ENGLISH Demon worship in Bolivia and Israel

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Demon worship in Bolivia and Israel

Santeria, Judaism and Secular States: The Tale of a Dead Chicken



in Australia]


Category: Roi Tov  Created on 14 September 2013 (Roi Tov is an antizionist Israeli Christian http://www.roitov.com/introduction.htm)

 “This is my exchange, this is my substitute, this is my atonement”—from the Jewish Kapparot Rite
Llama fetuses—as dehydrated as the chuño and tunta potatoes favored by denizens—are the first sign hinting to the visitor that something is wrong in Bolivia. They are used as burial offerings under new constructions; major works are said to have human sacrifices under their basements.A bit after the initial shock, visitors will visit a high-altitude mine and discover representations of the Tio, the underground lord.”Tio” means “uncle” in Spanish, but that is not the relevant etymology of this term. In Quechua—the lingua franca of the Inca Empire—it is not possible to pronounce the Spanish “Dios” (God); its speakers pronounce it “tio.”
Llama Fetuses in the Witches MarketLlama Fetuses in the Witches Market, La Paz, Bolivia
by Roi Tov
Animal Sacrifice and Religious Freedom: Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye v. City of Hialeah



The Tio in the mine underground altar would be immediately recognized by Westerners as Satan. A human face with horns, a human but blood-red upper body and goat legs; the images invariably are portrayed in sexual poses. This is the second hint of satanic worship in Bolivia.

Santeria Chicken SacrificeSanteria Chicken Sacrifice
Kosher Bazooka Gum
Those staying a bit longer would be proudly shown the open satanic sacrifice altars in the cities.The Bolivian version is not Santeria proper, but it is close enough. As in the places where Santeria rules (Cuba, Brazil, Miami), African slaves+ merged ancestral rites with local and colonial customs and created the much feared Santeria system of beliefs.

Today, September 13, 2013, the Jewish world fasts during the Day of Atonement—Yom Kippur—which has more than one point of contact with Santeria.

 Redemption on You!

Listening to a Hebrew conversation, one would often recognize the phrase “kappara aleicha,” or its feminine version. It literally means “redemption on you;” the person saying it declares that is ready to be your redemption, to give his/her life for you. Usually said in comic situations, it is a soft, no serious declaration of love.”Kappara” means “redemption;” its plural “kapparot” is reserved for a deadly serious rite preceding the Day of Atonement.

My fastidious use of the word “rite” until now is justified. The event is not religious. Kapparot is not mentioned in the Bible; it appeared in the 9th century AD. In the eve of Atonement Day, just before the last meal before the fast, a chicken (rooster for men, hen for women) is swung over one’s head three times, symbolically transferring one’s sins to the chicken while uttering a ritual text. The chicken is then slaughtered and supposedly donated to the poor for consumption at the subsequent festive meal. Plastic bags filled with chicken corpses in the vicinity of areas where the rite is performed show that the charity is seldom performed.

In no way can this be considered a proper atonement for one’s sins in the preceding year. The main thing needed for atonement is repentance. A testimony of repentance is fixing the damage perpetrated. Swinging the chicken over a person’s head brings nothing but visual joy if you are a sadist. The victims of the redeemed person are as miserable as when the chicken was still alive. This is a pagan rite.

A similarly non-Biblical custom is causing troubles between Israel and Ukraine.++ “Tashlikh” (literally “You Shall Cast Off”) is a 15th Century rite in which a symbolic casting off of sins into a natural body of flowing water takes place. It makes reference to the Biblical text in Micah 7:18-20: “thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea.”
Uman Cross, near the Jewish Tashlikh SiteUman Cross, near the Jewish Tashlikh Site
The Gospel according to Matthew 

Performed next to the Jewish New Year, it became a secondary task in the Jewish pilgrimage to Uman to the burial site of a prominent rabbi.

The visitors took over a beautiful spot, adopting it for the rite. Ironically, they do that while sinning against the denizens. Scared to death of this new disturbance, the descendants of those who had survived Stalin placed a large cross next to the site. They are too afraid to approach the medieval men and sprinkle Holy Water on them.

Non-Divine Divination

The connection between Judaism and Santeria is deeper than it may seem at the first sight of chicken-blood. Santeria is based on the Yoruba religion brought from West Africa by slaves related to Hamito-Semitic tribes. The chicken sacrifices shared by these tribes and Jews may have a common origin.

Sacrifices are a form of divination, or an attempt to influence future events. Neither Christianity nor Islam accept this attempt to change God’s will.

One would expect that secular, wildly anti-religious Westphalian-States would oppose sacrifices of life for the sake of divination. Yet, this is not the case. Both the USA and Israel allow the mass-murder of chicken during Kapparot. The US Supreme Court in “the Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye, Inc. v. Hialeah, Florida” 508 U.S. 520 (1993), allowed animal sacrifices by this Santeria temple (the word church is misused there). Bolivians are foolishly proud of their llama fetuses and related horrors. Evo Morales is often portrayed as the Ekeko, a prosperity idol.

States seeking to suppress religion are encouraging paganism, sending humanity back to savage eras. Is this just another superb example of Westphalian-States (misleadingly referred to as Western-Democracies) inconsistency?

Non-Divine Divination Unlikely so; people believing in divination serve secular states in an odd way.These countries operate according to Criminal Law, also known as Penal Law, the law pertaining to crimes and punishment.Criminal Law regulates the definition of offences found to have a sufficiently deleterious social impact and impose punishments on them. However, the law does not impose restrictions on society that physically prevents people from committing a crime in the first place.

In other words, citizens have the right to perform any crime without being stopped, though afterwards, they would be brought to justice. This is fine for the law-enforcement organizations which prefer to work backwards. Showing results and justifying their salaries and pensions is easier in such a way.

It is easier to provoke a crime and catch the criminal during it than to elucidate a crime afterwards. This is savagery. The best court-proven example is the assassination of Prime Minister Rabin, which it was shown in Israeli court to have been engineered by the Shin Beth secret police.

The Minority Report by Philip K. Dick analyzed the implications of such a pre-crime society in which the State claims to have pre-cognition powers, essentially based on criminal back-engineering of events. As often reported in this site, Israel rejoices in the uses of its pre-cognition lies.+++

Truly religious people are safe from such state crimes. The only way people can be manipulated into that is by denying them legal education (Law is never an essential topic in any Western educational system) and by creating in them the tendency to accept Divination as a Divine truth.

Santeria, Jews and ancestral astrologers, rejoice! Secular states will help you to kill chickens, read coffee grounds, and bury dehydrated llama fetuses under endless piles of ignorance!


+ A somber landmark atop a base of almost pure silver, the Cerro Rico (Rich Hill) casts its dark shadows over Potosi.


Dark clouds over its summit cry the memory of endless slaves who died while mining the metal for their masters. One of the worse shows of inhumanity ever seen, it cost the lives of eight million slaves, almost as much as the current Bolivian population. The summit reaches 5183 meters above sea level and was discovered by the Spaniards on April 1, 1545. Since then and until the nineteenth century, over fifty-six thousand tons of silver were extracted. In 1952 the mines were seized by the government and slavery was officially abolished. In 1985, after the extraction was not profitable anymore, the mines were given back to some fifty labor unions which still operate them nowadays. Apparently there are another fifty thousand tons underground (even the UN is participating in the plans to extract them while preserving Cerro Rico’s shape).

In 1572 the Mita—a form of slavery—was instituted by the Spaniard governor. Once every seven years, every male between 18 and 50, worked in the mines for four months. They were not paid and they often died. In 1638, a monk calculated that each “peso” produced cost ten dead men. Many of them had been brought from Africa. African slaves did not acclimatize to the altitude; most of them died shortly after arrival.

In a sense the slavery continues nowadays. Fifteen thousand workers – with well over a thousand of them being children – work in the mines. Only 3500 have some kind of pension and most of them die prematurely due to pneumonia silicosis. If the dead miner did not have a pension, then his children or wife take his place in the mine and are added to the following decade’s list of the dead. They earn pennies scratching out, almost literally with their nails, the scarce silver, tin and zinc left in the depths. Most work is still done by hand, though some of the mines (there are 420 entrances into the mountain depths) have compressed-air facilities. The miners work for some ten hours per day, in which no food is consumed and no air filtering equipment is used. Coca leaves give the workers the needed stamina and they are also a powerful appetite depressant.


At the very end of the tunnels is the “tio.” At first, the concept is confounding. “Tio” means “uncle” in Spanish and that obviously is not the case of the creature facing the nosy visitors. To understand the concept, it must be known that the Quechua language lacks the consonant “D.” Hence, the Spanish “Dios” (God) became “Tio” while the Quechua people tried to pronounce it.


Yet, the figure being worshipped there is not God, but Satan. Painted in deep red, with big horns on his head and goat’s feet, it resembles a sitting satyr with a huge erection. The miners bring him cigarettes, coca leaves, alcohol and soda drinks on a daily basis. Our guide – not a miner, but a Quechua woman – was very careful to light a cigarette and put it on the idol’s mouth. At its feet was a fake human-skull which got a similar treatment.

I visited the site visit was during the carnival. The figure was adorned with colorful strips of paper (and the tunnels with tiny flags). After the idol got his share of the feast, the miners killed a llama at the mine entry, spilled its blood on the entrance to calm the Pachamama (the earth god) and then barbecued it.

The few descendants of the African slaves live mainly in the High Valleys surrounding the Andean High Plateau, especially in an area known as Yungas (a word meaning “hot, high valleys” in Quechua; there are several areas named Yungas). They are not allowed to assimilate in Bolivia. Its government, the legal successor of Colonial Spain, does not recognize its responsibility for the past crimes. Except for participating in commercials portraying Bolivia as an equalitarian state, the African descendants have no opportunities in this discriminating society.

Few places manage to evoke so powerfully the past, with modern people still living—and dying—it.

++ See Hasidic Jews Attack Christians in Uman

[end of article]




John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613


(724) 596-4284




A German sent me this…..




Washington Post article of June 13, 2013: “Whites’ death outpaces births”. For the first time ever, more Whites died than were born in the USA. the average White age is a staggering 42, for Asians 34, for Blacks 32, and for Hispanics 28.

We are a dying race because our soul has died.


Others have been making big sacrifices. How about you?

John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613


(724) 596-4284


This is how you can help financially:
(1) postal money orders and other money orders that are left blank in the recipient area, or made out to “John de Nugent”


(2) sending valuable jewelry or gold coins


(3) cash in an envelope, even with a fake return address (no risk there!)


(4) PAYPAL (write me at john_denugent@yahoo.com for more details)
(5) checks made out to “john de Nugent” (now that I again have a bank account. (in fact, BY STEALTH, I have now two. 😉

I need the funds to at least pay my bills while I write the sacred book to awaken the SOUL.

Recent donations:

400 Swiss francs and 70 Australian dollars

And $US 5….. That helps too, from Tennessee!



John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613

(724) 596-4284


On Facebook: John D. Nugent

On Skype: John de Nugent (Pittsburgh)


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  1. speaking of “Jewish” myths, demons and their collaborators…

    Alabama Marks Celebrates 50th Anniversary of ADL/FBI [KKK] Racial Church Bombing
    That Left Four Girls Dead
    Condoleezza Rice Says Work in Middle East Inspired by Incident…?

    Read more: 000 – http://buelahman.wordpress.com/2013/09/15/mangez-moi/- 000
    did we cover the goy collaborators?…
    and the Yids…

    were there any so-called Klan members who were not working for the ADL…?

  2. and for irony…and in Memory of Tom Hanks, er um Charlie Wilson….

    While we support Israel, they are not always on our side. Israel has survived three major Arab invasions. Their continued existence depends on knowing every detail of what their Muslim enemies are planning.
    The Mossad’s excuse for nefarious trafficking of US-gifted hardware is to have money to purchase Arab secrets. America is Israel’s security blanket. From Israel’s point of view, the basic answer is simple: Encourage and allow any act that will more closely align the U.S. with Israel against the Arab world. So, were President Bush’s intelligence gathering agencies actually in the dark? Did NSC Condoleezza Rice, VP Dick Cheney, Sec State Colin Powell, Sec Def Donald Rumsfeld, CIA George Tenet, and NSA Michael Hayden, like Sergeant Schultz, know nothing? Evidence indicates they were informed and yet allowed the strikes to happen. Harvey L. Pitt — Securities & Exchange Commission may also be culpable!


    The Associated Press is an old, large, and “respected” print news service.


    AP ran the following story datelined Tel Aviv, on 9-21-01: “Israeli intelligence services were aware months ago that Osama bin Laden was planning a large-scale terror attack. The Israeli official, who briefed journalists on conditions of anonymity, said ‘everybody knew about a heightened alert, and knew that bin Laden was preparing a big attack.’ The official admitted that the Mossad DID NOT pass on concrete warnings.” http://iranfocus.com/en/
    I am aware that the Mossad did warn Washington in August 2000 that as many as 200 terrorists linked to bin Laden were slipping into the country to prepare a major assault in the United States.


    CIA spokesman Bill Harlow denies as “utter nonsense” that the Agency received advanced warning in any form.

    Maybe DCI Tenet needs to spend less time with Yasir Arafat, and give more of an ear to Ariel Sharon.

    ….saw some video of FSA…with ‘Iranian’ General …kinda looked like Bo…with sunglasses & Ballcap.

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