ENGLISH Corexit truth; Navy moves 46 ships out of Gulf of Mexico to Pacific and Costa Rica

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San Francisco Chronicle: Leaked Corexit Information

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Contributed by freepressinternational.com (Editor)

According to the San Francisco Chronicle,

Anyway, someone emailed me the “complete” assay of the “crude oil” spewing from the BP gusher. Take a look below.

Are there volunteer chemists who want to post on the comments section?

NALCO Corexit 9500 label warnings indicate you should not breathe the stuff in, get it in your eyes, skin or clothing or drink it.

We still don’t know the Corexit proportion mix and there are uncorroborated tips coming into my mail box that the ingredient list is not complete. As a refresher the ingredients in Corexit are below.

NALCO COREXIT INGREDIENT LIST (Not written by a PR company)

1,2-Propanediol – The primary ingredient in aircraft anti-freeze and automotive anti-freeze. Used as the killing and preserving agent in pitfall traps, usually used to capture ground beetles. Mixing anti-freeze with heavy metals (iron, cobalt, copper, manganese, molybdenum, zinc, mercury, plutonium, lead, arsenic, aluminium, mercury, cadmium… see list of ingredients spewed by the volcanic oil gusher) makes it very toxic. Not recommended for your aquarium. Don’t try going to a sushi restaurant, get salmon eggs, tobiko or uni and start soaking them in anti-freeze.

Ethanol, 2-butoxy-

Butanedioic acid, 2-sulfo-, 1,4-bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester, sodium salt (1:1) – Animal studies on rats and rabbits show depression, diarrhea, lethargy, irritation and hemorrhage of the gastrointestinal tract, erythema, edema, premature skin death, malformed fetuses, irritation, coarse skin and of course – death! Oh… it kills fish!




[Thanks to a West Coast supporter for this news item]


Thanks to Margaret Huffstickelr for sendng these two videos




Posted on July 8, 2010

[source: http://www.survivalistnews.com/2010/07/08/u-s-navy-evacuates-gulf/]

Filed Under Breaking News, Oil Disaster | 13 Comments

Under the guise of the “war on drugs” the U.S. Military is evacuating its ships and hardware from the Gulf of Mexico to safety off the sheltered coast of Costa Rica.

The “war on drugs” cover story is laughable being that we can’t even get that level of engagement on our border with Mexico where all the drugs come through.

The Navy is obviously worried about either poison from the methane/corexit 9500 mix or a massive methane explosion/tsunami. A tsunami fits with the NOAA blackout of the U.S. tsunami warning system. It also explains why BP is not actively cleaning up the oil on the beaches. Why clean them up if they are going to be gone.

On the 2nd July 2010 the Costa Rica Congress authorized the entry of 46 U.S. warships capable of carrying 200 helicopters and warplanes, plus 7,000 U.S. Marines “who may circulate the country in uniform without any restrictions” , plus submarine killer ships to the Costa Rican coast for “anti-narcotics operations and humanitarian missions between 1st July 2010 until 31st December 2010.

With this kind of nation destroying firepower, it gives real meaning to the expression “war on drugs”, but if this a real six month “war on drugs” we should expect to see some fantastic results, right?

Politicians representing the Acción Ciudadana (PAC), the Unidad Social Cristiana (PUSC) and the Frente Amplio (FA) political parties opposed the measure saying that the destructive force of the ships, helicopters and 7,000 US Marines is “disproportionate for the fight against drug trafficking.”

On Sunday, the President of Costa Rica Laura Chinchilla said that the government does not intend to militarize the fight against drugs and the Minister of Public Security Jose Maria Tijerino stressed that this huge, powerful military force would be under the command of the US Coast Guard and not the US Navy.

Although I don’t suppose the Costa Ricans, the drug traffickers or we expats will notice the difference…

Another politician Francisco Chacón defended the arrival of the US forces saying that “they would give humanitarian support, build schools and fight against drug traffickers.”

If these 7,000 US Marines, 200 helicopters, warplanes and submarine killers are coming to Costa Rica to “give humanitarian support, build schools and fight against drug traffickers,” perhaps we could ask them to repair the new highway to Caldera? With that kind of manpower they could have it finished in a week.

Read Full Article Here: 46 US Warships Plus 7,000 US Marines On Route To Costa Rica?.

We are sending a war level force of 46 naval ships to stop drugs in Costa Rica which is roughly the size of Vermont with less coast line than Louisiana. Why has the mainstream media not mentioned this massive military buildup? Obviously it is not a buildup…it is an evacuation.

If you are in the gulf coast region you should consider evacuating.

Here is another article on the evacuation.

Here is a link to the military.com article

=========================POST OF JULY 2008

I am very busy with an urgent project and so here is a good post from July 2008.

* * *

July 19, 2008

The Green and Hilly Pennsylvania

Filed under: Storm Front — Tags: Ft. Sackville, Henrik Holappa, Vincennes, Yitzhak Rabin — @ 7:06 pm

The Jews have written many a book bashing Islam, which is hypocritical since their own “sacred books’ contain just as hair-raising sentiments.
It is one thing to be a psychopath and another to preach a religion that glories in it.


For my 54th birthday I got a wonderful toy – a digital camera, a mere Kodak, but that’s a good old American company and so far this toy has been easy to learn.

With it I took some pix (8.2 megapixels, leaping lizards !) of my neighborhood north of Pittsburgh. I’m posting them to show you just one more good reason why white people will want to move here en masse when the Jewconomy collapses.

The alternate title of this post is: “What Dogs Teach About Humans.”

I did a post in April on dog breeds and how the differences in their behavior is parallelled by differences in white, Asian and black behavior.

Introducing…….squinting into the sun . . . . . Carmen (in black), the mostly Australian shepherd, and her white pup Spike, whose late daddy was a beagle. In the background you can see the slope of the land. If you drop a ball bearing anywhere in Pennsylvania, it will roll somewhere else.

Buffalo Creek runs up and down the valley along Ekastown Road. Carmen, being a lady dog, takes a luxurious beauty bath here every day. Spike, being a boy, prefers to roll in dead possum carcasses for that special funky smell. You can see these two vicious beasts above the creek; they are asking a squirrel to come down a tree so they can eat him.

The meadows are full of daisies. At night ten thousand fireflies literally “rise and shine” from this field. Groundhogs (as in “Punxsutawney Phil,” who famously lives nearby here in Pa. and inspired the Bill Murray film “Groundhog Day”) burrow all over this field. Watch your step for the hole! In New England we called this fat critters “woodchucks,” and have a jawbreakig question: “How much wood would-a-woodchuck-chuck if a woodchuck-could-chuck wood?”

Yonder (trying out my telephoto zoom) is the Christmas tree farm. My aunt in Rhode Island has such a farm; it’s wonderful to see the white families come in December, hand-saw in hand, to saw and fetch the Tannenbaum (a great American tradition from Germany).

The land here is lush, rich in topsoil, and the locals (German- and Slovak-Americans, often intermarried) grow fine crops — and fine kids. Blue eyes and sandy hair, sometimes redheads, a testimony to the Germans and the Scotch-Irish settlers who came here in the 1760s.

Coming home. Carmen has flushed out a wild turkey and a grey heron; Spike made a bullfrog jump into the pond. Both are conquering heroes. (But that evening they will be begging for chicken bones.)

Carmen, as a shepherd, is very intelligent — and a diva. She flatters, tries to nip, shows jealousy and attempts to manipulate me. Spike is beaglish; he bays as he chases rabbits. He is not quite in the Mensa Club. Nor is he very obedient.

But any time a black female has a white offspring I must be grateful. With Obama’s mama it was the opposite.


Greetings. This is the USS (United States Steel) HQ on Grant Street in Pittsburgh, at 62 stories the highest building between New York City and the Windy City of Chicago. Its columns were built in 1970 containing water and antifreeze, an absolutely burn-proof structure.

Speaking of Pennsylvania, I had the privilege, this last Saturday, of meeting perhaps the nicest and most family-oriented of all the skinhead groups I have ever encountered in my 30 years in this Cause — and of of course it was here in friendly, decent, salt-of-the-earth Pennsylvania. The Keystone State Skinheads had a big picnic with nearly 100 in attendance in a lovely little park outside Harrisburg, the state capitol — no police, no hassles, just fun.

I have to second with all my heart the post below by another comrade about this event and this group, whose main spokesman is the impressive, down-to-earth, burly, blue-eyed Steve Smith:

* * *

I arrived rather late – but I had a marvelous time, as always, despite
the heat. The setting was lovely – and the people were, and are,
lovelier. I am truly honored to share in your festivities, and support all of your endeavors. You gents, and lovely, lovely ladies, are the Pride of
Pennsylvania! You honor our State, and our Race………..and you all tell
great stories!!!

* * *

I can say that there indeed were many nice ladies and girls in attendance, and lots of fair-haired little Aryan kids — and they are our future. Everyone was well-behaved; no alcohol, just clean family fun and very good vibes. Steve Smith seems to extend his personality as a leader to the whole group — positive, wholesome, firm but friendly to one and all. Aside from the fierce tattoos and mega-short hair (hey, these are skinheads! ) it was like literally a church picnic. I felt entirely at home here despite not belonging to this “look” or path within our Cause. I had heard this was a very nice and also a very active and effective group defending our heritage and my first impression indeed was AAA.

But BEFORE that, I had a historic Wiedersehen in downtown Harrisburg, the capital of Pennsylvania, with my future associate Henrik Holappa. Henrik had just gone through the culture shock of Baltimore, after 22 years spent in 99% white, spotless, clean and honest Finland up in the north even of Scandinavia. He is here to fight for our race in the most populous white nation, America.

Henrik joined right into the tug-of-war at the KSS picnic — and his side won! Henrik tells me this is the third tug-of-war he and his side has won in three different countries. If you start a fight with Henrik, he will FINNISH it!

Henrik Holappa is the first “tugger.” Soon the other side will be having grass stains on their backsides, sliding along the ground!

Henrik will be posting shortly his first impressions and comparisons of unfree Finand and the still relatively very free USA.

Since he likes the blue-black-white version of my Solutrean symbol — it reminds Henrik of the National Socialist party in Finland during WWII — here is the powerful darker version of the Solutrean flag as designed by my friend DeShea:


Ess I saidt, no eye infekschion ken shtop my bosts. Es I saidt, I’ll pe pack.

I remember when Clinton’s Sec’y of State Madeleine Albright (the one who advocated the genocidal UN sanctions against Iraq) “discovered” her Jewish roots.

This despite knowing her maiden name was Korbel, as in the NY State champagne with the ultra-obnoxious radio ads: “It’s NOT Korbel!”

Then Kathie Lee Gifford, the shameless and irritating self-promoter/talkshow host (with Regis Philbin) married to NFL great Frank Gifford (no wonder he committed adultery), “discovers” HER Jewish roots.

I’m sure all this by-the-way-I’m-Jewish NEVER leaked out during any hiring interview or helped fuel the rise of these mini-talents in Jew-ruled Washington and Hollywood.

(Which is another topic altogether: Jew mini-talents and unattractive men such as the half-Hebrews Ben Stiller, Brendan Fraser — and the full-Jew Richard Dreyfus — getting leading roles in movie after movie.)

Now we get confirmation that “America’s sweetheart” Katie Couric — about whom a recent bio said she was a ruthless infighter and self-aggrandizer — is ALSO Jewish, and via the Jewish mother to boot, making Couric a full Jewess under rabbinical law.

Bottle-blondie Katie; good looks came from the French-American father . Wikipedia: “Couric’s maternal grandparents, Berthold B. Hene and Clara L. Froshin, were the children of Jewish immigrants from Germany.”

The operative sentence — the admission of Jewishness via the all-important mother — is at the end of a Kkha-Aretz article (“There’s only one Katie Couric – and now she’s in Israel/By Yaron Frid”) where Couric is blaming her sagging ratings as the CBS news anchor on sexism :


My mother is Jewish, but I’ve been raised as a Presbyterian. I’m interested in finding out more about these roots.”

I guess so, since the love of money is the ROOT of all evil and you are paid, according to Wikipedia, $16 million by CBS News to lie these days for CBS Jews.

Since Hebroids rule your industry, how wonderful that you never even dropped this tidbit in any vetting. So all those years you did the Today show with Matt Lauer, the both of youze was Jews.

And Al Roker is Black and the overly empathetic-acting Ann Curry is a Mongoloid. Not one Christian white American in the whole Zion-serving cast.


“The Jew lies in the same routine way that inhabitants of northern countries don warmer clothing in winter.” — A. Hitler



Originally Posted by Scientific_EugenicsAre you running for president in 2012? I heard someone say that.

I have a strategy that will surprise all for 2008 — AND for 2012. Stay tuned!


I thank all for greetings on my 54th year of youth!

As for a request for a firefly meadow…………..

Here is a pic of three friends, two beasts and one super-comrade, Henrik of Finland, now escaped to lush Pennsylvania from the possibility of 4.5 years in a Finnish dungeon for defending his womenfolk from negro gang-rapists.


I got a message from a French-American from Indiana remarking on how many French names were found pn a list of those killed fighting the British during the French-American victory at Ft. Sackville, Indiana (near Vincennes, in SW Indiana) during the American Revolution.

Surrender of Ft. Sackville in February 1779 to American hero George Rogers Clark and his French and American soldiers.

The whole Midwest was explored by the French, whence names with French spellings such as Chicago or Michigan (note that the “ch” is pronounced “sh,” French-style, as is the word “sachet,” for example), or one finds out-and-out French names such as Des Moines (Iowa, meaning “of the monks”), Laramie (Wyoming), Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, Marquette, Wisconsin, Detroit (“strait” or narrowing of the river) and of course St. Louis.

it is logical that Frenchmen would aid the Americans to defeat England, which was the common enemy. French cash helped fund the whole American Revolution, arriving at the Green Turtle Inn in Boston. (I used to be a summer tour guide in that city.) Of course, it was the French navy that blocked the English fleet at Yorktown and bombarded the British forces there, proving essential to the final British defeat in 1781, which ended the Revolution with a joint Franco-American victory over the forces of London.

Wikipedia’s article on Vincennes, Indiana shows the deep French roots of that city where Ft. Sackville was located. The city flag with four fleurs-de-lis tells the story!

Here is how the city got its name, from a French nobleman whom the Noble Red Man, as is his wont, slowly burned alive. The name “Chickasaw Indian” sound sort of friendly and intriguing, but there are these little things — like squaws cutting off and eating your ears in front of you, or roasting your genitals with flaming sticks — that sort of bothered the whites, and caused expressions such as “the only good Indian is a dead Indian.”

The Siberian invaders, the Amerindians, thought: Why just kill a surrendered prisoner when you can roast him alive? This is doubtless how many tens of thousands of white men died from the times of Solutrean-Siberian interaction (9,000 BC on) to the 19th century, by slow torture-murder. Just up the road from us, in Kittanning, Pennsylvania, a white mother had to watch as Indians roasted and ate her two children before her eyes. Some settlers lost their minds from the horrors.

New France (basically, from Quebec to Louisiana, a gigantic area) was conquered by the British by 1763.

Thereafter, as Wikipedia tells us:


In 1778, residents at Poste Vincennes received word of the French alliance with the American Second Continental Congress from Father Pierre Gibault and Dr. Jean Laffont. They revolted in support of the Americans.


A wiseguy at first mocked my childhood experiences and account of the entry into my apartment last November by unknown persons

Then he half backed off.


I’ll grant you this much: having watched a few of your YouTube videos, you come off much much better as a speaker than you do as an online polemicist. Good voice, good presence, calm and natural manner, and you project reason (and reasonableness). In these posts you just come off like a nut, throwing everything including the kitchen sink at the reader – if WN polemics were basketball, you’d be categorized as a chucker, preaching to a deluded choir: no grievance too petty, no conspiracy theory too crackpot.Behind a podium, however, you appear to be a lot more pragmatic, and the absence of tub-thumping (at least in these brief excerpts) makes what you’re saying more appealing.

The reason why people read my material is because they know after reading hundreds of my posts that I am not a crackpot. You don’t get 72,600 views as a crackpot or as a troll. Further, I have repelled numerous trolls and ridiculers; I do just FINE as a polemicist. And I stand proudly by every single post on every single thread.

Now, I was molested.
My home was invaded.
And if that is outside your ken, be glad.

People do get molested and the government does invade dissident homes, and it does much worse. It happens to real people.

If you deny that these things are possible, then your own credibiility becomes the issue, and you raise a flag that you are in fact an apologist for the “molester community” and/or the “government community,” which are in fact often the same vicious psychopaths.

The book The Franklin Coverup shows a vast conspiracy, especially among sanctimonious family-values Republicans, to get politicians into blackmailable, video-recorded situations involving sex parties and underage youth.

There is no one more “owned” by a blackmailer than a man caught on camera molesting a child. It would be better to commit suicide than enter a medium- or maximum-security prison as a known child molester. A very high percentage of felons were abused as kids, and hence their rage at molesters knows no bounds.

I had some correspondence with the Massachusetts con who gladly killed the defrocked pedophile priest John Geoghan, accused of raping an incredible 130 boys.

If this topic makes you uncomfortable, good. It made me uncomfortable to BE molested, and it makes me uncomfortable to see atrocities against our kids swept under the rug. It took me almost 50 years to recover from years of torture, and that is the correct word for what molesters inflict: mental and physical torture, including torturing small animals in front of the child or forcing children to kill baby rabbits, baby goats, etc. If this makes you uneasy, again, good. This thread is about what psychopaths do. And I am an expert on this topic, Sir. I have looked open psychopaths in the eyes.

I saw a video interview with a psychiatrist at a Canadian super-max prison with one hundred very dangerous felons in it, in effect the worst fiends in Canada outside of the Parliament building in Ottawa and he said that all one hundred inmates had been severely abused as kids.

My story is one of recovery and triumph. I hope it both initially bothers and then utterly inspires others. But if anyone points a finger at me, they are pointing four fingers back at themselves.

But in reality, we are ALL being molested by a psychopathic government that is totally out of control. It is the sense in which I am Everyman, just suffering and overcoming in a sicko world, that makes my threads relevant to the lives and concerns of other people.


Note highlighted words at the end. The reason why Carl Jung broke with Sigmund Freud was that Freud was PROJECTING Jew filth onto Aryans.

WHO promotes terrorism and WHO promotes child pornography?

And who PROJECTS this onto other people?


They do so under their constant rule of eternal attack:



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