ENGLISH French march demanding Jews get out and the Army overthrow the Jewish President Francois Hollande

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In your honor, this blog from 2010, recycled: https://johndenugent.com/english/english-romanians-miss-count-vlad-dracula-and-his-law-and-order


…..John de Nugent on Iranian television


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…..French march openly against the Jews!

My distant ancestors were from France (Normandy) https://johndenugent.com/wn-biography-of-jdn and I am very proud of the French today today! Vive la France!

Wearing a French shirt I got in Aix-en-Provence; 100,000 Brits and Americans live in the south of France, as I did 2004-05.


A field of lavender in the south….

Champ de lavande, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France (field of lavender in Provence)

But last Sunday saw French traditionalists parading BOLDLY up north in Paris, demanding the Jewish President Francois Hollande be impeached and removed from office — but others in the crowd demand that the Army overthrow him, saying the French family has been destroyed, and the Army is the only institution left that has not taken over totally by the Jews and their Freemason allies. in Paris, France.

January 26, 2014 “The Day of Rage” (Le Jour de la Colère), with 160,000 demonstrators!


The French parade in Paris, demanding a MILITARY TAKEOVER to stop Jews and Freemasons! (The Grand Orient Lodge is extremely powerful in France, and transmit Jewish orders to corrupt, powerful goyim.)

Hollande had ignored French opposition to “gay marriage” in 2013….

“One dad and one mom = the eternal family”


The French police, full of Freemasons, reacted with extreme brutality to the demonstrators against homo marriage.


Police trucks and tear gas squeezed the demonstrators into tiny “boxes” like sardines


Cops like giant black bugs… not even recognizable as humans…


A French farmer dumped tons of manure before the Parliament

20-tons-manure-before- french-parliament-paris-jan-2014

In May 2013 the distinguished historian and former soldier Dominique Venner…


…committed suicide with a pistol inside Notre Dame Cathedral (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominique_Venner)


…at the altar…


….to protest the gradual genocide of the white French and other white Europeans


Venner’s body was removed by ambulance; hundreds of tourists had witnessed his dramatic protest death.


His view was like ours — under the Jews we are a…


In the demonstration last Sunday,

This beauty said the French Army must overthrow Hollande.


“Close the Masonic lodges!”


Huge protest banner calls for “le putsch” by the Army against the Jew Hollande


Asked why he wants a putsch by the military, the organizer says to the tv reporter: “.We have had enough of international finance, the Masonic lodges and zionism, but the French people have been lobotomized by the mass media. Only a military coup d’état can save us, because the elections are a pointless charade — designed to protect the rule of the gangsters by changing a few faces every few years.”


Crowd of men yell in deep voices: “CRIF [the French ADL], f–k off, France is not yours” ….but others think they were really chanting, as per the subtitle, “Jew” (“juif”) and not “CRIF” ;-)


In this segment, there is no doubt that they are bellowing the hated “J word” ;-) (“Jew” in French is pronounced “Zhweef.”)


“Jews, LICRA [the French SPLC, the “antiracist” White-haters], we do not want you!”


A comrade (or “agent provocateur”) gives the “Roman salute” ;-)


Other slogans (which rhyme in French)

“Yes to Faurisson [the French revisionist]! The Holocaust is bull!”

“A journalist is whore piss” ;-)


“Freemasons [belong] in prison!”


Well, a military coup is a very dangerous idea….leading to a military dictatorship, but the desire is understandable! (But would the Jews control the generals?)

The French economy is sagging, homo “marriage” was forced by law on the French, a VERY popular Black comedian named was justbanned from performing his act criticizing Jews and the Holo-HOAX

Dieudonné with the extremely vilified Holocaust revisionist, Prof. Robert Faurisson


Dieudonné started using a strange new salute in 2009 called “la quenelle” (in effect, the suppository) to mock the Jews (it means “Up yours!”)


It caught on with the immigrants, who as muslims sympathize with the Palestinians against the Jews and Israelis…

Supporters of the French comedian Dieudonné make the quenelle gesture during a demonstration in Pari

But it has also caught on with many young Whites who loathe Jewry.


Even some Front National officials such as Jean-Marie Le Pen did it as a joke.


A former communist named Alain Soral is now mocking the gas chambers in his parody: “Gas Chambers for Dummies.”


Soral asks why the Jews being gassed by the hundreds did not just break open the windows in the gas chambers and the thin wooden doors….

The White French are furious about soaring taxes, violent immigrants taking over neighborhoodsä and gang-raping French women, and homosexuality and pedophilia are being taught in the public schools.

“La France” has had it!

Both disastrous presidents of France for the last seven years have been hook-nosed Jews, Sarkozy and Hollande


Hollande (below with his overtly jew-ugly son Thomas) is now at 80% disapproval in the polls, but the French parliament is at 87%!


The French hate dictatorship and especially military dictatorship! But they are desperate!

Laurent Fabius is a filthy-rich Jew who caused the deaths of thousands of French hemophiliacs by importing AIDS-tainted blood from Atlanta, Georgia blacks in to France despite repeated urgent warnings. He then rammed through the French parliament in 1990 a law (“la loi Fabius-Gayssot“), co-sponsored by a communist congressman named Gayssot, which bans freedom of speech about the fake Jewish Holocaust. Several of our comrades have been put in prison for saying Holocaust truth, lost their marriages, their careers, been estranged from their children…..


A comrade wrote: I watched a documentary series about the world’s toughest cities. They are all non-white sections of cities in White countries. One of the cities was Paris. The guide, a Black guy, was nervous just walking with the White film crew. When they got back to the car, it had the window busted out and the equipment gone.

Two huge riots in France by non-Whites in 2013: zero arrests. French Whites protest peacefully: 250 arrests. The police minister, Manuel Valls, is a Spanish immigrant married to a Jewess. and serving under the Jew President, Hollande!


The question is ——– Why are we Americans, with 600 million guns and freedom of speech, and just as disgusted, still doing nothing?



  1. Dear Mr. de Nugent,

    Frankly speaking, Alain Soral & Dieudonné (a mulatto, not a negro as you inferred, who by the way, couldn’t help but spawning some quadroons with a white lady, that’s business as usual with negroids), they’re our worst enemies because if left unchecked they’d end up turning France into a Haiti, who cares if she’s made Judenrein if the coloreds don’t stop getting their dirty fangs on our women, thus destroying our genetic makeup?

    France has always displayed a dangerous propension toward miscegenation even before the Jews took over, have you taken a look at the folks posing together with Lepen? At least one of them was a mulatto! And last but not least why should we white folks ape the gesticulations of the black&brown underclass? Negroes have routinely resented the Jewish supremacy in the non-white coalition, in America as well as in France, so what? We should view that as an intracolored struggle, a struggle to wrestle the control of the machinery devoted to our genocide, in other words, none of our business.

    Last but not least, a military regime won’t solve our problems: the dictator would of course shut down the borders immediately and deport all illegal aliens, but would at the same time encourage integration and miscegenation on a large scale of the mudblood. Is that our aim?

    I live in Europe (Italy, precisely) and you know what? This this upsurge of sovereignism (as opposed to outright racialism) going on throughout Europe really saddens me: my instinct tells me it’s being orchestrated by the very globalist elite who supported the EU in the first place, I guess they’ve now realized their plans for white genocide are too brazen to be feasible, so they’ve made up their mind they’ll slow down a bit the process and devolve once again the power to exterminate us back to “national” parliaments. Please let me know if you share my hunch. Wrestling sovereignty back from globalist bodies could have been good, say, fifty years ago but now it’s pointless and actually, these petty nationalisms (or even regionalisms) will turn out to be formidable obstacles to the only thing that can save us now: a renewed white consciousness spanning four continents. The bottom line is: last thing I want is nation states becoming our graves.

    And of course, it’s up to you Americans to pioneer this consciousness: French-style nationalism has always tended towards a multiracial authoritarian anti-market big-government, in other words it belongs much more to “Latin” America than to Europe. What we should aim for is a reassertion of what America used to be until the 30ies: an at least implicitly a White Supremacist pro-market limited-government.

    The biggest mistake you Americans did post-1945 was NOT to plant sister republics of your White Republic all around Europe, the purported “hostility” to America is really the hostility of the anti-market big-government forces YOU thrust upon us under the pretext of antifascism. Read Ezra Pound, although he’s been hijacked now by pathetical neofascists, he was truly an Americanist, a believer in consitutional government, self-government and self-help. All things we don’t have in Europe and that we sorely need: the grim truth is that left to herself Europe will simply turn into a chaotic and balkanized Brazil.

  2. Allesandro, you have a very valid argument here. I agree; the nations of Europe deserve total sovereignty, but without non-White majorities. It was Organized Jewry who pushed all of this non-White immigration into Western Europe, in particular, but also starting to include some Eastern European nations as well.

    We have a very serious immigration problem here, also; we’ve had it since Lyndon B. Johnson and the Democrat-led Congress changed the USA’s immigration laws, allowing waves of non-Whites in and severely restricting Whites. Currently, there are close to 40 million illegal aliens living here, most of them Mexicans, who simply crossed the Mexican-US border, or were smuggled in. These illegals have already made life in the border states – from California to Texas – a living hell for the citizenry.

    These Mexican illegals want to take over these states and create a nation, to be named ATZLAN; and, the name of their organization is known as La Raza (The Race).

    On top of all that, Allesandro, there is major Black-on-White crime nationwide that the Jew-controlled media is deliberately covering up. The latest is known as the “knockout game”; and, believe me; it’s NO game. The Jews controlling our government are trying to turn the US into another South Africa. There are now over 100 million White citizens who own at least one or more firearm, most of them hunters and/or combat veterans; and these armed citizens are the bulwark between civilization and total chaos and savagery.

    What I’ve explained is what America is like today.


  3. To Mr. de Nugent and the others:

    I am a person from Romania, a country in Eastern Europe. I want to underline that in Romania we have the same problem with this miserable ones, the jews, which unfortunately are in all the branches and levels of estate-politics, finance(including the National Bank), universities and schools. These screwed whores commited lots of crimes and robberies through different ways-they are falsifying the history, with jew teachers in the universities and refuse the truth, refuse to admit the obvious reality and truth and simply ignore it, calling those who show this as extremists, nationalists and of course, their pathetic call, antisemitism!

    They created communism and capitalism and opposed these in order to take control of the world! These are the most miserable creatures that ever stepped on Earth, and it is not exaggerated. In Romania they own the entire political class, with few exceptions which have no power, the prime-minister and the president are both their sluts, and have genes of jews. Through these kind of political bitches the jews want to take over Romania entirely, like they do in America and every country in the world-the zionism is their cause, which means the control of the world, and they are about to make it through the globalism, their great achievement! I am not an antisemitic person, but these kind of creatures have nothing to do with God and the right behaviour and laws of living together all the people. They, the zionist jews don’t recognise the rights of people, they say that only they are humans,and the rest of the people of the world are animals, and their purpose in life is to serve the jews. This is written in their miserable Talmud.

    In Romania they have the same practices which they operate in every country where they want to take over. They also play the victim role, and if you accuse them for their robberies and crimes they do, then you are instantly called extremist, ultra-nationalist and put in the dark corner. They also own the media, and advertise with the same stupid and imbecile TV shows, treating people like a herd of cows (remember the book “Animal Farm” by Orwell?), and they have the hypocrisy to call this “market demand” (it just stinks)!

    I have not enough space and time to expose all the condemnable things these criminals do on this page! The European Union was also built by them, as a step to globalism, world control and imbecilization!

    See you…all the best!

  4. Bine dar când Băsescu este recunoscut ca un impostor de catre cancelariile europena?!
    AÅŸtept un răspuns corect, argumentat … cât de cât!

  5. Draga Slavu Ioan, nu fii naiv! UE a fost creata in urma intrunirii grupului Bilderberg din 1954, creat de evreii Rockefeller si Rothschild cu mijlocirea lui Bernard al Olandei, Germania si Franta si Anglia duc razboi in Orient alaturi de America si Israel, vor petrolul alora si n-au nicio treaba cu democratia, iar Basescu le serveste intereselor Israelului si SUA (tot Israel), iar astora din UE nu le da nimic din bogata Romanie! De ce o ducem tot mai rau de cand suntem in UE? De ce astia din UE au cumparat resursele pe nimi si industria din Romania, iar pe noi ne trateaza ca pe cetateni de mana a doua? De ce BCE face corp comun cu FMI si Banca Mondiala ale evreilor si ne jecmanesc pe noi(fiindca BCE e tot sub conducerea lor, la fel ca toata protipendada de la Bruxelles)?Mai vrei? Asta e strategia de a face pe superioru…..de-a telua de prost, tare si cu tupeu! Se doreste destramarea Romaniei si asta cu concursul tacit al UE!(vor si ei ceva, pt toti noi suntem o vaca de muls, nu fii naiv si nu avea incredere in nimeni)! Zdrentele astea au impresia ca tara asta e sat fara caini?

  6. Great respect to France…shame of you romanian people because you accept to be humiliated…you must learn from France…vive la France vive la liberte….

    Rominii, cu exceptia unui numar foarte mic de oameni, sint o natie de legume fara coloana vertebrala manelisti cu mintea spalata egoisti si lasi cind e vorba sa fie uniti si sa iasa in strada sa isi apere libertatea; mai degraba se fut intre ei , se fura si isi trag tzepe unii altora de parca nu sint suficiente lichelele care sint la putere si cele din afara care jecmanesc natia asta…Nu mai pun la socoteala timpeniile pe care le fac prin strainatate de s-au scirbit toti strainii .

    E o zicala : fiecare popor are conducatorii pe care ii merita…sint romin si cu rusine trebuie sa recunosc asta…daca miine ,jumate din natia asta ar muri naibii nu mi-ar parea rau; sa ramina doar cei cu demnitate si coloana vertebrala care merita acest pamint inca bogat si denumit ,inca,Romania….

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