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What do hippies, bikers and Solutreans agree on? The war on drugs leads only to a police state. The answer is a Solutrean society that does not need drugs at all. ZOG is waging a mostly fake war on drugs — but not on the misery that causes the use of drugs. The purpose of the NWO in promoting misery is to cause drug use, and this promotes crime, and crime justifies more police, and lets ZOG indoctrinate the police that most people are animals who need to be CONTROLLED.
The article below just appeared on the website ( of author and radio host Clay Douglas. I do not agree with all of it, but he makes some valid points. After the article, I offer my comment and a major statement.
My son Trevor asked me to write a letter for him. He got a ticket for possession of marijuana in Colorado, a state that has pretty lenient laws on pot and where, if you have paid your doctor for a visit, he can write you a script for some high grade pot and you can stop worrying about the Man. But my son had not done that. He chose to fight it in court. Although, it was little more than a ticket there in Colorado, unlike Texas, a state where simple possession was potentially a life sentence when I got busted for possession long before he was born. I did time. Trevor faced a fine, lost a little pot, didn’t get his car confiscated and did not go to jail. But his position was, “Why should I go to a doctor? I am not sick! God gave us all seed bearing plants for our use!” He chose to fight his ticket on the basis that while going to college in Hawaii, he had become a member of a church that believed that Cannabis was a holy sacrament. He slipped up by not requesting a jury trial in time and the Judge he faced came to the conclusion that his beliefs did not elevate the use of cannabis to that of a religion. She found him guilty but a pro-pot attorney by the name of Robert Corey volunteered to help him with an appeal.
His defense and stand went viral with the story hitting AP, the New York Times and Der Spiegel in Germany contacted him for an interview.
His request of me came at a very synchronistic time for me. Synchronisticity is the experience of two or more events that are apparently causally unrelated occurring together in a meaningful manner. To count as synchronicity, the events should be unlikely to occur together by chance. If you are religious-minded, you could interpret that as God intervening. 1 Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events that are apparently causally unrelated occurring together in a meaningful manner. To count as synchronicity, the events should be unlikely to occur together by chance.
I was born into a family of preachers. My grandfather was the pastor of a Methodist church in Waco, Texas. I never got to hear him preach and I never felt comfortable in local churches in Fort Worth, Texas. But I was interested in the Bible, its lessons and prophecies. I studied it as well as government and at 63, I received my Bachelor of Arts Degree from Trinity Bible College, sent my book in as the thesis for my Masters Degree in Divinity and Political Science and was voted in as a staff member of 0the college unanimously by the board of directors.
I just finished my latest book, Mystery Babylon, The New World Order Unveiled, co-written with Pastor Eli James, about the significance of the prophecies in the Bible’s book of Revelation to the developing one world government now. I think I have a unique understanding of both the religious and political aspects.
I and millions of other young Americans smoked pot in the Sixties. We would go to the midnight movies to watch “Reefer Madness” and laughed our asses off at the lies of the Thirties Government-sponsored propaganda. Some Saturdays the midnight movies would feature “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” as an alternative.
I volunteered for the Army in 1964. I did not try pot until I was out and a civilian. I was disillusioned with the government and the war in Vietnam that claimed the lives of 58,000 of my brothers. I opened the first head shop in Arlington, Texas and got involved in the “paraphernalia industry” that sprang up around it because I had learned that the war in Vietnam and the war on drugs were based on lies.
I studied the Constitution and the “Communist Manifesto” and was disturbed when I found that every plank on the Communist Manifesto was intact, in place and operating in America while we were supposedly fighting the communists in Vietnam.
I supported and promoted NORML when it started and began an “underground” Newspaper that welcomed High Times magazine to the industry. I was the first distributor for it in Texas.
Back then, I believed that it would soon be legal. I had smoked a lot with people all over the country and knew from personal experience that there was nothing inherently wrong with its use. It is far less dangerous to the individual than tobacco, alcohol, or pharmaceutical drugs, all of which kill more people every year even than cocaine, heroin or meth. In twenty years of research, I learned that our government agencies were instrumental in keeping pot lumped in with the harder drugs. Our government CIA ran black ops like Operation Watchtower, bringing cocaine into Panama and then on to the US through Mena, Arkansas. That operation was kept secret but a similar operation, Marine colonel Oliver North’s “Iran Contra,” made national headlines. Even today, while we put people in prison for heroin here, our troops in Afghanistan are guarding the opium poppy fields those nasty old Taliban were destroying. Air America operated similarly in Vietnam and the Golden Triangle and supplied the opium and heroin to America.
My sons were raised in a home where their parents smoked pot, not tobacco. When they began experimenting with it as their parents had, I only requested that they do it in the safety of our home and not try to hide it from us. They were honor-roll students and never had any mental, emotional or health-related problems. They both grew up to be strong, well-educated, healthy men.
While they were growing up, I backed Jack Herer while he wrote The Emperor Wears No Clothes, the definitive work on the hemp plant and marijuana. (Jack died this year.) My friend Mike Maccabee, a loyal fan and friend, pointed out to me that cannabis was referred to many times in the Bible and that many parables related to its use as an anointing oil and that even the “burning bush” could be interpreted as the use of the plant to communicate with God.
There are many interpretations of the Bible by different sects of Christianity, from Catholicism, Protestant and Mormonism to the use of “ganja” in the Rastafarian religion in Jamaica. Genesis 1:29 says “And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb-bearing seed [such as hemp] which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for food.”
It is actually more than that and the Bible calls it to our attention, “EZEK 34:29 And I will raise up for them a plant of renown, and they shall be no more consumed with hunger in the land, neither bear the shame of the heathen any more. EZEK 34:30 Thus shall they know that I the LORD their God am with them, and that they, even the house of Israel, are my people, saith the Lord GOD. EZEK 34:31 And ye my flock, the flock of my pasture, are men, and I am your God, saith the Lord GOD.
Once more, the Bible backs up all of the information that Jack and I have documented. Jack used to say, “If you were going to be transported to a desert island and you could only take one thing with you, what should you take?” His answer was a hemp seed. “Because with it you can grow your food, make paper, make your clothing, build a shelter, burn the oil for light, make a sail to carry you home – and communicate with God!”
Trevor joined a church in Hawaii called THC Ministries. I was amused at first but the weight of my findings, the product of my research and my personal experience for over 40 years have convinced me that he is right in his claim that it is a religion. The founder, Roger Christi,e was interviewed by me on my Friday, April 30, 2010 radio show on under the topic of hemp as a religion
Today, there are over 10,000 products made from hemp, but we have to buy the stuff as an import from Red China, Canada or have the marijuana, THC-bearing variety, smuggled in from Mexico. Our flag, and the paper our Constitution was written on, were both made out of hemp. The government allowed farmers to replant it during World War 1 for the rope we needed to fight the war.
See the film “Hemp for Victory,” made by the Department of Agriculture in 1942, which points out hemp’s many uses. It has long been not only a staple in America but has been grown around the world for longer than the Bible. Two thousand years ago it was used by the ancient Greeks while they were translating the Bible for the famous Septuagint version.
At the founding of this country, our Founding Fathers grew hemp. George Washington urged us to, quote,“Sow it everywhere!” GEORGE WASHINGTON! Thomas Jefferson grew it. For well over two centuries it was the number-one cash crop in America. Then it was made illegal and its cultivation was in effect deported to Red Russia and Red China, both then communist, enemy countries.
This USDA film, “Hemp for Victory,” concentrated on the cordage form hemp, but the food aspect of hemp has been lost for a century and the health of Americans has suffered as a result. Without the THC that gets you “high,” just eating the hemp seed, using the hemp powder and hemp oil gives your body all of the trace minerals and nutrition which our genetically modified Monsanto food now lacks. Studies in Canada, (see Phoenix Tears) show that the THC in the marijuana plant has cured the dread disease of cancer! I interviewed Rick Simpson who did exactly that in Canada. He says: “Throughout man’s history hemp has always been known as the most medicinal plant in the world. Even with this knowledge hemp has always been used as a political and religious football.”
The stand taken by my son, of who I am very proud, was another wake-up call for me. M ynderstanding is that, when we sat in a circle with other “hippies” passing a joint around a campfire or a coffee table, we may have been breaking an artificial, man-made statute, but we were obeying God’s law. Matthew 18:20 “For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.”
In reality, according to Black’s Law Dictionary (6th ed.) – which defines “corpus delicti” as “the fact of a crime having been actually committed” – since no one has ever died of smoking pot, no crime has been committed. Even the use of cocaine, heroin or opium are “victimless crimes.” In other countries heroin addicts lead productive lives when given access to the drug.
These man-made laws were a direct result of the money power created in the wake of the takeover of our finances by the privately owned Federal Reserve, a cartel of international bankers that many of our Presidents opposed. Jefferson, Lincoln, Jackson and Kennedy fought their control of our money.
Jefferson, who created the Thomas Jefferson Bible based solely on the words of Jesus, warned us in 1802: “I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property – until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”
These international banksters have funded communism, established the Soviet Union on the corpse of Russia, killed over 60 million white, Christian Russians, fomented two world wars and established the criminal State of Israel, which began as a Rothschild colony in 1901: The Jews from the colonies set up in Palestine by Edmond James de Rothschild, send a delegation to him which tell him,
“If you wish to save the Yishuv (the Jewish settlement) first take your hands from it, and…for once permit the colonists to have the possibility of correcting for themselves what needs correcting.”
Edmond James de Rothschild was very angry about this and states, “I created the Yishuv, I alone. Therefore no men, neither colonists nor organizations have the right to interfere in my plans.”
These 0banksters want war. They finance both sides. This is the Rothschild’s doctrine: 3. To involve a country in war or the threat of war, it will be necessary for it to have enemies with credible military might. If such enemies already exist, all the better. If they exist but lack military strength, it will be necessary to provide them money to build their war machine. If an enemy does not exist at all, then it will be necessary to create one by financing the rise of a hostile regime.
We are seeing that strategy in the rise of communism in both the Soviet Union and China today. To quote a communist general in occupied Tibet as the Dalia Lama was going into exile, “Religion is a crime!”
Why must we purchase and import what was once a staple of our economy from a communist county? Hemp and cannabis are some of the most valuable commodities on the planet and they have been taken from our hands and our land. Hemp because, as Rockefeller said, “Competition is a sin.” The Duponts, using Rockefeller’s oil, got the patents on nylon and rayon and drove their competition out of this country and into the hands of Communists and drug cartels in Mexico. Cannabis was competition to the alcohol industry, the paper and even the cotton conglomerates. The pot-smoking hippies helped enlighten the people and turn them against the military/industrial complex’s obscenely profitable nine-year war in Vietnam. The deaths of our brave soldiers in an illegal war thus became even more tragic. Greed killed them.
It is estimated that 50 million Americans have used marijuana. It became a crime only with the help of William Randolph Hearst’s “yellow journalism.” How do you think he earned that castle on the top of a mountain on the coast of California? Ayn Rand, an escapee from a Communist dominated country said, “The government has no power over honest citizens, so they have to make criminals out of us!”
That is exactly what they have done to us. Today, one in every 31 Americans is in prison or on parole, more than any openly communist Country, including Red China with three times our population! And prohibition is their tool.
It serves two purposes. It allows the “Elite,” a worldwide criminal cartel, to eliminate competition and criminalize or incarcerate opposition. The prohibition of alcohol (1920-33) affected the farmers and ranchers running their Model T and Model A Ford and tractors on it and made many honest farmers and ranchers into bootleggers or moonshiners. The Elitist Kennedys and Bronfmans became successful billionaires and thousands of men went to jail. Alcohol did not go away. Wine was still used by churches as a sacrament. You could go into a speakeasy or a fine hotel and get a drink, it just cost you more than buying it from your local farmer. And after Prohibition was lifted, there was a Standard Oil Station on every corner, in every town across America……
Alcohol is responsible for 100,000 deaths a year in America.
Tobacco kills 400,000 a year.
Aspirin kills 50.
Pot kills zero.
“4. The ultimate obstacle is a government which declines to finance wars through debt. Although this seldom happens, when it does it will be necessary to encourage internal political opposition, insurrection, or revolution to replace that government with one that is more compliant to our will. The assassination of heads of state could play an important role in this process.” Rothschild Doctrine or Banker’s Creed
We have examples of that in our history books. Lincoln financed the Civil War with the famous “Greenbacks” he issued starting in 1862: By April $449,338,902 worth of Lincoln’s debt-free money had been printed and distributed. He went on to state, “We gave the people of this republic the greatest blessing they ever had, their own paper money to pay their own debts.” They killed him once the war was over. Jackson survived his assassination attempt and had “I killed the Bank” inscribed on his tombstone. Kennedy was not so fortunate after he signed Executive order 11110 on issuing and printing US Treasury Notes as opposed to Federal Reserve notes. Johnson immediately recalled this debt-free money, but no other president has acted on that order, which has never been rescinded.
Christians, the followers of Jesus, have always followed his stand against tyranny. Jesus ran the money changers out of the temple. They are still with us today and still the source of our problems. They just changed the name of the Temple to the Federal Reserve, the Bank of England or the International Monetary Fund. The IMF loans money but ends up owning the natural resources. In the case of marijuana, cocaine or heroin, they still produce the commodity but make it a crime for the common man to possess it. By keeping the price way up they get control and power. The same strategy, with slight variations, applies to energy. The Elitist-run government wants to go “green” by building wind generators on a mountaintop, sending the power down to the power companies to be sold to you. In a free country, the government would help individuals to put windmills, solar panels and magnetic generators on our homes and power our properties without cost, not send the electricity back to the power plant!
A free country based on Christianity would allow individuals to grow their own food, plant their own herbs, whether that be cannabis, opium, peyote or coca, and trade with their more unfortunate, city-bound countrymen without fear of arrest.
The Bible tells us that the truth will set you free. When we are talking about marijuana use as a religion, we are not talking about a NEW religion. We are talking about the one true religion brought to by God in human form, Christianity. And we must go back more than two thousand years. The Bible predicted the coming of the Messiah and the coming of the New World Order, with its Luciferian banking system, as the Eighth Beast of Revelation. The Bible also warned us to “Come out of her.”
For two thousand years, the Christian Bible has warned us about taking the Mark of the Beast. Only within the last decade has our technology progressed to the point that we can recognize what these passages meant. The plan can once more be traced to the banksters and the money Changer class. The tiny RFID chip is now a reality and current events like the Health Care Bill and the economic crisis are pushing us to accept the chip, which would contain all of our banking and health information. The call for a global currency has already begun. This time, they will not be using paper money. Your debit card sets the stage.
How much “safer and more secure” the little chip under your skin will be. They already have commercials for it under the guise of “Health Link.” The Bible has told us that without the “mark of the Beast” you will not be able to buy or sell. In an interview with Aaron Russo, he told of his conversation with Nick Rockefeller, who said that their goal was to get everyone chipped. Then, if anyone rebelled against this system of global control, or “global governance,” (read tyranny) they would just turn off their chip – and they would not be able to buy or sell, and that means no food or water.
* * *
Play Video Video:Golden State Going to Pot? CNBC
Play Video Video:Pot Prohibition FOX News
Fox News:
– Most Americans still oppose legalizing marijuana but larger majorities believe pot has medical benefits and the government should allow its use for that purpose, according to an Associated Press-CNBC poll released Tuesday.
Respondents were skeptical that crime would spike if marijuana is decriminalized or that it would lead more people to harder drugs like heroin or cocaine. There also was a nearly even split on whether government spends too much or the right amount enforcing marijuana laws. Almost no one thinks too little is spent.
Marijuana use — medically and recreationally — is getting more attention in the political arena. California voters will decide in November whether to legalize the drug, and South Dakota will vote this fall on whether to allow medical uses. California and 13 other states already permit such use.
The balloting comes against the backdrop of the Obama administration saying it won’t target marijuana dispensaries if they comply with state laws, a departure from the policy of the Bush administration, which sought to more stringently enforce the federal ban on marijuana use for any purpose.
In the poll, only 33 percent favor legalization while 55 percent oppose it. People under 30 were the only age group favoring legalization (54 percent) and opposition increased with age, topping out at 73 percent of those 65 and older. Opposition also was prevalent among women, Republicans and those in rural and suburban areas.
Some opponents worried legalization would lead to reefer madness.
“I think it would be chaos if it was legalized,” said Shirley Williams, a 75-year-old retired English teacher from Quincy, Ill. “People would get in trouble and use marijuana as an excuse.”
Those like Jeff Boggs, 25, of Visalia, Calif., who support legalization said the dangers associated with the drug have been overstated.
“People are scared about things they don’t know about,” said Boggs, who is married and works for an auto damage appraisal company.
Americans are more accepting of medical marijuana. Sixty percent support the idea and 74 percent believe the drug has a real medical benefit for some people. Two-thirds of Democrats favor medical marijuana as do a slim majority of Republicans, 53 percent.
Peoples’ views on legalizing marijuana or on allowing its use for medicinal purposes were largely uniform across different regions of the country, despite the fact that legal medical marijuana use is concentrated in the West.
Bill Hankins, 77, of Mason, Mich., opposes legalizing marijuana but strongly favors using the drug medicinally. Michigan is among the states that allow medical pot.
“It has been shown through tests to alleviate pain in certain medical conditions,” said Hankins, who said he experimented with pot when he was younger. If Hankins fell gravely ill and “my doctor said I should have it to control the pain, I would use it,” he said.
California was the first state to approve medical marijuana, in 1996, and has been the hub of the so-called “Green Rush” to legalize marijuana. But a patchwork of local laws in the state has created confusion about the law and lax oversight led to an explosion of medical marijuana dispensaries in some places.
In Los Angeles, the number of dispensaries exploded from four to upward of 1,000 in the past five years. Police believe some were nothing but fronts for drug dealers to sell marijuana to people who have no medical need, and the city recently adopted an ordinance to reduce that number to 70 in coming months.
Among those surveyed, 45 percent said the cost of enforcing existing laws is too high and 48 percent said it’s about right. Democrats, men and young people were most apt to say the cost is exorbitant.
With state and local governments desperate for cash, some legalization proponents are pushing marijuana as a potential revenue stream. But only 14 percent of those surveyed who oppose legalization would change their mind if states were to tax the drug.
John Lovell, a spokesman with the California Narcotics Officers’ Association, said he wasn’t surprised by the poll results because people already are aware of widespread abuse of legal prescription drugs and alcohol.
“Given that reality, we don’t need to add another mind-altering substance that compromises people’s five senses,” Lovell said.
Allen St. Pierre, executive director of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, said that, since the organization was formed in 1970, there’s been a slow but steady erosion of opposition to marijuana.
“Every single metric is pushing toward a zeitgeist in marijuana reform,” he said.
Ann Broadus, 58, of Petros, Tenn., strongly opposes legalization and medicinal use, but even she sees the day when the laws will change.
“Probably somewhere down the road it will be legalized, but I hope not,” she said. “I think if it becomes legal, these druggies would be worse off.”
The AP-CNBC Poll was conducted April 7-12, 2010, by GfK Roper Public Affairs and Media. It involved interviews with 1,001 adults nationwide on landline and cellular telephones. It had a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 4.3 percentage points.
========MY COMMENT
I am as law-and-order as they get, and grew up in a staunch Marine Corps-Republican family that was the opposite of permissive. To this day I believe in do’s and don’ts, and that most people need rewards and punishments, because as a species we are just not advanced enough to throw away both the carrot and the stick.
However, nearly 20 years ago I read a 50-page monograph from the libertarian Cato Institute by an upstate NY attorney (and former prosecutor) on his advocacy of decriminalizing drugs. (Those who advocate this measure hate and avoid the word “legalize” — because that suggests approval of cocaine, pot, meth, heroin, etc. They do NOT use or approve of any such drugs at all.)
Frankly, I was impressed by the sheer logic of his argument, and then by ultra-conservative Republicans such as William F. Buckley, editor of National Review magazine, the conservative flagship publication, and others, who endorsed drug decriminalization.
The logic is this: the war on drugs fails to stop drugs, but it DOES create a police state.
Decriminalizers advocate this:
…that addicts buy their garbage at the rock-bottom production cost at a drugstore so they do not need to rob anyone. They can work at McDonald’s and afford their crud. Since drugs are sold at cost, no one makes any profit, so no one promotes drugs……
I would go a step further:
We need a society where people are not so miserable that they NEED to drink or get high.
I enjoy a glass or two of red wine, or a chilled beer after cutting the lawn on a hot day, but I do not require a drug (and alcohol is a drug as much as pot!) to cope with life.
But a lot of people do need their alcohol or other fix. Living in psychopathic juworld makes people tense, desperate and miserable, and that is why they turn to binge drinking and crazy drugs.
Arresting people for drug use is treating the symptom, not the disease. End the misery, and eliminate the drug profits — and then you will have far fewer users and no pushers at all. (A non-profit drug dealer?)
We don’t need MORE police state; we need way less. We need a healthy white society instead. It is sick societies that are swarming with laws, criminals, police and prisons.
In a Solutrean society, very few will “need” a drink or a joint. But if they commit any crime under the influence, throw the book at them.
I remember Nixon starting the War on Drugs 40 years ago. Like the Vietnam War, the War on Poverty, the two Iraq wars and the Afghanistan war, every federal “war” is a disaster.
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