ENGLISH Gaddafi was the least-bad dictator in the Arab world; through Eternal Solutrea the South shall rise again; significant boom in visits to Hitler’s mountain tea house

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This is indirectly significant, 800 visits a day. Just as are booming ammunition sales in the US. They all send a kind of message, and this is why we have not had another false-flag 9/11 incident. It would not lead to martial law, as intended, but instead to a general white uprising, just as did the British gun-confiscation raid of April 19, 1775. It was a gun raid that started the American Revolution. People were already angry, but that set them off.

Concord Bridge, Massachusetts, where “the shot heard round the world” was fired.

The British had foolishly bunched up at this end of the bridge, and the irate Americans, many skilled hunters and/or trained militia (who had fought both the French and the Indians for generations), and spread out wisely up and down the opposite river bank, began pouring fire in on them.

The Minutemen had seen smoke rising over the village of Concord and assumed the British were burning their village. No one had a cell phone to verify their initial impression. (In reality, the British were carefully, trying to avoid a political disaster, destroying only wagonloads of ammo and food, not barns and houses. But the Americans were already “hyper” over many things.)

And it is the same today. People are strung tighter than a violin string.

They just await the man and the plan.

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I was sent this from Canada:

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I would argue that Murray Dobbin is one of the best journalistic commentators in Canada today. His progressive views don’t often lead him into dogmatism, and his writing is consistently thoughtful and well-measured. It’s a shame his critiques don’t obtain more purchase in Canadian political discourse, because it would elevate authentic debate to a higher level of integrity; and by example downgrade the spleen-venting screed which often passes for journalism in this nihilistic 21st century. — Jay

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Libya, the Lie
Posted on September 12, 2011 by murraydobbin
When the U.S. invaded Iraq riding a pack of lies and monstrous manipulation, the entire U.S. elite, including major news services, academics, and politicians from both “sides” of the spectrum, lined up to cheerlead and off they went to war. It was one of the most shameful chapters in the long history of shameful acts of U.S. imperial foreign policy.
But it actually didn’t take too long for dissenting voices to come out of the woodwork. The lies were exposed, the liars identified, the manipulation denounced.
Watching the sorry spectacle of media coverage of the tragic farce unfolding in Libya, one has to wonder if anyone will ever expose the lies and hubris that have run throughout this faux Arab spring.
To be sure, as more journalists, aid workers and human rights representatives arrive in the country the more some of the obvious facts trickle out. The “freedom fighters” — more like soccer hooligans with guns — have looted dozens of arms depots of the Libyan military. According to Peter Bouckaert of Human Rights Watch, “Every time a city falls, they end up being looted. . . Every facility we go to where there were surface-to-air missiles, they’re gone.”
Just what will these lovers of democracy do with these weapons? The U.S. and E.U. might just start to worry that no matter who buys them on the black market, they will eventually end up in the hands of al Qaeda or other militant groups. As NATO knows full well, some of the so-called rebels have ties to al Qaeda. Or perhaps the missiles will end up in the hands of the Taliban where they will be used to shoot down U.S. helicopters. Talk about blowback. Too bad the Americans have never quite grasped the meaning of irony.
The photos of the revolutionaries give any thoughtful observer pause. Virtually every photo of the victorious rebels show aggressive, undisciplined, young men armed to the teeth holding their guns high in the air (often firing randomly). The Nation Transitional Council is in control of these dangerous thugs and thieves the truth lies elsewhere. Several rebel groups have denounced the NTC and said they don’t recognize its authority. So not only does the council not represent anyone, it doesn’t even control its own “army.” The NTC is little more than a group of greedy opportunists salivating at the thought of getting its hands on the billions in state funds that NATO is now handing over to them. Only with the constant disciplinary efforts of its NATO handlers does the council manage to maintain a semblance of decorum and credibility.
No one in the media mentions that Gadhafi didn’t have billions of dollars stashed in vaults around the world for his personal use as others such as Mubarak did. To be sure, Gadhafi and his family and closest associates lived in luxury. But the tens of billions illegally seized by Western countries was money belonging to the Libyan state and its national bank. NATO has effectively destroyed the Libyan government — not just Gadhafi’s regime. Tens of thousands of foreign workers have left the country, many of whom were critical to the running of the country. Rebels have been accused of randomly executing blacks, many of them students and workers. The contributions of these foreign workers are likely gone forever.
But none of this bothers the Canadian political elite and its intellectual hired guns. One of the most shameful examples — there are countless — is Lloyd Axworthy, the “highly respected” former foreign affairs minister under Jean Chretien. He penned an op-ed for The Globe and Mail…..

[JdN: This is Canada’s main fake-conservative newspaper, bought decades ago by the judeophile Lord Thomson. Very pro-queer, like all the pro-London types, it launched the slogan that leftie prime minister Pierre Trudeau took up, “the state has no business in the bedrooms of the nation.” Wiki says: “With a weekly readership of approximately 1 million,[2] it is Canada’s largest-circulation national newspaper and second-largest daily newspaper after the Toronto Star. The Globe and Mail is widely described as Canada’s English language newspaper of record.” So it is the Canadian Jew York Times. 😉 His son, the Second Lord Thomson, “succeeded his father as chair of what was then a media empire made up of extensive newspaper and television holdings. The Thomson media empire added the prestigious Globe and Mail in Toronto to The Times and Sunday Times in Britain and The Jerusalem Post in Israel.” How interesting…… ]

……which could have been written on contract for the cabal now in power in Tripoli. A more simplistic and deliberately

obfuscating piece is hard to imagine.

Axworthy’s article……

The Jewish mayor of Winnipeg, Sam Katz, and Lloyd Axworthy, who is certainly quite worthy of getting the ax….


…..waxes on romantically about how the NATO bombing of Libya is a huge advance for the principle of Responsibility to Protect. This principle is NATO’s ideological weapon that permits it to do whatever it likes. Axworthy was a key figure in getting it established at the United Nations in 1999-2000.
According to Axworthy, “We are seriously engaged in a resetting of the international order toward a more humane, just world.” I predict that NATO’s grotesque manipulation of the UN mandate to impose a “no fly” zone to protect “civilians” (a violation Axworthy doesn’t even mention) will in fact do more damage to the responsibility to protect principle than any similar action to date. It will tarnish the UN, too, which has allowed its mandate to be used for imperial gain. The unseemly rush by France, Britain and Italy in particular, to get their hands on Libyan oil will soon be too obvious to cover up. The revolutionaries are no doubt busy signing deals handing over that previously nationalized resource to the neo-colonialists who put them in power — robbing the real civilians of their birthright.
Who will take the “responsibility to protect” Libyans from this new gang? Who will protect the people of Libya so that they continue to enjoy

[under Gaddafi] a literacy rate above 90 per cent, the lowest infant mortality rate and highest life expectancy of all of Africa, free medicare and education and the highest Human Development Index of any country on the continent?

Do the boys firing their guns in the air even have a clue that their living standards — subsidized by nationalized oil — were among the highest in Africa? Who will they blame when medical care disappears and their kids have to pay to go to school? Western, free-market democracy will come to Libya at a very high price when designed and delivered by the neo-colonial powers.
It’s hard to know if the brain trust at NATO actually believed this whole thing would be over in a few weeks, but what they did know, and what the Canadian media refuses to tell us, is that Libya was the biggest obstacle to the continued super-exploitation of Africa and its vast resources. On a whole number of fronts, Libya was using its oil wealth to gradually close the doors to the International Monetary Fund, World Bank and the hegemony of the U.S. dollar in the economic domination of Africa.
If you want to paint a picture of the back rooms of NATO before the genuine Arab spring burst forth, imagine the power brokers sitting around oak tables trying to figure out a way to stop Gadhafi from ruining their decades long — centuries, actually — bonanza. Then imagine the surprise arrival of the Arab spring. What a gift and delivered just in time.
Africa’s role as a giant pool of cheap resources was being threatened just as the U.S. and E.U. faced economic catastrophe because of their own financial deregulation policies. China is investing billions in Africa — and not just in resource extraction. It is helping African countries industrialize, the surest way to economic independence.
There’s nothing NATO can do about China. But the other side of the independence coin was

Gadhafi’s determination to sever Africa’s oppressive ties with Western financial institutions. Gadhafi was not only in the process of creating the African Investment Bank (providing interest-free loans) and the African Monetary Fund (to be centred in Cameroon) eliminating the role of the IMF, it was also in the planning stages of creating a new, gold-backed African currency that would seriously weaken the U.S. by undermining the dollar.

All the Libyan funds set aside for these Pan-African projects were frozen by NATO and will now be handed over — carefully, no doubt — to the neo-colonial puppets installed in Tripoli.
Gadhafi was also instrumental in killing AFRICOM, a new U.S. military command and control base intended to add military intimidation to American economic domination. Look for that initiative to be revived.
The implications of the conflict in Libya are thus just beginning to unfold. NATO will be mired in Libya for years to come to ensure its oil objectives are met and to manipulate “democratic elections” so its friends on the NTC can maintain control. While there has been a muted response so far from African countries and the African Union it will come sooner or later. They cannot fail to recognize that regime change in Libya was all about sabotaging pan-African unity.


=======================Where did the Jews go?

A German (still a bit brainwahsed) wrote me (in near-perfect English):

Germany and Austria-Hungary had very precise demographic censuses. Jews were widespread all across Central Europe including 2-10% in certain areas. Where were they after the WW2 if there was no holocaust? Figures in censuses speak for themselves!

I responded:

Assuming your question is sincere, they went to 1) Israel 2) the United States, 3) Britain and 4) France. There are 600,000 just in France! I lived there and saw them everywhere. I also lived in New York City and saw 2.5 MILLION Jews there.

I could go on and on about this. For facts, you can go to VHO:

in English: http://vho.org/

or German: http://vho.org/Intro/D/Flugblatt.html

But the real issue is this:

If any group is so powerful that they can control and twist the history books, the television stations and the governments, then that group is powerful enough to harm YOU. You, the person who wrote this question.

There are many legitimate questions but the ultimate question is is to your soul:

What will I DO if the revisionists and hitlerophiles are right?

What will I DO?

Sein oder nicht sein, das ist hier die Frage. “To be or not to be, that is the question.”

And the same people murdered the President of the United States in 1963 — because he was blocking Israel from getting the atomic bomb — and they conspired, planned and executed 9/11.

Cui bono? “To whose benefit?”, the ancient Roman police always asked first after every crime…..

The Israelis have assassins roaming the world to kill those who speak truth. Read Victor Ostrovsky and what happened to the former Schleswig-Holstein governor Uwe Barschel. He found out the Israelis were smuggling arms illegally through his province.


and after……


So they MURDERED him in his Gena, Switzerland hotel room (and very sloppily — fully dressed in a bathtub!!!). They do not care. They are the Master Race! Ask the people Gaza, the largest concentration camp on earth — 1.2 million hungry, miserable, desperate civilian prisoners.

EVEN Wikipedia dares to tell some truth, or were they allowed to do so in order to intimidate others? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uwe_Barschel

And the Israelis murdered the Jew Jack Bernstein, who wrote about his life in Israel.

You may be a sincere person, but suppose there is a higher issue than such facts…..your life and honor. The future of your people…..

Es mag Sie schockieren, aber die echten Nazis waren nie die Nationalsozialisten. Die Juden sind seit 3 000 Jahren HARTE Nazis.

It may shock you, the the real “Nazis” were never the national socialists. The Jews have been the real “nazis” — if that word means a master race enslaving the world and committing genocide to you — for 3,000 years!

=================to an activist against child abuse who friended me on Facebook

Hi, Lee. I did two solid years of therapy, including both a traditional form and also cognitive behavioral therapy, and feel restored today. (I have also urged this on a few friends who grew up in orphanages and were abused in them.) What I have come to realize, via especially reading The Franklin Cover-Up by State Senator (and decorated Vietnam vet and combat officer) John DeCamp,

….is that abuse is not just “incidents,” but an organized network of shadow government operatives. Abuse could never exist on THIS scale we see today if the forces behind the scenes had not penetrated our government, and those in Europe and Canada as well.

Even, alas, the Boy Scouts 🙁 http://news.yahoo.com/child-sex-abuse-claims-mount-against-boy-scouts-182557588.html)

Worst of all, once politicians have been caught on tape abusing children, they are totally in the grip of the ultimate blackmail and thus under irresistible pressure to vote exactly as they are ordered to do. Every molester dreads above all else being sent to prison as a known, convicted pedophile. Lee, I actually got (unsolicited) letters from the Massachusetts lifer who strangled former priest John Geoghan, pictured below, (who had molested an estimated 130 altar boys),

…..and he did so with the full connivance of the prison guards.

In sum, it is not just that the child abuse is horrible, but that it is used surreptitiously as the ULTIMATE BLACKMAIL to take over our government, police, military, media and economy. There is, in fact, a truly international pedophile network and the Marc Dutroux case in Belgium shows it is all across the Western world.

As a former Marine, THIS is now, with all my other causes, my “personal war.”


================my thanks to a key financial supporter

Oh, thank you soooo much,

We are now in the home stretch, as they say in horse racing.

If and when you are ready to start with Linux and the encryption, I can tell you more. What I regret is that you are the only key supporter to whom I cannot confide information due to the lack of Linux and encryption. Even on a used laptop (and that should be cheap to buy) you can install Linux Fedora 15 and start encryption. Of course, you do not NEED to know what is going on, but as a key supporter I would LIKE to keep you informed, both as a token of gratitude and because people who prove commitment and loyalty are in fact the kind of person with whom I discuss things.

Your financial help will allow me to finish now. Thank you very deeply.

Some day a hundred years from now there might be a school named for you. ….

As the great Ben Franklin said: “A stitch in time saves nine.” When important clothing has a little rip, stitch it stronger right away, or it could become a big rip quickly. This you have done, the stitch in good time.

John de Nugent

* * *

to another supporter:

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I just need enough to get through the final phase here and then leave these white racists behind. I went last night to a Georgetown alumni gathering in Pittsburgh, in a gorgeous former priory for German Catholic priests, now a hotel (it is called, in fact, “The Priory”), and got a great reception from people who are NOT white racists but are very troubled by what is going on.
Georgetown University
What I like about Georgetown people is they are elite but not stuck up and not part of the ruling, cynical, icy plutocracy like many Harvard types, who really embrace the Establishment position on everything because their career is deeply tied into the ruling psychopathocracy.
I had an interesting encounter with a couple where the husband was a Georgetown graduate and the wife a hyper-liberal Canadian. She read the word “white” on my business card (as in “white civil rights”) and oh-my-god, oh-my-god 😉 got all shocked and then rather huffy (actually expecting me to back down, LOL) , asking, peremptorily,

“Is this correct, “WHITE”!?

And you are a GEORGETOWN graduate!?”

I replied, “Yes, and in fact magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa. ;) wink But tell me, do you not believe that white people should have civil rights? You believe blacks should, do you not?”
Out of the corner of my eye I was noticing the husband, the actual Georgetown grad, and the one with whom I had already had a good conversation, especially about the Chinese takeover of our economy. I could see his positive body language and facial expression toward me.
I saw her hesitate because her initial would-be verbal intimidation, her proclaimed disgust that I would use the word “white,” her bullying, which she would have gotten away with in Jewcanada, had, to her surprise, utterly failed to put any dent in my poise. She was one of these leftists who expect people to back down as soon as they pronounce the magic word “racist.” LOL! boy, was she trying that on the wrong guy.;-)
And I think she perceived that her husband was NOT rallying to her. And the person with me was also supportive of ME. Suddenly the battle-ax liberal, soooooo used to getting her way (in fact, she said “In Canada, we are basically socialist”), was no longer in her ideal ideological-bully-girl situation. It was she who was outnumbered. And we ain’t got no hate-speech laws…..
I asked her:
“Do you still think white people control everything today as they did 70 years ago?”
“No,” she replied, “and I don’t think that is a bad idea!”
I responded: “The white man is no longer “The Man,” and the minorities are now the majority. [Her husband looked at me approvingly.] Whites are suffering physical and economic crime; I myself have been a victim of it. I have had loved ones physically attacked by minorities. Why, if the blacks have civil rights, should whites not have civil rights too? WE WHITES ARE NOW A MINORITY! We have interests to protect like all the other minority groups!”
She was absolutely SPEECHLESS. I had used her “civil rights” talk and turned it against her.
The normal, working white people are incredibly ready for my message, but, for the Internet White Racists (IWRs), ragging on minorities is an addiction they cannot shake and a substitute for any kind of action whatsoever.
I am eager to get well beyond them. They are NOT white nationalists. They do not understand that it was our own corruptibility that enabled the Jew to corrupt us.
Then the FEMA camps will await all these white racists who never helped me; their every IP address is well-known to the Barack Obama government. They will have lots of time to think “why did I not help John de Nugent when I could have? Now I am in here, awaiting torture and death.” And they will die — in unimaginably lonely misery.
Eternal Solutreanism is the only salvation. Give me the tools and I will finish the job.
At the Georgetown gathering I met such a pretty white female doctor, a neurologist, and she had no kids either, around 43. She eagerly listened to every word that I and my companion said, especially about chemtrails and HAARP. She was specializing in the study of how lack of sleep is ruining our metabolisms and aiding the epidemic of obesity. One can tell women who have never had kids; they seem truly “barren” and unhappy, unfulfilled….. and this gal would have had really beautiful children. What a karma this generation has.

All the chickens of many incarnations of letting “someone else fight the Jews” or hoping “somebody” would ….have come home to roost in this generation.

The great die-off of the lazy, irresponsible excuse-makers (who reject our racial truth even when we hand it to them skilfully, tactfully, and in a friendly and respectful way, really on a silver platter)…this great massacre of the white guilt-trippers, by ZOG and minority criminals…. is going to soon commence, the economy will collapse, the hunger will begin, then immediately violence will break out.

An Argentine wrote me, speaking from experience: “John, after two days of hunger you will see people get militant REAL fast.”

And then the race war that ZOG wants will begin, and it will be every selfish white person for himself when the minorities attack.

They will die in isolation as they have lived in isolation. This is the karma they have chosen, by rejecting our earnest and sincere entreaties. And this is the karma the white racists among us also have chosen, to read about minorities online like literal junkies, rather than help the man building a new white nation out of the spiritual ruins.

Every man will face the consequences of his actions and failures to act. I have done now ten completed videos that can energize and awaken the good, decent, family-oriented conservatives we need. I have had many admirers write me that “my wife really likes your videos.” That is what I wanted to hear, that REGULAR WHITES respond, not the pathetic minority-haters who do not LOVE OUR OWN RACE.



A reader in alabama thought my recent blog went way too easy on Abraham Lincoln. I answered:

I certainly understand your justified feelings, proven especially by Sherman’s obscene March to the Sea, and the horrible POW death-camps for Confederate soldiers up north.

I as a “Yankee” lived down South for 20 years, in LA, VA, GA, and TN, and developed great respect and affection for the South and its family culture.

I ran a major race for US Congress near Nashville, Tennessee in 1990:


My girlfriend for six years was from Asheville, North Carolina. The one before that for three years was from Louisiana.

Very many Marines (my branch of the service) hail from the South.

But let us please remember that it was the JEWS who perverted that beautiful American flag. It was these great Southerners, Virginians and slave owners — Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, George Washington and Patrick Henry — who were the key builders of the USA.

Patrick Henry

The USA was BUILT by the SOUTH. It is the JEW who always perverts, twists and poisons everything that once began good, and we see it now, once again, in the take-overs of the Republican Party.

Here is Patrick Henry’s amazing speech that swung the South over to the American Revolution after it had already erupted in Massachusetts:

* * *

Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death

March 23, 1775
By Patrick Henry

Patrick Henry (1736-1799).
“Give me liberty or give me death!” Death is exactly what the British were willing to give Henry, Jefferson, Franklin, Adams and Washington.

No man thinks more highly than I do of the patriotism, as well as abilities, of the very worthy gentlemen who have just addressed the legislature. But different men often see the same subject in different lights; and, therefore, I hope it will not be thought disrespectful to those gentlemen if, holding as I do opinions of a character very opposite to theirs, I shall speak forth my sentiments freely and without reserve.

This is no time for ceremony. The question before the Virginia legislature is one of awe-inspiring importance to this country. For my own part, I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery; and in proportion to the magnitude of the subject ought to be the freedom of the debate.

It is only in this way that we can hope to arrive at the truth, and fulfill the great responsibility which we hold to God and our country. Should I hold back my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offense, I should consider myself guilty of treason towards my country, and of disloyalty toward the Majesty who lives in Heaven, and whom I revere above all earthly kings.

Mr. President of the legislature, it is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the role of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be like those who, as Jesus said, having eyes, see not, and, having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their worldly salvation?

For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth, to know the worst, and to provide for it.

I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided, and that is the lamp of experience. I know of no way of judging of the future but by the past. And judging by the past, I wish to know what there has been, in the conduct of the government for the last ten years, to justify those hopes with which gentlemen have been pleased to console themselves and the legislature. Is it that insidious smile with which our petition has been lately received?

Trust it not, sir; it will prove a snare to your feet. Suffer not yourselves to be betrayed by a Judas with his kiss.

Ask yourselves how this gracious reception of our petition is related to those warlike preparations which cover our waters and darken our land. Are fleets and armies necessary to a work of love and reconciliation? Have we shown ourselves so unwilling to be reconciled that force must be called in to win back our love? Let us not deceive ourselves, sir. These are the implements of war and subjugation; the last arguments to which kings resort.

I ask gentlemen, sir, what is the meaning of this martial display, if its purpose is not to force us into submission? Can gentlemen assign any other possible motive for it? Has this government any enemy, in this part of the world, to call for all this accumulation of navies and armies? No, sir, it has none. They are meant for use on us: they can be meant for no other. They are sent over to bind and rivet upon us those chains which the government has been so long forging.

And what have we to oppose to them? Shall we try logical argument and discussion? Sir, we have been trying that for the last ten years. Have we anything new to offer upon the subject? Nothing.

We have held the subject up in every light of which it is capable; but it has been all in vain. Shall we resort to entreaty and humble begging? What terms shall we try which have not already failed?

Let us not, I beseech you, sir, deceive ourselves. Sir, we have done everything that could be done to avert the storm which is now coming on. We have petitioned; we have remonstrated; we have supplicated; we have prostrated ourselves before the government, and have implored those we elected to arrest the tyrannical hands of the foreign government.

Our petitions have been slighted; our remonstrances have produced additional violence and insult; our supplications have been disregarded; and we have been spurned, with contempt, from the foot of the throne! In vain, after these things, may we indulge the fond hope of peace and reconciliation.

There is no longer any room for hope. If we wish to be free–if we mean to preserve inviolate those inestimable privileges for which we have been so long contending–if we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle in which we have been so long engaged, and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon until the glorious object of our contest shall be obtained–we must fight!

I repeat it, sir, we must fight! An appeal to arms and to the God of hosts is all that is left us!

They tell us, sir, that we are weak; unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a policeman or soldier is stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength by indecision and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effective resistance by lying flat on our backs and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies have bound us hand and foot?

Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature has placed in our power. The millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us.

Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations, and who will raise up friends to fight our battles alongside us. The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. Besides, sir, we have no choice. If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to withdraw from the struggle. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of our cities! The war is inevitable–and let it come! I repeat it, sir, let it come.

It is in vain, sir, to postpone the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace–but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brothers are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have?

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!

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