ENGLISH Darklings invade Finland; the complete JdN videos to date

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===============Finland invaded

Finland and Sweden (which once formed one country) are the two blondest countries on earth. The Jews are storming the last bastions of the pure, and only a new form of national socialism can save them: Solutrean Social Nationism (SSN). Help me launch it.

Viivi Avellan is a well-known radio broadcaster in Finland. She was nearly fired by the jewish-owned radio station after she admitted on-air that she liked dating Scandinavian men, which was denounced as Nazi racism.

Finland is near the very top of Europe and the Arctic Circle.


Hindu-Aryan prophesy: “Things will become so bad as the years go by that this world will be like one of the hellish planets in which people are born to suffer. There will be corruption in government and police, and they will be no better, worse in fact, than common criminals. Common citizens will have no protection. They will be subjected to the worst of crimes with no solution. Everyone will be fighting with each other. The world will slide into a state of constant war and chaos. Finally, Lord Kalki will appear as the twenty-second avatara of God.”

Prophétie hindoue-aryenne: «Les choses vont tellement mal qu’au fil des années ce monde sera comme l’une des planètes infernales dans lequel les gens sont nés pour souffrir. Il y aura la corruption au sein du gouvernement et de la police, et ils ne seront pas meilleures, pire, en fait, que les criminels de droit commun. Les citoyens n’auront pas de protection. Ils seront soumis à la pire des crimes sans solution. Tout le monde va se battre les uns avec les autres. Le monde va glisser dans un état de guerre constant et le chaos. Enfin, le Seigneur de guerre Kalki apparaîtra comme l’avatâra vingt-deuxième de Dieu. “

Die hindu-altarische Prophezeiung: “Die Erde wird zu einem Höllenplaneten, mit korrupter Regierung und Polizei. Beide werden sich wie gemeine Verbrecher benehmen, sogar schlimmer. Der normale Bürger wird keinen Schutz erfahren, und die grausamsten Verbrechen werden ungesühnt bleiben. Jeder wird jeden bekämpfen und die Welt in Chaos und Krieg schlittern. Zum Schluss erscheint der Feldherr Kalki, der zweiundzwanzigste Awatar Gottes.”

==========ALL THE VIDEOS

These are all the key videos I and a dedicated staff (photo below: Norwegian-German-American Jason Salyers, left, and Egyptian-African-American Clark Lightbridge, right) have created.

The spiritual video series, Brackenridge and NUMEC form part of the Solutrea Arise audiovisual book, soon to be completed IF I GET MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then I will launch a worldwide movement, the Solutrean Agency, hoping there are still some whites who are not yet morally, intellectually and spiritually dead, blobs of fat white tissue.

But as Jesus Christ said: God can raise prophets even from the stones and rocks. It is in His hands.

But so is your soul…..in His awesome grip. Is your soul dead or alive? If it is dead, then the body will die too.

You will die in the gulag under torture.

* * *

My Youtube Video Collection

“Let My People Go!”
The No Wars for Israel Conference
Pt.1 / Pt.2 / Pt.3
What We Can Do To Save America!!!!!
How We Will Save America!!!!! Origin of Civilization
Mexicans Aztecs and Mayans The Return of the White Gods
Ancient Americans were White!
Pt.1 / Pt.2
Apocalypse of the Psychopaths
Harassment American Politics
Electronic Voting My First Year in the Cause
Jews Always Over Reach The Internet
Why did Israel Attempt to Sink our Ship the USS Liberty? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVweA2-0xGE On Marcus Garvey

* * *



Spiritual video 1 (INTRO)


Spiritual video 2 (PSYCHOPATHS)


Spiritual video 3 — Psychopaths: the Sassoons and the Opium Wars; the CIA and Gary Webb: Clark Lightbridge and the WNs who are not haters (ready now!)

Or at this link:https://johndenugent.com/spiritual-video/part-3.flv

Part four: The Christian-Newsom murders: a media crime, not a local crime.


We have been uploading my videos to the YT channel “JasSalyers” and they were getting such great ratings that YT let him post videos of over 15 minutes duration (the normal limit lately for YT). However, suddenly, YT began rejecting every new JdN video on one technical reason or another.

….Right after Jason’s computer was hacked, and after my attacks on David Duke…..hmmmmmmmmmmm.

Part five: Edward Bernays and the Hidden Hand (ready!)


Part 6: If Jews can have a state called, “Israel,” can whites also have a homeland? (This video is all thanks to a European comrade.) This video is being repaired after some technical issues; this is still the preliminary version…)


Spiritual video 7: WHO then IS the “Hidden Hand” to which Prime Minister Disraeli, President Wilson and Edward Bernays referred?



Part One


Part Two


Study this face, brain-dead!




Teil eins von vier


Teil zwei von vier


Teil drei von vier


Teil vier von vier (End)



This video is from the February 2010, “Hitler’s Mummies” documentary found here:



Four whole hours of interview with me – a six-man crew was in my house, with NO bodyguards – was then edited down by Olly Steeds and the Jew producer, Michael King, to just four minutes, and it all contradicted directly the findings of the previous Discovery Channel shows “Ice Age Columbus” and “Homicide in Kennewick”!

The pistols reflect four hostile non-white strangers standing or sitting within three feet of me. Let scoffers laugh who have never had the feds come to your door posing as someone else.


Note this:

A typical hit job from Olly — http://dsc.discovery.com/tv/solving-history/olly-steeds-dispatches/hitlers-mummies.html — who may well be aware that we have restarted the Ahnenerbe right here in my headquarters, with Jason Salyers — http://jasonsalyers.com/

Olly’s Field Dispatches

Hitler’s Mummies – Racism Corrupts Reason
heinrich himmler

Having watched and studied the Indiana Jones films in some depth, I never thought the Nazi connection to the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail or even secret SS expeditions to the Himalayas were even remotely plausible. Like many times before, I got it wrong, but this time alarmingly so. I have never felt so shocked about how little I knew about a period of history with such unspeakable horror.

The Evil Twins
It’s no secret that Hitler and Himmler had a twisted historical world view which divided humanity into three groups: Founders of Culture (Aryans), Bearers of Culture and Destroyers of Culture (vermin). They also believed there was once a mighty tribe of original Atlanteans, a master race of Aryans that once ruled the world. Typically, they had Nordic traits including long head, narrow face, flat forehead, narrow nose, angular chin, thin lips, tall slender body, blue eyes and blond hair. Probably to their great embarrassment, neither Hitler nor Himmler fitted this description. Himmler was once appropriately described as looking like a “half-starved shrew” and when challenged on this point his defense was pathetic at best: “I may not look Nordic, but I possess a Nordic brain.” Hitler was known to quote the contemporary racial theorist Hermann Gauch whose bizarre reasoning led to inane precepts like, “the reason why birds can be taught better than other animals is explained by the fact that their mouths are Nordic in structure.”

Hitler believed his nation had become weak, corrupted by an infusion of degenerate elements. In his mind, society had to be cleansed and then rebuilt on strong, racially pure blood-lines. But to inflict this horrific vision upon the world, he and Himmler first felt the need to prove the existence of a superior Aryan race that could justify the racial profiling required by their cruel policies.

Sinister Fantasies, Far-Fetched Research
Himmler took the lead and set up the official, scholarly sounding Ahnenerbe, or Ancestral Heritage Society. Its formal role was to promote “the science of ancient intellectual history… unearth new accomplishments and deeds of Germany’s ancestors… and communicate the findings to the public.” The group possessed a public veneer of being an elite think tank with over a hundred academic specialists. They cultivated an air of solid professional integrity, disguising all their ideas as science and scholarship when, in fact, they were devoted to myth-making, distorting the truth and churning out tailored evidence to support Hitler’s and Himmler’s demented interpretations of history and race.

The Ahnenerbe was a wholly SS operation with the academics made senior officers, and various SS offices providing logistical and manpower support. In order to give pseudo-legitimacy to their ideas of Aryan supremacy or appear to retrieve some sort of ancient Aryan knowledge, expeditions were sent out to the four corners of the world: to Iceland to search for the Holy Grail (I kid you not!), to Iran searching for evidence of ancient kings of pure Aryan blood, to Finland to record and film ancient magical rites (the sound man was named BOSE — any connection?), to Croatia, Serbia and Iraq to study the role of the Aryans in the Roman Empire and even to Tibet to measure the skulls of the Tibetans who they believed were the ancient immigrants and survivors from Atlantis. The expedition leader actually wrote in his report that “there is great similarity between the words of the Fuhrer and those of that other great Aryan personality, Buddha.” There you have it! That’s what we’re dealing with here — people who believed Buddha was an Aryan racist!

The Butcher’s Bill
But the Ahnenerbe was more than just a cult of gullible scientists and historians — its members willingly sought to provide justification for racial policies that led to the persecution and slaughter of millions. Some of the files of the Ahnenerbe were presented during the Nuremburg trials and a few were charged with war crimes varying from the plundering of museums and private art collections, to the cold brutality of human experimentation including exploring new ways to freeze, poison, and sterilize people and even creating a human skeleton collection. The Ahnenerbe‘s director went to the gallows in 1948; after the execution, a Tibetan chant was said over his corpse.

Here we have a precedent of unspeakable horror, but this type of inhumanity, could and has happened again — in East Timor, Kosovo, West Papua, Rwanda, Darfur to name but a few. I can’t phantom how these lessons could ever be forgotten, and how this horror and cruelty has ever been allowed to happen again. But as history repeats itself, so will it likely happen again. What can we do? Of course, I don’t have a lasting solution, but we can start with burdening our consciences, taking responsibility, speaking out, and never claiming we know nothing or we too are guilty.

Olly Steeds, mocking but still worried Jew

Olly Steeds:
But as history repeats itself, so will it likely happen again. What can we do? Of course, I don’t have a lasting solution [JdN: I do, Olly!], but we can start with burdening our consciences, taking responsibility, speaking out, and never claiming we know nothing — or we too are guilty.”



–The video that is shocking the world: the Kalki mission…. the Aryan messiah who does not try to teach the zombyized public, just an elite. The masses cannot or will not read or understand anything at this stage. Kalki crushes the wicked so that any re-education at all is made possible.

La vidéo qui choque le monde: la mission de Kalki (le messie aryen qui n’enseigne rien au public zomby-sé — qui ni lit ni comprend plus rien — mais qui écrase les malfaiteurs pour rendre toute ré-éducation publique pensable….)

Das Video, welches die Welt schockt: der solutrische Auftrag des KALKI… des arischen Messias (oder Awatar im alten Arisch-Indien, bzw. im alten Persien des Zoroastrismus), die Figur, welche nicht versuchen kann oder will, die geistig und spirituell abgestumpften Massen umzuerziehen, sondern nur eine Elite heranbildet. Die Massen heutzutage können und wollen nichts verstehen. Kalki zermalmt daher die psychopathisch Bösen, damit eine Umerziehung in dieser Welt erst möglich wird.

–Remember as you see these scenes in the kosher slaughterhouse that GOY means CATTLE.
Rappelez-vous que le mot hébreux “Goi” signifie “veau”.
Denken Sie daran, dass das hebräische Wort “Goy” “Rindvieh” bedeutet.

–And the Chinese and Mexicans skin animals alive………………….
Et les Chinois et Mexicains écorchent les animaux vifs pour rendre leur viande plus tendre.
Und die Chinesen und Mexikaner häuten Tiere lebendig, um ihr Fleisch zarter zu machen.



===============WHY DO I NOT GET DONATIONS?

I ask for money in every single blog, and I took in just $20 in the last five days. Less than one percent of my readers send me financial fuel. Others have given heroically until they were tapped out.

The WN warmbodies, parasite-like, skim-read, looking for something sensational to titillate a nearly dead soul, and then move on like grazing beasts. (One said he could not help me but then admitted he took a cruise!)


on the deck while others bail water desperately in the boiler room………………….Just circle around, having your final fun.

They prefer the umpteenth Duke video on the Jooooooze. Yes, let us all learn more about the PROBLEM.


Because that would involve WORK…………………

What I have learned was that I cannot be the therapist for every defective white person on earth, esp. if they do not WANT to change. I must rally the advanced white souls by a clear message that does not waste time or show excessive patience for the morally and intellectually dead.

I think one reason I have not gotten any money in lately is that my new photos and the Kalki video are so fierce that WNs are terrified that I will go after THEM as well as the Jews.

They are right.

The base whites who disgrace our race, sap our energies and distract us from our dire mission are our enemy as much as the neanderjews. The mission of Kalki is also to punish the shirkers, deserters, and traitors.



Contact the man the Jews and white psychopaths hate most….

John de Nugent

213 Ekastown Road
Sarver PA 16055 USA

[20 miles north of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]



Telephone: 724.353.0154


John de Nugent (Pittsburgh) 


Cash in an envelope (with any return address or none)

Blank money order

MoneyGram (send from a Walmart or elsewhere)

Paypal (to “john_denugent@yahoo.com”)



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