ENGLISH Despite the government a decent people; candid = white; new Hoover Dam bridge

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===========conclusion of my interview with private criminal investigator Clarence Douglas Malcolm on the Ron Paul meltdown in 2007 and criminal politics (continued from yesterday)

It begins with me discussing vote fraud when I myself ran for Congress in Tennessee in 1990…..


For more on that 1990 Tennessee race, go to https://johndenugent.com/wikipedia-biography-john-de-nugent
and scroll down 3/4s to the Tennessee map and “1990 Tennessee Republican primary for US Congress”.

=========================OH, THAAAAAT’S WHY

A comrade sent me this:

My sister and mother live in LA [Calif.] and even though they’re good liberals they cannot help but comment about how white it is here in Mass.

My sister, a few years ago, commented “I just realized why there are so many good-looking guys here, they’re all white!” – something she is not used to seeing in LA.

===================HOW TIMES HAVE CHANGED

Germany was obliterated in 1945, with 80% of its cities destroyed, losing 50% of its pre-war territory and, says author Gerd Honski (now doing six years in prison) 16 million dead. (It would be as if the United States today were to lose eveything east of the Mississippi, and Alaska, and 100 million people were killed.)

Dead German civilians after an Allied bombing raid on a city. Air shock ripping lung arteries and dust suffocation, not just crushing and dismemberment, caused hundreds of thousands of German civilian deaths at the hands of the Anglo-American bombers. This directly violated the Hague Rules of Land War, signed solemnly by pious psychopaths in power in Washington and London, which precluded attacking civilians.

But now the Jew-controlled newspapers in Europe, especially in Jewish Britain, are bitching because Germany alone, in this world economic crisis, is still solvent and prosperous.

Guess what, folks. It is hard work and German genius that made Germany rich once again, and despite being annihilated in WWII, not YOUR Jew path to wealth: stock market speculation, flipping mortagages and buying and selling worthless paper “bonds.”

Deutschland makes REAL THINGS that PEOPLE NEED.

Look at this hostile and envious cartoon!


A comrade wrote me:

I like SW Airlines; I find their employees friendly and very down-to-earth. They don’t wear snobbish uniforms you find in other airlines, very casual. It’s like flying with friends.


Hero Pilot Pulls Out the Stops to Help Grandpa Reach Funeral: 2011’s Most Heartwarming Travel Story?


By WILLIAM LEE ADAMS William Lee Adams – Sun Jan 16, 1:55 am ET

The most important trips aren’t about getting somewhere. They’re about getting
to someone. (via Elliott.org)

But in an age of mounting airline fees, reduced in-flight services, uncomfortable security pat-downs and multi-day delays caused by erupting volcanoes, it’s easy to forget that.

Amid the cries of “I’ve already paid for my hotel!” and “You need to get me to Atlanta!” anger and inconvenience frequently blind us to the fact that travel is ultimately about people. We also forget that airline employees – bound by big company rules and regulations – get frustrated, too.

Enter Nancy, whose travel triumph
tempered by a great deal of sadness, has turned an unnamed Southwest Airlines pilot into an online hero. (*More at NewsFeed: Meet the 13-Year-Old HERO of the Australian Floods*)

Nancy reads a blog by Christopher Elliott
a consumer advocate and journalist, and wrote to him

about her husband’s recent ordeal traveling on flights from Los Angeles to Tucson to Denver. Their situation makes complaints about leg room look downright petty.

“Last night, my husband and I got the tragic news that our three-year-old grandson in Denver had been murdered by our daughter’s live-in boyfriend,” she wrote. “He is being taken off life support tonight at 9 o’clock and his parents have opted for organ donation, which will take place immediately. Over 25 people
will receive his gift tonight and many lives will be saved.”

So early in the morning, after what must have been a torturous night’s sleep, Nancy and her husband arranged for him to fly from Los Angeles, where he was traveling for work, to Tuscon, where he would step off one plane and immediately onto another one headed to Denver. “The ticketing agent was holding back tears
throughout the call,” Nancy wrote. “I’m actually her step-mother and it’s much more important for my husband to be there than for me to be there.”

Mourning the loss of his child’s child, and no doubt worrying about his grieving daughter, he was likely in no state to travel. Airport stress only compounded his despair. He arrived at LAX two hours before his scheduled flight time, but quickly realized that delays at baggage check and security would keep him from
making the flight. (*Travel photos: Amazing snapshots of travelers stranded by holiday blizzards*)

According to Nancy, he struggled to hold back tears as he pleaded with TSA and Southwest Airlines staff to fast-track him through the lines that were moving like molasses. Even though missing his flight could mean missing a final chance to see his grandson, no one seemed to care.

Too much was at stake to simply roll over and cry. When he finally cleared security – several minutes after his flight’s planned departure – he grabbed his computer bag, shoes and belt, and ran to his terminal wearing only his socks.

The pilot and the gate agent were waiting for him.

“Are you Mark? We held the plane for you and we’re so sorry about the loss of your grandson,” the pilot reportedly said. “They can’t go anywhere without me and I wasn’t going anywhere without you. Now relax. We’ll get you there. And again, I’m so sorry.”

It’s hard to underestimate the courage of the pilot’s decision. The flight, which ultimately departed 12 minutes late, likely had hundreds of passengers rolling their eyes in contempt. And given that any delay has knock-on effects for passengers at the destination airport, his decision placed Southwest at risk of facing the wrath of travelers, and more than a few demands for compensation.

Elliott, who brought the story to the blogosphere’s attention, approached Southwest about the story, half expecting the airline to be outraged by a pilot’s refusal to push the on-time departure.

Instead, they told him they were “proud” of their pilot, a man who clearly understands that taking a child off life support has consequences that run deeper than a flight taking off late. As Nancy wrote: “My husband was able to take his first deep breath of the day.” Hopefully, ov er time, his daughter can do the same.

====================BLUE-EYED AND CANDID TO BOOT

Everyone knows by now that a key thing that “John de Nugent harps on” is that the white race is innately and dangerously NAIVE, citing the fact that the adjective “blue-eyed” has the second meaning of “overly trusting” and “gullible” in every single northern European language (except English).

Well, a comrade sent me this additional supporting information:

“…let Facts be submitted to a *candid* world.”–Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of Independence.

*CANDID*. /a. /[/candidus, /Lat.] *White*. /Dryden./ –from A Dictionary
of the English Language, by Samuel Johnson, 1756.

white = candid!!

I wrote him back that I did know that candidus in Latin, which I took for years, meant white.

“Candid”-ates in Rome wore white togas.

Candid-iasis is a white infection on your tongue………..

It runs parallel to the equation: blue-eyed = naive.

======================MARVELOUS HOOVER DAM BRIDGE!

Look at what Aryans can do………………………and just did….




  1. Dear John,

    I must be a nay-sayer on your story about Germany. Yes, they are the undenied economic kings of Europe. Having a great economy is not a panacea. Germany is like China, the undisputed heavy weight of Asia. There is lots of financial prosperity for people in both countries. However in China if you speak out against the communist party dictatorship (eg. say that there should multi-party elections in China) you will be quickly arrested, sent to jail or a labor camp for years. Germany is very similar. You question any of its official myths (eg. the holohoax 6 million Jews and cyanide laden gas chambers) you will find yourself arrested at 4am in the morning and your computers stolen. If you talk about the fact that Germany will be a non-German majority state around 2050 (that’s what the govt says) you will likewise be arrested and face incitement charges. So really with China and Germany, we have what one might call Gegangnisrepubliken (Prison Republics). China will be Chinese in 2050, guaranteed because the Chinese leadership while communist and occassionally ruthless is PRO Chinese. The Gegangnisrepublik Deutschland is anti German anti white and is under the thumb of Israel and its 5th column in Germany, the Federation of German Jews. That is the real government. Modern day Germans are as smart as bricks. They keep voting for the 3 treacherous political parties that are openly bringing on this GENOCIDE. But anyone who wants to stop in like the NPD they will not vote for because they are “extremist”. In German parlance those patriots who want to keep Germany German are “extremists” while those who wish to turn into a 3rd world Scheisse hole are not. Maybe in the future, if things don’t change, we’ll call former Germany the Turkenrepublik auf deuschem Boden (Turkish republic on German soil). Thousands of patriots are in jail. Orwell said that “where they burn books, they burn people” oder auf Deutsch “Wo man Bucher verbrennt, verbrennt man auch Leute”

    • I have covered this, but now and then we must also cover the positive…the tremendous economic achievement of the Aryan people of Germany, not the government.

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