ENGLISH Excellent video on FBI's Cointelpro

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Many of those speaking as victims on this show are leftists/liberals, but their points are valid.

COINTELPRO (the FBI’s now ILLEGAL “CO-unter-INTEL-ligence PRO-gram) never ended; the US government disobeys Congress, which banned COINTELPRO; violates the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, harasses critics of the racist, genocidal, Zionist plutocracy, and seeks to persuade sincere, peaceful critics to commit violent crimes; it maneuvers to get them in prison or to KILL them by staged suicides, heart attacks and accidents.

“Your tax dollars at work.”


A lady comrade wrote:

* * *

John….you write great, informative articles. I enjoy reading them and forward them to others of ‘like mind’.

I had emailed you before, asking you to CAPITALIZE the word “White”….I feel we all should give this word the respect it deserves when it signifies the White Race.

I am proud that I am a part of this special Race and am graeful and honored to be a member of this privileged species, so I always capitalize the letter “W” when making reference to it. I do wish that others would, too.

Sincerely and respectfully,

* * *

I responded:

* * *

Hi, Minerva and good suggestion.

I usually capitalize “white” as a noun, as in “the Whites of South Africa,” and so far not yet as an adjective.

I of course always capitalize Aryan and Solutrean.

I guess my take on it is that white skin alone does NOT make you noble or anything special.

Hey, get a load of this white man….


It is ACTING Aryan and Solutrean that does so. Those Whites who never lifted a finger for TerreBlanche were just palefaces.

Melanin-deprived, mediocre, media-manipulated zombies.



Although I am hampered by a lack of financial support, the website has doubled in views since and BECAUSE of the Discovery Channel hatchet job on me on February 24.

I am also most gratified at how many African-Americans are now reading my site. (I can tell by the website’s software what pages people are going to.) I always knew that blacks are the most antisemitic group in America, according to ALL the polls, I have long known that they ADMIRE ADOLF HITLER, and also that they revere Marcus Garvey, whom the juish ADL railroaded into prison using the part-black homosexual J. Edgar Hoover.

Garvey wanted the blacks to go back to Africa or at least have areas of black self-rule.

Who can argue with that? A peaceful separation between white and black and then friendly, respectful cooperation based on a frank acknowledgment of our differences as well as our basic humanity?

* * *
A comrade wrote me he was bitter at the years and tears he spent fighting in Vietnam.

I wrote back:

* * *

Brother, regardless of what Johnson and MacNamara were up to, combat is combat. YOU did your duty in the miserable jungles of Asia.

Flaunt the hell out of it. Shut those super-patriots up who say they speak for America. No man who will not risk his life is an American. He is just a Junited Snakeser, and his very kind sat on the sidelines in the Revolution. Only 7,000 were with Washington at Valley Forge, out of 3,000,000.

Only THEY were Americans.

To be an America is to be a revolutionary, to be an American is to think for yourself — and call no government your master.

YOU are an American, my friend.

As the great Aryan book, the Bhagavad Gita, says, our job is to do OUR duty. Let others do as they may. I don’t figure the odds of our victory. If enough of us do our duty, the result will take care of itself. Victory comes with a thousand individual decisions to step forward into battle, and join our brothers already there.

Each man who does his duty is another brick in a mighty wall.

* * *

A lady comrade said she appreciated the blog on “the Myth of Hitler’s Jewish Grandfather” by comrade Martin Kerr. I replied:

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What a nice email! You as a Russian have every right to ask questions, because Hitler was more or less anti-Russian and he did some things that really prevented Germany – and thus all whites — from winning the war. And we needed to WIN it! The whole white world would be very different today had he won.

My view is that he was sincere but (I hate to say this) he was also a rigid, headstrong “kraut,” as some Germans are. (I have been married to one and have lived there.) He was a very, very great man but flawed as we all are. As Goethe said,

where there is bright light there is also dark shadow.

What angered me the most was in his Political Testament was that he did not mention any other white people, but only the Germans, showing he still needed to expand his horizons. How about the four hundred thousand non-German volunteers in combat in the Waffen-SS? And the millions of Europeans who stuck their neck out for the Germans during the Occupation and were about to face a firing squad after the war as “collaborators”?

Probably 100,000 Frenchman who had supported Hitler were horribly murdered after WWII. Many of them had volunteered for the French Waffen-SS.

We are all white brothers and sisters; we must work together, unite as one race of blood relatives, love and respect each other, and see the good in each of the nations that make up our race.

* * *

A comrade enjoyed my message about Easter and the lesson we can learn from Pontius Pilate, an Aryan who went along reluctantly with the pushy juze’ demands, and signed off on His torture-murder. He wrote:

* * *

As we just passed Easter, the part where you discussed the typical mindset, “Someone else should take on the Jews,” reminds me of the crucifixion of Jesus. Pontius Pilate knew that the Pharisees (modern juze) were completely wrong in their accusations and were demanding the blood of an innocent man. He knew that opposing the ju could turn badly for him, so instead of standing up for what was right, the white man caved in to juish pressure.

The price of his cowardice?

“Only” the torture and murder of the Son of God.

This story clearly illustrates that when we let them control us, there is no limit to the evil that can occur.

* * *

I had to get something off my chest with respect to all those who slandered EugeneTerreblanche while he was alive, and their slanders that ate into his financial support. In the end, he had no bodyguards and two negroes came in and beat and hacked him to death.

So now I am going to unload a bit and I think it is deserved.

* * *

I wish to point out that Eugene TerreBlanche, like so many other selfless patriots who were martyred, was defamed as a government agent for decades.

So when he was sent to prison with blacks for three years, how do you accusers explain THAT? Wouldn’t a “government agent” have “gotten off”???

(Ah, I see; the government put money into his Swiss bank account while he went to prison….. so why was he living at age 69 like a pauper?)

When he was murdered by two blacks, how do you explain THAT?

George Lincoln Rockwell as also accused of being a government agent.

Then when he was murdered, and when this combat veteran and US Navy commander was denied burial in a US military cemetery, how do you explain THAT? Still a “government agent”?

I note that those who defame genuine activist comrades NEVER apologize for having been grievously wrong when they besmirched the honor of real heroes.

They just move on past the pool of blood of the defamed hero to defaming yet ANOTHER white activist as a “government agent.”

And others swallow their lies, eagerly in fact.

Had I not vigorously defended myself and Henrik Holappa against the outrageous defamations of homosexuality launched against us on VNN and Stormfront immediately after his arrest by ZOG (they implied I was a queer and what did that say about Henrik?), Holappa would never have gotten ANY support. No volunteer lawyer, no avalanche of prison letters to him.

Who on OUR side would send supportive letters to a “faggot”?

And then he would have been shipped back to Finland, not as a hero, but despised as a zero, there to face FOUR AND A HALF YEARS IN PRISON for “racial agitation” and “defaming the honor of the black community of Finland.”

Yes, the honor of the black “gang rape community“……

Instead, I FOUGHT BACK, even though it resulted in me being banned from Stormfront, where I had a large base of supporters and a huge thread with 86,000 views (now 156,000 despite my absence of over one year now). Because I fought back, Holappa became seen as what he really was, a brave young man, and:

1) a true martyr for the right of white women in Finland and America to not be raped by immigrant negroes and muslims,
2) a staunch letter-writer to the AMERICAN Order prisoners, and
3) a man who was warning white Americans about the danger of hate-speech laws.


Because I portrayed Henrik resolutely as what he was, a hero defending white women from rape, and white nationalists rallied to him, not believing the slanders, the juze realized they were creating a martyr, and that they had underestimated me AND him, and they had to release him. He at least returned to Finland with all three threatened indictments DROPPED. Today he is a free man in Europe, instead of being in prison. (But he is now on the “no-fly list” for America.)

And frankly, it was very, very emotionally hard on me and Margaret to lose that young man who was like a son to us both. I have two Establishment-type daughters who do not support me. Even the two dogs were in a pall for three days, just crawling around, acting depressed, sensing that Henrik was gone and something was not right. Dogs pick up on the feeling in the house.

But had I not fought back he might today be DEAD, and why? He might have been murdered by negroes or Mexicans in that US federal immigration prison in Batavia, NY where they kept him for 86 days, or raped and killed by negroes in a Finnish prison. (Henrik always expressed to me his concern that because of his letters to the Order prisoners, he might be classified as a “terrorist” and then put in a maximum-security prison with MURDERERS.)

The ju-controlled Canadians claimed that because Ernst Zundel knew William Pierce, therefore Zundel was “a terrorist”! He got TWO YEARS IN SOLITARY, the light burning day and night, was fed prison junk food (a nightmare for Zundel, who was into health food and vitamins), and was not even allowed A CHAIR or a full-length pencil as “possible weapons”! He had to sit on his own hard stack of legal papers!

Slander, brothers and sisters, SLANDER erodes support, and when your supporters desert you, then you are a sitting duck.

Then ZOG can dare to outright kill you, or railroad you into prison for years.

(Ask white activist Shaun Walker, who got over six years in a federal prison in Minnesota two thousand miles from his wife, for a bar fight! I pitched in actively to help that white brother and my fellow former Marine. I got a former Congressman and Marine combat officer, Pete McCloskey, and lawyer, to look into his case. Walker, as a result of my and other efforts, and his wife’s ever-loyal support was released early. Now that Shaun is out — although he can have no contact with other WNs — I think I will pat myself just a bit on the back. And btw, I know Shaun has his critics. But when a brother is in need, you step up to the plate and you go the bat for him. THAT is Solutreanism. My honor is loyalty.)



But there are also those leaders who are so feared by the apiru that they must be defamed as enemy agents even AFTER their death.

For this reason, I recommend my post on “The Myth of Hitler’s Jewish Grandfather”.

Why do people eagerly gobble up vicious gossip?

It makes them feel morally superior.

“He may be famous and on Tv, but look at what a worthless piece of —- he really is!”

And it gives them an excuse to do nothing.

“I would help if we had any good leaders! But we don’t!”

Well, even when a perfect man was here in this earth, they abandoned HIM, didn’t they?

There is a great cosmic eyeball, white sisters and brothers, and it sees what is in our hearts, it x-rays right through our cheap excuses and the darkness in the nooks and crannies of our soul, and the day will come for all of us when our excuses are just flicked away by an angry God.

Every white man in the old white South Africa who half-believed the slanders against Eugene TerreBlanche, who sided with the sell-out white politicans there who turned power over to the murderous, chaotic blacks, and who refused to support his struggle for white survival was indirectly co-responsible for his murder —

–in his bed,
–at night,
–age 69,

….at the hands of two cowardly, psychopathic young negroes with a club and machete.

I salute our brave white brother, Eugene TerreBlanche, who has left behind this ju-corrupted world.

Your support is gratefully appreciated and noted by me and by Another Guy.

John de Nugent
213 Ekastown Road
Sarver PA 16055


from a post

Default Re: AWB leader Eugene Terreblance slain on his farm in South Africa.
The latest developments and analysis indicate a botched intelligence operation by the ANC. A massive rift has been opening between the ANC and their allies, the Communist Party and the trade union federation COSATU. Members have been openly attacking each other in public and there have been violent street protests. There have been rumours that groups will disrupt the FIFA world cup with protests and strikes. The ANC leadership was desperate to try to patch things up until after the world cup. They are also getting extremely worried about the next elections with talk at the moment of all the opposition parties uniting in a single opposition (which might even draw significant black support away from them). They decided they needed something to unite blacks against whites again. If a handful of whites could be pushed into open acts of random violence against blacks, they might be able to reunite their battered ‘revolutionary front’. They figured Eugene Terre’blanche represented a white image that could unite blacks while not cause outrage abroad as they could label him a racist. They figured he didn’t have much support locally any more, thus it would not risk a serious uprising, but the fringe elements of the AWB could be goaded into a few acts of terrorism which might just be able to unite blacks against whites once more. They therefore sent Malema out of the country to prevent him being assassinated or suspected, and made sure the operatives (who have probably been well paid and their families taken care of) would be caught at the scene.

Their ‘intelligence’ leaders made a few miscalculations. Firstly, the assassins were dumb-ass Kaff##s who couldn’t keep their story consistent. They put down his guard dogs and broke into the house, attacking him while he slept, yet claimed they were arguing about wages and he assaulted them, forcing them into self defence – I doubt he would invite them into his bedroom to discuss a wage dispute while he lay there, and somehow assaulted them from a prone position. The very fact that there were no witnesses and the attackers called the police themselves makes it blatantly obvious … this has never been done in any farm murder before. Secondly the police response was so quick they had to have been enroute already when they received the call. Even the national police commissioner was there to make a statement within two hours (he’d have to have been waiting on standby near a helicopter to get there in such a short time). Thirdly, everyone was extremely puzzled why an obvious twit like Malema, who has no position in government, was being sent on a diplomatic mission to Zimbabwe. It is obvious now that that they were afraid he would be immediately assassinated, or worse, linked to the assassination himself. Finally, they figured that only a small core of extreme right-wingers would really be upset and most whites would say ‘good riddance’. They did not expect the outrage to be so widespread. This is not that Eugene had a massive following, but rather that this was so obviously an ANC assassination, with undertones of a general death threat to all whites, especially farmers, that whites across the board have suddenly shifted hard to the right. A few white liberals from Jo’burg make a big noise on online blogs here and there but the majority are fuming quietly. There is a definite sense that there can be no negotiation or peace with the enemy in future.

The best response now would be for all white groups, whether AWB, Solidariteit unionists, political parties, farm unions and any other civic organisations to plan a series of large scale protest marches against the white genocide DURING THE WORLD CUP. Of course they will be banned, but black policeman attacking and disrupting peaceful white protests against black on white violence would be fantastic footage for all the foreign media in the country. Of course there could be other plans too, for the long term, but this would turn this ANC tactic of theirs into a PR disaster for them.

=============another post

Genocide Being Committed Via “Crime Wave” Against South African Whites

Every day hundreds of mails are sent around the world, asking for help to save some animal species.

Is it not very strange how the whole world is ignoring the apparent Genocide being committed against the white people in South Africa?

This slaughter of whites by blacks is being portrayed in the media as – “merely crime related”. Is it not very strange how the whole world is ignoring the apparent Genocide being committed against the white people in South Africa?

If the motive of the crime is theft, why is it necessary to take the life of the person that has already handed over their cell-phone or wallet?

If the motive for the crime is hijacking, why take the woman with them, gang-rape her and then slit her throat?

If the motive for house-breaking is petty theft, why throw boiling water over the farmers before killing them, – after forcing them to watch their wives being gang-raped and tortured in front of them?

Were the mass murders in Bosnia “merely crime related”?

Are the daily murders of various tribe members in Kenya “merely crime related”?


BUT… Why is it that the police can spend hundreds of thousands of Rands, and thousands of man-hours hunting down the one white that opened fire upon blacks in Skielik, whilst they cannot find any murderers of innocent white children, women and men?

In any other countries a mass ex termination of any tribe on such a scale would be considered Genocide, a crime against humanity, and an international outcry would follow.

Hundreds of peace keepers would be sent to South Africa.

The United Nations would hold a special sitting.

Headlines in the mass media would be screaming blue murder.

The television channels would be filled with scenes of the dead bodies, and their grieving families.

Yet in South Africa, the murder of the white tribe by the blacks is reduced to a statistic and labelled “crime”.

The state sponsored media hardly spares their murders a few lines.

The police refuse to release statistics on the extent of the murders.

What must we do to focus the world’s attention on this GENOCIDE—disguised as crime?

If you’re a concerned citizen, whether in South Africa or internationally, you are morally bound to act—NOW!!

Get letters published in your local media highlighting the plight of the white tribe in South Africa.

Ask why the ANC led South African Government is suppressing crime figures.

Ask why the murders of white citizens in South Africa are not being solved.

If, as the media are quick to proclaim “WHITES CONDUCTING A RACIST CAMPAIGN AGAINST BLACKS” why do you not hear hundreds of reports of whites killing blacks for their cell-phones?

Why are the whites not killing blacks for their cars?

Why are the whites not breaking into the upper class black neighbourhoods, raping and murdering the women, before making off with their TV sets?

This GENOCIDE must be brought to the attention of the world media before it is too late. Before all the Whites have been erased from the face of South Africa.

Do your bit to help the White citizens of South Africa NOW!!

Send this mail to everyone you know throughout the world!!

Alert the world to the mass extermination taking place right in front of their ! eyes.

Alert all white tourists that are considering a visit to South Africa of the perils they will face.

Criticise the international mass media! Is it not very strange how the whole world is ignoring the apparent Genocide being committed against the white people in South Africa?

Do your bit to help the White citizens of South Africa NOW!!

Send this mail to everyone you know throughout the world!!



These are the “few angry people” who got together in Nevada.  How many people does it take to be more than a “few”???

More Border Patrol pictures of this ‘insignificant’ event are at:
Tea Party Rally to Oust “Dingy Harry” Reid Searchlight, Nevada — March 27, 2010 Photos© 2010 – American Border Patrol
[](20 images)



  1. John….you write great, informative articles. I enjoy reading them and forward them to others of ‘like mind’.

    I had emailed you before, asking you to CAPITALIZE the word “White”….I feel we all should give this word the respect it deserves when it signifies the White Race.

    I am proud that I am a part of this special Race and am graeful and honored to be a member of this privileged species, so I always capitalize the letter “W” when making reference to it. I do wish that others would, too.

    Sincerely and respectfully,

    • Hi, Minerva and good suggestion.

      I usually capitalize “white” as a noun, and so far not yet as an adjective.

      I of course always capitalize Aryan and Solutrean.

      I guess my take on it is that white skin alone does NOT make you noble or anything special.

      It is ACTING Aryan and Solutrean that does so. Those Whites who never lifted a finger for TerreBlanche were just palefaces.


  2. I simply do not understand how TerreBlanche was surprised in his sleep and why was he alone without an alarm system in that house…. He was a priority target for the freaks and the keefe…

  3. In the COINTELPRO video there’s a section near the end that shows provocateurs at a 9/11 Truth rally. These creeps are associating themselves with No-Planers and Beam Weapons positions. This helps to discredit those positions in the eyes of mainstrean Truthers. The FBI is doubly deceiving us: first to discredit 9/11 Truth to the general public and then to discredit dissenting positions within the movement as being fraudulent.

    Keep up the good work, John.

    • Thank you, comrade.

      We know from Alan Sabrosky, a part-ju himself, that the juze did 9/11, and we know that Jesus said the juish leaders were from Satan (john 8:44).

      But now we can put it all together, because the number-one thing Satan does is defame. Character-assassinate wherever possible before the PHYSICAL assassination so no martyr is created.

      That is the theme of my speech on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/JohndeNugent

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