation:
Obama is now in exactly the dangerous position I predicted back in 2008 when I launched a symbolic presidential bid, only to decide that it would be be best for our race to NOT run an energetic campaign and in effect let Obama win. (Had I really “cut loose” on Obongo with the dirt I had even back then via the Internet (and which the GOP possessed and yet refused to use), it would likely have helped the very dangerous neo-con militarist and illegal-alien-amnestier McCain to get in, the worst scenario by far.)

=======October 2008=====================LISTEN TO THESE PROPHETIC MESSAGES!

Quicktime Audio Files (will open in new window) of my RADIO ADS during my write-in candidacy for president in 2008

  • THE MARINE HAS LANDED! (audio message; 5:40 min.)
How the mighty have fallen…. The Jews have brought down our mighty white nation to the point that China, which is strong only by stealing white technology, is now the dominant superpower.
And here is my warning:
Obongo is now so friendless, and so blackmailable over his non-US Citizenship, the Frank Davis material, his bisexuality, etc. that to survive politically and even PERSONALLY (to prevent the Mossad from assassinating him, possibly using a Project Monarch “white supremacist” who is only a brain-destroyed zombie) Obama must now stop refusing to cooperate with Israel on THEIR mad scheme to attack Iran.


This country, America, will for once be on the RECEIVING end of long-range bombing, instead of merrily bombing others (as in WWII, Korea, Vietnam, both Iraq Wars, Serbia and the Afghan-Pakistan theater) and transforming other peoples’ cities into rubble and cadavers. And yet when it is all over, Hear O Israel, a new and Jew-free America will arise.

A friend sent me some issues of LIFE magazine during WWII, which show with crystal clarity that the American people were totally aware of the extent and devastation their bombs were causing to the civilians and the cities of Germany. In fact LIFE gloated in every issue how America was “pounding the Reich.” Well, two can play that game. We can be pounded too, in OUR homes, and when our cities are pounded, that means women, children, the elderly and also able-bodied young men will be “pounded too” — ripped into numerous body parts. Some even will be cooked alive.

As the Anglo-Americans bombed Germany, they were often shot down. Nearly 100,000 American aviators perished over the skies of the Reich, which fired ferociously its advanced flak guns at the terror bombing fleets. Their openly proclaimed goal, as LIFE magazine gloated, was “demoralizing” the Germans. (What is the difference between “demoralizing” civilians or “shock and awe” inflicted on them, and what terrorists do? Who is the terrorist — when you and your plane and its ordinance are carefully cooking women and children alive?) Here we see ten dead British aviators, with their crashed bomber in the background, and the pilot.….. Brave whites dying at the hands of other brave whites as cunning Jews chuckle….The Germans, out of decency, have laid pine branches over their bodies until they can be collected.

The Talmud says: Tob shebbe goyim harog, “even the best gentiles should die” — Rabbi Simon Bar Yochai, founder of the Kabbalah, 100 AD.

Elli and her brother search for their mother.

“Ich suche meine Mutti.”
“I seek my mom.”

26 US aviators killed by an ALLIED bombing raid that hit a stalag (US POW camp)


The blast of high air pressure ruptured lung arteries and killed people who looked uninjured. Others died suffocated by dust as concrete and bricks disintegrated into oceans of choking air particles. All these scenes could happen to America in a war with conventional weapons against Russia and China. America cannot threaten to nuke them, because they can “nuke” us right back. The Jewish bully will walk into the “wrong bar.” YOU ARE WARNED, NEANDERTHAL JEWS! JUST WAIT UNTIL THE CHINAMAN GIVES YOU PAYBACK FOR THE OPIUM WARS OF THE SASSOON FAMILY, AND THE RUSSKI GIVES YOU YOUR JUST DESERTS FOR THE 40 MILLION SLAVIC DEAD OF THE GULAG.

Above, An American P 51 has “fun” bombing German villages in Ostfranken and strafing farmers, old women riding bicycles and children in schoolyards…….. Fighter ace Chuck Yeager wrote in his autobiography that the instructions were “shoot anything that moves” and “attack any target of opportunity.” He once said to his fellow aviators: “We better win this war because otherwise we’ll all be hanged for war crimes.”

All this is karma. On September 11, 1941, exactly 60 years before the WTC-Pentagon massacre by Israhell, aviator-hero Charles Lindbergh, in a coast-to-coast radio address from Des Moines, Iowa, openly warned our nation that the Roosevelt administration, the British government and the Jews were maneuvering America into the war. What was the result? The COWARDS even in his own anti-war “America First Committee” all protested that “some of my best friends are JEWS!” and distanced themselves from their spokesman and leader, the national hero Lindbergh!

Listen to slimy Jews in the audience booing……and fatcat WHITE war factory owners, RINOs, Republicans In Name Only, greedy members of the GOP country-club set who stood to make millions in profits if America joined the war and drive big Cadillacs and Lincolns.


As I have said, the path to Jewish world supremacy was paved by a billion individual acts of GENTILE cowardice and kowtowing when the moment came (and the leader called us forth) to to stand up against the Jews. And ONLY a billion acts of heroism in the very near future will reverse this terrible karma.

And then a new and different Hitler will arise.

As you see this powerful video, recall this, and that because of the individual acts of cowardice of millions of individual Americans, one out of five of the beautiful and happy German women in this video, our racial cousins, were raped or killed. There is no escaping our national karma, except by huge sacrifices that atone for our misdeeds.


And recall this, Jews:
We can’t forget and we won’t forgive.
We will prevail, whatever comes.

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China Fired Missile Seen In Southern California – Wayne Madsen

Posted by sakerfa on November 12th, 2010

Pentagon and its embedded media covering up Chinese show of force off LA

(MadsenReport) – China flexed its military muscle Monday evening in the skies west of Los Angeles when a Chinese Navy Jin class ballistic missile nuclear submarine, deployed secretly from its underground home base on the south coast of Hainan island, launched an intercontinental ballistic missile from international waters off the southern California coast. WMR’s intelligence sources in Asia, including Japan, say the belief by the military commands in Asia and the intelligence services is that the Chinese decided to demonstrate to the United States its capabilities on the eve of the G-20 Summit in Seoul and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Tokyo, where President Obama is scheduled to attend during his ten-day trip to Asia.

The reported Chinese missile test off Los Angeles came as a double blow to Obama. The day after the missile firing, China’s leading credit rating agency, Dagong Global Credit Rating, downgraded sovereign debt rating of the United States to A-plus from AA. The missile demonstration coupled with the downgrading of the United States financial grade represents a military and financial show of force by Beijing to Washington.

The Pentagon spin machine, backed by the media reporters who regularly cover the Defense Department, as well as officials of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), and the U.S. Northern Command, is now spinning various conspiracy theories, including describing the missile plume videotaped by KCBS news helicopter cameraman Gil Leyvas at around 5:00 pm Pacific Standard Time, during the height of evening rush hour, as the condensation trail from a jet aircraft. Other Pentagon-inspired cover stories are that the missile was actually an amateur rocket or an optical illusion.

Experts agree that this was a ballistic missile being fired off of Los Angeles. Pentagon insists it was a jet aircraft or model rocket.

There are no records of a plane in the area having taken off from Los Angeles International Airport or from other airports in the region. The Navy and Air Force have said that they were not conducting any missile tests from submarines, ships, or Vandenberg Air Force Base. The Navy has also ruled out an accidental firing from one of its own submarines.

Missile experts, including those from Jane’s in London, say the plume was definitely from a missile, possibly launched from a submarine. WMR has learned that the missile was likely a JL-2 ICBM, which has a range of 7,000 miles, and was fired in a northwesterly direction over the Pacific and away from U.S. territory from a Jin class submarine. The Jin class can carry up to twelve such missiles.

Navy sources have revealed that the missile may have impacted on Chinese territory and that the National Security Agency (NSA) likely posseses intercepts of Chinese telemtry signals during the missile firing and subsequent testing operations.

Japanese and other Asian intelligence agencies believe that a Chinese Jin-class SSBN submarine conducted missile “show of force” in skies west of Los Angeles.

Asian intelligence sources believe the submarine transited from its base on Hainan through South Pacific waters, where U.S. anti-submarine warfare detection capabilities are not as effective as they are in the northern and mid-Pacific, and then transited north to waters off of Los Angeles. The Pentagon, which has spent billions on ballistic missile defense systems, a pet project of former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, is clearly embarrassed over the Chinese show of strength.

Likely route of Jin-class submarine from Hainan base.

The White House also wants to donwplay the missile story before Presidnet Obama meets with his Chinese counterpart in Seoul and Tokyo. According to Japanese intelligence sources, Beijing has been angry over United States and allied naval exercises in the South China and Yellow Seas, in what China considers its sphere of influence, and the missile firing within the view of people in Southern California was a demonstration that China’s navy can also play in waters off the American coast.

For the U.S. Navy, the Chinese show of force is a huge embarassment, especially for the Navy’s Pacific Command in Pearl Harbor, where Japan’s December 7, 1941 attack on the fleet at Pearl Harbor remains a sore subject.

In 2002, national security adviser Condoleezza Rice reportedly scolded visiting Chinese General Xiong Guankai, the deputy chief of staff for intelligence of the People’s Liberation Army, for remarks he allegedly made in 1995 that China would use nuclear weapons on Los Angeles. Xiong denied he made any such comments but the “spin” on the story helped convince Congress to sink billions of additional dollars into ballistic missile defense, sometimes referred to at “Star Wars II.”

Source: Infowars


“Once we squeeze all we can from the United States it can dry up and blow away.” Benjamin Netanyahu in a comment to Jonathan Pollard, traitor and convicted Israeli spy.


“The threat, the target, was always the United States. We were the danger—-a free people.”
November 11, 2010 posted by Gordon Duff · 74 Comments


By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor
The 2010 election had one purpose, war with Iran, even if the risk is world conflict and the real loser, no matter what happens on the battlefield is the United States.”
Plans are in motion for a “false flag” attack on America. Iran will be blamed, everyone knows that and Iran will be totally innocent. This is the last thing Iran would ever want. The most likely scenario is a nuclear attack. Two bombs are missing, bombs built by Israel in South Africa and lost long ago. These were supposedly Saddam’s bombs. Now we are told Iran has them. Israel has had them all along and the fear, they may be inside the United States already.
The Israeli game with these weapons is one of the worst kept secrets in the world and has already cost the deaths of many. It will take nothing short of the detonation of one of this Hiroshima sized Israeli nukes to push America into Israel’s war with Iran, much as hunting for these nukes which Israel informed President Bush were in Iraq, led “the decider” to making one of the many blunders of his career. Our next 9/11 will be nuclear.
The purpose will be to push America into a 20 year war that will destroy Iran and Pakistan, take oil to over $300 per barrel and collapse the dollar and Euro. Iran isn’t Iraq of 2003, toothless and starving. This will be America’s last military adventure, and the end of America’s place in the world as we know it. We know the details of the proposed military campaign and the military and political leaders who support it are the worst imaginable incompetents and traitors.
Invading Iran is an impossible task for America. Other than there be no reason whatsoever to engage in such folly, something that, of recent years, seems to concern fewer and fewer Americans. Turn on the TV, if the “rodeo clown” says “wipe ‘em out” then we do it.
Invading Iran is an impossibility for America. Going to the moon was easier. No matter how senseless, how impossible, the decision has been made, more in Tel Aviv than Washington, for sure, but one that will be obeyed.
There are only two scenarios that can fulfill the nightmare Israel and her shiny new congress have in store with us. One is a preemptive nuclear attack on Iran and the other full scale total war with up to 500,000 Americans being drafted into the military.
Forcing America to return to a draft and begin a major war, one America can never really win as with Iraq and Afghanistan and, let us not forget Vietnam, is something absolutely vital to hang around the neck of a Democrat,
especially one of African American ancestry. Anyone who doesn’t think the real heart of American politics has always been racism is a liar. Family values means “white” family values. African Americans know shame at the relief they have felt seeing Muslims targeted for persecution. Every political position in today’s America is derived from institutionalized racism, be it immigration, health care or “constitution.”
When a return to the “constitution” is brought up, by people who wouldn’t know the document from a Croatian take-out menu, the reality is always race, fear, hate and envy, the glue that holds American society prisoner. Decades ago, and even more recently during our last presidential election, African Americans were represented as animals, “goyim” to the Jews. Now we play “Kill the camel jockey.” Is this why the Christianized army we sent to Afghanistan murders innocent civilians for sport?
An America in total economic collapse will require another “decider” and more “Patriot Acts,” even more totalitarian and vicious than the last, that and an end to the even farcical elections that are now inundated with drug money and cash from US based foreign corporations.
This is the plan and a criminal gang in America, some in government and the military but more behind the scenes, “banksters” and media moguls, many with ties to Israel, are working feverishly to bring it about. However clever the planners may think they are, their mechanations can be tracked through the media, the army of “Wolf Blitzers” that “work” the American people with the subtlety of carny shills.
Why would anyone want to destroy America, kill millions, leave the nation that has been there to save the world over and over a virtual wasteland? If you think America’s castrated government or the military, now relegated to acting as virtual mercenaries for drug lords, oil cartels and bizarre Zionist plots, have the will or ability to stop what has already begun, you have not been paying attention for some time. While the “circus of deception” went on, the utterly phony “war on terror,” imaginary enemies, the 9/11 disaster, orchestrated by Israel and its puppets,
Israel has decided that America is going to war with Iran. The new congress, the one Israel openly boasts is under their total control, will make it happen, it was why they were put there. The upcoming war will leave the United States crippled, castrated, a “third world” nuclear power like the old Soviet Union. The plot isn’t against Iran and Pakistan, that’s just an excuse. The real enemy is what is left of a free and democratic America.
The real goal is to end America’s leadership role in the world.
Israel has plans for Russia, China and India, especially India, to rule the world with them pulling the strings. America had been their “milk cow” for some time, now that cow is going to slaughter.
Iranian Patrol Boat

This is how it is going to play out. The news media has gotten their orders, Wikileaks is part of it. From now on, key members of congress will, on cue, begin harping about the threat of Iran. Governments in the Middle East that are under the total control of Israel and the American military will aid in every way possible. Thus far, of all the Islamic nations in the world, only Syria and Afghanistan are not taking orders from Tel Aviv.
The next step will be to replace key military staff as was done prior to 9/11, with “Israel friendly” third stringers, “dominionists” and “Israeli firsters” who place “end times” religious mythology over the welfare, safety and sovereignty of the United States. This group has been infiltrating the American military for years and has gained control of every service but the Marine Corps, starting with the United States Air Force.
The military pundits, with their laundered payoffs and free trips to Israel and the dozens of propaganda websites have already begun. If you have a computer, you can check this easily. Simply go into your email, it will be filled with warnings of Iran and nuclear terrorism. An Israeli teenager paid dearly to bring you that message, spending a difficult night in a hotel with one of our political or military “pro-Zionists.”
Our newly elected “Tea Party’ gang will be visiting Israel soon, watch and see, there is a “Monica Lewinsky” in their future. This is how it works, how it has worked for a long time and why we have sunk so low.
Anyone who talks about “liberal” media is part of it. A cursory check of who owns the media, “liberal” or any other media is easy. Israel owns our media, all of it. The stories will start with tales of Iran controlling the Shiite government of Iraq. Then you will hear of them controlling Karzai’s government in Afghanistan.
Then the stories will start, Iran has to be tied to terrorist attacks on American troops. Watch for this. Americans will start dying and Iran will be blamed. Wikileaks started this with their fanciful stories about Iranians training Iraq in making explosives. A few years ago, we invaded Iraq because we believed they were building nuclear weapons, or so we were misinformed, now they can’t build pipe bombs without Iranian help? Wikileaks is a clear demonstration at how childish, how outlandish the lies are going to be. Wikileaks is prestaging terror attacks on Americans as much as if they made the bombs themselves, no question about that.
Every media outlet that, under specific directions, carries the “party line” on Wikileaks and the rest of it, no matter how absurd, carries these fabrications without question or embarrassment, should be considered a terrorist organization and their employees enemy combatants.
It will be Israel doing the killing just as with 9/11 and the USS Liberty and, frankly, so many other times Americans have died, like the Marines killed in Beirut, an attack Israel admitted knowing of in advance. More and more, we are finding everything was “known” in advance, “known” because those who knew planned it.
Getting the scene set, all the assets in place, buying or blackmailing congress, keeping the president surrounded by Israeli advisors as he is today, silencing voices of reason in the military, all this is going on right now.
Years have been spent branding Iran and Pakistan as dangerous, the press continually ignoring reports that Iran has no nuclear program or endlessly repeating outrageous rumors that Pakistan’s nuclear weapons are almost in the hands approaching “Taliban” forces. With Karzai’s government Afghanistan openly negotiating with the Taliban after American forces, 9 years of fighting, have only managed to secure 3% of the country, building a case for war tied to Iranian “interference” in that conflict is going to be unmarketable.
This leaves Pakistan. Drone attacks in Pakistan have brought about considerable destabilization and an increase in terrorism in Pakistan. They have, as seemingly planned, worked to harm American interests in the region while attempting to bring about the dissolution of Pakistan. Continual reports of American contractors in Pakistan, working for the CIA and State Department, aiding terrorists, go unreported in the American media. Even when caught with weapons and explosives inside Pakistan, such reports are suppressed.
Increasingly, evidence is showing that the Mumbai attack, the massive terror assault on India blamed on Pakistan, was orchestrated by one of these American groups.
However, considering the financial collapse engineered though Bush era deregulation frauds combined with unstable tax policies and massive increase in government spending, combined with cost of two failed wars, America’s options are limited. There is simply no revenue to pay the current military without rollbacks or sustain moderate capabilities and readiness. America is too broke, not just to fight a new war but to continue the two that are going or even maintain a fully peacetime force at near current levels.
In fact, our military expenditures need to be cut by 30% or more, as studies being reviewed by the Department of Defense and congress are showing. We have the choice of cutting back now or dealing with consequences later, including, not only cuts in military and veterans health care but substantial cuts in pensions and disability compensation as well.
Another war, and there is no question that another war is planned, will push American debt to $20 trillion or more, half being military expenditures, always a combination of pork, payoffs and “misplaced” weaponry and the rest looted from the economy by the planned massive manipulation of oil prices made possible by the shutoff of world petroleum supplies.

In March, 2010, a Chinese built missile factory opened in Iran. The plant builds a variety of missiles, primarily anti-ship, with ranges from 100 to 300 miles or more. These are advanced weapons that can be launched from hardened facilities along Iran’s rugged coastline, from aircraft, both fixed and rotary, from patrol boats, from nearly anything. One of these missiles can sink a frigate, perhaps even a destroyer. Several can disable an aircraft carrier. Approaching Iran from sea is impossible.
Iran controls Hormuz, not just with missiles but patrol boats as well, and not just from their own shore but from the islands in the gulf, some of which were seized 30 years ago and are still held.
The government of the United Arab Emirates has discussed, from time to time, a canal bypassing the strait, through to Oman and into the Persian Gulf. However, the cost would be outrageous as a ridge of hills would have to be crossed, something difficult to manage with a lock system capable of handing the largest ships in the world, oil supertankers.
The missiles, the torpedo boats and the almost impossible network of islands and swamps along the coast would make suppressing Iran’s capabilities impossible. The strait would close, oil would stop, Iraq, Iran certainly, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. In days, currencies would collapse, stock markets shut down, gas lines would form and gas rationing would be required around the world. All western economies would disappear overnight.

Iranian Facilities at Hormuz
There is simply no way into Iran by land. We can barely keep American troops in Afghanistan supplied with many routes being hundreds of miles long, narrow roads from the Port of Karachi in Pakistan. Recently we found how easily this supply line could be cut off. Agreements with Iran, not to mention religious affiliations between Shiites in Iraq, the majority there and the Shiite based government in Iran, make an approach through Iraq impossible.
We could also consider that our existing forces in Iraq and the entire Persian Gulf could be cut off by Iran with no resupply by sea possible for, not only Iraq but Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait and Iraq. These nations and the US forces there would be immediately isolated. The only way in to Iran, restricted because of the topography, is through the province of Baluchistan, a remote area of Pakistan that borders Iran.

This isolated region has become the staging area for attacks against Iran, supposedly by Jundallah “rebels” but actually orchestrated by the Mossad and CIA. There are two independence movements wanting to break Baluchistan from Pakistan. One of the leaders I met in Islamabad while he was recovering from gunshot wounds. The other lives in Israel, surprise-surprise.
Because of the topography of Iran, the only way to approach Tehran is over more than a thousand miles of valleys. They can only be approached through Pakistan and there is only one port that serves that region. The only way to resupply other than through this small Chinese built port, Gwadar, is to truck into Kandahar, hundreds of miles, then back down into Pakistan, following the 500,000 man army into Iran in something closely akin to Napoleon’s ill fated invasion of Russia, but even worse if that is possible.
Gwadar, Baluchistan,  Pakistan

Tiny port, dirt roads, narrow gauge rail only
The military analogies are inescapable, Dien Bien Phu and Stalingrad are two that come to mind. Though the government of Pakistan lacks strong civilian leadership and is largely dependent on US aid, the use of Pakistan’s territory for another aggressive war in the Middle East that will perceived by almost all the world’s population, not just Muslims, as a sign of Israel’s control of the United States and its ability to get America to commit any crime, will not be acceptable to the people of Pakistan. It is also highly unlikely that even Karzai’s government in Afghanistan would abide such an action.
Thus, America could become beset, not just from Pakistan but by its own allies in Afghanistan and, quite possibly, the newly trained and surprisingly effective army in Iraq as well.
America would become a rogue state, even if purporting to respond to a devastating terrorist attack. In the aftermath of 9/11, America lacks any credibility. The second a disaster strikes inside America, the world will immediately assume the worst, Israel has deemed such an act necessary to push America to war. No rational person could assume otherwise.
In order to stabilize the situation with our allies, those likely to become enemies, it will likely necessitate the decapitation of several regimes, Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan initially. Others will quickly fall into line though some will be directly under the control of Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, in particular. They will become indefensible except through massive airlift, resources that will be needed elsewhere. Half the troops needed to secure America’s lines of supply left military service after multiple deployments in Afghanistan and Iraq for nearly a decade. Many are sick, some are homeless and hundreds of thousands are simply “fed up.”
This leaves the new citizen army, the one America had to turn to because of a “9/11 – Pearl Harbor” disaster fewer and fewer believe the cover story on as days go by. Even in America, despite what Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu thinks, you can only fool people so many times. The most glaring example of the lack of foresight some of our “War College” grads have can be seen in the Gwadar Port facilities, the only place American can use for supplies for the most difficult invasion in history, with, perhaps, the exception of Okinawa.

The 2010 election paid for a war, there is no question of that. Many of the puppets in America’s government had to be replaced as there was fear some of them might object to something as obscene as what is in the planning. Lies, fear mongering and childish rhetoric had never reached the levels seen in 2010. Never had a nation, since Germany in 1932, gone over to the “darkside” as clearly as America has done, a rejection of decency and common sense.
When the bill becomes due, and it most certainly will, that “smaller government” so many thought they would get will most certainly come true. What won’t happen is a return to constitutional rule, that will be gone forever. Habeas Corpus won’t be missed so much in a country where those without the cash to buy their way out of military service, yes, that great American tradition, will be one step ahead of the press gangs working to keep the military training camps filled to capacity. America may, quite likely, have bitten off a bit too much, a world war, and this time, no allies, none, not a chance.
  • SOCIAL SECURITY: Plans for less government have always been around, we have seen attempts to put these plans in place many times, starting with attempts to have Social Security declared unconstitutional back in the 1930s. This will be first to go, Social Security. Getting rid of Social Security has long been a dream of the GOP, either through outlawing it as “Socialism,” or “borrowing” the trust fund to cover war expenses or, more recently “privatization.” Now, none of those will be needed. The money will simply disappear overnight, not to pay war expenses, not hardly. It will be split up and stashed in Swiss bank accounts the same place the “bail out” money went, the same place every 401k in America went, the same place the assets of our largest banks went.
  • MEDICARE/MEDIAID: They will be the next to go. States will be asked to pay fund this themselves. There won’t be any more questions about illegal aliens using our medical care, there won’t be any, not for them, not for the poor or not for the senior citizens who paid into medicare all their lives. Just because it was paid for doesn’t mean the government can’t simply break its promise, there are loyalties more powerful and more important that our government has than to the people. 9/11 proved that to any rational person.
  • TAX INCREASES: The time for borrowing, counterfeit money, the “Federal Reserve System” and selling T -Bills will be over. China and Iran are close. China will be finished with us, India too and no more Arab money. The dollar, the instrument we use to buy oil, fertilizer, metals and so many other things, will be worthless. We are going to have to invent a new form of monopoly money or go on the barter system. The dollar, as a world currency, will disappear.
  • SCHOOLS SHUT DOWN: One good thing, schools will shut down. Thus, America’s inferior education system will no longer do the damage it once did. Along with that, mothers will be home to take care of children, a “blast from the past.” The downside, of course, the mothers will have lost their jobs, the homes will be unheated, some with no electricity, more with no water, all eventually repossessed and, unless the government starts giving out food as it had in the past, we will see starvation. The money that financed Food Stamps will be long gone.
  • MILITARY AND VETERANS PENSIONS HALVED: Long seen as “freeloaders,” veterans and military retirees will be cut off. Pensions once seen as a “promise” have long been referred to as “entitlements.” Any entitlement can be “unentitled” and these will.
  • MILITARY PAY CUT: Troops in Vietnam were paid $30 dollars a week. We are going to see that again.
The draft, worthless money, gas lines, martial law, metal detectors in supermarkets, cameras everywhere, everything filmed, recorded, everyone every day, biometrics, face recognition, these things will be part of our lives from now on. These are the plans and putting this machinery in place, much of it “designed” in Israel, is what Americans voted for, this and the invasion of Iran, part of a war where only Americans will fight and die.
No one cares about Iran. No knowledgeable person ever thought they had nuclear weapons or wanted them. It was never about them. They were never a target, they were never a threat. The threat, the target, was always the United States. We were the danger, a free people.
Free people can’t be trusted, can’t be managed.
The plans are in place to bring that to an end. How many Americans will continue to be a part of it?
Comment: The two cities that will most likely be hit with a low yield (20KT) atomic weapon are New Orleans and the shipping channel/tank farm area coming into the city of Houston. This would devastate not only imports of food stuffs, but it would instantly cripple much of the OIL refining capacity of the USA. THis would also cut off a large portion of imported crude oil.

And, if the weapon went off in New Orleans near the bridge, the collapsed bridge could totally block the Mississippi river and halt all maritime traffic on the river. Both of these attacks could easily be accomplished by hiding the weapon in one of the many container ships that enter these ports every day. These actions, combined with the closing of the Straits of Hormuz, would collapse the economy of the USA literally overnight. For those mentally challenged individuals who still insist that Israel is “the friend” of the USA, and that this report is some sort of paranoid pipe dream, Israelis were caught RED HANDED trying to blow up the George Washington bridge on September 11th, 2001. If you doubt that , then write to this email address and I will send you the full report which appeared that very night on the CBS evening news. This story quickly disappeared down the rabbit hole never to be seen again.

The two nukes mentioned by Mr. Duff are two of five built by Israel for South Africa. One was detonated over the South Indian Ocean in 1979. One was dismantled. And one was set off in North Korea in 2006. This is important because every nuclear weapon has a unique signature. If the remaining two are detonated on U.S. soil the trail will lead back to North Korea. Just speculation, but I would not be surprised to hear the controlled prostitute media claim that North Korea sold the two black market nukes to Iran. Another false flag attack…..

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