ENGLISH Full humans and pre-humans; divorce from JewTube and Faceberg

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Note the razor-sharp bayonets at 2:44, swinging through the ranks of the other Marines; one mistake and the other guy gets it in the face. (Note how many blacks are in the ranks…)


And remember, whenever you see “Royal Bank of ” this or “Royal” that — anywhere in the British Commonwealth countries or in Britain — Royal means ROTHSCHILD.

The very phrase “Crown” refers to the City of London, the financial district downtown, NOT THE QUEEN. She must knock three times and beg entry from the Lord Mayor of the city of Lodndon!

Wernher von Braun’s son David Scott von Braun called me a few months back and said that we MUST have our own banking system. (The von Brauns were originally Aryan bankers — yes, white people too need banks — and not of course aerospace engineers back in the 1600s. 😉 He also told me that the Jew who owns PayPal (who is Elon Musk: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk) ruthlessly steals huge sums of money from users, simply confiscating their money and saying “So sue me!” I got a report that he stole 500,000 euros from a Swedish inventor, claiming his income was “suspicious.”)

Elon Musk, all smiles, AND PERHAPS WITH A PERFECT NOSE JOB, TEETH WORK AND CHEEKBONE IMPLANTS, confiscator of hard-earned Aryan money, now running “Tesla Motors.”

The star of David itself is a non-jewish and pre-jewish symbol that means two shields, one reversed over the other, two triangular, that is, PYRAMIDAL shields, the two red shields of the Roth [RED]-Schild [SHIELD] family. (While the Redshields took over Jewry after 1815, when they made a killing on the London Stock market by manipulating the news of the British/Prussian victory at Waterloo, the hexagram is THEIR symbol, and the menorah remains the true Jewish symbol. The fact that the State of Israel uses the hexagram just shows who rules Israhell.)

Here’s a menorah — and good old Barney Frank, who is working hard to get traitor Jonathan Pollard released after stealing a roomful of top-secret military documents for Israhell.

The Israeli national anthem, called Hatikva, “hope.” Note two things in this slick video: 1) George W. Bush, hand over heart, in front of an Israeli flag (at 0:39 already!), he with the slightly curved nose, and 2) the phrase at the time 1:16 “to be a free nation in our own land.” So how can any honest Jew object to those patriotic Aryans who want to ALSO be “a free nation in our own land,” and not assimilate to Third World hordes and disappear by both race-mixing and violent genocide? Hmmm? I have used this on white liberals and white leftists, and this really shuts them up (as it shut up Alan Colmes when I was on his Fox radio show:



Here is an email a Canadian comrade sent me:

* * *

As you may already know, my occupation brings me into contact with local bankers and currency traders. We socialize the odd Saturday night and they welcome my input concerning precious metals. Something I have learned and should be shared.

Currently Canadians are taking cash out of their accounts in record amounts. This has been going on for almost three years now and the banks are very concerned. They don’t know where the cash is going which means it isn’t getting back into the system so it appears people are stashing it.
The banks are keeping this as quiet as possible for obvious reasons but are also acting.

They have been putting gates into place to stem this flow should it turn into a deluge.The gates remain open for now but they are prepared to close them quickly when needed. Should a widespread flight from paper take place we can expect to see lower limits on cash withdrawals, limits placed on wires, transfers and even cheque amounts. Foreign currency will be limited in amounts and only to those who can prove need such as proof of travel.
Those are measures we can expect. Some changes are happening now.

They have lowered the cash on demand threshold to three thousand dollars. It used to be five thousand and a few years before it was ten thousand. Large cash requests are met with an offer of a free bank draft. This facilitates knowing where the funds are going.

The banks who deal in precious metals are doing all possible to encourage clients to take
certificates rather than specie [PHYSICAL GOLD INGOTS AND COINS]. This is being accomplished by favourable fee structures as well as giving individuals who are attempting to sell to
the banks maximum grief over documentation. The implication is that without your paperwork, your specie is worthless.

I am under the impression that the banks discussed having the finance minister or the governor of the Bank of Canada address the nation to bolster confidence but decided against it. Instead we are constantly hearing how safe our system is compared to others through related media stories. Clearly many Canadians are not buying it.

If you are one of the few Canadians with actual savings you should secure at least three months living expenses in cash while you can. Under no circumstances should you lock in your funds over time. Those paying attention will be able to react when the aforementioned measures are about to take place. You cannot do so with you money locked into some fixed yield instrument. Now is the time to acquire some specie if you haven’t already done so. I can’t promise the price will not go down temporarily in
the short term but I can assure you that gold and silver will eventually vanish from retail vendors and not be available at any price.

Change is coming in how we deal with one another and express monetary values. The banks are cognisant of that and will do all they can to preserve the old order. Do not be a victim of their machinations.



Today’s blog (below) discusses how there are two kinds of full humans, the Aryans and the East Asians, and then these pre-humans, semites and negroes.

A new, illuminated bridge in China, the rising yellow giant….

More very impressive new Chinese bridges: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=gmail&attid=0.1&thid=12b65b48704930be&mt=application/vnd.ms-powerpoint&url=https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui%3D2%26ik%3D1f9c81e1d1%26view%3Datt%26th%3D12b65b48704930be%26attid%3D0.1%26disp%3Dattd%26zw&sig=AHIEtbQXhSiDdXRbY1yEUA328dcE35GEsA&pli=1 While Aryans are more creative (and individualistic), Asians are excellent at teamwork, diligence and follow-through.

I am proud of the fact that due to my work, a lot more WN people understand about 1) Solutreans, 2) psychopaths, 3) neanderthals and 4) reincarnation. I see more and more WNs writing about these four themes, and yes, French and German comrades as well. (I just got an email from a French-Canadian comrade and he referred to the Jews as neanderthaliens as if it were nothing to do so. He had completely adopted my take on this issue, that semites are neanderthals, and their bizarrely vicious behavior toward us reflects an Ice Age genetic program to kill the rival species, the Cro Magnons.

I got a $50 money order yesterday from a comrade in the Pacific Northwest, married with child, and so poor that his own Internet has been shut off. He says he goes to the library now to read my blog religiously and daily. Says it keeps him going. What a noble sacrifice by that comrade! It deeply touched me.

And I have a half-white (German and Keltic Army father), half-Korean supporter now (the mother is Korean) who feels great admiration for Aryan achievement and also an attachment to his white genetic half, and he has asked to be allowed to help me in any way. He just did a slew of good research for me on Salvador Allende, the leftist ruler of Chile, murdered by the intervention of the Jew Henry Kissinger and supposedly an antisemite, racialist, eugenicist and foe of the Gypsy plague. (The picture that emerges, however, is murky. And yet even if Allende’s mother WAS Jewish, he could still be very anti-Jewish himself, like Brother Nathaniel and many other Jews with a conscience such as Benjamin Freedman, Jack Bernstein, Israel Shamir, Alan Sabrosky, David Cole, etc.)

Views of the website hit a new record last night, 2240, up 50% over last week, and this despite the fact that Thursdays (and Saturdays) are usually very slow nights, unlike Mondays, which are always red hot.

I wrote Dr David Duke on behalf of SolarGeneral, which hosts WN tube, an excellent host for WN-themed videos. I hope he answers. but David and many other WN activists seem wedded to Jewtube, which is, after all, by far the biggest video site.

David has launched a campaign to get WNs to vote “I like” on the videos he has put up under another name on YT and has engaged a lawyer to litigate to get his YT channel back up.

There is just a big fundamental flaw in all this thinking, however totally understandable it is.

And I see it also in all the WNs with active participation in Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg’s personal property! Zuckie is also regularly deleting promising (as opposed to anemic) WN-themed accounts over there.

By the way, Facebook is opening a huge new operations building in rural Prineville, Oregon. Since Facebook is free, where are they getting the money? What is their revenue source? Advertizing, or Wall Street sayanim? Or both…..

Basically, we are pleading with the Jews at Facebook and Jewtube to allow us to put anti-Jewish propaganda up!

The ONLY goal has to be our OWN Facebook, YouTube, email. Instant Messaging and online televison network. Will that cost millions? Yes. But the money, and the anger, over race and the Jews, are both out there.

And I have to do this, not Dr. Duke, who is rightfully challenging the cancellation of his YT account but in effect is begging the Jews to harm their own interests, because his new videos are just fantastic. I have put almost all of the recent ones on my blog, because they are very deleterious to Jewry.

All these “free” services (think about the fact that Skype, Yahoo, Facebook and Google’s creations such as Gmail, the #1 search engine, and YouTube are all “free”) amount to just one thing:

a gigantic Israelite data mining operation.

We have to get OUT of their loop.



=======================HUMANS AND PRE-HUMANS

A comrade sent me the below:

* * *

(Dr. Rushton and Arthur Jensen, both IQ experts, have revised the American Negro IQ from 85 to 78. http://www.vdare.com/rushton/100723_nisbett.htm. The following post is a commentary, harsh and brutal but containing much truth, by a very bright, courageous and dedicated WN poster online, “Tenniel.”)

Re: The estimate of the average IQ of American negroes has changed. Here’s the latest. Why is it important for us to know and to publicize this new 78 IQ number for American negroes? Is it to rub the negro noses (yuuuuck) in their intellectual inferiority? To hurt their sweet little feelings?

No worries. Their feelings in matters of genetic inferiority are invulnerable. Their stupidity protects them amply. Indeed, thanks to their stupidity plus jew lies, negroes have the highest sense of self-worth and self-esteem of any race, except perhaps the satanic jew himself. Negroes actually think themselves superior to all other races — even while they KNOW themselves to be “intellectually” inferior. Negroes don’t place much weight on intellect — don’t really understand what it is — and so aren’t concerned about inferiority in that department. Ignorance is bliss…

So don’t worry about negroes.

Worry about us. Our young men have the highest rate of suicide of any demographic group. Not too surprising – after 70 years or so of vicious anti-white jew propaganda coming at us from all angles. White men, especially, have unrealistically LOW self-esteem. So, on that account, a little more realistic self-appreciation is not such a bad idea. Here are some other reasons:

What is the marker characteristic of human beings that most distinguishes us from “animals”? Of course. Intelligence. It is our intelligence above all else that makes us human. Which raises the following question: Is the negro a human being, a member of the human species? Well, let’s see. The African chimpanzee has an estimated average IQ of 40. The african “pure” negro has an average IQ of 67. Modern humans (homo sapien sapiens) have an average IQ of about 102. This 102 figure is my own (conservative) estimate.

There are only TWO fully modern human groups on earth (only two racial groups that are fully homo sapien sapiens): White Europeans and Oriental Mongoloids. All humanoid groupings on earth, EXCEPT for Whites and Orientals, are varying mixtures of modern human and archaic human or sub-human (or even NON-human). Simply put, on the quite reliable genetic trait of intelligence, it is reasonable to view the negro as half-way between a chimpanzee and a modern human being. Indeed, this is accurate. The negro even has some simian (chimpanzee) genetics intermingled with his archaic human genetics. The Western sub-saharan negro is essentially archaic human, not modern human – plus part chimpanzee. His behavior well supports this – as does, as I’ve said, his level of intelligence.

The jew, then, has deliberately brought into all White nations [his immigration cargo of] archaic pre-humans, sub-humans and non-humans.

The jew himself is, in my opinion, in general, only half human – and half Neanderthal. The Neanderthal is the other intelligent humanoid (NON-human) species.

As we know, our mortal inter-species enemy, the jew, has brought the archaic humanoid negro into White nations precisely BECAUSE the negro is NOT FULLY HUMAN – in order to extinguish the genetics of White human beings.

It is important that we fully understand what the Jews have done in launching the negro (as a biological weapon) at us. And it is particularly important for WHITE WOMEN to understand that the negro is approximately 200,000 years behind the White race in evolutionary development. In other words, when White women allow themselves to be impregnated by negroes they set back the White race 100,000 years. This is a stupendous crime against White genetics – although it is, of course, an unwitting crime.

From the standpoint of the progress of White civilization, the negro functions at the least as a passive dead weight drag on White human progress – and, in reality, as we well know, the negro is an active antagonistic force against White civilization in many ways, which we all can easily recite. Even the American negro, with his advantage of intermingled White genetics and his better nutrition (relative to the African negro), nevertheless with his 78 IQ is BORDERLINE RETARDED.

[JdN: I want to throw in here what a Japanese friend of mine named Osamu told me in 2000 while he was studying at MIT. He said there were NO negroes at all in any of his classes at MIT, where, by the way, only merit can get you in, not rich parents or connections.]

And HALF of American negroes have IQ’s BELOW 78. Probably, about 1/3 of the negro population in America are actually retarded!!! (70 IQ is the cut-off for retardation.) What a drag – indeed!

Well, I could go on – but those are worthy enough reasons to spread this updated knowledge throughout the White World.

I would add, to put a kinder spin on this brutal analysis, that it is the height of CRUELTY to put slow kids (of any race) in with the bright kids. I taught in high school and there is a good reason why you have three levels, 1) special ed, 2) regular classes and 3) gifted (‘advanced placement”) classes. It is not “hatred” to notice that kids differ in their abilities. It is CRUEL to put kids into a class who cannot compete; it just assaults their self-esteem!

I will end this segment with another video from the Vice Guide to Liberia.



[Source: http://www.grindtv.com/outdoor/blog/20884/kiwi+adventurer+first+to+conquer+everest+of+sailing+world/]

(Click on “Northwest Passage” in first sentence to see the map of it)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010 10:49am PDT

Kiwi adventurer first to conquer ‘Everest’ of sailing world solo

By: Pete Thomas, GrindTV.com

At one point during Graeme Kendall’s navigation of the Northwest Passage, he struck pack ice during the night and it sounded as though “it was ripping the boat to pieces.”

But his 38-foot vessel, Astral Express, held together and Kendall eventually made it through to become the first person to traverse the treacherous passage alone in a sailboat and conquer what has been referred to as the “Everest” of the sailing universe.

It took Kendall 12 days to sail non-stop from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The frigid Northwest Passage is sealed by ice for more than 10 months of the year and is mined with floating and submerged bergs — a sailor’s worst nightmare — for the remaining two months.

“I have sailed all my life and for me the world is round and there to be explored,” he told a New Zealand Herald reporter via satellite phone. “You wouldn’t want to look back and say, ‘Why didn’t I sail around it?’ ”

Kendall, a Kiwi adventurer who is circumnavigating the planet in stages, is presently crossing the Pacific toward his homeland.

After navigating the Northwest Passage he enjoyed a beer for breakfast — a modest commemoration considering the infamous region’s rich history.

Early explorers had long sought a “Northwest Passage” but there had been too much ice. Many did not make it out and in 1845, 129 men aboard two vessels, the Erebus and Terror, simply vanished.

A successful traverse was not made until 1906, when Norway’s Roald Amundsen made it through aboard a 47-ton herring boat — after three winters spent trapped in the ice.

Clearly, modern-day mariners have benefited from climate change that has reduced the ice pack, making successful traverses possible with proper planning and the use of satellite technology to monitor the presence of ice.

But since there is still so much shifting ice, it remains a daunting endeavor.

Kendall, who was turned back during a similar attempt five years ago, endured sub-freezing nights and at one point, in a tight stretch, he had to sail for 15 hours without rest.

He did not anchor and slept in brief naps during long periods when there was so much ice around him.

He often sailed in the company of walruses and seabirds but he did encounter a Frenchman trying to navigate the passage aboard what resembled a high-tech canoe.

They were but two vessels passing in the surreal landscape, though, and Kendall has since pointed Astral Express toward the south and found warmer weather.

In his most recent website update he wrote: “Is this the same planet? Not a cloud in the sky, fishing lines out and shorts on. I got 12 jobs done around the boat yesterday so all is back to normal … even me.”

— Images of the Northwest Passage and Graeme Kendall aboard Astral Express, are courtesy of Graeme Kendall


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