ENGLISH Feedback from Russia, Germany and USA to democratic-republicans.us; Frenchman Vincent Reynouard very bravely defends the Gestapo

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==================ENYA’S “ONLY TIME”

Enya is a gifted Irish vocalist-composer. Her song somehow came to incarnate how we all felt when the government attacked our people on September 11, 2001. And thus George Bush for once told the truth when (toward the end of the video) he spoke of an “apparent terrorist attack.” It was an attack, but not by Arab terrorists; it was by the Israeli-infiltrated US government, murdering 3,000 humans so as to get us into a war with the muslim world, which is against us BECAUSE WE SUPPORT THE OCCUPATION AND BRUTALIZATION OF PALESTINE BY ISRAEL.



It is gratifying to get great responses such as the below.

–John, you have many thousands of us who look to you for the truth, denied to us by the ZOG [Zionist Occupation Government}. Don’t give up on Solutrea. We followers need leaders. I personally know you are righteous of heart. We, the meek, wait and pray for our day to pay back what we have been forced to abide.

Loyally, Brad

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I answered:

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Dear Brad,

Thanks for this touching and inspiring email to me. And btw, I am in contact with veteran WN thinker Eric Thomson, out in Washington State, who invented the term “ZOG”!

And another great term is his: ORION, Our Race Is Our Nation.

I was a just a bit discouraged when the power company came to disconnect my power (I staved them off until some money came in on that same day), since thousands do read me yet send no financial support.

But I know this also, that thousands will support me fully (and, God willing, some day even millions) once the great moment arrives when I start a real movement, the Eternal Solutreans, and not just a blog, however intriguing to read it might be.

Today people want the man, the plan, to understand life’s issues, and a fighting band with hope of victory. They want an organization that will lead us sooner or later to a smashing final winning confrontation with the foe of all decency. White people are still ready to support THAT.

They know what the vast American gulag system is for — built already by the Halliburton corporation, once headed by the ineffable 9/11 fiend Dick Cheney. All these former Army and Air Force bases that Halliburton got hold of have been converted into forced-labor and death camps for government opponents. They have stood ready for years now.Lederhosen and especially dirndl dresses are making a big comeback in Germany. This scene was at the 2006 Soccer World Cup. Such thing symbolize more than a fad. they are one of the few lega ways to say I am sick of Turks and other foreigners destroying my heritage.

Here is some serious “limited hang-out” and deliberate obfuscation by a government stooge, http://skeptoid.com/episodes/4145, saying both the thing and its opposite. Yes, we read, the government CAN have gulags and has every perfect right to crush rebellion, but “some barbed wire around a trainyard does not mean” the gov’t has death camps. WTF?!?! Nor does “barbed wire around a trainyard” mean they do NOT have death camps!!!

Every word in this article is a psyop, using absolutely irrelevant logic, and designed as a mind game to paralyze you by confusion.

A picture is worth a thousand words, and a truthful video is worth a million words. This 2008 video on the gulag did not come true so far ONLY because 1) the Internet has alienated enough cops and military personnel from ZOG to make implementation of martial law dicey; and 2) Obama as the puppet who would run the country under martial law has lost as much credibility as Bush:

Solutrea MUST arise.

And I know I will get support worldwide because the whole white race everywhere is in terrible shape. The 180 million white people of America, and the 120 million white people of Russia must awaken to their responsibility as major powers, to their size and might, and these two great white nations must take the lead to save our race at this critical time.

Or the neanderthalic Jew will fulfill his fantasy of finally, finally, by deceit and brutality, exterminating the naive, blue-eyed, trusting, dispirited Cro Magnon, whose fair hair and sense of fairness (fair meant both blond and equitable in Anglo-Saxon) make him both the envy of others and dangerously over-compassionate toward other races and our own ne’er-do-wells, our own psychopaths.

We will not let that holocaust of our race happen. And if the neanderjew seek our annihilation, two can play the annihilation game to the hilt. Israhell is a tiny blip, and it is not just the white race nowadays that hates this parasitical, sadistic collection of plug-ugly misfits.

You note, comrade, that Israhell has still not attacked Iran, not even NINE YEARS after Bush’s “axis of evil” speech that targeted Iraq, North Korea and Iran, in that diatribe actually written by the Canadian Jew David Frumm?

One word explains why not: Russia.

Thanks again for your support, Brother Brad!


–[from Russia this came today]

[excerpts] Dear Mister de Nugent – is there any opportunity to collaborate with you in any manner from here in Russia?

First of all – it`s great honor for me really, that you took an interest in my short recent essay []. To tell the truth, you are one of my most favorite historians, writers, Internet-authors. Guess I have all materials from your website, including the old version, yep, with black interface.

JdN. This was my website, created in the summer of 2008, by a selfless Polish-American, which I used until the summer of 2009, when a white South Africa volunteer created the current website using WordPress software. (As you can see, the photos were hacked out of the irst site just as they are now hacked out of 1000 locations on the new site. Thank you, Jew, for showing I worry you.)

I read a lot of your essays, and have to admit, I always have a feeling I met the related and friendly soul, so to speak – and not only due to your so HONEST AND SINCERE Russophilia. My English is obviously poor in order to express my thoughts correctly, but surely you understand me.

I don`t mean I agree with everything in your materials. It’s not necessary; but your language, your arguments, style, analysis, humor, manner to express your ideas and feelings and so on and so forth – well, it looks pretty Russian for me, like you are the Russian writer indeed [a la Gogol, Bunin or my hero Petr Nikolaevich Krasnov], although English-speaking.

JdN: Russia is almost twice the size of the United States.

Interestingly, you, the American patriot, even helped me to be more proud of my Fatherland and Nation, and to notice some important features in Putin` personality [guess you`ll agree, he`s still OUR hope [….].

Now let me introduce myself in a nutshell. I`m 40 years old, a Cossack on both sides, and a historian by profession [….]

Btw, about TBR [The Barnes Review magazine, website www.barnesreview.org. First of all – it`s GREAT magazine, and thank you very much for absolutely brilliant SOLZHENITSYN ISSUE! AS far as I can understand, it was made mainly by your efforts.

[JdN: Scroll down almost halfway here https://johndenugent.com/important-articles-and-threads to the magazine cover “Russia and the Jews.” For a donation, I will send you the pdf!! John de Nugent, 213 Ekastown Road, Sarver PA 16055. You can send cash, blank money orders or use PayPal, to go to “john_denugent@yahoo.com“]

I replied:

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Dear comrade (and I mean this word Tovarishch in a positive sense, not bolshevik!)

I was delighted to get your email. In fact, after shortening, changing or deleting details, I ran parts of it in today’s blog! This is right now to acknowledge that I read it. I will answer you in full detail soon.

America and Russia must save the Aryans. Together.

We are different, like cousins. Western Aryans are R1b haplogroup, R1a is Slavs, Balts and Indo-Aryans. You love bright colors, and you are very spiritual. You need more self-discipline and we Northern Europeans and their descendants overseas need more warmth and less individualism.

We must learn from you and you from us. And we will beat the Jew.

If Hitler reincarnated, he would come back as an American and reach out his hand to Mighty Russia. Then Aryans can win. No more noble defeats! No more Gettysburgs, Stalingrads and Saigons!


Until soon,

Ivan 😉
–[from Germany; translation follows]

Lederhosen and especially dirndl dresses are making a big comeback in parts of Germany and Austria. This scene was at the 2006 Soccer World Cup. Such things symbolize more than a fad. They are one of the few legal ways for a German to say “I am sick of Turks and other foreigners destroying my heritage.”

–>Ich begruesse Sie, John de Nugent!

[I greet you, John de Nugent!]

Ich habe Ihre Website mehrmals besucht und bin von Ihrer Weltanschauung begeistert!

[I have visited your website several times and am enthused about your world view!]

Als Deutscher sehe ich das Elend meines versklavten Volkes tagtaeglich

[As a German I see the misery of my enslaved Folk daily]

Gerd Honsik, who has now been sentenced to even more time in his third trial.

und muss mir meine permanente Ohnmacht ebenso vergegenwaertigen.

[…and must feel conscious also of my permanent powerlessness.]

Muessen wir wirklich abwarten, bis alles ueber uns zusammenbricht?

[Must we really wait until everything collapses down on us?]

Leider hat das immer noch bestehende Deutsche Reich keine sog. “Lobby”.

[Unfortunately, the legally still existing German Reich {JdN: which is not the puppet “Federal Republic of Germany,” which was set up by Washington in 1949 to 1) pay reparations to Israel, and 2) prosecute National Socialists} has no “lobby.”]

Als “51. Staat der Yankees” haben wir unsere Eigenstaendigkeit am 8. Mai 1945 verloren.

[As “the Yankees’ fifty-first state” we lost our independence on May 8, 1945 {date of the German surrender}.]

JdN: Raped and murdered by GIs in Zerbst, central Germany, in 1945. I feel unspeakable horror when I see this. The true instigator of this war and of its atrocities must be tracked down and feel for himself every tear and every agony he has ever caused our race over the last three thousand years.

Kein Schwein auf dieser Welt hebt einen Finger fuer Deutschland!

[Not one jerk in this whole wide world lifts a finger for Germany!]

Aehnlich ergeht es immer noch den “Suedstaaten”, den ehemaligen Konfoederierten Staaten von Amerika (C.S.A.).

[It is the same for {your American} southern states, the former Confederate States of America, the C.S.A.]

JdN: It always struck me that both the South and the German Wehrmacht 1) wore a gray uniform, 2) fought with exceptional skill, bravery and honor, and 3) believed the white race should not be inundated by foreign races. Depicted: General Robert E. Lee, second in his class at West Point, later Commandant of West Point after a brilliant military career. President Abraham Lincoln implored him to assume command of the NORTHERN armies! But Lee refused, saying there was no way he could invade his own state or the South. HIs letters to his wife, recently found in a trunk in Alexandria, Virginia kept by Burke and Herbert Bank (where I used to bank myself) showed that he believed that slavery, cruel as it was in his eyes, was the least bad solution to the black-white problem — except for the humane and permanent solution of sending the blacks right back to Africa.

Wer weiss auf dieser verkommenen Welt schon vom “wahren” Schicksal des Suedens und dem des deutschen Volkes?

[Who knows in this fallen world of the true fate of the South and of the German people?]

Geschweige denn, wer weiss von unserem “gemeinsamen Feind”?

[..not to mention about our COMMON FOE?]

Eine Allianz aufzubauen, waere das nicht ein ethisch fundiertes Gemeinschaftsziel?

[An alliance {of Germans and Americans} — would that not be an ethically solid common goal?]

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I replied:

Besten Dank, lieber Kamerad.

[“Best” thanks, dear comrade.]

Ja, wir muessen zusammenwirken! Gemeinsam und pan-arisch bauen wir einen neuen Nationalsozialismus fuer alle weissen Voelker und fuer unsere Zeit und Situation! Und diesmal schlauer, damit wir diesmal einen wahrhaftigen Endsieg haben!

[Yes, we must work together! In a common and pan-Aryan effort we will build a new national socialism for all white peoples and for our time and situation! And this time with more cleverness so that this time we have a true final victory!]

My canine lady friend Carmen 😉 and I at The Butler-Freeport Trail, Sarver, Pa.

I got this moving comment today, almost certainly from a white, working-class Afrikaner:

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A new comment on the post “White South African Tragedy” is waiting for your approval

Author :
E-mail :
URL    :
Whois  :




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If this website goes down, go to johndenugent.org

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–Lasha Darkmoon, whose new article “Sex Plague” I will reproduce here tomorrow, wrote this general observation:

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Apocalypse America

I have said it before, and I will say it again:

A great storm is brewing and only a military coup or revolution can now save America. Save it from what?  From the spiritual cancer that is consuming it from within, and from the foreign wars into which it is being lured—Afghanistan, Iraq, and soon perhaps Iran—on behalf of another nation and its indefatigable agents in America.

Unless a miracle soon occurs and some charismatic leader comes to our rescue, an unimaginably bleak future surely awaits us: a future in which the only consolations left to us will be mindless entertainment, drugs, alcohol, sexual intoxication—and suicide.

Depravity appears to have no limits, as those who have surfed the Iternet have often discovered to their cost. The most appalling sexual addictions now render even children helpless. Many a marriage is blighted and ends in ruins amid these terrifying toxins.

And yet, we are only at the beginning. We have many a slime-green step to go before we reach rock bottom. Abyss yawns below bottomless abyss, and even to peer into these black moral chasms is to make us giddy with vertigo.

There is indeed no end to man’s depravity.

And now…

Things fall apart. The centre cannot hold. The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere the ceremony of innocence is drowned.


========OBAMA’S RECOVERY SUMMER (funny CGI video)


===============USE BING!

I have pointed out often that the two jewboy billionaires who own Google, and now also own YouTube, Larry Page and Serge Brin, are slanting search engine results away from WN writings and in particular they are manipulating search engine hits against ME. (On the Yahoo and Bing search engines, for example, the name “John de Nugent” gets over 3 million hits, but on Google a ludicrous 38,000!)

Bing is actually a very good new search engine from Microsoft (not that I am any kind of fan of the loathsome CIA asset Bill Gates). It always uses gorgeous photos, too, as its homepage. It is less good for images, but unless you are doing a blog as I am, Bing is great. Most of all, as of this writing, it seems more HONEST about WN subjects and people.

Depicted: the Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, with special lighting.


French comrades who venerate the revisionist historian Vincent Reynouard, now in prison (by undoubted order of the Jew president Sarkozy), are thrilled that his powerful series of articles “In Defense of the Gestapo” have now been translated into English by Carlos Porter.


Comrade Carlos Porter, when he learned that Vincent had been ripped from his family and sent to prison, agreed with me gallantly that now all must support him.

Already kept at home for three months with an electronic bracelet, suddenly Vincent, was arrested and taken to this prison in Forest, Belgium for forty days wiht the local psychopathic white, Arab, Jewish and negro drug dealers and pimps.

Reynouard is now in Valenciennes prison for one year, but more charges may be piled on. That is now the custom — add more charges and more trials once they have you. The Jews could in fact say that each of the 20-odd issues of San Concession magazine (see below) merits its own trial and sentence.

I said no one has touched the Gestapo topic…so Carlos went to work. It’s a lot of work on a very long multi-part article that Carlos did. I wish to promote this work by Porter/Reynouard very strongly. When I translated about 10 pages into English myself, and put it on this blog, everyone begged for more.

Sans Concession magazine, July 2009. Reynouard published at least six issues underground in 2008-2009. Mark Weber, who is paid $40,000 a year as IHR director, has not published one magazine since 2002. Within weeks of me being proposed by reputable revisionists such as Paul Grubach to replace him, Homeland Security arrested my personal assistant, Henrik Holappa, and Stormfront defamed me as a homosexual, embezzler and “delusional” man who needed a psychiatrist. (Weber and Don Black are friends.) I write more in one week than Mark Weber in one year, and when I get on major network television, I acquit myself well, unlike Weber, who was kept on the defensive and mumbled on FOX (with Hannity and Colmes) that the Jewish Holocaust DID happen! [sic!]……Compare that with me on Colmes’ FOX radio show, a one-hour Armageddon where I constantly attacked the Jew and ripped his khazar Holofraud wide open: https://johndenugent.com/news/solutrea-to-prevent-more-von-brunn-tragedies/

All the links to the Gestapo articles are listed at the bottom of this main article, http://www.cwporter.com/gestapo1a.htm, which is excerpting the most sensational stuff.

Carlos Porter is giving you in this way a real treasure of his knowledge, commitment, caring and translational skills. (He works with many languages.)

And I find it incredibly courageous of Vincent Reynouard, especially as a Frenchman (just think of how Hollywood via such movies as Casablanca promoted the Resistance) to defend the Gestapo. This is just as brave and principled as his defending of the Waffen-SS over Oradour, where the lie is that the SS men massacred 500 French civilians. Every French kid is brainwashed with Oradour ad infinitum as proof of of le barbarisme nazi…. like American kids are indoctrinated to worship Martin Luther King and see the Confederacy and the Klan as pure evil.

These are two sacred cows of la France resistante specifically, 1) “the Oradour massacre” and 2) the evil Gestapo and its head in France, Klaus Barbie, the “butcher of Lyons,” who supposedly tortured the “Resistance heroes”.

(My second wife, who was French, was a daughter of “resistants de la premiere heure”, “resistants from the first hour”, i.e., from 1940 on.)

Btw, I knew Klaus Barbie’s daughter, a very nice blondish woman who worked at the library of the little Tyrolean city of Kufstein in the Alps where I once lived!!

The latest horror is that the French police and Belgian police seem to be fishing for NEW charges to lay on Reynouard. (As I suspected, they did the same with Gerd Honsik, getting him into prison on one charge, then adding two more trials and two more sentences once he was in! Now Honsik is facing a whopping SEVEN YEARS FOR HIS WRITINGS!

And it appears that his fellow Austrian, Wolfgang Froehlich (an engineer like Reynouard), already serving six years, also got two more years added on!

Now you see the full sadism of the Jew, piling on the suffering, higher and higher, who not long ago attempted to have Richard Scutari, a key member of the revolutionary “Order” in the USA, transferred to an ultra-harsh new super-max regime with no visits except from family and no Movement literature DESPITE 25 YEARS OF PERFECT CONDUCT. (It appears that this attempt failed, however.)

Here is Reynouard on French-Belgian TV in 2007:

Even without understanding la langue de l’amour you can figure out what is happening. The blue-eyed bimbette is reporting breathlessly that her TV channel is doing a big, brave “expose” of the “extreme rightwinger” living in their innocent, previously hate-free Beglian capital city of Brussels. (And it is hate-free, except for muslim gangs raping white women…. If you don’t resent that, all is wonderful. Have some more Belgian chocolate and drink your strawberry-syrup beer….)

So they go to his door to confront hium. (I and Margi have been in and out that very door. We stayed with the aolmost saintly VR and his adorable family for almost three days. They had to cook, then a family of eight (now ten)  on ONE hotplate, because not enough comrades support them, and washed their dishes in the bathtub! Shame and black karma on all who do not support such heroes!)

Why not send some cash or a check — US dollars are fine, euros better, of course — to Vincent Reynouard for his family, so he worries less in prison? YOU SHOULD SEE, AS MARGI AND I DID, HOW HE ADORES HIS WIFE MARINA AND HIS KIDS!

Impossible not to… Here is Azelie

..and Azelie with two siblings, Josephine and Timothee, part of a little tribe of blond or red-haired white children, whose demeanor reveals they got a lot of love, and that they behave well because they love and respect their parents right back.

Send it to a Swiss who is collecting the money and has been a loyal AND HONEST friend for years now:

Urbain Cairat
Case postale 1528
CH-1820 Montreux SWITZERLAND

(French original; the translation follows)

J’ai appris hier (5 octobre) que le 29 septembre, suite à une commission rogatoire lancée par la France, la police belge a interrogé la personne chez laquelle “Sans Concession” [mensuel dans lequel paraissaient les études historiques de Vincent] était imprimé. On lui a notamment demandé si c’était moi qui effectuais le travail. Pour l’instant, je n’en sais pas plus. Mais tout porte à croire qu’une nouvelle affaire va m’être mise sur le dos, peut-être dans l’espoir de prolonger mon séjour en prison ou de m’y renvoyer après ma sortie.

Tout cela ne m’inquiète nullement. C’est la guerre et chacun utilise les armes dont il dispose: du côté révisionniste, l’invocation d’arguments rationnels; en face, le recours aux juges et aux lois taillées sur mesure pour tenter de faire taire les questionneurs. Mesdames, Messieurs, concluez

Nos adversaires peuvent s’acharner sur moi et, par voie de conséquence, sur ma famille. Leurs infamies se retourneront tôt ou tard contre eux. Leur mensonge est déjà mort. Frapper ceux qui révèlent que l’encéphalogramme est plat ne sert à rien. Certes, cela retardera l’annonce de la nouvelle, mais le cadavre va se décomposer et viendra le jour où l’odeur insupportable
indisposera toutes les narines.

Voilà pourquoi, du fond de ma cellule, je reste serein. Et je continuerai à le dire: “L’encéphalogramme est plat”. Tout simplement parce qu’il est VRAIMENT plat. Ce que je pense et crois par ailleurs n’y change rien. Il est plat, point fin.


French to English translation

I learned yesterday (October 5) that on September 29, following a request launched by France, Belgian police questioned the person who printed for me the magazine “Sans [No] Concession” [which publishes the historical studies by Vincent and others]. He was specifically asked if it was I who did the [writing] work. For now, that is all I know. But all the indications are that a new case will be opened against me, perhaps in the hope of prolonging my stay in jail or sending me right back after I leave [in presumably 10 months].

All this does not worry me. This is war and everyone uses the weapons at his disposal: the revisionist side invokes rational arguments; the opposite side uses judges and laws tailored to try to silence the questioners. Ladies and Gentlemen, draw your own conclusions…….

Our opponents can go after me and, consequently, my family. Their infamy, sooner or later, will turn against them. Their lies are already dead. Hitting those who suggest that the EEG is flatlining is useless. Admittedly, this will delay the announcement of the news of the death, but the body will decompose and the day will come when the terrible smell will disgust every nostril.

That is why, from the depths of my cell, I remain calm. And I will continue to say: “The EEG is flat.” Simply because it is REALLY flat. What I think and believe changes nothing now. The [lie] is flatlining. End of discussion.

Reynouard, like all Frenchies an impish Kelt, notes the swastika frieze on the courthouse where he was being tried for being a Nazi. 😉

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If this website goes down, stay calm, drink a stiff whiskey for courage, breathe deeply and risk your very life by clicking on the mirror site,

johndenugent.org 😉

1 Comment

  1. Hi John! A letter I wrote to Fröhlich some time ago was returned `addressee unknown´ (!). I want to support Vincent; please send me his family´s address. Do you know ANYTHING about the rumor that Canaris and some of his co-conspirators were executed by hanging with piano wire? This (obvious) infamy was printed as `fact´ in a book by Hermann Bösch entitled `Heeresrichter Dr. Karl Sack im Widerstand´. Attempts at contacting Bösch failed. I also want to buy the book about the Gestapo. Let me know how please – GREAT work, always. Yours, Ger

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