(This blog is a continuation of part one: https://johndenugent.com/english/english-why-white-nationalism-is-dead-part-one)
In part one, I delved into the assault by what I call military psychiatry on the literal white nervous system and brain as an organ of the body.
Today all this has come true. Willpower has been chemically paralyzed in the majority of Whites. The causes are chemtrails, HAARP, cell phones, SmartMeters in our homes, wireless Internet and SmartPhones, cell phone towers, both fluoride and estrogen in the drinking water, bisphenol-A in the food packaging, and estrogen released by excessive body fat.
…..When I met and talked with Pat Buchanan
…..Part two — the race card
What, John? Are you accusing White Nationalists of playing the race card — and blaming every problem our race has on other races?
Yes, that is exactly what I am doing — and I am stating explicitly that WNs unconsciously, due to the tone and thrust of 95% of WN propaganda (in both what it emphasizes and what it leaves out), do indeed blame everything on other races.
“J’accuse,” (“I accuse” — as the Frenchman Emile Zola once said), Mr. Typical WN says:
–the lazy, violent, white-hating Blacks (but how do you explain this man? Have you done anything comparably courageous or articulate? https://johndenugent.com/english/english-black-cab-driver-wears-swastika-and-stands-up-to-jew-york-tv-station-wcbs-to-defend-national-socialism)
–the cunning, malevolent Jews
–the Spanish-jabbering Mexicans
–the cruddy-product-making Chinese 😉
–obnoxious PDA (public-display-of-affection) homosexuals
–(especially in Europe) the gang-raping Muslims
Is there partial truth in some of these accusations? Yes, because, just as with Whites, there are some very negative characters in these other races.
(And many, many Blacks, Jews, Mexicans, homosexuals, Chinese and Muslims themselves are appalled by this bad behavior, which brings disgrace on their communities. Do you think, for example, do you REALLY think, that middle-class Blacks LIKE their daughters to listen to gangsta rap and hear women described in lyrics as “ho’s” [ = whores]?
Do you really think “Blacks” rejoice when their son is shot dead at 15 in a drive-by shooting? Do you IMAGINE they enjoy being followed around by the store anti-shoplifting guy, the house dick (detective), as we used to say, when they are trying to pick up some paper towels? Do they like being suspected of crimes? No, and they KNOW crime is high in the black community and they themselves experience it — and they hate it.)
Now, am I selling out White Nationalism? No, but moving beyond it TO SOMETHING THAT CAN WIN. I put 35 years into this Cause (https://johndenugent.com/wn-biography-of-jdn) and it has not made one inch of progress during that time.
From a 1993 demonstration I ran at the US Holocaust Museum in downtown Washington DC
Excerpt from a Washington City Paper article dealing with me….
Proof we have FAILED despite sometimes heroic efforts? We were 89% of the population when I was born on July 14, 1954 and now we are 49%. Klans, Nazis, skinheads, Identity Christians, Asatru — new groups come and go and our decline continues.
USA TODAY’S map of a country going brown and black
Little Afrikaner girl as the Black military takeover in South Africa began in 1994
And why exactly is this?
Because we are obsessing (far more than we realize) on DNA, “racial differences” and every other materialistic issue. We are committing to the myth that nature is far, FAR more important than nurture, that genes FAR outrule environment, and we love thinking that our struggle is (in the true hardcore WN view, which is not mine) a Darwinian, atheistic battle between civilized animals with light skin and wild animals with dark skin.
(This ignores, btw, that Koreans and northern Japanese, like the girl in the photo, are often lighter-skinned than we are, have an average IQ about 5 points above ours, and less testosterone — so they are a lot less fidgety, and actually sit down and study better than we do. I know many, many, many East Asians personally, especially from my work as an American-accent tutor for foreign scientists in the Boston area from 1996 to 2003. Not one of them betrayed me, lied to me, embezzled from me, or defamed me. I cannot say that about White people in general or White Nationalists in particular. So you retort: “Yes, but their Asian culztures are intact; Jews have not dismantled Asian cultures.” Mostly true — but this is also an admission that the environment and the culture are huge factors, decisive factors, and not just race. )
Now, I actually have had some good correspondence over the years with the man who invented the term “white nationalist.” His name is Eric Thomson. (Here is an interview with him: http://vnnforum.com/showthread.php?t=94277)
And what he said to me by letter was something very harsh, and especially for White Americans.
“White Americans are materialistic entertainment addicts.”
What does this mean, concretely, as it impacts our struggle for white survival?
It means that 95% of American White Nationalists will do literally N-O-T-H-I-N-G for their race beyond typing online and fantasizing that some new Führer or Robert E. Lee will save them.
And this is what they type:
1) It’s all the fault of the non-Whites, who took over and brought down our noble race;
2) and the WN movement is going nowhere thanks to the wretched comrade X, incompetent leader Y and obnoxious activist Z, who all supposedly are frauds and jerks. 😉 (And probably agents, homosexuals, swindlers and psychopaths to boot. 😉 )
(One guy threatened to drive 400 miles to “punch my lights out” as a “discredit to our cause,” but would not drive five blocks to hand out literature to bring more people into said cause. 😉 Now he wants to “save the Boers” 🙂 — online, of course — by posting comments how it sucks they are being killed.)
As a result of this fantasy thinking, where typing stuff is seen as action, and we passively await Super-Leader, Mike Delaney, who did 1) the truly magnificent video “9/11 Missing Links” — which shows Israel did 9/11 and not, as “Loose Change” claims, “Bush, the banksters and Big Oil”), and recently created 2) the great alternative to Youtube, www.Trutube.tv, has had to resort to being a truck driver to feed his five kids and a wife, a lovely family whom Margi has met, and I myself and she have also met with Mike at our home in Pennsylvania.
WNs categorically REFUSED to send the man a dime. Even if his family was living in the street, they would not! Get a job, you mooch! Do videos for free! Run Trutube for free!
David Duke (I will not go into into my problems with him) announced in 2010 he wanted to run for president against Obama and whatever Republican sell-out the GOP would serve up in 2012.
He dropped out (photo) because he got NO WN support! And this is a man with worldwide name recognition (50 million hits on Google), tens of thousands of WN readers, and a track record of success in running for office! (He won for state representative, and nearly won for US Senator, Louisiana governor and the US Congress in the 1990s. I know — I was living in Louisiana part of this time, and one of his own former girlfriends and active volunteers was at that point my own girlfriend! I know exactly how Duke achieved what he did, which was considerable.)
There was simply no excuse for hard-core WNs to not support these men of proven ability.
Or for not supporting me AT ALL in my winnable sheriff race in 2013 in a 98% white, rightwing, Tea-Party, Obama hating county.
Fundamentally, we are into blaming other races, and not looking ALSO AT OURSELVES. (And let no man say I am “going soft” on Black or Jewish crime, or Muslims, or homosexuals, or anything. No one can look at my blog and say that for a microsecond.)
And thus we as WNs are into WHINING VICTIMHOOD.
YES, WE SEE OURSELVES AS HELPLESS VICTIMS. Our fate is sealed, we are beaten, and nuts like Delaney, Duke or De Nugent are just Don Quixotes, deluding ourselves with romantic visions like white survival and victory over the Jews (thought they are an infinitesimal and hated 1/4 of 1% of the human race, they still are unbeatable 😉 ). The fact that Americans have just bought 600 million guns is also deemed irrelevant. 😉 And even the fact that 39% of African-Americans say they would not vote for Obama again, that too is no grounds for hope. 😉
The WNs toss off at most, at their best, meaningless, time-wasting electronic compliments via email or Faceberg like “great blog, man,” but if you dare ask for a donation after working 70 hours a week, or seek to run for any office, they call you “a mooch” and say “get a job.”
One local white “friend” (he loves to rag on the Blacks while eating chicken wings) just got a ten-thousand-dollar settlement from a work-related injury and yet would not lend me $200 to keep my website up. As a result, it went down for three days. He accused me of doing nothing. When guilty as hell, counter-attack. Admit nothing. 😉
Jews, as miserly as they are, never call Abraham Foxman a mooch and tell him to get a job. He has a job, running the ADL. And Jews pay from their pocket the salaries of his 1,600 full-time employees.
Now, those made uncomfortable by my reasoning will say “Yes, but/yes, but — lookit all the crimes Blacks/Jews/Muslims, etc, have committed against Whites.”
I answer: “Yes indeed, but en masse they do so only when agitated to do so. Are you ignoring that the black ANC government in South Africa was Moscow-trained in the 1960s in Soviet methods of inciting hatred and preaching mass murder of the Boers as ‘class enemies'”?
Poles and Czechs also massacred Germans after WWII, but they were also being bombarded with hate propaganda. I am a bit of an expert on both these massive atrocity campaigns, which killed huge numbers of German people, often after indescribable tortures.
Now if I took out the word “Czech” and put in the word “Zulu,” you would say as a well-trained WN 😉 “typical violent Blacks.”
But no, the Czechs were not and are not Black. They are in fact often very blond.
Because I am also a bit of an expert on German history during the Thirty Years War (I majored in German at Georgetown), let me tell you about that episode too. And then tell me how a Black man or Chinese should view what happened.
It began as a Protestant-Catholic war and ended up killing off at least 20% of the people in Germany (and some sawy far more than 20%). Again, here we see ideology, culture, and environment at work, not race.
Both sides accused the other of belonging to a wicked, satanic religion (the wrong version of Christianity). 😉 The Protestants were heretics and the Catholics the whores of Babylon. 😉
Some of the worst atrocities were committed by the Swedes. The Swedes? Yes, their king came down from Scandinavia and intervened, and grabbed German territory during the chaos.
Swedish troops had a fun torture, called “the Swedish drink” (der Schwedentrunk). It involved raping the wife and daughters of the farmer in front of him, and when he protested, then making them watch as they held him down and, jamming a funnel into his mouth, poured urine from the soldiers — brought to a BOIL in a pot — down his gullet, and from this he perished under incredible screams of agony — as his raped women watched.
And no, they were not Zulus. They were Swedes with blond hair.
The Schwedentrunk (English: Swedish drink) is a method of torture and execution. The name was invented by German victims of Swedish troops during the Thirty Years’ War. This method of torture was administered by other international troops, mercenaries, and marauders, and especially by civilians following the Swedish baggage train, who received no pay. It was used to force peasants or town citizens to hand over hidden money, food, animals, etc., or to extort sex from women.
Even though 15% to 20% (locally up to 60%) of the German population perished due to violence, famine, and disease during the war, the memory of the Schwedentrunk was preserved. The method was immortalized in one of the first widely read German books, the satirical Der abenteuerliche Simplicissimus published by Hans Jakob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen in 1668.
“ | Den Knecht legten sie gebunden auf die Erd, stecketen ihm ein Sperrholz ins Maul, und schütteten ihm einen Melkkübel voll garstig Mistlachenwasser in Leib, das nenneten sie ein Schwedischen Trunk | ” |
Its English translation is:
“ | They lay the bound servant on the ground, stuck a wooden wedge into his mouth, and poured into his belly a bucket full of foul manure water, which they called a Swedish Drink. | ” |
Use of the Schwedentrunk is recorded in the histories of towns throughout Southern Germany. Though specific circumstances differed, in every case a restrained and gagged victim was forced to swallow (by means of a funnel) a large amount of unappetizing, sometimes boiling liquid. Substances such as urine, excrement, liquid manure, and sullage were used for this purpose.
Apart from disgust, illness, and the possibility of bacterial infection, the Schwedentrunk inflicted intense gastric pain. Because liquids are incompressible, the victim’s stomach and bowels must expand to painful proportions to accommodate the copious quantities of fluid. The torturers then squeezed the distended belly with wooden boards or trampled the victim underfoot.
Now you may ask:
Has John de Nugent abandoned our cause of Whites surviving and yes, once again thriving?
Perish the thought!
But we as a race must take responsibility for our own spiritual state, not play the race card and victimhood every second, and stop saying everything is the fault of other races.
And we could not have been corrupted by the Jews, were we not corruptible to begin with.
Blue-eyed serial child molester Jerry Sandusky
Mike McQueary saw him molest a boy in the shower in 2001 and said nothing.
Pennsylvania’s blue-eyed attorney general Tom Corbett, now governor, did almost nothing for eight years as AG about Sandusky, even when District Attorney Ray Gricar, who was beginning to investigate Sandusky, literally disappeared off the face of the earth in 2005 — and his body was never found. The district attorney’s laptop was found along a river, the hard drive ripped out.
I was molested by white people as a kid. It is not credible to me that we are a race of angels, and other races are devils. I know too many WHITE devils! We are a good race, a very good race, but mostly what we need now is spiritual. To not just be Aryan but ACT Aryan!
We could not have been beaten if we inwardly had stayed strong.
Our path back to health and power is through Aryan thoughts, words and deeds, not trashing other races for everything.
My friend, the heavily persecuted French revisionist historian Vincent Reynouard, once wrote that unevolved people want to read atrocity stories every day. Black-guy-did-this, Jew-did-that, cop-got-brutal, Mexican-killed-prostitute, Muslim-raped-Swedish-girl, and gays-marched-down-Main-Street.
But evolved people want to search for, and find the truth. Whether glorious truth about the great deeds of our ancestors or the heroes who now are defamed, or also the shortcomings we and others may have, WE WANT THE TRUTH.
Every time you read obsessively what some Black or Jew, Muslim or Mexican did, you are not looking at what WE can do.
When my next major blog appears, it will outline the way forward. It will be pro-White and pro-all God’s children. We cannot beat the Jew unless we ally with other forces that also are suffering under the hideous Talmudic tyranny.
And this will mean de-emphasizing what divides us for the sake of the alliance.
Hitler did not tell Mussolini’s Italian people “We are taller and have blonder hair than you” or tell the Japanese “You are short and slant-eyed, and have no blond hair at all.” He said: “We fight together against the Zionist monster.”
…..Website visitors worldwide
…Ignore this part. Someone else will donate. 😉
The Jews seem pretty worried. I started meeting with a retired Black educator and Rotary Club president and then I got in a medium-large contribution from Europe. Next thing I knew:
–We were forced out of the house we had rented for 20 months
–My credit-card donations system was abruptly cancelled
–As a result we have had to move in with others (friends, but still). 🙁
–Our provider of Internet, cable tv and phone, the Jew-run Comcast, was “unable” for ten days to turn my voicemail on. Some of the calls we have missed were likely asking how to donate!
I need your financial help to prepare a new political alliance — and run for President in 2016 as the head of a NEW multiracial coalition against the real problem, the Jews!
Others have been making big sacrifices.
How about you?
John de Nugent
Apollo PA 15613
(724) 596-4268
This is how you can help financially (I have no PayPal personally, so I explain below in detail the other methods, but if you wish to use PayPal you can write me and I will tell you how to send the donation to a friend of mine for me):
–send cash wrapped in aluminum foil (US dollars or any other currency)
–postal money orders and other money orders that are left blank in the recipient area, or made out to “John de Nugent” ( IF STOLEN THEY CAN BE REDEEMED! JUST KEEP THE RECEIPT) ..sending valuable jewelry or gold coins
— PAYPAL (write me at john_denugent@yahoo.com for more details how you can do this, since PP banned me….)
–checks made out to “John de Nugent” now that I again have a bank account, in fact, via STEALTH, I have now two.
See also: https://johndenugent.com/english/english-homs-syria-ancient-aliens-or-aryans-monogamy-natalie-horler
Like your message, glad Blind Light’s nagging got you thinking straight on this important issue, but it is the way to go. As far as money goes, not one man can do this and it is as you said, organizing, strategizing and not just posting the latest jew disinfo masquerading as dissent. We, at Blindlight.org, believe that the way to beat the JWO is thru volunteerism as opposed to surrogates acting for us. Of course no one wants to hear that, they prefer the last raping of a white person by a black to cross their screen. I am not sure about Delaney and that movie was actually something accomplished by a guy named John Martinson III whom you have probably heard of. Seems Delaney did to him what he did to ZionCrimeFactory though i am starting to wonder if that whole event was a WWE style op to entertain the goy! Martinson is in sync with much of what you say without some of your prior posting past that undermines what you are preaching now. Of course he is half black and has always had a balanced approach, to my understanding. Perhaps I am wrong, Delaney is for unity, this is news to me. Look, you aren’t going to win the presidency and those in power now will not let us work thru the system to bring about the necessary change which is basically removing Jews from power. We have two websites operational and we don’t ask for donations, just time and commitment and there is none to be had. It seems holding plastic money removes the necessity to act?. Not sure. My philosophy is we pay for each others time with our time. We need to start making them look over their shoulder as opposed to the opposite which means covert action to begin with, IMO, targeting infiltrators. We alluded to this mildly with this post http://goybiscuits.com/a-way-to-avoid-1984-joos-light.html of course for any action to occur we have to brainstorm, form opinions in agreement. If the movement started focusing on covert resistance and incorporated reasonable non-Jews aware of the core of the problem, I think something could happen and the race issues would go in the trash where they should already be. I don’t see it happening and I am getting no positive response from supposed red pill whites about leaving FB jewniverse and joining your therebel.org or my blindlight.org or truth be told a thousand more like us for what better way to fight jews than to undermine corporatism. Glad to see your changing for the better message and give my best to Margie. My name is Joe Sigur. Stay strong!