ENGLISH Defamation war machine still humming; Bradley on Neanderthalic Jews and Arabs

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===============the flag of the pan-aryan Ryk

If we do not concentrate now, we will be concentrated later.

Castle Nugent, Ireland


The Seed of the new Kingdom

There are three main defamations of character that the psychopaths have developed as their character assassinations against me, and you can expect them to be stepped up shortly:

–sexual perversion
–mentally ill

Such defamations are being used in a rotary system: – as one defamation is decisively swiped away, the defamers then switch to the next attack. The defamers are squashed on one forum; then the attacks start up on another…

The attacks are revealing that the psychopaths are scared of our Solutrean Movement. Their orc-like language and energy reveal their souls.

These defamations are now being augmented by yet newer libels being churned out by busy enemies:

–that I claim to be French royalty [huh?]
–my posts are “devoid of content and interest”
–my posts are only about myself
–I am a physical and moral coward
–I invented the abuse in my childhood
–I am a friend of child molesters [!!]
–I was never an activist for the NSWPP
–I never wrote any articles for the National Alliance
–I never accomplished anything
–I never was trained as an interrogator in the Marines
–I am insignificant
–I am pitiful
–I am too pro-German, pro-Hitler and anti-Slavic
–too anti-German, anti-Hitler and pro-Slavic
–had Jewish girlfriends and loves Jews
–too Christian
–too anti-Christian
–my elder daughter’s husband (a Basque) is not white enough
–and next week there will be more.

The purpose of this snowblower of lies is to keep me always on the defensive, dialoguing mostly with “trolls,” so that I never finish my book — which is of critical importance to my mission for our race.

I accept that I will be a target:

Mein Kampf:

“Every man must know that this movement can offer fame and honor in the eyes of future generations, but nothing in the present.”

And yet he understands, also from this book:

“A movement that want to renew the world must serve, not the moment, but the future.”

And, most of all, as Mein Kampf warns:

“No one can doubt that this world will one day be exposed to the severest struggle for the existence of mankind. In the end, only the urge for self-preservation will triumph. This so-called ‘humanitarianism’ — which expresses a mixture of stupidity, ignorance and cowardice — will melt away like snow in the March sun.”

Having read this, now read THIS:


==================Michael Bradley on Neanderthals

from http://www.michaelbradley.info/books/iceman/iceman_promo.html

Michael Bradley is a former leftist and half-Jew who way back in 1978 began asserting the now proiven scientific fact that Jews — and Arabs and many Pakistanis — are partly of neanderthal genetic stock.

Here is an excerpt:

Excerpt from Michael Bradley’s “The Iceman Inheritance” book promo site.

…Only 4.5% of Jews in the world, according to the Jewish Encyclopaedia (the first post-World War II, 1960 edition), could trace their ancestry back to the Holy Land and they are called “Sephardic” Jews from the Hebrew word for Spain, Sepharad. There are very few of them in the United States, but some live in the southern states bordering the Gulf of Mexico. That explained my own Jewish family heritage, which had always puzzled me. I learned, to my surprise, that my family was Sephardic from Louisiana.

Many Sephardic Jews presently live in and around the Caribbean where they were the first “Spanish” and “Portuguese” conquistadors and colonists. My Jewish ancestors were thus responsible for the genocide of millions of American Indians and for starting the transatlantic slave trade in Black Africans. Other Sephardic Jews live in Spain, southern France, South America and South Africa.

The other 95.5% of all “Jews” in the world come from Russian steppe tribesmen who converted to Judaism about 1300 years after the biblical scriptures had been written. They are called “Ashkenazi” Jews and they have no genetic ancestry among Abraham’s biblical Israelites at all.

They were the prime so-called “Jewish” victims of Hitler’s so-called “Holocaust.” They constituted, from 1948, the vast majority of modern Israel’s population. For many of them who now reside in Israel, Florida, California or New York City, their first language is still Russian.

These Ashkenazi “Jews” had immigrated massively into the United States between 1870 and 1920 and are the people that ordinary Americans know as “Jews”. Most of them settled in New York City originally. The largest Jewish newspaper in the U.S. is the Forward, published in New York City, and it still puts out an all-Russian edition. The Ashkenazi “Jews” then spread all over the country, and especially to Florida and California, and they are notable for creating Hollywood’s movie industry.

When I had finally digested all this, which took about six months, the animal-like animosity of the New York Times editorial became crystal clear. The “Jewish” Ashkenazim had come from a region of known late-lingering Neanderthals, the Caucasus Mountains and the neighboring Russian steppes.

Some typically “Jewish” physical traits were very obviously vestigial Neanderthal ones – generally a short stature and a plump physique, many very short wide-hipped and big- breasted women, extremely hairy men and a tendency toward beetling brows and large beaky “hooked” noses in both genders. Many Ashkenazim have crinkly-curly head hair tending toward dark reddish brown or mahogany in color.

Among Ashkenazi “Jews” there is also a genetic tendency toward beaky faces, not only just noses, and big mouths (in more ways than one) that “wrap around” the lower face. Barbara Streisand and Julia Roberts provide two lovely and very well known examples of how attractive this genetic trait can be. But these are not “Semitic” physical traits. They are Neanderthal physical characteristics.

And maybe some Neanderthal emotional and behavioral traits persisted among the Ashkenazim along with the physical ones.

Their “chosen people” pretension is a typical Neanderthal in-group obsession that is actually a genetic racist predisposition against all other humans. It is a genetically determined “us against them” mentality. Their higher level of known Neanderthal aggression against outsiders is responsible for their disproportional social influence wherever they have settled in the West.

Their men’s feelings of sexual inadequacy are a Neanderthal genetic legacy reflected in much more frequent confusion of sexual orientation than occurs among males of other Caucasian ethnic groups and other races. It has been the subject of too-numerous Jewish-authored books and screenplays, and Woody Allen’s work (and private life) is a very well known example of this Jewish predicament.

This genetic Neanderthal psychosexual maladaptation has also bequeathed to Jews a tendency toward emotional instability and hysteria when they feel nervous or threatened… which is all the time when they are not in absolute control. And they are arrogant, but uneasy, even then. An ethnic symptom of this emotional instability is the Jewish tendency toward hypochondria. Even they cannot (yet) control death.

This unfortunate combination of high aggression combined with a tendency toward hysteria and emotional instability has proved to be a dangerous and tragic situation over the course of Western history. Their aggression encourages continual Jewish attempts to control societies, while the emotional instability makes it difficult for most Jews to distinguish reasonably between justified social criticism by their non-Jewish neighbors and attacks.

Insensitive even to objective concerns about inordinate Jewish influence in societies, and reacting with hysterical aggression to any such supposed “attack” on their behavior and pleas from non-Jews to limit it, Jews have always provoked violence against themselves. And then they, with much emotional satisfaction, feel victimized and attribute the situation to innate “anti-Semitism” among their neighbors.

This tragic cycle happened most recently in Nazi Germany, of course, but it had happened previously in almost all European countries. This historical pattern is the social result of Neanderthal genetic traits of high aggression and emotional instability caused by Ice Age psychosexual maladaptation. All this is very clear to me now.

1 Comment

  1. Besides the highly descredited Khazar theory (that they are non Semites, not from the Mid East) by the jewish mental defective (except with jewish breeding having a healthy mind would be the true defect) and ex government official Benjamin Freedman, this describes the jew freaks to a T.

    It turned out for the better that they created another antisemite out of Michael Bradley. I’m glad he does not subscribe to the theory, and keeps his opinions based on current scientific data (like that jews are 85% Mid Eastern despite living in Europe 2,000 years, because they have obviously been inbreeding for that long http://pointingandgiggling.blogspot.com/2010/01/attention-jews-centuries-of-inbreeding.html)

    And we can get some output from a jew, that is hopefully not defective information.

    Perhaps Freedman was not so well meaning afterall. There is a good chance the Rothschilds with all their trillions, had already come about this discovery, and needed to throw the goyim off course.

    Anyways, keep up the good work Mr de Nugent, and have you ever throught about sharing this new founded information (or not widely known) with Prof Kevin MacDonald?

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