ENGLISH Crossing the Rubicon of the Jewish issue

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John de Nugent

213 Ekastown Road

Sarver PA 16055

A comrade did a video about ancient whites — and kindly added me speaking at the end:



A comrade listened yesterday to my interview on the Clay Douglas show at www.freeamerican.com. We had some decent content but the jamming by the ju-controlled Skype was unheard of. Echoes constantly — and at times it even sounded as if I were underwater! Gee, that hurts, Jews — I get the impression almost that you do not like me, or Adolf Hitler! 😉

The comrade wrote (edited):

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Hi, John! I just got done listening to your interview on Clay’s show. It is always good to hear you speak, John. I just wish there wasn’t so much interference; a lot of is was garbled. Anyway, I guess I am writting to you about the story I shared with you and you mentioned it on Clay’s show.

If you do tell that story again John, give yourself some credit. When I told you about my dislike of the cold and the SS book [on which I felt compelled to do a book report in high school] it is YOU who were the one that said people that fought Jews in history/the past could be the same ones fighting them today. So if you tell the story, say I was asking you if re-incarnation could be possible, and are these some signs of our past?

Also The Third Reich is still teaching us soooo much today. I use it as a guide to see if people are on the level and knowledgeable. If they still talk about evil Germany or Bad Hitler, you know they are a liar or clueless.

Alex Jones still spouts out about the bad nazi’s or Hitler being a Rothschild agent. That was his give-away long before he [ridiculously] said “The Saudis own Hollywood and Wall Street.”

That is why I have turned away from so many sites like [the part-sephardic ju Mike Rivero’s]  www.whatreallyhappened.com or Truthseeker and similar sites. They still throw in the occasional Evil Germany or Hitler so it just proves once again they are not real or have never really looked for the truth.

I answered:

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Thanks for the message, white brother.

Yes, the J-Team was jamming the radio show yesterday like crazy.

What most WNs do not know is that Orthodox juze, esp Lubavitchers, THEMSELVES believe in reincarnation, and they therefore understand who the Solutreans are. And this is a nightmare to them.

I agree with you about those who sidestep the juish issue. It’s fun to “get off'” on the thrill of imagining how courageous and daring one is talking about bankers and the NWO, knowing it will not result in any serious persecution. (Do they hassle Jones? Yes —  just enough to give him a bit of cred. Part of running a skilled “controlled opposition” operation is to persecute a supposed government critic — whom they control — just enough to make him look heroic to the gullible. )

As you may know from my blog (https://johndenugent.com/jdn/2010/03/22/english-alex-jones-my-father-is-jewish-wns-fail-without-storm-troopers/), Jones admitted (right at the start of the video below) he is juish on his father’s side! (And his wife is juish!)


To directly take on the juze is to cross the Rubicon into persecution and even death. If our Solutreans are ready to die for our race, then we will win, because my goal is to keep the First and Second Amendments intact, prevent martial law and hate-speech laws, and thus our info on the Net will simply erode, erode, erode ZOG to the point that we can salvage a big chunk of the original America, where the original Constitution is again in force, and create white safety zones and local control of our lives, not by asking ZOG but by making it so weak, unpopular and hated by the people that it cannot stop the Constitution from being restored, and the Constitution means free speech and gun rights.

And with those two we can survive as a race, and become the white tribe that unlike the other whites is not doomed.




I have spent a LOT of time to begin the proces of building bridges to American blax, who are, according to every single poll out there, the MOST ANTISEMITIC GROUP IN AMERICA.

Here is my special webpage for them:


I am delighted that my website statistics software reveals that every day 50-70 blacks read that page. In the future it wil be tens of thousands and I hope millions.

I am very frank and honest there with blax:  I am a white racialist, I see them as very different, we have a a lot of grievances against each other (as Jefferson pointed out in the 1780s already), but we have the same two proven and mortal enemies, the ju and the chinaman, and they will ally against us to exterminate us both off the face of North America.

And over and over I PROVE that whites objected to the slave trade and it was the juze and the British monarchy that FORCED slavery on the thirteen colonies. And once the low-priced cotton business got going, the South felt it HAD to continue slavery, since unlike the North, whose economy was balanced between industry, trade and agriculture, the South was based almost totally on exporting agriculture, on King Cotton and on tobacco, both of which were sold at very cheap prices and thus depended on nearly cost-free (enslaved) black labor. (Believe me, there were other parts of the world growing cotton and tobacco, especially in the British Empire, but they were paying wages there.)

So slavery was a TRAP that the South could not get out of, just as the British monarchy and the juze intended. The juze have always been about promoting ADDICTIONS of all kinds: to slavery, to drugs, alcohol, porn, riches, power, etc.

I saw this cute graphic on a comrade’s YT site. Now if Robert E. Lee, instead of allowing Pickett’s Charge at Gettysburg, had ordered a hundred of THESE bonnie lasses to run in front of the Union lines and then take off into the woods, the South definitely would have won the war by default….

Here is what I added yesterday abou the real reason for slavery, lifted from my forthcoming book, Solutrea Arise.

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Queen Elizabeth I ordered Sir John Hawkins in 1652 to begin the slave trade and, joined by his cousin, Sir Francis Drake, they began bringing negroes from Africa to the New World. The British Crown then forced all American colonies to accept slaves – and hired Sephardic Jews to run the trade, which they did from Charleston, South Carolina – the home of Freemasonry, also – and from Newport in my home state of Rhode Island; the Crown also overruled Georgia, which from 1735 to 1751 had banned slavery as a moral evil, an economic blow to the white working class, and a security threat, given the danger of slave uprisings, especially with Spanish Florida next door.

The Jewish author Marc Raphael, in his 1983 book Jews and Judaism in the United States (New York: Behrman House) wrote that just as Jews ran the slave trade for Portugal and Spain they did it also for the British Crown:

“This was just as true in the territories of North America in the 1700s when Jews participated in the triangular trade which brought slaves from western Africa, exchanged them for cane sugar molasses, and traded that for rum in New England [Newport, Rhode Island]. Isaac da Costa in Charleston [S.C.] in the 1750s, David Franks of Philadelphia in the 1760s and Aaron Lopez of Newport at the end of the 1760s and the early 1770s dominated the slave trade on the American continent.”

And who was their partner in this moral and economic crime of slavery? A crime that would put a curse on America, of which Thomas Jefferson said in 1820:

“We have the wolf by the ear, and we can neither hold him, nor safely let him go”?

The Norman ruling class of England, which ordered that slavery not be abolished in the colonies. King George III in council, on Dec. 10, 1770, issued an instruction, under his own hand, commanding the governor of Virginia……

“upon pain of the highest displeasure, to assent to no law by which the importation of slaves should be in any respect prohibited or obstructed.”

In 1772 the Virginia Assembly earnestly discussed the question:

“How shall we get rid of the great evil?”

Jefferson, Henry, Lee (an ancestor of Robert E. Lee), and other leading men anxiously desired to rid the colony of it.

“The interest of the country manifestly requires the total expulsion of them [the enslaved black population back to Africa].”

The Assembly finally resolved to address the King himself on the subject, who, in council, had compelled the toleration of the traffic. They pleaded with him to remove all restraints upon their efforts to stop the importation of slaves, which they called ” a very pernicious commerce.” In this matter Virginia represented the sentiments of all the colonies, and the King knew it; but the monarch “stood in the path of humanity and made himself the pillar of the colonial slave trade.”

Ashamed to reject the earnest and solemn appeal of the Virginians, he avoided a reply. The conduct of the King caused Jefferson to write as follows in his first draft of the Declaration of Independence:

“He has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, capturing and carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere, or to incur a miserable death in their transportation thither [in the sephardic juze’ horrible slave ships!]. This piratical warfare, the opprobrium of infidel powers [that is, the Muslim Barbary pirates and Turks were doing this], is the warfare of the ‘Christian’ King of Great Britain. Determined to keep open a market where men should be bought and sold, he has prostituted his negative [his right to veto laws] for suppressing every legislative attempt to prohibit or to restrain this execrable commerce.”

This paragraph was unfortunately stricken out of the Declaration of Independence before the committee submitted it to a vote of the Congress.

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Solutrea means whites do all their own work — no blax, mex, turks, chinese, paki. Our motto is LOVE AND WORK.


John de Nugent

213 Ekastown Road

Sarver PA 16055


A very pretty and intelligent Russian lady comrade wrote me:

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Dear John,

I just wanted to share, a typical response (in green letters below) from one of the members of “ForbiddenTruth”.  When I tell people about the suffering and the humiliating experiences my parents and my two oldest little sisters endured in the Nuremberg slave labor camps, their reaction is that I’m telling a lie. Germans never killed white European men, women and children, they say.

I had written:

Coming from an Eastern European family, my parents, and relatives suffered severely under the hands of the Bolshevik Communist Jews, the Nazis (they murdered my two oldest little sisters) and the Muslims. How do you like that????? I’d like to move to another planet.

Someone wrote back:

German soldiers, contrary to Jewish propaganda, did not just go out and murder civilians. That was against the Führer’s orders. He did not even want them bombing cites unnecessarily like the Allies were doing. They did shoot partisans and communists.

Why would your parents be in a concentration camp in the first place? There were POW’s from the East, but they were MEN, not Women and Children! I hate to say it, but I highly doubt your tale! They must have been your much much older sisters for starters… Unless you are at the very least pushing 80, that is…

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Well, I tell you, yesterday was Adolf’s birthday and my website had its highest number of visits ever.

Whites are desperate for a hero, even a dead one! If you point out he did some very bad things, they don’t want to hear it.

Hitler’s name and his Reich still electrify people…..

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This is the  front cover of Maclean’s Magazine, Toronto, Canada – April 26, 2010.- “The Return of Hitler”  is the name of the article.,


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There is absolutely no doubt that Hitler used forced Slavic labor, and that the Germanic-obsessed Allgemeine SS specifically, which ran the concentration camps (NOT the Waffen-SS, the military force!!!!!!), was very anti-slavic.  Again — it was the Allgemeine SS that ran the concentration and labor camps.

And yes, at the very end of the war, they did NOT want “enemy [Russian] prisoners” leaving the camps when the SS guards fled, and running around Germany. There was a huge problem for the Allgemeine SS of what to do with enemy prisoners as the Reich was totally collapsing….. Let  them just run free and pillage the villages of Germany, grabbing food, killing and raping? (Especially juze, Bolsheviks and other genuine hostiles?)

I do not doubt that there were a few massacres of enemy prisoners by the Allgemeine SS, not as part of a genocidal program, but to prevent enemy prisoners from rampaging through the villages and cities near the camps.

I really grieve for your two blond sisters who died. You and your family were seized for forced labor and then met disaster.

Hitler made three huge mistakes, and they ruffled many feathers at the time also:
1) advocating dictatorship as a permanent way to rule a country (a real turn-off for people of Northern European stock around the world)
2) letting the British Army go at Dunkirk (good grief!!!!)
3) trying to conquer and subjugate Russia, to grab lebensraum for Germany — not liberate it from communism in order to create a German-Russian Aryan parnership to save the white race!
Nobel Laureate Alexander Solzhenitsyn and Russia’s then-president, Vladimir Putin, in 2007 at Solzhenitsyn’s villa. These two heroes wanted a white, Christian Russia restored to greatness, a bulwark against the Jews and the East. Over and over from 1941-44, the captured Russian general Vlassov begged Hitler to let him set up a Russian National Liberation Army. The great Slavic peoples are essential to white survival. Look at these faces. These people are not white? They are whiter and blonder than most white Americans!!
We need to be inspired by ALL the great men and women of our race — Leonidas, Alexander, Augustus, Arminius, Charlemagne, Da Vinci, Cervantes, de Vere (Shakespeare), Mozart, Washington, Jefferson, Nelson, Beethoven, Goethe, Dostoyevsky, Tchaikovsky, Edison, Ford, Hitler, Lindbergh, Rockwell  —  but recognize also their human flaws, and worship only God.
We ALL have the divine within us. We all are learning to act divine, not like animals. This planet is a place of learning and growing. 
We are right where God wants us to be.

I’ll add this to my blog today, white Russian sister. Thanks.

John de Nugent



A WN friend of mine in Maryland recently succeeded in bringing over his beautiful Slavic fiancée — and all his friends are now jealous of him. 😉

Photos from a website of Russian women who want to meet American men. These photos ARE realistic. I had a friend who built a Russian dating service in the 1990s. He is still amazed at the Russian women’s beauty.(My second wife was French and had previously been married to a Russian and had lived in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Russia also has wonderful food, art, culture — and a population far better educated than in the current judaized, dumbed-down, multiracial US.)

One thing that strikes me in this description is how much more “collectivist” Russians are than Western Europeans. Now of course one COULD ascribe this only to various outside factors, such as the imposition of communism, but the truth is the Russians were collectivist long before communism.

In reality, the Slavic peoples are a different branch of the white race, known especially for the gene group R1A, whereas Western Europeans are heavily R1B.

Russian kids in traditional costumes. Russia has the second-biggest white gene pool in the world, after America. It must be saved from its gigantic neighbor, China, which wants to take back all of Asian Russia (Siberia), which is two-thirds of Russia!

As we build the Solutrean tribe, we can LEARN from our eastern brothers, who are more group-oriented. In reality, our western hyper-individualism has become a weakness the ju exploits to divide and conquer us.

We must think:


So I will never waver from the permanent Solutrean principle: Hitler was wrong about the Slavs. They are our brothers; we need them and they need us. Unity of all true Aryans!

Overpopulated China has ONE HUNDRED TIMES THE POPULATION OF RUSSIAN SIBERIA, which used to be ruled by Asians….China has claimed Siberia in the past as racially belonging to China.

And this is also why Pennsylvania is a perfect place to start the Solutrean movement. It is a mixture of German, Keltic (Scotch-Irish), Slavic and Mediterranean white.

========ON “R1B”

A comrade (Youtube4 name: “AxeSplitSkull14”) sent this video he did on how King Tut(ankhamun) of Egypt had the Keltic/western European gene R1B:


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I cannot resist adding this additional (humorous) proof that “King Tut” had to be a white man named Steve…. 😉

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