ENGLISH Clark Lightbridge to an African-American woman

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This blog is just to let my faithful supporters and readers know I am working hard on the audiovisual work Solutrea, Arise that will launch this movement. If you like this blog, you will love this AV book. 😉

In the meantime, a comrade suggested I give readers a sign I am still alive and laboring hard ….to give birth to, I hope, a great new thing, the worldwide Solutrean Agency.

I must say that the production of a first-class video, especially with inferior equipment due to inadequate donations, is daunting, but we are making big progress on both the form and the content. If we had more money, the book would be out right now.

Contact me!


213 Ekastown RoadSarver PA 16055 USA

[20 miles north of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]



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John de Nugent (Pittsburgh)


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Type in the word “Illuminati” backwards, then add “.com”……………. like this…..

It will take you to this……………..

Nobody can tell me that the NSA is incapable, of all people, of stopping this. They stalk, harass, and kill people every week.


There are two fantastic books out there right now that can materially help to save our race. No, I do not mean yet another book on the JEWS or racial differences.

I mean books that will help US be Aryans. When we are Aryans, true Aryans, we are ALWAYS INVINCIBLE.

I am absolutely in LOVE with both books, one in German about reincarnation and the other in French about how again and again the common people rose up, shoved aside their corrupted rulers, and expelled the Jews, or the rulers so feared the people if they did nothing that they expelled them themselves.

The whole anglosphere (the English-speaking white world) has absolutely no idea these Hope Diamonds among books even exist.

The Hope diamond, a 46-carat steel-blue diamond from India, once known as the Bleu de France (the blue diamond of France), and once belonged to Louis XIV, the Sun King. It is now on display in the Smithsonian.

I ask now, WHO will translate from German or French these two books?

The first book is by Michael Winkler, Die Spirituelle Welt (“The Spiritual World”) and is the most powerful book I have ever read about where we go when we die, what happens to individuals — the good, bad and middling — and when they come back to this earth and why this earth is a key place among many, many worlds.

The style is deliciously interesting and in places humorous, not heavy Germanness. ;-)You can order it here: http://www.michaelwinkler.de/Inhalt5.html



The second book is in French, Histoire de l’antisémitisme. It depicts a medieval incident of the common people grabbing every single Jew they could get their hands on and burning them alive.

This book, the fifth in as many years by the Sorbonne graduate Hervé Ryssen, is for once a book by a white nationalist about the persecutions, pogroms and uprisings against the Jews for the last 2500 years. It is not yet another whining, flimsy self-exculpation by a mere Jew such as Leon Poliakov or Heinrich Graetz, whose line is ever: ‘the irrational id of the animalistic goyim erupted again and again against the perfectly innocent, gentle and kindly scholars, philanthropists and sages of the Jewish faith.’

You can order it here: http://www.propagandes.info/ryssen/index.php?id=3

Here is the French Wikipedia article on Ryssen: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herv%C3%A9_Ryssen. Here is a Google automatic translation — rough but useful — of that same page: http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=fr&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Ffr.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FHerv%25C3%25A9_Ryssen)

We see here, over and over, that it is the COMMON PEOPLE who rise up against the Jews, and it is their Jew-corrupted rulers, and the popes (doctrinally hamstrung by accepting Saul/Paul and his Epistle to the Romans), who have protected them from total physical annihilation, and shielded them in extremistt from what the Jews love to call “the final solution.” Why? Because 1) the rulers wanted a moneylender for wars or buying jewelry for their mistresses, and 2) the popes believed ludicrously, trusting the Sanhedrin agent Saul, that in the end the Jews would convert to Christianity.

(Fat chance…..It has been now 2,000 years since they rejected Christ, and slow-tortured and murdered Him, and not only are they NOT embracing Christianity, but they have instead destroyed Christendom.)

I note that the current pope, who likes male dancers……

….now denies the blood curse which is CLEARLY stated in the New Testament. The blood curse is a New Testament passage from the verses of the Gospel of Matthew 27:24-25:

  • (in Greek) Ιδων δε ο Πιλατος οτι ουδεν ωφελει αλλα μαλλον θορυβος γινεται, λαβων υδωρ απενιψατο τας χειρας απεναντι του οχλου, λεγων αθωος ειμι απο του αιματος του δικαιου τουτου; υμεις οψεσθε. Και αποκριθεις πας ο λαος ειπεν, το αιμα αυτου εφ ημας και επι τα τεκνα ημων. Greek New Testament
  • (In Latin) Videns autem Pilatus quia nihil proficeret sed magis tumultus fieret, accepta aqua lavit manus coram populo, dicens innocens ego sum a sanguine iusti huius: vos videritis. Et respondens universus populus dixit: Sanguis eius super nos et super filios nostros. Vulgate
  • When Pilate saw that he could not prevail, but rather that a tumult was beginning, he took water and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, “I am innocent of the blood of this just person. See ye to it.” Then answered all the people and said, “His blood be on us, and on our children!” (KJV)
  • When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere, but that instead an uproar was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd. “I am innocent of this man’s blood,” he said. “It is your responsibility!” All the people answered, “Let his blood be on us and on our children!” (NIV)
  • So when Pilate saw that he could do nothing, but rather that a riot was beginning, he took some water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying, “I am innocent of this man’s blood; see to it yourselves.” Then the people as a whole answered, “His blood be on us and on our children!” (NRSV)
  • When Pilate saw that he was accomplishing nothing, but rather that a riot was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd, saying, “I am innocent of this Man’s blood; see to that yourselves.” And all the people said, “His blood shall be on us and on our children!” (NASB)
  • When Pilate saw that he was not succeeding at all, but that a riot was breaking out instead, he took water and washed his hands in the sight of the crowd, saying, “I am innocent of this man’s blood. Look to it yourselves.” And the whole people said in reply, “His blood be upon us and upon our children.” (NAB)
  • When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere, and that there was danger of a riot, he took water and washed his hands in full view of the crowd. ‘My hands are clean of this man’s blood,’ he declared. ‘See to that yourselves.’ With one voice the people cried, ‘His blood be on us and on our children.’ (REB)

…Ratzinger the pseudo-pope has just directly contradicted the New Testament itself and “exonerated the Jews” for murdering Christ: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110302/ap_on_re_eu/eu_vatican_jews

I found it fascinating that the translation of the Talmud produced a major crisis for Jewry around 1100. Suddenly, Jewish crimes were no longer seen in isolation, as nasty stuff by individuals, but as the logical implementation of a systematic doctrine of evil thought, as actions of both hate and lust that carry out a JEWISH PROGRAM of sadistic domination of the European peoples.

After 32 years in this Cause, I must say that this book was the greatest morale builder I have ever read. I say this most of all because the Jews reveal themselves as incredibly OBTUSE. Their hatred, greed and lust so blind them that despite suffering atrocious backlash by the gentiles, they persist in behavior that infuriates the goyim anew. THIS IS THEIR NEANDERTHALIC NATURE (https://johndenugent.com/neanderthals-and-semites). THEY ARE GOOD AT EVIL BUT THEY CANNOT LEARN FROM EXPERIENCE. They are a pre-human species that cannot adapt.

The Jews simply cannot learn from their painful past, and at least ACT kind so as to get what they want without persecution.

No, they have to put the screws to us by some sick compulsion, until we erupt — again, and again and again – like a volcano.

I need comrades to put these texts, the Spiritual World by Winkler, and the History of Antisemitism by Ryssen, into www.translate.google.com, and then take the translations the computer spits out and rework them. Then I will do the final edit.

These two books are part of us erupting again.

This would be a good time now to thank the four comrades who transcribed the Brendon O’Connell radio interview with me. I am now in final edit on those transcripts, and will use the mighty truths Brendon said before he went to prison for three years to help annihilate the hideous power of world Jewry.

(Btw, his webhost in Australia canceled his website, and YouTube took down his Port Arthur video. That should tell you something.)

Brendon is a man I vow to make into a martry superstar, Jews, because he is lovable, fun, a real Aussie as well as Irishman, and a true and compassionate liberal who hates bullies and injustice. He is no “racist,” but that did not stop you from squashing him like a bug, because you could and it felt good for you.

You should release that man before I get cranking on him, but you are far too stupid to do so, and I thank God that He has darkened your sewerlike hearts. Three years in prison.….for having an argument with two snotty Lubavitch jewboys near an orange stand in a supermarket….

In the end you will say “Life’s a lubavitch and then you die.” 😉

It was already personal between me and you when you abducted Henrik Holappa, my personal assistant, and now it is even more intense. I thank you for helping me overcome my overly kind nature and see what must be done, Kalki-style. In a sense, Jews, ironically, we are partners. You keep helping me and other comrades to understand things better. As Goethe said in Faust, you are the spirit that ever seeks evil and produces good.

You will make the whole white race into Nazis. As Hans Schmidt said to me 25 years ago, it is the Jews who make us meditate on just what it means to be an Aryan.


The blog today is in the form of a query an African-American woman sent in after reading the static webpage “For African Americans,” part one.

She wrote (https://johndenugent.com/for-african-americans-part-1#comment-19302):

Hello. I’m an African-American woman. I just finished reading your blog. I wanted to know if you have a book that you have written. I find this interesting and disturbing all at the same time. Thank you.

I gave her two responses, one my own, and then I asked my part-Egyptian, part-Eritrean key assistant Clark Lightbridge to respond.

Here is what I wrote her:

Dear madam,

I thank you for your interest and, to answer your question, my book (actually an audiovisual work with text, videos and photos) is just about to come out.

I am eager to reach out to good African-American people. The people of your and our heritage have shared life in America, for better or worse, for almost 400 years now, and we must learn together to face our true enemies, the psychopaths in our own race and in the others. It is they who ruin life for us all, and make racial frictions ten times worse than they otherwise would be. One black murderer makes life bad for 100 blacks in the eyes of angry whites, and our own minority of white psychopaths cause black people to hate many or all whites.

I would like to pass your email along to my assistant, Clark Lightbridge, who is part-Eritrean (from Africa).

A former engineering student, he is a key member of my Solutrean staff, caring for vital responsibilities in connection with my videos and my websites. I am sure that If he thought I was a “white supremacist” or “hater,” he would not have come out to Pittsburgh from Los Angeles to help my organization and dedicate his life with me to a psychopath-free world. The enemy is the human devils who divide up all peoples and races, make money off war and pain, and aggravate our problems.

As Jesus said in John 8:44 to the Jewish leaders, “You are from your father, the Devil.”

Jesus whips the money-changers out of the Temple….

…..and here was Clark’s response:

* * *

Hello, [first name],

Allow me to introduce myself. I am Clark Lightbridge, one of John de Nugent’s key volunteers. It is a pleasure to come into contact with you. John has shared correspondence between you and him. I have known John for almost two years, which all started from a Skype conversation. I am treated very well by John and his staff. I am always treated with respect and dignity. I am not locked out of any part of the compound. I am granted full access to everything I need.

I strongly believe that the movement is sowing the seeds for what is ultimately the salvation for all humankind and not just white people. When the jew gets rid of all people of European/white descent, people of African/black descent will be next on the list — to be replaced with Mexicans, Chinese, Hindus, etc. In fact, many blacks have already been replaced in many areas of the U.S., including where I come from, in Los Angeles.

What the psychopathic jew wants to do is reduce the world population to 500 million people, maybe less than that if they can accomplish such an evil feat.

The Georgia Guidestones openly proclaim the goal of reducing the world population to 500 million. So who volunteers to die? 😉


Georgia Guidestones: the first commandment is reduce the world population to 500 million

Look at how many people get killed in wars, medical malpractice and terrible nutritional advice and junk food, the oil flow in the Gulf Stream, putting toxins in our environment, etc. The psychopathic elite is all behind it. Only this movement can really put a stop to this diabolical plan because this movement goes after psychopaths of all races. I believe that the psychopathic jews have only gotten as far as they have because of the psychopaths of other races, including white psychopaths.

Yes, John de Nugent does criticize the trashy element of minorities. He also criticizes white trash. In fact, a white nationalist stole 300 dollars from John and called me a “nigger” (not to my face) all because he does not want to do any real work. He would rather be drinking cognac and dating middle-aged floozies. This individual promised to volunteer for John in front of me after he took the 300 dollars to pay for his trip to Pennsylvania from out west. He never came through in supporting us. Btw, this degenerate is married and has [X] kids.

Another bunch of white nationalists, some suspected of being F.B.I. informants in Stormfront and VNN, defame John as a homosexual (he is not) and do nothing productive outside of keyboard combat. This is why John does not believe in white people being in everything a “superior” race. They are gifted, but they have their problems too. He is pro-white and wants to help his own people.

He also respects blacks and other non-whites that are smart and responsible. He trusts me more than he trusts many white people of this degenerate period. As you may have already read, he is a big admirer of Marcus Garvey.

Even I find Garvey’s diplomatic powers incredible, given the kind of people and organizations he dealt with. The jews worked hard to railroad Garvey into deportation. I believe there would have been real peace between blacks and whites if Garvey had succeeded.

Even Hitler was not all that impressed with such selfish whites even if they did possess such a high I.Q. Hitler preferred to talk to the average German working-class man most of the time. Speaking of National Socialist Germany, there were blacks that actually did serve in the armed forces of that nation as is documented in the book Black Nazis! (http://www.amazon.com/Racial-Ambivalence-Germanys-Military-Establishment/dp/1934703516) by Veronica Clark.


I believe the book did an excellent job documenting the fair treatment received by the blacks during those times, especially when blacks themselves volunteered for the armed forces of National Socialist Germany despite some limited discrimination they experienced in Germany.

There are practical biological differences between the races. There are those differences because each race has to adapt to its environment. They have to evolve physical characteristics that will enable them to survive. For example, blacks had to evolve dark skin to protect them from the bombardment of rays from the sun and not get skin cancer.

My mother is from Eritrea, north of Ethiopia on the Red Sea

It is mountainous and hot, with summer highs around 103 except in the highlands

Whites had to develop much lighter skin so they wouldn’t die of rickets so easily when the skies are cloudy for such extended periods of time in the north of Europe.

Overcast, gray skies in Norway

Whites have the advantage as far as planning and leadership is concerned. However, they do not act naturally when they need to, which can make them unable to act when the circumstances demand it. Black people know how to act naturally and when circumstances demand it, they act on it and do what is needed — without even giving it any thought but planning and leading are not their best advantages.

The jews have no love or mercy for you. It is the jews that have started, financed, and operated the slave trade with the help of psychopathic African chieftans as well as psychopathic whites that have participated.

Blacks have everything to gain by sticking with whites, particularly the whites of the forming Solutrean Agency. We will protect you from the jew who is squeezing you out of the jobs blacks once were numerous in. We will protect you from the psychopathic gangsters that murder other innocent and decent blacks. We will protect you from the drugs that the jew-controlled CIA brought in. (They started the whole crack epidemic.) Only by sticking with us will there be any hope for blacks in the future. There is nothing to gain out of fighting the whites, especially when the jew already has plans to get rid of you and billions of others, reducing the world down to 500 million slaves.

We are all God’s children regardless of race, except for the psychopaths that exist in every race. The psychopaths only exist to cause suffering and will destroy the whole planet just to satisfy their lust for suffering and domination. I do not believe blacks or any other segment of humanity should suffer any longer under the rule of psychopaths. People who are not white have a big role to play in helping John de Nugent fight such demons.

What can you to help us prevent this catastrophe of martial law and additional suffering? Some of the material may be disturbing to you, but you’ll be even more disturbed beyond recovery if the jews’ dream of a slave planet comes true.


I wish to continue this dialogue with you. You seem like a reasonable and intelligent individual. I hope to hear from you.


* * *

The African-American woman wrote back:

* * *

Thanks for the input. Does he have book or suggestions of books about the past and all that he has come to know? I really love to get a overstanding of this propaganda.

I never really understood the deal with Adolf Hitler and his agenda. They made it seem like he was after the whole world and taking down every person who wasn’t blonde and had blue eyes. I always wondered why the Jews? What is the true story? I’m all for truth and knowledge; it’s what I seek in life. He made a statement about people would prefer to stay beside a white neighbor. I agree and disagree.
Just like you said there are extremists/psychopaths that I wouldn’t want to live by- no matter what color of their skin, religion, lifestyle preference. I like a neighbor who would look out for me and my family and I do the same for them. It’s only right; it represents the Godly existence and the humanity that I have for people.
We are all here for a reason. Lying, stealing, cheating, deceiving and killing are not what we are here for in my opinion. I just want to have peace and harmony for my family and everyone else. The ignorance is everywhere. They are dumbing down the children, not caring for the family, no unity, no love, selfish, etc. America is becoming ridiculous. (I can’t speak for another country because I don’t live there.) I see, feel and hear the negativity in the air.
I feel sorry for people who are doing right, maintaining good morals, still have humanity, integrity, character and sense to know and continue to learn right from wrong.
I had a friend that told me to look you up. It’s so funny that I grew up in the countryside, in one of the most horrible places where lynching was constant in the past and all my neighbors were white. What disturbs me that there are people that are white that have done cruel things to people who are non-white.
However, where I live, the neighbors treated my family with respect- heck, I ate from their mouths as a kid and played with their children, swim in their pool. They treated me as their own. All are nice. My parents are still there with them and wouldn’t leave for the world. My godparents and godsister are white. I love them so very much. My godmother isn’t with us anymore but my godsister goes to my mom for advice and talks to me like my own sister. I call her my sister. She loves me so much and I love her just as much or more.
So I can’t sit here and say white people are not nice. Every race have crazy people — that’s what I say. It’s just that people have been lied to for years- especially my black/african people. They have been detached from the truth and forgot who they are, and such people are everywhere. Some are upstanding and finding the truth and trying to get back to where we need to be. We were the first group to get torn apart, and our situation is bad if not worse than before. I wonder why we are so segregated and against each other. I hurts me to my heart. I pray one day we get it together.
So please keep me inform and let me know any information. I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you,

* * *

Clark replied:

* * *

I’m glad you have responded to my e-mail. You seem more capable of seeing the bigger picture than most people.

Speaking of the book, it is mostly going to be in the form of a dvd or two. It will be mostly audio and video along with only an equivalent 25 pages of text since many people in this country have ADD (and refuse to read anything long). There will be a videos such as his presidential address, his spiritual video, and all other material to wake people up. The idea is to distribute this dvd as much and as fast as we can. We are getting very close to launching the book.

Adolf Hitler did admire the blonde aspect of European people because of their uniqueness in this world. However, many of his body guards were dark-haired as well as dark-eyed. Hitler even had a part-jewish bodyguard named Emil Maurice. He went after the jews because they were the ones responsible for triggering World War One. All supply clerks in the German Army were jews at the time. The jews were also later behind the dreaded Weimar Republic, which was nothing but total degeneration and hopelessness. Hitler could not stand to see his Germanic people tainted any further. Btw, the jews have been thrown out of many places in history because of their contempt for human life. The jews are the ones who feel superior to other people, as is written in their Talmud.

We can maintain a morally clean world where everybody respects each other. Your help will make this process possible.

I will inform you of any further projects. In the meantime, check out the latest blog entry [JdN: which is this blog here], https://johndenugent.com/english/english-clark-lightbridge-to-an-african-american-woman

I hope to hear from you again.


==============JDN: MY COMMENT

In this world crisis, we are at a fork in the road.

We will have either jewish supremacism and global genocide, with the population crashing down to the level of 500 million wretched slaves of the Jews…..

……or the best of the white race will be transformed into true Aryans, that is, into the natural nobility that is our destiny, and this race will save our planet.

This race has shown, especially in the Third Reich, or in Classical Greece, a beauty, intelligence and gift for leadership that makes other races, in effect, white supremacists themselves, as Henrik Holappa has pointed out, desperate to leave their own countries and get into and stay in ours.

White leadership does not mean the Jew-caused forms of “white supremacism,” such as the Confederacy in the Old South and slavery, or the Jewish-run British Empire, which to this day is still hated by the various non-white peoples who once were its subjects. (Even we American whites disliked and finally rejected it, on July 4, 1776.)

How can the Chinese forget how the British Empire, induced by the Iraqi Jew Sassoon, forced the opium drug traffic on that proud nation, devastating it for 90 years?

How can American blacks forgive white slave owners taking away their sisters and daughters for forced sex, and whipping those men who objected, and just keeping even one black person as a SLAVE? (It is irrelevant that there was also slavery in black Africa; the issue is how should ARYANS behave?)


Those forms of “white supremacism” were utterly un-noble and un-Aryan. They were NOT true leadership, but instead whites acting like Jews, and I say this with great respect for the average white Southerner or Briton, who never was cruel to non-whites, but usually a brave and decent person. It is always a psychopathic minority that ruins things for all the rest.


When we as whites get our act together, then our gift for leadership will be recognized and accepted by the best of all the races of mankind. And other races will support us in our titanic struggle against the common enemy, the international parasite, the People of the Lie. When we act like Aryans, we will be treated like Aryans.

Arno Breker, “die Partei”




  1. It is very funny to see all the white wannabe aryans claiming to be Aryans who never really claimed it before; until a German scholar, Max Müller, discovered the word Arya in the Sanskrit language texts. By the way, the word is Arya, not “Aryan,” as in the corrupted English form.
    While it’s true that some may still be Aryans (noble) most are really celts-haplogroup R1b, or Scandinavians- haplogroup I2.
    The highest % of Aryan Y DNA genes i.e R1a is found mostly in the Slavic nations of the Balkans and South Asia- India,Pakistan,Afghanistan and in Tajikistan, Kyrgystan; also found as much as 72% among the Hindu Brahmins and kshatriyas and most of India, 68 % in Ishkashimis, 67% among the Mohannas of Sindh province in Pakistan, also found among the pashtuns of both pakistan and afghanistan.
    Though their ancestors may have been fair, blond and blue- or grey-eyed, yet being an Aryan is far beyound the physical characteristics
    It is about the character of a person. It is about setting an example to humanity and others. It is to act in a noble fashion for the cause of others like the way Jesus did. It is about practicing humanity in the human form. It is about loving all but hating none, speaking the truth, doing good deeds onto others, thinking for the wellbeing of the entirety of humanity and of society at large.
    A true Aryan follows the Aryan beliefs of Hinduism, Buddhism (an offshoot of Hinduism), and Sikhism as set forth by their Aryan forefathers and ancestors. After all, Hindu Sanathan (eternal) dharma (religion) is one of the oldest, most tolerant and eternal religions in the world. It is what every person is born with. though what they claim afterward is a matter of choice.
    Long live the Aryan faiths.

    • Dear Aryan Brahmin:

      You might be surprised to learn that I agree with 90% of what you say. I disagree, in a way, only in that Aryan physical genes do assist a soul incarnating to have a body and brain that is more able tot achieve one’s full potential and dharma. but a negro, Chinese, Jew, Arab, or “Dravidian-appearing” Indian (yes, yes, Dravidian is a language, but I mean South Indian, dark physical appearance, with wide nose and large lips) can all achieve enlightenment and serve the Eternal Path!

      The point is to be NOBLE, giving — strict toward self and helping toward others.

      This video by an Indian neuroscientist proves that altruism is the hallmark of true humanity:


      I cannot expect you to have read all my many previous blogs on this topic of Vedanta, but I studied at the Himalayan Institute under the brahmin Swami Rama (http://democratic-republicans.us/english/english-how-aryan-india-can-save-europe-and-america-from-neanderthals).

      Aand I also tutored for years with great pleasure many Indian IT specialists in the USA (Boston area) on improving their American accent so they could progress in their careers. I have attended Diwali celebrations in the USA and have great reverence for the Aryan heritage of India, both then and now.

      You can tell your friends in India, sir, that they have a serious friend in me, and in the Eternal Solutreans, whose inner core is strictly Vedantist. I already have many readers in India, btw.

      Someday, becaue of our crusade of enlightenment, even the now materialistic and Jew-corrupted America will be a true part of the Aryavarta.

      But as you know very well as a Brahmin, sir, the prophecy of Kalki is that true love may mean destroying the unteachably wicked, so cleansing and re-education can even be possible. The world is now animalized, and the asura people centered in New York, London and Tel Aviv are animalizing our world. Do not let India fall into the Israeli trap of “we are both against the Musims.” That tiger is ready to eat you last!

      And it is those who are both physically and spiritually Aryan who will defeat them. Please do not judge white Westerners only by the depredations of the Rothschild (wrongly called “British”) Empire against India in the Raj period. Those British soldiers then were but tools of the Jews, and after they were misused to slaughter YOU in the “Sepoy Rebellion” and other repressions they went on to slaughter the white Afrikaners as well, in two atrocious Boer Wars that killed 10,000 white woemn and chldren in death camps run by Lord Kitchener for his Jewish masters, greedy, demonic magnates lusting for the gold and diamonds under the Boers’ soil.

      No, do not judge, sir, any white American or Brit for what the Jews have corrupted us into doing. Wish us success in liberating ourselves from them, and in becoming not just white-skinned but truly Aryan!


      Best wishes, sir.

      John de Nugent

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