ENGLISH Defame, isolate, impoverish, then murder the now unmissed comrade

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=================AMAZING VOLKSWAGEN

(started by the most evil man who ever lived ;-))

This is a flip yet funny video on the subject of the Folk Wagon, built in to this day in Wolfsburg, a NS-created city (and WOLF was Hitler’s code name 😉



Just a few days ago I ran proof of the ludicrous low-balling of the hits on my name “John de Nugent” by Jew-gle, which, by screwing with its own logorithm, had me put way down to 38,000 hits while the Yahoo and Bing search engines had me at 3.1 million.

Well, it would seem that in their blind lashing-out, possibly after reading my blog, the Jewboys at Jew-gle just got even crazier.

This was the hit reading this morning, Saturday, October 16, 2010 at 9:20 am Pittsburgh time.


It’s nice to be hated and feared, defamed and denigrated by Jews and their goy minions. It tells me I’m doing the right thing. And they ain’t seen nothing yet.


Feisty WN activist, author and law student Kyle Bristow got one of these smarmy-threatening letters from a Jew with respect to his exciting new thriller novel, White Apocalypse, which is about the cover-up of the Amerindian genocide of the outnumbered Solutreans.

Here are some pix of the intrepid Bristow, who I hope meets a nice lady and has 75 nordic kids. 😉


The Jew wanted to know from Kyle if the evil Jews in his work of fiction — who get taken out with pleasure by a patriot — is a roman a clef for the “Southern Poverty Law Center.”

Bristow, determined like myself to always attack, counter-attack and never concede any of the enemy’s premises, ripped this Jew a new hole with his own logic. Enjoy!


============Wolfgang Fröhlich: lost and found?

I ran an item yesterday on the fate of the heroic Holocaust revisionist Wolfgang Fröhlich. Letters to him keep getting returned. A heroic German comrade, Kevin Käther, himself facing charges in Jew-Occupied Germany, wrote me that between the current two sentences and the ones Wolfgang has already suffered through, this unstoppable comrade has gotten ELEVEN YEARS TOTAL PRISON TIME! Here is the German in italics, then the English.

Am Montag, den 04.10.10 fand eine erneute Gerichtverhandlung gegen W. Fröhlich in Wien statt, wo er zu weiteren 2 Jahren verurteilt worden ist.

On Monday, October 4, 2010 there was a new trial against W. Fröhlich in Vienna, where he was sentenced to a further two years.

Er ist nun bei einer Gesamtfreiheitsstrafe von 11 Jahren angekommen.

He has now accumulated a total loss of freedom of 11 years.

Altermedia schreibt, daß er sich nun im Gefängnis von Hirtenberg befinden soll.

Altermedia writes that he is now supposedly in the Hirtenberg prison.

Hirtenberg prison, 500 prisoners in a small town near Vienna

Wiki’s article in German: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justizanstalt_Hirtenberg

Die Verlegung muß also unmittelbar nach der Verurteilung stattgefunden haben, denn bis dahin galt die von mir angenommene Anschrift [in Sonnberg].

The transfer must have taken place immediately after the sentencing, because before that the address I was giving out [in Sonnberg] was considered the correct one. [JdN: Yet the letters to that address kept coming back!]

Zitat Altermedia:

Quote from Altermedia:

NEU: Wolfgang Fröhlich ist unter folgender Anschrift zu erreichen:

NEW: Wolfgang Fröhlich can be reached at the following address:

Justizanstalt Hirtenberg

Leobersdorferstraße 16

A-2552 Hirtenberg


JdN: Here is Wiki’s article on the town and prison in English: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hirtenberg

Quelle [Source]: http://de.altermedia.info/general/weitere-2-jahre-haft-fur-wolfgang-frohlich-nun-ingesamt-8-12-jahre-im-osterreichischen-holocaut-kerker-10-10-10_53834.html

So, comrades, forget this address: Wolfgang Fröhlich, Justizanstalt Sonnberg, Sonnberg 1, A-2020 Hollabrunn

It seems to me that they are withholding Wolfgang’s mail, and also engaging in “diesel therapy,” that is, trucking him around and not forwarding his letters so as to sadistically punish him. What must really enrage the Jews is that even from prison Fröhlich has sent out revisionist literature saying the Holocaust is a fraud to leading traitorous politicians and churchmen.

They have done this also with Edgar Steele. And now it seems also with Mike Williams. A volunteer who helps me just got his letter to Williams in West Palm Beach, Florida returned, although the address was the exact one that Mike himself wrote me in a letter a few weeks back.

Why can these prisons not forward letters? If the goal is “correction,” and the danger of suicide is enormous, why not give or forward letters to a miserable prisoner?

BECAUSE THEY ARE SADISTIC PSYCHOPATHS. (https://johndenugent.com/psychopaths-in-power)

Kevin Käther told me that Horst Mahler, who is serving THIRTEEN YEARS in Germany, was refused delivery of all letters that were in the standard German/European page size, “A4”! It is “against the rules“! The A4 size, however, is the standard size sheet of paper in all of Europe! (It is a bit longer and narrower than an American 8 1/2″ by 11” sheet of paper.)

The day of our reckoning with these psychopaths will be sweet.

If ZOG comes for you, just remember they may not give you any letters and they may put you, like Mike Williams, first for weeks in a cell cooled to 50 degrees, then give you not enough to drink, and finally stick you — as a known white nationalist — in the general population with 1,600 PSYCHOPATHIC blacks and Mexicans (not Bill Cosbys).

When the cop comes to snap the cuffs on you, just remember that I have NO intention to submitting. I do not fear death, only dishonor. Please see my remarks further below.


I’m in my back yard trying to fly a kite.


I threw the kite up in the air, the wind would catch it for a few seconds, then it would come crashing back down to earth.

I tried this a few more times with no success.

All the while, Kathy, the wife, is watching from the kitchen window,

Muttering to herself how men need to be told how to do everything.

She opened the window and yelled to me,

‘You need a piece of tail.’

I turned with a confused look on my face and said,

‘Make up your mind. Last night, you told me to go fly a kite.’



DUKE/YOUTUBE. A comrade named David Q. told me that David Duke’s YouTube channel had been restored, through of course gritted teeth, by the Jews Brin and Page, owners of the parent corporation, Google.

I replied:

Thanks, white brother David. I can always count on very valuable email content from you. This is the second time the apiru have backed down, after they had also canceled Alex Jones’ YT account and then were forced by an outcry to reverse that fatwah.

Clearly, bullies — that is, psychopaths — are afraid only of those who have followers and thus have clout to inflict counter-pain. How many YT channels of WNs have they closed without any recourse!

This is why the Stormfront/Don Black attacks on me were potentially lethal. In claiming I was a homosexual, embezzler, coward and delusional maniac, they were attempting to strip me of all support.

It failed. Views of my thread “Apocalypse of the Psychopaths” on SF soared from 86,000 to 182,000 and now stand at over 200,000. Note also the five-star rating. Not bad for an embezzling homo maniac….

Once they have done this — the Jews or their agents — then the next stage is weakness, poverty (too poor for a real lawyer, and then they give you a USELESS “court-appointed attorney” as Joe Fields got, twice, when he was railroaded on a bogus morals charge), then psychological and physical isolation (like Brendon O’Connell in Australia) and then, when no one cares very much any more if you live or die, and you are seen as a loner and nut, you are arrested or murdered by government-faked suicide, stroke, heart attack or car accident, or being burned alive in your “compound,” i.e. your house where you live.

Waco burning. After it was all over, the government admitted there was no evidence Koresh was molesting kids. But it was a great defamation toward the gullible public to isolate him and deny him sympathy and support. The Jews’ willing executioners burned seventy-six people (24 of them British nationals) in the fire, including more than 20 children, two pregnant women, and Koresh himself.

Aerial shot. How nice of ZOG in 1993 to burn them to cinders on the anniversary of the day in 1775 that at Concord and Lexington, Massachusetts the American revolution against centralized government broke out, on April 19. What should happen to those officials and thugs who burned 20 children alive?

To me, Vincent Reynouard and Wolfgang Fröhlich, especially Fröhlich, are in danger. If the Jew sees you as a lonely ant, not an army ant, one of the red fire-ants we have in America, then he will crush the lone ant and enjoy the crackling sound as his back breaks.

Of course, if the Jew poisons Reynouard, then we will make him a martyr forever. They will pay 1000-fold. Reynouard is really the ideal prisoner, a sweet, loving, Christian family man with beautiful kids, to inflict maximum damage on the Jew. He could be the Rudolf Hess of today, if the Jew is stupid enough to pile on more trials.

Vincent, leaving a courtroom, his back to the traitors in judicial robes. All I can say to the French Jews is this: Touche pas a mon pote, car vous le regretterez. Mais, connards que vous etes, vous le ferez.

Vincent’s students rally in 1997 when he is fired as a high school math teacher for his private opinions, which never were expressed in class.

Reynouard is such a lovable guy that the Jews were imbeciles to not just keep him at home on an electronic bracelet. Now they are letting me make him into a full-fledged martyr, as I did very successfully with Henrik Holappa. Vous les juifs, ejaculation de Satan, notre Reynouard est incorruptible, ce qui pour vous et vos cousins au petit tas de merde au Proche Orient est inimaginable. Tant mieux pour nous.

Hey, look, Holappa giving speeches in Sweden in 2010. I thought you Khazar masterminds were going to indict him on three charges and put him in a super-max? Instead you had to drop all three. I am very proud of that, my little rat-faced buddies. How often are charges DROPPED against a WN activist???? The number-one “Nazi” in Finland???

I have to launch my movement because prison for WNs will otherwise become absolutely  unbearable, the pure bolshevik gulag. I got a call from a patriot from North Carolina who did six years, and he confessed to me: “There were times it was so bleak I cried myself to sleep.”

And I agree with Reynouard: some day, if Solutrea does not arise, revisionists and WNs will be extradited to Israel for “Holocaust denial” and antisemitism and face the death penalty.

A comrade wrote me about Dr. William Pierce, for whom I worked 1981-84, saying:

The Jews’ favorite method to kill people now is putting radioactive substances into the victim’s food, causing fast-acting cancer. That’s probably what happened to William Pierce.

I replied:

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Yes, well, he was somewhat isolated up there. I visited Dr. Pierce, who had been like a father figure to me and so many other young men, at his mountaintop compound in WV in 1990, after my congressional race, and he was absolutely alone (at least that day) with one inevitable Siamese cat. 😉

To be a WN activist, an irritant to ZOG, and alone is to die. Maybe he had more people around him in 2002, but they could have poisoned him with something carcinogenic much earlier.

I would remind WNs also of the case of Canadian WN Jeff Hughes….another WN who was isolated, called the cops over his Hindu neighbors’ loud music at 3 am, and then a female British Columbia cop gunned him down (nota bene, he was a well-known WN activist) and this serpent was merely transferred to Ontario province.

Jeff Hughes. Until Solutrea arises, 90% of all WNs live in isolation and with no one to deter, prevent or avenge your murder. WE MUST BECOME A LITERAL TRIBE.

The report here on the Hughes murder, found on a leftist, white-hating website, is reeking with bogus claims, for It was Hughes who CALLED the cops! http://anti-racistcanada.blogspot.com/2009/10/white-supremacist-believed-to-have-been.html

The tragedy is that Jeff was SO POOR that he, a notorious WN, had to live in a multiracial slum neighborhood!

Same goes for Richard Barrett, in Mississippi, btw, murdered by a black who was supposed to cut his lawn. (Another report suggests, however, that Barrett, a NY lawyer and half-Jew who also sent me a semi-nasty and litigious letter, and seemed to sue everyone in site, was also a homosexual and came on to the black….an ex-con who in any case did go ballistic, beat him to death and set him on fire. That is about how I feel — as someone molested as a kid — when a queer comes on to me, which last happened in 1989 in West Palm Beach. Since it was a WN and an older guy, I did not break his jaw, but I never set foot again in his house.)

The real issue in all of this tragedy, misery and despair is just one thing:

Do you believe or not in God and an afterlife?



Or is this the one life we have to live and we are just white animals?

I have been a regular Christian and I have been around Christians all my life. By and large, they seem to fear death just as much as atheists and agnostics do. And they meekly go into some hellhole prison as a result, rather than fight to the death against a living death in one of the dungeons which ZOG runs.

And remember: the number-one rape in America is black male prisoners raping white male prisoners.

This tells me one thing:

Both atheists and most Christians are functional atheists. They do NOT believe in God and they do not believe there is anything at all after his life.

So they would rather live a few more miserable years as a caged animal.

“‘Cuz you’re dead for a really long time” — they THINK.

And because ZOG and the cops know this is the mindset, they come, cool as a cucumber, and pick you up.

As they did with Edgar Steele and Mike Williams, both “taken into custody without incident.”

Guys with all kinds of guns who do not use them.

What is this, a gun fetish?

Just gotta exist, even as a caged slave…..

Solutreanism means the certainty of God or a Higher Intelligence, and life after death. We will be judged by the code of honor and eternal life, and face the music for all we have done and failed to do.

Carl Edon and (in the black-and-white photo) the double Iron-Cross winner, German Luftwaffe airman Heinrich Richter https://johndenugent.com/reincarnation-evidence who crashed and died right near where the Englishman Carl was later born.





He wrote:

John, some saw bucks are coming your way. I know you have minds to feed.

Enjoy too, some hickory grove cider… maple sugar, apple cider and corn squeeze. Drink it right before bed on an empty stomach, my grandpa’s recipe!

I replied:

Hi, comrade.

That sounds great, both the donation and grandpa’s recipe. 😉

Both soft and hard cider were an Norman innovation, from my ancestors, and this British custom came to America, back when colonial Americans drank almost no wine or beer, but apples were everywhere and just waiting to be put to a good alcoholic use. 😉

Wine only became big in the 1960s, and I remember that. Only artsy types and New Yorkers and Californians drank wine before that, except for port and sherry, sweet Spanish-Portuguese wines that the Brits gave us a love for, from the Spanish word “jerez.”

Beer came in with the Germans in the 1850s. Before that we had ales. Bleahh.

Of course, the Scotch-Irish (are you one?), the Scots and the Irish had their whisky….. and the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794 was right here in Pittsburgh! 😉

Of course, the finest thing in the world is made in that French town of Cognac (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognac_%28brandy%29) by a mad Irishman on the run from the Brits, Hennessy…. 😉

Hennessy XO and the Irish founder.

Thanks for your financial sacrifice, comrade. I hope to have my book out very soon and then I expect money will come in very adequately.

In the meantime, I could use a PayPal TODAY to john_denugent@yahoo.com or a MoneyGram contribution via any Walmart or other source. Sometimes, I swear, I could use some hickory grove cider. 😉

And some day we will print our own money, like our enemy, but use it to build white homelands, rich in safe and needed products, grow wholesome food and lead happy, solid families, and die in our beds, proud of a circle of tow-haired great-grandchildren.

The latest from the brilliant David Dees on what the khazarocracy is committing: buying up the real country based on work, brains and sweat with artificial, paper-thin “money”.


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