ENGLISH ENCRYPTION PAGE WOWS READERS; Gerd Honsik remembers the loyal dogs of 1945

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There are four key ideas to Solutreanism  and one of them is that semites (Jews, Arabs,  and other Caucasian muslims, and Georgians, Chechens and Armenians) are heavily neanderthalic in terms of their genetic and psychological inheritance and behavior.

(The other three are 1) Whites were here first in North America, they are the Native Americans, and Indians genocided them;

2) psychopaths have gradually taken over the world (https://johndenugent.com/psychopaths-in-power); 3) life after death and reincarnation are scientifically proven realities (https://johndenugent.com/reincarnation-evidence). My book goes into all these concepts.)

I am delighted to see this insight about neanderthalic semites, which explains so many bizarre things about both Judaism and Islam, spreading now via the Internet across Europe and some or much of it is probably my doing, since I blog and do emails to many French and German comrades.

Here is a new French video, which is understandable enough despite the French text. (I like the sinister “metal” soundtrack. ;-))



Jeff Hart, Matt Staffel and an Amerindian Chilean woman. White men (as usual) to the rescue!

A drilling rig run by Hart (and Staffel, a German-American whose name recalls the Schutzstaffel in the Third Reich, the “security echelon”) punched through to the underground site where the 33 miners have been trapped for 66 days under the Chilean desert, raising cheers, tears and hopes.


Photos showing once again Whites saving Indios, the very Asiatic invader race whose ancestors genocided our Solutrean kinfolk:


Scene from the Chichen Itza temple in the Yucatan, circa AD 700, a staggering 800 years before Columbus. Hey, that guy is BLOND!

Mayan priests with ashes-smeared gray skin, a strange Mongoloid-semitic mix with hooked noses and Asian eyes, prepare to human-sacrifice a blond man, in a mural on the Chichen Itza (“Temple of the Warrior”), Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, in around 700 AD. The great modern Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl thoroughly discussed the evidence for white settlement of pre-Columbian America in his 1950 book (mis-titled by the editor as) American Indians in the Pacific. Pre-Columbus white skeletons and tools have been found all over North and South America. Still we hear the lie repeated that Amerindians are “native Americans” — when the truth is that they are the descendants of those who committed TOTAL genocide on the true Native Americans, WHITES, leaving only some women and girls alive.

=============”DEEP BREAKFAST” by Ray Lynch

This song is from his album “Deep Breakfast”

and another….


The Eternal Solutreans have developed a tutorial for encrypting your emails. The first version is for Linux. We use Linux Fedora 13, which boots up (and shuts down) incredibly fast and seems impervious to viruses and spyware.

And it is FREE, and with Open Office (also free) you can give the NWO freak Bill Gates the finger.

I wrote the Solutrean volunteer who designed this webpage (who is non-white, btw, and is a sincere and selfless admirer of our race who also puts some self-centered WNs I know to shame):

* * *

We are already getting kudos on your new webpage on Linux and encryption!

And [another volunteer], you can forward this Linux-encryption page to your computer “guru”!

The days when a filthy Jew can outrageously invade our privacy and keep his “total information awareness” on us are numbered.

Here is an email from a grateful comrade:

[] sent you $15.00 USD [on PayPal to john_denugent@yahoo.com]

Transaction ID: []

Hello John de Nugent,

Just thought you’d like to know [] sent you $15.00 USD.

Note from []:

Often, time is money, and you’ve just saved me a lot of time. Thank you for the excellent tutorial about encrypting e-mail in Linux. I didn’t realize just how “far behind” I was. I was looking at that page the other day but it appears that a lot has been added since. I feel very compelled to contribute at least a few bucks as a thank you for all the time you saved me. So, I’m “off” to do that now. Take care.

P.S. You may know of this, but just the other day I found a great
screenshot Add-on for Firefox which very quickly captures the entire web
page. It’s called “Screen Capture Elite”. As I was looking for the name
of it I noticed another winner. It’s called “BetterPrivacy”. Neither of
these requires much “dorkin’ around.”

* * *

So, comrades, if you are sick of Jews reading your emails, and thus knowing the full status of your relationships and gathering damaging and even lethal knowledge of your life, health, money and movements, then contact me. I ask you to make the donation of your choice to our work for the value received (both this blog and the encryption page), and we will send you the encryption page.

For the 100th time, you can send cash (yes, I will get it), blank money orders, yes, BLANK money orders and do not send checks. I have NO bank account! If you send a check I have to drive 20 miles to a check-cashing place in Pittsburgh and then give the check-cashing Jew 3-5 % to boot. (This area has very few check-cashing places because western Pa. is NOT full of Third World immigrants!)

Our immigrants and their descendants in greater Pittsburgh are WHITE!

Here is a scene from yesterday’s paper of Italian-Americans marching here on Columbus Day:

To send a donation, go to my Contacts page: https://johndenugent.com/contact

And you MUST get out out of Windows! And into Linux (preferably Fedora 13).


A Windows security expert in Maryland told me me this.

I suspected something weird back in the 1980s when Apple sued Gates for stealing the whole WYSIWYG look. (Before the age of images, all you saw on your screen was lines of text, and no images, photos, banners or anything; I was using that horrible black-text-on-amber-screen stuff way back in 1985, and the first major word-processing software, WordStar).

After seven years of expensive litigation by Apple, a federal judge in Seattle found for Apple, and awarded them damages of ONE DOLLAR.

Windows is the Jews’ baby. It has the back doors so a Jew can read everything on your computer.

But the average shmuck after reading this will still not make the change. He (including WNs) will keep giving Bill Gates, a forty-times-billionaire, hundred$ more, to a NWO operative who give his (YOUR) money to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation that is specifically designed to benefit ONLY non-whites.

From his website:

…..improving health and reducing extreme poverty in the developing world

….and what is the purpose of that? To explode the Third World population SO 1) IT CAN SPILL OVER INTO AMERICA AND EUROPE, 2) foment terrorism and justify thus a police state, and 3) cause ethnic conflict and thus justify “hate-speech” laws!

And YOU, a WN, by giving your money to Gates, are supporting these three goals…………..

Gates not only looks more and more Jewish as he ages [I DO NOT KNOW BUT SUSPECT HE IS PART-JEWISH], but also has the specifically Jewish trait of a super-high-pitched voice, which results from Jewish inbreeding. I saw this in Dovid [sic] Weiss, a Neturei Karta rabbi who spoke at the Sept 2006 Barnes Review conference — and also in the interviews given by Norman Finkelstein.

Gates’ supernaturally squeal-y voice, and look at his father’s nose as well (is that an Anglo-Saxon shnozz, Mr Gates senior?):


Finkelstein’s voice (and of course I do admire and respect this brave and persecuted Jew, and fired off a strong email to De Paul University when it refused to give tenure to him):

But….as the French proverb goes:

“Les gens preferent mourir que de changer leurs habitudes.”

“People prefer to die than to change their habits.” 😉

Solutreans, however are not like other WNs; they would rather change their habits than die. 😉

So the rest of you, keep giving the already obscenely wealthy Bill Gates your money (and not one penny to John de Nugent and the Solutreans) so a Jew in Tel Aviv can know everything about you.

Solutreans use Fedora Linux (FREE), they use Thunderbird (which saves your key emails only to your HD), they use PGP (Pretty Good Privacy,” actually excellent privacy nowadays) and Enigmail (FREE), and they encrypt their emails (FREE). 🙂

As for the rest, the Jews are right: you are, in Yiddish, goyishe koppen, (cattle-brains). 😉

The battle flag of the Solutreans, white nationalists with brains. 😉 Our eyes may be blue but we are NOT naive, or wishful thinkers.


Gerd and I had some good correspondence on the necessity of a new Aryan faith to save our race. Then I got an email he feared being arrested. Then he was arrested. Now he is doing many years in a horrible old prison in Austria.

* * *

Gerd Honsik being interviewed in Spain (left), and at his show trial in Vienna April 20, 2009 (right):


by Gerd Honsik

(translated from the German by Margaret Huffstickler; (Wiki) Perbál is a village in Pest county, Budapest metropolitan area, Hungary. It has a population of 2,233 (2007). This poem is about the terrorized ethnic Germans fleeing their village as the Bolshevik forces approached, and what they left behind. Germans were invited centuries ago into many parts of eastern Europe and Russia because of their intelligence, honesty, skills, talent and hard work. They rebuilt areas in the Balkans that the Turks had totally devastated and were empty of human habitation. But hated by the Soviet psychopaths, they had to flee and abandon centuries of hard work, homes, farms, and …more.)

German expellees:

Based on an eyewitness report

As we turned our backs on the village,
No one waved goodbye,
Only our dogs followed in our tracks
And strangers already entered our gardens,
As we came, with bag and baggage, away, on foot.

Perbal, farewell! A German village must go;
But some looked back again!
“The church tower, Mother, I can still see it!”
Be quiet, my child, you must go on now:
It won’t hurt, if you trust in God!”

Hand luggage only! House and yard left behind!
Say to those who later ask,
“What was it like in Hungary?” – “No rifle-butts,
No murder! Luckily! We were only driven
To Piliszaba, before daylight.”

In the exodus of eighteen million
Perbal was just a tiny episode
“For the German people’s industry, their plowing, sowing, toiling,
– For centuries – is this how you reward us,
As beggars – and strangers – to send us back? ”

Then, at the train station, roughly
They drove away the pack of Perbal’s dogs,
Who all, all had followed us.
The cattle cars had already arrived
To collect us for the final trek.

“Move back! Squeeze in closer! The engine’s starting!”
Through the planks I heard strange, rough voices;
Outside, the dogs were encamped around the rails,
Our old Juju among them,
Meanwhile we — children, mothers — inside on straw.

A hissing and snarling: the train has started up!
In the dogs’ giant chorus the sorrow swells.
The pain of the faithful creatures penetrates us
In the windowless darkness: We’re moving!
Their farewell stretches out to eternity.

The boiler whistled, the wheels were turning now:
The giant pack followed the train of sorrow
As far as dogs’ paws could reach
Till even the fastest animals’ strength waned,
Their last cries carried away by the Puszta wind.

We left quietly the house where we were born,
Almost without pain, resigned ourselves to it;
But since that time the wailing plagues our ears,
Of Perbal’s dogs we left behind that day
Abandoned and alone.

das Originalgedicht auf deutsch.

Die Hunde von Perbal
Als wir dereinst dem Dorf den Rücken kehrten,
da winkte keiner einen Abschiedsgruß,
nur unsre Hunde folgten unsren Fährten
und Fremde traten schon in unsre Gärten,
und wir mit Sack und Pack dahin, zu Fuß.

Perbal ade! Ein deutsches Dorf muß gehen,
und mancher hat sich nochmals umgeschaut!
“Den Kirchturm, Mutter, kann ich hier noch sehen!”
“Sei still mein Kind, du mußt jetzt weiter gehen:
es tut nicht weh, wenn man auf Gott vertraut!”

Nur Handgepäck! Haus, Hof zurückgeblieben!
Sagt es der Nachwelt, wenn sie später fragt:
“Wie war’s in Ungarn?” “Nichts von Kolbenhieben
und Mord! Zum Glück! Wir wurden nur getrieben
bis Piliszaba, ehe es getagt!”

Im Exodus der achtzehn Millionen
war Perbal nur ein winziges Geschick.
“Des Deutschen Fleiß, sein Pflügen, Säen, Fronen,
– jahrhundertlang – so wollt ihr es uns lohnen,
als Bettler sollen wir – und fremd – zurück?”

Und dann am Bahnhof scheuchte man die Scharen
von Perbals Hunden rauh von uns hinweg,
die alle, alle mitgekommen waren.
Die Viehwaggons waren schon vorgefahren
uns aufzunehmen für den letzten Treck.

“Schließt auf! Rückt nach! Schon dampfen die Maschinen!”
Ich hört’ durch Planken Stimmen fremd und roh,
und draußen lagern Hunde um die Schienen,
die alte Juju mitten unter ihnen,
indes wir, Kinder, Mütter, drin auf Stroh.

Es zischt und faucht: Schon kam die Lok auf Touren!
Im Riesenchor der Hunde schwoll das Leid.
Es dringt der Schmerz der treuen Kreaturen
in fensterlose Finsternis: Wir fuhren!
Ihr Lebewohl reicht bis zur Ewigkeit.

Der Kessel pfiff, schon drehten sich die Speichen:
die Riesenmeute folgt’ dem Elendszug
gerad’ so weit, wie Hundepfoten reichen,
bis auch der schnellsten Tiere Kräfte weichen,
den letzten Laut der Pusztawind vertrug.

Wir ließen still das Haus, wo wir geboren,
fast ohne Schmerz und fügten uns darein,
doch quält seitdem die Klage unsre Ohren
von Perbals Hunden, die wir einst verloren
und herrenlos gelassen und allein.

Budapest, capital of Hungary. Hungary was allied with Germany in the war and fought ferociously against the bolsheviks in WWII and also in the Hungarian Uprising of 1956.


I met Ursula Haverbeck, a fine lady., now 81, and the whole German WN/revisionist elite  at Ernst Zundel’s trial in Mannheim in 2006:


–Horst Mahler — in prison now for THIRTEEN YEARS,

–Sylvia Stolz — also in prison now AND DISBARRED

— and the  (I think) Jew-murdered affluent WN lawyer Juergen Rieger,

–and the Austrian lawyer Schaller).

Great people, and it was a great privilege to meet them all.

(Rieger, angry still over Czech mobs’ atrocities in 1945,  swore to me that if he ever visited Prague, it would be in a Leopard II panzer. )

Look at this monster go underwater!


Let us never forget that it is psychopaths in all races and peoples (and neanderthal Jews) who incite the commission of all these atrocities by whites against other whites.

Solutreanism is honoring all our brother and sister Aryans — and indeed all men and women who fight the Eternal Jew!

1 Comment

  1. Great stories, John; they’re quite informative, as usual.

    Would I be correct to say that the Bolsheviks under Vladimir Lenin were the first to militarize police forces in the industrialized world (the Cheka in 1918)? I haven’t heard of any previous police militarization, either in Europe or North America.

    Also, does this militarization (greatly enhanced following 9/11) play a major part in the arrests of prominent WN’s such as Sylvia Stolz, Ernst Mahler, etc.)? This enhanced police militarization has been quite noticeable, especially during anti-Israel, anti-war, and anti-globalist rallies and marches, when these paramilitaries attack without provocation.

    TX, John

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