ENGLISH Embed codes for Jew-Tube free videos; consecration, not nostalgia, on April 20th, and spiritual video 8; noble, not naive, regarding non-whites

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================SPIRITUAL VIDEO 8

Despite the expected hacking by Jews on this April 20th, which temporarily downed jdn.com, here (and on the mirror sites jdn.org and democratic-republicans.us) is my special present to THEM…………..

Judge for yourself.

This follows on the heels of spiritual videos 1-8, found here: https://johndenugent.com/videos-of-jdn-speaking

Part eight: Betrayal of the American fighting man; and the Jews, inbred criminals who commit INCEST

To embed these Solutrean videos — Jew-Tube-INDEPENDENT — on YOUR FB page or website, just PAUSE the video, go to the tab “Embed,” and copy and paste in the embed code!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I do not publish books since people hardly read any more — and what they need are these fireside chats on my videos and then the presidential video. Since the videos contain copyrighted photos, film footage, etc., I cannot charge for them either, so I urgently need donations to finish this great video presentation 🙂 and start this movement. See below how to donate.





================on April 20th we remember…………

From a brave young comrade…….


The Measure of Greatness

April 20 of this year [1989] is the 100th anniversary of the birth of the greatest man of our era — a man who dared more and achieved more, who set his aim higher and climbed higher, who felt more deeply and stirred the souls of those around him more mightily, who was more closely attuned to the Life Force which permeates our cosmos and gives it meaning and purpose, and did more to serve that Life Force, than any other man of our times.


And yet he is the most reviled and hated man of our times. Only a few tens of thousands of men and women, in scattered groups around the world, will celebrate his birthday with love and reverence on April 20, while all of the scribblers and commentators of the controlled news media, the controlled politicians, and the controlled churchmen will pour out their hatred and venom and lies against him, and those lies will be believed by hundreds of millions.

What is the measure of greatness in a man?

Only the most vulgar and doctrinaire democrat would seriously equate greatness with popularity — although in any polling of average citizens on their choice for the greatest man of the century there are certain to be substantial numbers of votes for Elvis Presley, John Kennedy, Billy Graham, Michael Jackson, and various other high-visibility lightweights: charismatic entertainers on the stage of politics, rock concerts, spectator sports, or what have you.

More serious citizens would pass by the lightweights and choose men who have changed the world in some way. We would hear choices like Franklin Roosevelt (“he saved the world from fascism”), Albert Einstein (“he taught us about the nature of our universe”), and Martin Luther King (“he helped us achieve racial justice”), depending upon whether one’s personal inclinations lay more in the direction of politics, science, or racial self-abasement, respectively.

But if the poll asked instead for the most evil man of the century, or the most hated man, or the man having the most negative influence, at least three-quarters of the blue-collar and the white-collar pollees alike would name one man: Adolf Hitler. This, however, would be merely a reflection of the role assigned to him by the controlled mass media, rather than a truly informed and reasoned choice.

All of this raises several very interesting issues. There is, for example, the question of how we came to the preposterous state of affairs prevailing today, wherein we place the destiny of our nation, our planet, and our race in the hands of a mass of voters whose powers of judgment are manifested in such things as the type of television entertainment their preferences have pushed into prime time and the type of men they have elected to public office. And there is the equally weighty question of how, knowing the ease with which this mass is misled, we permitted virtually all of the media of mass information and entertainment to fall into the hands of a race whose interests are so diametrically opposed to our own.

Perhaps even more pertinent to a consideration of human greatness, however, is the question of how our system of values came to be turned on its head, so that Franklin Roosevelt is regarded as a hero and Adolf Hitler as a villain, not only by the stolid and stunned masses, but also by a majority of the supposedly “educated” elite, many of whom pride themselves on their intellectual independence.

Whether we judge the greatness of a man by his intrinsic qualities of character and soul or by his accomplishments, Adolf Hitler had greatness of a very high order — if we use the standards which have been traditional in our race.

We cannot, of course, make comparisons with all the “mute, inglorious Miltons” whose lack of notable accomplishment has made them anonymous, despite the sterling inner qualities they may have possessed. But when Hitler’s character is held up beside those of other 20th-century political leaders, he stands as a giant among pygmies.

At the prosaic level, we can note his ascetic personal habits, compared with Winston Churchill’s habitual drunkenness and notorious self-indulgence; or his personal loyalty to those who had been his comrades in the days of political struggle, compared with Joseph Stalin’s habit of murdering his former comrades by the dozen, as potential rivals, as soon as he no longer needed their services; or his direct, frank, and straightforward manner, compared to the cunning deviousness which was Franklin Roosevelt’s trademark.

“We choose peace” speech, 1936……….. Quelle merde! Was für eine Scheiße!


At the spiritual level, the inner differences between Hitler and his contemporaries are even more striking. Hitler was a man with a mission, from the beginning. The testimony of his closest associates, from his boyhood days to the end of his life, agrees with the observations of more distant and impartial observers: Hitler had a mystical sense of destiny, a sense of having been singled out and called by a higher power to devote his life to the service of his race.

His childhood companion August Kubizek has related extraordinary evidence of this when Hitler was only 16 years old (August Kubizek, Adolf Hitler, mein Jugendfreund [Graz, 1953], pp. 127–35).

Twenty years later, while he was in prison after an unsuccessful attempt to overthrow the government, Hitler himself wrote of his motivation in a way which suggested the range of his vision:

What we must fight for is the security of the existence and reproduction of our race and our people, the sustenance of our children and the maintenance of the purity of our blood . . . so that our people may mature for the fulfillment of the mission allotted them by the Creator of the universe.

Every thought and every idea, every doctrine and all knowledge, must serve this purpose. And everything must be examined from this point of view and used or rejected according to its utility. Then no theory will stiffen into a dead doctrine, since it is life alone that all things must serve . . .

. . . The National Socialist philosophy finds the importance of mankind in its basic racial elements. In the state it sees on principle a means to an end and construes that end as the preservation of the racial existence of man . . .

And so the National Socialist philosophy of life corresponds to the innermost will of Nature, since it restores that free play of forces which must lead to a continuous mutual higher breeding, until finally the best of humanity, having achieved possession of this earth, will have a free play for activity in domains which will lie partly above it and partly outside it.

We all sense that in the distant future humanity must be faced by problems which only a highest race, become master people and supported by the means and possibilities of an entire globe, will be equipped to overcome . . .

Thus, the highest purpose of a National Socialist state is concern for the preservation of those original racial elements which bestow culture and create the beauty and dignity of a higher mankind. We, as Aryans, can conceive of the state only as the living organism of a nationality which not only assures the preservation of this nationality, but by the development of its spiritual and ideal abilities leads it to the highest freedom . . .

A National Socialist state must begin by raising marriage from the level of a continuous defilement of the race and give it the consecration of an institution which is called upon to produce images of the Lord and not monstrosities halfway between man and ape . . .

It must set race in the center of all life. It must take care to keep it pure. It must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. It must see to it that only the healthy beget children . . .

The National Socialist state must make certain that by a suitable education of youth it will someday obtain a race ripe for the last and greatest decisions on this earth . . .

. . . Anyone who wants to cure this era, which is inwardly sick and rotten, must first summon the courage to make clear the causes of this disease. And this should be the concern of the National Socialist movement: pushing aside all narrow-mindedness, to gather and to organize from the ranks of our nation those forces capable of becoming the vanguard fighters for a new philosophy of life . . .

We are not simple enough to believe that it could ever be possible to bring about a perfect era. But this relieves no one of the obligation to combat recognized errors, to overcome weaknesses, and to strive for the ideal. Harsh reality of its own accord will create only too many limitations. For that very reason, however, man must try to serve the ultimate goal, and failures must not deter him, any more than he can abandon a system of justice because mistakes creep into it, or any more than medicine is discarded because there always will be sickness in spite of it.

We National Socialists know that with this conception we stand as revolutionaries in the world of today and are branded as such. But our thoughts and actions must in no way be determined by the approval or disapproval of our time, but by the binding obligation to a truth which we have recognized. (Mein Kampf)

Hitler’s opponents, Churchill and Roosevelt, were party politicians, with the minds and souls of party politicians. Great, impersonal goals, just as truth, meant nothing at all to them. The only thing that counted was the approval or disapproval of their times: the outcome of the next election, a good press claque, votes. Only Stalin shared in any way Hitler’s disdain for approval; only Stalin was motivated to any degree by an impersonal idea. But the idea that Stalin served was the alien, destructive idea of Jewish Marxism. And while Hitler served the Life Force with the instincts of a seer, Stalin served Marxism with the instincts of a bureaucrat and a butcher. A comparison of careers leads us to a similar ranking of greatness of soul. Churchill and Roosevelt were born into the political establishment. They fed at the public trough for years, in one office after another, grabbing greedily at opportunities for a bigger serving of swill. But it was circumstance, not their own efforts, which thrust them onto the stage of world history.

Stalin hacked out his own niche in history to a much greater extent than his western allies, and he was an incomparably stronger man than either of them. He was tough, ruthless, infinitely cunning, and utterly determined to prevail, no matter what the obstacles. Even so, his struggle for prominence and power was entirely within the Bolshevik party and its predecessors. He was the consummate bureaucratic infighter, not the innovator or the lone pioneer.

Only Adolf Hitler started literally from nothing and through the exercise of a superhuman will created the physical basis for the realization of his vision.

In 1918, recovering in a veterans’ hospital from a British poison-gas attack, he made the decision to enter politics in order to serve that vision. He was a 29-year-old invalid, with no money, no family, no friends or connections, no university education, and no experience. Liberals, Jews, and communists ruled his country, making him and all those to whom he might appeal for support outsiders.

Five and one-half years later he was sentenced to five years in prison for his political activity, and his enemies thought that was the end of him and his movement. But less than nine years after being sentenced he was Chancellor of Germany, with the strongest and most progressive nation in Europe at his command. He had built the National Socialist movement and led it to victory over the organized opposition of the entire Establishment: conservatives, liberals, communists, Jews, and Christians.

He then transformed Germany, lifting it out of its economic depression (while Americans, under Roosevelt, continued to line up at the soup kitchens), restoring its spirit (and much of the territory which had been taken from it by the victors of the First World War), stimulating its artistic and scientific creativity, and winning the admiration (or, in some cases, the envy and hatred) of other nations. It was an achievement hardly paralleled in the history of the world. Even those who do not understand the real significance of his creation must concede that.

And what was the real significance of Hitler’s work? One of his most earnest admirers in India, Savitri Devi, has given us a poetic answer to that question. She wrote:

In its essence, the National Socialist idea exceeds not only Germany and our times, but the Aryan race and mankind itself and any epoch . . . it ultimately expresses that mysterious and unfailing wisdom according to which Nature lives and creates: the impersonal wisdom of the primeval forest and of the ocean depth and of the spheres in the dark fields of space; and . . . it is Adolf Hitler’s glory not merely to have gone back to that divine wisdom — stigmatizing man’s silly infatuation for “intellect,” his childish pride in “progress,” and his criminal attempt to enslave Nature — but to have made it the basis of a practical regeneration policy of worldwide scope, precisely now, in our overcrowded, overcivilized, and technically overevolved world, at the very end of the dark age” (Savitri Devi, The Lightning and the Sun [National Socialist World No. 1, p. 61]).

More prosaically, Hitler’s work, in contrast to that of his contemporaries, was above politics, above economics, above nationalism. He had mobilized a powerful, modern state and placed it at the service of our race, so that our race might become fit to serve as an agent of the Life Force.

Perceptive and idealistic young men from every nation in Europe — and from many nations outside Europe as well — recognized this significance, and they flocked to serve him and to fight for his cause, even at the cost of censure and ostracism from their more parochial and narrow-minded countrymen. There was never before an elite fighting force to match the SS, which by the end of the Second World War had more non-Germans than Germans in it.

[JdN: Tremedous credit also goes to Heinrich Himmler for ALL the achievements of the SS]


The war, of course, is counted as Hitler’s great failure, even as the proof of his lack of greatness, by his detractors. It merely proves that he was a man, not a god, even if a divine will worked through him, and that he could not perform miracles. He could not defend himself forever, with the governments of nearly the whole world allied in a total war to pull him down and destroy his creation, so that they and the interests they served could return to “business as usual.” Even so, he gave a far better account of himself than any of his adversaries.

And what will count in the long run in determining Adolf Hitler’s stature is not whether he lost or won the war, but whether it was he or his adversaries who were on the side of the Life Force, whether it was he or they who served the cause of Truth and human progress. We only have to look around us today to know it was not they.

===============fantasy film


A New Zealander and staunch supporter wrote me:

* * *

Dear comrades!

What a difference excellent video editing makes! Thank you so much John, Clark Lightbridge (who did the re-editing)…..


and Jason [JdN: who has worked incredible hours, like Clark, WITHOUT ANY PAY WHATSOEVER (except good karma) using those big forearms on his keyboard, doing the NINETY-MINUTE spiritual video number eight, now about to be released….]

…..for all your hard and inspired work! The production as a whole really shines!

Part 6: If Jews can have a state called, “Israel,” can whites also have a homeland? (This video is thanks to a European comrade, with major enhancing by Clark Lightbridge here at HQ.)


There are just a few (hopefully) easily-made improvements I can think of. (I’ve given these suggestions before, and I still maintain them.):

At 14.33 in the video Boris Yeltsin appears. Am I mistaken or was Yeltsin not quite a wicked person? How about a picture of Alexander Solzhenitsyn instead? He represents the suffering of the Russian people and he is crucial to spreading the truth about their true history under Jewish tyranny.

Occasional subtitles at the beginning of the Russian anthem video would be helpful, such as when the Russian flag is originally shown, stating that ‘Russia is the largest country on Earth’, (if the Solzhenitsyn picture is used) a description of the great author, and underneath Vladimir Putin’s picture something saying that he put a Jewish oil & media oligarch (Khodorkovsky) in prison…..

….and that he awarded Solzhenitsyn high honors — twice. [JdN: Putin went to Solzhenitsyn’s dacha for a visit after becoming president in 2000, then awarded him the highest medal of Russia in 2007, again, while going to Solzhenitsyn’s home, in the photo below….Though Putin is no angel, and in politics no one can be or STAY one, and I can fight as viciously as anyone, as some have recently learned, if I am forced to by a crisis, I continue to think that Putin was — and I hope still is — a great man, under difficult conditions, and his likely distant Karelian roots, as Henrik Holappa pointed out to me, gives him a special Finnish touch, which is added to his Russian character.)

These modifications would really add an uplifting context.

Finally, it is a small correction but I think important:

21.35 ‘their’ is incorrectly spelt ‘thier’

Best wishes sent as always, and thanks again for all your great work — videos 1-7 (all the videos which I have seen so far, found here: https://johndenugent.com/videos-of-jdn-speaking) are treasures, with such excellent flow, and even though I’ve been involved in a lot of the formative background ideas, the videos come across to the audience like deus ex machina. So dramatic, moving and transformative – thank you, John de Nugent, and all your team!


* * *

I responded to this valiant Kiwi:

* * *

Dear comrade,

Great suggestions!

The misspelling of “their” as “thier” was put in by the previous video editor, not by us, and frankly he kind of slapped it together (he squeezed it in amongst other projects) ……….to my great disappointment, given his staggering skills. He does great Hitler nostalgia videos, though……but the Jews are okay with that, that mourning of a lost past, but NOT okay with a NEW Hitler!

I would have had to delete all the blue text he put in….

That buffoon Yeltsin, indeed, was not only a wicked man, and a marxist functionary, but also a drunk and a Jew (with the original name Yeltsman).

I wonder if this closet Jew was not paid by his fellow Jews to bring international shame on the Russian nation? He certainly handed over the once mighty Russian-Soviet economy to his fellow Jews, who socked the money away in Tel Aviv and Jew York, and brought about a moral, economic and health catastrophe from 1991-1999….. You will not want to believe your eyes as you see this drunkard who once controlled 30,000 hydrogen bombs…..

The appearance of that kikocrat was actually just part of a series, showing the three presidents of post-Soviet Russia…..him, Putin and Medvedev.

I should just simply state that I took the Russian national anthem video straight off YouTube, unchanged……but you are 100% right — that buffoon has gotta go, and Solzhenitsyn would be a perfect substitute in every single way (except his wife was a Jewess, and all his kids swarthy with curly hair….) . Sigh…… but that one fact probably kept him alive after 2002, when his blockbuster final book Two Hundred Years Together came out. I remember that when Der Spiegel interviewed him they gave him a pass on antisemitism, no doubt because his swarthy Jewess, the spouse, was sitting right there…..

If I had more money, I would have a paid full-time video editor, but the unspiritual WNs — who as the Jews rightly say are mostly haters of “blax, jooze, queers and spix” — (just read Stormfront or VNN any day of the week!) refuse to send any money whatsoever.

I ask for funds virtually every day and nothing I do, not even these videos we are all very proud of, move their hearts — not enogh to open a wallet!



So, like the Birthday Boy of April 20th, who wore an old trenchcoat for 13 years, and lived in Munich in a room as small as a prison cell with just a wooden table, and reported in Mein Kampf the major acquisition of a used typewriter! — we scrimp and hobble on.

And the cheapoes who do NOTHING, and then others spread disinfo that I am an embezzler (!), will then criticize me for “not getting my book out”! For a solid year I lacked even $100 to fix the starter on my 20-year-old donated car, and it had to constantly be jumped by AAA!

Henrik Holappa, standing next to Margaret, did a great wax and detailing job in 2008 on my 1991 Honda Prelude, which a 100-year-old patriot who was losing his eyesight donated to me in 2007.

We all are doing our dharmic duty, though not for today’s selfish, cowardly, incompetent chalkfaces, but for the noble Aryans that will come, and those who are here now, and those who will, as you shall see, embrace our message quickly once they become aware of the DVD Solutrea Arise, now rescheduled, due to our lack of funds, for May first.

I am so grateful to know, in you, one of that elite group that sacrifices in so many meaningful ways.

I am nothing; my folk is everything.
That is how we all must look at it.
I have no private happiness.
I use myself. I use the talents and gifts of others, desperate to save 700 million lives.

Heil Hitler!





As you can see, a dark-looking psychopath is exploiting this sturdy brunet German boy and the little blond girl to play music and beg for money, which he pockets. They break free from him, in every sense…………..

Lyrics to “Geboren Um Zu Leben”/BORN TO LIVE (NOT JUST EXIST):


Es fällt mir schwer/iT IS HARD FOR ME
ohne dich zu Leben,/WITHOUT YOU TO LIVE
jeden Tag zu jeder Zeit/EVERY DAY, AT EVERY TIME,
einfach alles zu geben./SIMPLY MY ALL TO GIVE
Ich denk so oft/I THINK SO OFTEN
zurück an das was war,/BACK ON WHAT WAS
an jedem so geliebten vergangenen Tag./OF EACH SO BELOVED PAST DAY

Ich stell mir vor/I IMAGINE
das du zu mir stehst/THAT YOU STAND BY ME
und jeden meiner Wege/AND EACH OF MY WAYS-PATHS
an meiner Seite gehst./AT MY SIDE YOU GO
Ich denke an so vieles/I THINK OF SO MANY THINGS
seit dem du nicht mehr bist,/SINCE YOU ARE NO LONGER
denn du hast mir gezeigt/FOR YOU HAVE SHOWN ME
wie wertvoll das Leben ist./HOW WORTHFUL (VALUABLE) LIFE IS

Wir war’n geboren um zu leben/WE WERE BORN TO LIVE (NOT JUST EXIST)
sich niemals zu vergessen/NEVER FORGET OUR CALLING
bis in aller Ewigkeit./IN ALL ETERNITY
Wir war’n geboren um zu leben/WE WERE BORN TO LIVE
für den einen Augenblick,/FOR THAT ONE MOMENT IN TIME
weil jeder von uns spürte/BECAUSE EACH OF US FELT IT

wie wertvoll Leben ist./HOW WORTHFUL LIFE IS.

Es tut noch weh/IT HURTS STILL
wieder neuen Platz zu schaffen,/TO MAKE PLACE OR SOMEONE NEW
mit gutem Gefühl/WITH A GOOD FEELING
etwas neues zu zulassen./TO PERMIT SOMETHING NEW
In diesem Augenblick/IN THIS MOMENT IN TIME
bist du mir wieder nah,/YOU TO ME AGAIN ARE NEAR
wie an jedem so geliebten vergangenen Tag./AS ON EACH SO BELOVED PAST DAY
Es ist mein Wunsch/IT IS MY WISH
wieder Träume zu erlauben,/AGAIN DREAMS TO ALLOW
in eine Zukunft zu schau’n./IN THE TOM-COME-FUTURE TO LOOK
Ich sehe einen Sinn/I SEE A MEANING
seit dem du nicht mehr bist,/THOUGH YOU NO LONGER ARE
denn du hast mir gezeigt/FOR YOU DID SHOW ME
wie wertvoll mein Leben ist./HOW WORTHFUL MY LIFE IS.

Wir war’n Geboren um zu Leben/WE WERE BORN TO LIVE (NOT JUST EXIST)
sich niemals zu vergessen/NEVER FORGET OUR CALLING
bis in aller Ewigkeit./IN ALL ETERNITY
Wir war’n Geboren um zu Leben/WE WERE BORN TO LIVE
für den einen Augenblick,/FOR THAT ONE MOMENT IN TIME
weil jeder von uns spürte/BECAUSE EACH OF US FELT IT

wie wertvoll Leben ist./HOW WORTHFUL LIFE IS.

Wir war’n Geboren um zu Leben/WE WERE BORN TO LIVE (NOT JUST EXIST)

Geboren um zu Leben./BORN TO LIVE (NOT JUST EXIST)

Wir war’n Geboren um zu Leben/WE WERE BORN TO LIVE (NOT JUST EXIST)
sich niemals zu vergessen/NEVER FORGET OUR CALLING
bis in aller Ewigkeit./IN ALL ETERNITY
Wir war’n geboren um zu leben/WE WERE BORN TO LIVE
für den einen Augenblick,/FOR THAT ONE MOMENT IN TIME
weil jeder von uns spürte/BECAUSE EACH OF US FELT IT

wie wertvoll Leben ist./HOW WORTHFUL LIFE IS.

Wir war’n geboren um zu lLeben/WE WERE BORN TO LIVE (NOT JUST EXIST)
sich niemals zu vergessen/NEVER FORGET OUR CALLING
bis in aller Ewigkeit./IN ALL ETERNITY
Wir war’n Geboren um zu Leben/WE WERE BORN TO LIVE
für den einen Augenblick,/FOR THAT ONE MOMENT IN TIME
weil jeder von uns spürte/BECAUSE EACH OF US FELT IT

wie wertvoll Leben ist./HOW WORTHFUL LIFE IS.

Es fällt mir schwer/iT IS HARD FOR ME
ohne dich zu Leben,/WITHOUT YOU TO LIVE
jeden Tag zu jeder Zeit/EVERY DAY, AT EVERY TIME,
einfach alles zu geben./SIMPLY MY ALL TO GIVE
Ich denk so oft/I THINK SO OFTEN
zurück an das was war,/BACK ON WHAT WAS
an jedem so geliebten vergangenen Tag./OF EACH SO BELOVED PAST DAYWir war’n Geboren um zu

Ich stell mir vor/I IMAGINE
das du zu mir stehst/THAT YOU STAND BY ME
und jeden meiner Wege/AND EACH OF MY WAYS-PATHS
an meiner Seite gehst./AT MY SIDE YOU GO
Ich denke an so vieles/I THINK OF SO MANY THINGS
seit dem du nicht mehr bist,/SINCE YOU ARE NO LONGER
denn du hast mir gezeigt/FOR YOU HAVE SHOWN ME
wie wertvoll das Leben ist./HOW WORTHFUL (VALUABEL) LIFE IS

Wir war’n geboren um zu lLeben/WE WERE BORN TO LIVE (NOT JUST EXIST)
sich niemals zu vergessen/NEVER FORGET OUR CALLING
bis in aller Ewigkeit./IN ALL ETERNITY
Wir war’n Geboren um zu Leben/WE WERE BORN TO LIVE
für den einen Augenblick,/FOR THAT ONE MOMENT IN TIME
weil jeder von uns spürte/BECAUSE EACH OF US FELT IT

wie wertvoll Leben ist./HOW WORTHFUL LIFE IS.

Es tut noch weh/IT HURTS STILL
wieder neuen Platz zu schaffen,/TO MAKE PLACE OR SOMEONE NEW
mit gutem Gefühl/WITH A GOOD FEELING
etwas neues zu zulassen./TO PERMIT SOMETHING NEW
In diesem Augenblick/IN THIS MOMENT IN TIME
bist du mir wieder nah,/YOU TO ME AGAIN ARE NEAR
wie an jedem so geliebten vergangenen Tag./AS ON EACH SO BELOVED PAST DAY
Es ist mein Wunsch/IT IS MY WISH
wieder Träume zu erlauben,/AGAIN DREAMS TO ALLOW
in eine Zukunft zu schau’n./IN THE TOM-COME-FUTURE TO LOOK
Ich sehe einen Sinn/I SEE A MEANING
seit dem du nicht mehr bist,/THOUGH YOU NO LONGER ARE
denn du hast mir gezeigt/FOR YOU DID SHOW ME
wie wertvoll mein Leben ist./HOW WORTHFUL MY LIFE IS.

Wir war’n geboren um zu lLeben/WE WERE BORN TO LIVE (NOT JUST EXIST)
sich niemals zu vergessen/NEVER FORGET OUR CALLING
bis in aller Ewigkeit./IN ALL ETERNITY
Wir war’n Geboren um zu Leben/WE WERE BORN TO LIVE
für den einen Augenblick,/FOR THAT ONE MOMENT IN TIME
weil jeder von uns spürte/BECAUSE EACH OF US FELT IT

wie wertvoll Leben ist./HOW WORTHFUL LIFE IS.

wie wertvoll Leben ist./HOW WORTHFUL LIFE IS.

[Kinder singen/CHILDREN SING]

Wir war’n geboren um zu lLeben/WE WERE BORN TO LIVE (NOT JUST EXIST)
geboren um zu leben./BORN TO LIVE (NOT JUST EXIST)

Wir war’n geboren um zu lLeben/WE WERE BORN TO LIVE (NOT JUST EXIST)
sich niemals zu vergessen/NEVER FORGET OUR CALLING
bis in aller Ewigkeit./IN ALL ETERNITY
Wir war’n Geboren um zu Leben/WE WERE BORN TO LIVE
für den einen Augenblick,/FOR THAT ONE MOMENT IN TIME
weil jeder von uns spürte/BECAUSE EACH OF US FELT IT
wie wertvoll Leben ist./HOW WORTHFUL LIFE IS.

Wir war’n geboren um zu lLeben/WE WERE BORN TO LIVE (NOT JUST EXIST)
sich niemals zu vergessen/NEVER FORGET OUR CALLING
bis in aller Ewigkeit./IN ALL ETERNITY
Wir war’n Geboren um zu Leben/WE WERE BORN TO LIVE
für den einen Augenblick,/FOR THAT ONE MOMENT IN TIME
weil jeder von uns spürte/BECAUSE EACH OF US FELT IT
wie wertvoll Leben ist./HOW WORTHFUL LIFE IS.

Wir war’n geboren um zu leben………



Dieser John de Nugent ist ein ganz grosser Kämpfer fuer die Wahrheit, vielleicht sogar der Beste unserer Zeit…

[This John de Nugent is a really great fighter for the truth, perhaps the best man in our time.]


Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2011 4:49 AM

Dieser Link kommt von der John de Nugent-Neztseite [This link comes from the John de Nugent website]https://johndenugent.com/


Die schwarzhaarige, blauäugige (wie Adolf Hitler) Sprecherin nimmt kein Blatt vor den Mund. [The black-haired, blue-eyed (like Adolf Hitler) speaker really lets ‘er rip.] Sie tut das in zwei weiteren Filmstreifen. [She does this in two more videos as well.].

Die Videos sind leider nur in Englisch.[The videos are unfortunately only in English.]

Gruß, Manfred


============================NOBLE, NOT NAIVE

Two comrades wrote me that they are concerned that non-whites will not reciprocate my support for an alliance of all races against the JEW.

One wrote me this sobering information:

* * *

Ahoy, John!
I just want to tell you quickly, I pasted part of your article about whites and blacks working together –helping each other and living in peace (https://johndenugent.com/for-african-americans-part-1) — on African and African American forums two days ago (I also provided a respectful introduction and supplied the links to your main webpages for African Americans). All of my posts have been deleted!
The quality of posting on these forums really is very low. It’s dominated by sexual bestiality and hatred. One topic dominates most of all: lust for white women. Unashamedly so. Where’s the racial pride in that?

[JdN: Black pastor James David Manning went ballistic FOR SEVEN MINUTES on his fellow blacks here:]

It’s obvious that blacks cannot organize to protect their real interests without whites doing virtually all the organization. Almost every thread regarding actual black welfare –threads often started by respectful whites– are pushed aside with just an obscene word or two.

One especially virulent (but more eloquent) poster wrote:

–The Jews are doing a great job of brainwashing little Blond White girls.

I am 100% in support of them.

Your days are numbered White man.

–How does it feel knowing that you will be extinct very soon? You were the newest race on earth, and will be the first to go. This is clearly a sign of your inferiority!

–0.2% of the worlds population is easily controlling your inferior minds.

–Black and Brown are your future. White is gone!

–You brought this on to yourself. You can be assured, as soon as the White numbers become a minority in Europe, America, Canada, Australia, the Browns/Blacks will go White hunting. We will show you no mercy, as you did not show any mercy to us. Unlike you, We will finish the job.

–Black Africans have been surviving and living since the beinging [SIC] of humanity.

How is it that they were able to survive for this long then, if they can’t live without Whites? Explain that one.

Also, Whites are inferior genetically because you can’t even surivive to continue your race. You are weaker by nature, since you can’t adapt to the changing environment.

–Non-White [SIC] are smart. Because they know how to adapt and take over your nations. Whites minds are weak because they are too liberal and allow their people to die off.

Do you see how Blacks deal with Whites in Africa today? We don’t have a weak mind like you!

A European poster wrote:

‘White people are the ones bringing aid to third world countries in South Asia, Africa etc. without us, all of that is gone.’

AfricanPride (Toronto, Canada) replied:

This is part of your inferiority. You are too stupid as a White race, to notice that you are adding to your own death!

More evidence of White inferiority.

The good thing about African Blacks is that they have no tolerance for White. Look at South Africa and Zimbabwe. The genetic superiority of nature, is kicking in!


I’m keen to form an alliance with real black civil rights workers. John, for our common good; but it’s obvious that white power is the primary force that can renew this world.

* * *

I responded:

* * *

It is a sad fact that while half the whites are worthless, even more of the blacks are also. But I can say this, that white psychos write evil threats to me every other day also, about how I am doomed and they want to stomp my brains out…… 😉

I plan on using this info, nevertheless, in a major way.

The Kalki mission is accepting that many are simply unteachable, but not ineradicable…..Let them proceed to their next incarnation. First, we must clear away evil; the next generation will rebuild the world. with the Tesla and other energies the NWO is keeping now under wraps, this world will become a green paradise, and home for the superman.


Contact the man the Jews and white psychopaths hate most….


John de Nugent

213 Ekastown Road
Sarver PA 16055 USA

[20 miles north of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]Email:


Telephone: 724.353.0154


John de Nugent (Pittsburgh)Donations:

Cash in an envelope (with any return address or none)

Blank money order

MoneyGram (send from a Walmart or elsewhere)

Paypal (to “john_denugent@yahoo.com”)


















At one of the huge Verdun battle cemeteries in northeastern France in 2004; 600,000 men of the best French and German blood died here, as part of the Jewish program to “kill off the best of the Gentiles,” as Rabbi Simon Bar Yokhai preached. In the Middle Ages, Jews here at Verdun castrated white male children, and “broke in” white Slavic girls and women as prostitutes (and because they then were pagans, the Catholic Church looked the other way). They sold them on a “synagogue railroad”as slaves to Arabs. The modern word “slave” comes from the word “Slav” from that time. Verdun was a major Jewish center of the white slave trade to the Arab world, which then included Moorish-ruled Spain.

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